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Good Morning everyone

My Name is Bhanu Partap

I am from class 6B
Today I am here to tell you about Maps
A maps is a small representation or a drawing of the earth’s surface or a part of
it drawn on a flat surface according to a scale.

There are three type of maps

 Physical maps
 Political maps
 Thematic maps

 In Physical maps-Maps showing natural feature of the earth.

 In Political maps-Maps showing cities, town and villages, and different.
 In Thematic maps-Maps only show some specific information.

There are five major things in maps:-

i.) Distance
ii.) Direction
iii.) Symbols
iv.) Sketch
v.) Plan

a. Distance: - i. Also known as ‘scale’.

ii. There are two type of scale “large scale” & “small scale”.

b. Direction: - There are four direction which are called cardinal point.

c. Symbols: - A symbols are the small representation of roads, Building and

tree etc.

d. Sketch: - A sketch is a drawing mainly based on memory and spot

observation and to scale.

e. Plan: - A plan is a drawing of a small area on large scale. A large – scale map
give lot of information

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