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Viola: Hello, Andy! How are you?

Nastya: Hi! I'm fine, thanks.

V: Great! Let's start our interview! Where and when were you born?

N: I was born 15 May 1987 in Dunblane, Scotland.

V: When did you first start playing tennis?

N: I first started playing tennis when I was 2 years old.

V: And how did it happen?

N: My mother was a tennis player and my older brother is also a successful

professional tennis player.

V: Oh, I see. It's very interesting. And when did you start taking it seriously?

N: When I was 15 I moved to Barcelona in Spain to get better training.

V: Was it easy for you to move?

N: No, it was difficult to leave away from my family when I was so young.

V: I can imagine. Tell me, please, Andy, have you ever won any competition or

N: Of course! I have won many tennis tournaments and reached number three
in the world.

V: And have you ever break any records?

N: Let me think... mmm…. I played in the final of the US Open in 2008 and
the Australian open in 2010 and has beaten the top players in the world a
number of times.

V: Wow! It's incredible! And have you ever had any injuries?
N: Unfortunately, I have had several injuries and have missed important
competition because of them.

V: Oh, it's a pity. And the last question: what are your hopes for the future?

N: Nice question! I hope to win "Grand slam" tournament, and become world
number one!

V: That's great! I'm sure you can do it! Thank you a lot, Andy! Good luck!

N: Thank you! Bye!

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