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CCS347 Game Development

Unit I 3D Graphics for Game Design

Part A

1. What is the primary difference between a platformer and a role-playing game (RPG)?
2. Define the term "sprite" in the context of 2D game development.
3. Define the term "texture mapping" in the context of 3D graphics.
4. Define the term "color depth" in digital imaging.
5. Mention the name of type of projection commonly used in 3D graphics.
6. State the difference between orthographic and perspective projections in 3D graphics.
7. What is the purpose of transformations in game graphics?
8. Which color model is commonly used for representing colors in digital images and games?
9. What is the primary function of a shader in a game engine?
10. What is the role of shaders in modern game graphics?
11. State the difference between vertex shaders and fragment shaders in shader programming.
12. State the difference between vertex-based and pixel-based shader models in game development.
13. Define the term "keyframe animation" in the context of game development.
14. Define the term " skeletal animation" in the context of game development.
15. What is the primary advantage of using inverse kinematics (IK) in character animation for games?
16. Define the term "interpolation" as it relates to animation in game development.
17. Define the term "controller-based animation" in game development.
Part B

1. Discuss the evolution of open-world games from their origins to modern iterations.
2. Describe the characteristics of at least three different genres of video games and provide examples for
3. How do game developers often blend elements from multiple genres to create hybrid games? Provide an
4. Discuss the significance of understanding different game genres for game designers and developers.
5. Discuss the significance of understanding different game genres in game development. Explain how the
choice of genre influences various aspects of game design, including gameplay mechanics, art style, and
target audience.
6. Provide examples of popular games from different genres and analyze how their design elements
contribute to their success within their respective genres.
7. Discuss the evolution of animation techniques in video games, from early sprite-based animations to
modern motion capture technology. Analyze the impact of these advancements on gameplay immersion
and narrative storytelling in games.
8. Explain the difference between raster graphics and vector graphics. Which one is more commonly used in
game development, and why?
9. How are textures utilized in 3D graphics to enhance the visual quality of game avatars?
10. Describe the process of rigging and skinning in 3D character modeling.
11. Explain the main types of transformations used in 2D graphics, and how are they applied to game
12. Explain the main types of transformations used in 3D graphics, and how are they applied to game
13. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of orthographic and perspective projections in
3D game development
14. Describe the various color models. How are they used in digital imaging and game development.
15. Explain the principles of lighting in 3D graphics rendering. Discuss how different types of lighting models,
such as Phong and Blinn-Phong, contribute to creating visually compelling game environments.
16. Explain the role of shaders in modern game engines. Provide examples of different types of shaders and
their applications.
17. Explain the concept of illumination in game graphics and its importance in creating realistic
18. Describe the process of keyframe animation and its significance in character animation for games.
19. Explain the concept of controller-based animation in game development. How do controllers influence
the movement and behavior of game characters?

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