Australian Award Indonesia Women in Leadership in The Security Sector SC 2024

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Australia Awards in Indonesia is seeking applications for the Women in Leadership in

the Security Sector Short Course. The course aims to provide junior to mid-ranking
women in Indonesia’s key national security organisations with the skills and knowledge
to increase women’s participation and leadership in their organisations. Both women
Australia Awards Short Course and men are welcome to participate, as long as they are effectively working towards
enhancing women’s participation within their respective organisations.
Women in Leadership in the The course includes a two-week course in Australia and two workshops in
Indonesia. It is offered to 25 participants and is targeted to National Government
Security Sector institutions, universities, research institutes, civil society organisations, and
other relevant agencies or organisations.

To apply for this course, you must be:

• Staff to Echelon II level or equivalent structure under organisations/universities
• Minimum S1 level qualification with a minimum 2 years of relevant experience
• Target participants include representatives of the following institutions:
1) Indonesian National Police (Polri)
2) Civil servants from the Ministry of Defence (Kemhan) and members of
the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI)
3) Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu)
4) Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs
5) National Agency for Combating Terrorism (BNPT)
6) DG of Immigration (Imigrasi)
7) Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP)
8) Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investments
9) Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla)
10) Ministry for Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection
11) Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Culture
12) DG of Corrections
13) National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN)
14) Indonesian State Intelligence Agency (BIN)
15) Armed Forces Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS)
16) National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas
17) The House of Representatives (DPR): Commission I/II/VII
18) Other relevant GoI security agencies (incl. Victim and Protection
Agency (LPSK) and Attorney General Office (Kejaksaan)
19) Universities
20) Civil Society Organisations
• Be a citizen of (have a KTP) and residing in Indonesia
• Pass all eligibility check

Women from disadvantaged backgrounds and people with disabilities are encouraged
to apply!
Key Dates
• Pre-course workshop in Indonesia on 13 - 15 August 2024
• Two weeks In-Australia course on 23 Sept - 4 Oct. 2024 (depart 20 Sept 2024,
return 6 Oct 2024)
• Post-course workshop in Indonesia on 28 - 30 January 2025
Date and venue TBC

Learning objectives
Australia Awards Short Course • Benchmark strategies to attract women into the security sector
• Identify and develop policies, regulations and guidelines that increase women’s
Women in Leadership in the Security participation and promotion to leadership roles (incl. affirmative action)
Sector • Identify lessons learned and best practices from the Australian agencies’ efforts to
ensure greater representation of women at all levels of their organisation
• Explore pathways for women in Australian government agencies and discuss the
suitability of different approaches to the Indonesian context
• Explore change management drivers and initiatives in Australian agencies
• Identify ways to create champions for change in women’s participation and
• Benchmark diversity policies and programs, corporate policies
• Formulate policy recommendations on mainstreaming gender perspective
• Develop a toolkit of ideas to help drive change in the participants’ organisations
(Award Project)

This is a fully funded short course. The course fee, mobilisation cost, return airfares
(domestic and international), health insurance in Australia (OSHC), accommodation (in
Indonesia and Australia), per diem, transport allowance and visa will be covered by
Australia Awards in Indonesia.

Applicants who currently hold a scholarship funded by the Australian Government are not
eligible to apply for the short course.

Applicants are expected to have professional working proficiency in English. The applicants’
English language competency is part of the selection process. The course will be delivered
in English.

All applications MUST be submitted online by Wednesday, 29 May 2024 at 23.59 WIB at
the latest via this link

An information session will be held virtually by Australia Awards in Indonesia on

Wednesday, 15 May 2024, at 10:00 am WIB. This session aims to guide applicants on the
application procedures, including the online application system, selection scheme and
interview process. RSVP before 14 May 2024 at 1:00 pm via this link:

For more information, please visit or contact

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