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Optimizing Nutrition in Neonates with

Kidney Dysfunction
Saudamini Nesargi, DNB,* Heidi Steflik, MD, MSCR,† Nivedita Kamath, MD, DNB, DM,‡ David Selewski, MD, MS,§
Katja M. Gist, DO, MSCS,¶ Shina Menon, MDk
*Department of Neonatology, St. Johns Medical College Hospital, Bangalore, India

Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC

Department of Pediatric Nephrology, St. Johns Medical College Hospital, Bangalore, India
Division of Nephrology, Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC

Department of Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
Department of Pediatrics, Seattle Children’s Hospital, University of Washington School of Medicine,
under a grant from Baxter, has received
Seattle, WA
honoraria for speaking and reviewing at the
Medical University of South Carolina and
MedLink Neurology, respectively, and is an
unpaid board member for the Southern
Society of Pediatric Research. Dr Gist works
PRACTICE GAP under a grant from The Gerber Foundation
and has received consulting fees from
Neonates with kidney disease have complex nutritional requirements Bioporta Diagnostics and Portero Medical.
based on their underlying kidney dysfunction. New clinical guidelines are Dr Menon works under a grant from The
Gerber Foundation and has received
available, but they focus on children of all ages and are not exclusive to consulting fees from Medtronic and Nuwellis.
neonates. Therefore, significant gaps remain, particularly with respect to Dr Selewski works under a grant from and
acute kidney injury and renal replacement therapy in the neonatal has served on an advisory board for
Pharmacosmos. Drs Nesargi and Kamath
disclosed no financial relationships relevant
to this article. This commentary does not
contain a discussion of an unapproved/
OBJECTIVES After completing this article, readers should be able to: investigative use of a commercial product/
device. Drs Nesargi and Steflik contributed
equally to this work.
1. Summarize the pathophysiology of compromised nutrition in neonates
with kidney disease and discuss the key nutritional aspects of acute
kidney injury and chronic kidney disease.
AKI acute kidney injury
2. Assess the nutritional needs of neonates with chronic kidney disease ARA arachidonic acid
and apply the Pediatric Renal Nutrition Taskforce clinical practice BMI body mass index
BSA body surface area
recommendations. CKD chronic kidney disease
CRRT continuous renal replacement
3. Recognize the nutritional implications of the use of continuous renal
replacement therapy for acute kidney injury in neonates. DHA docosahexaenoic acid
EN enteral nutrition
ESPGHAN European Society for Pediatric
ABSTRACT Gastroenterology, Hepatology,
and Nutrition
The nutritional management of neonates with kidney disease is GIR glucose infusion rate
complex. There may be significant differences in nutritional needs based iHD intermittent hemodialysis
IV intravenous
on the duration and cause of kidney dysfunction, including acute kidney KDOQI Kidney Disease Outcomes
injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Furthermore, the Quality Initiative
treatment modality, including acute (continuous renal replacement PD peritoneal dialysis
PN parenteral nutrition
therapy and peritoneal dialysis [PD]) and chronic (intermittent PRNT Pediatric Renal Nutrition
hemodialysis and PD) approaches may differentially affect nutritional Taskforce
losses and dietary needs. In this review, we discuss the pathophysiology REE resting energy expenditure
RRT renal replacement therapy
of compromised nutrition in neonates with AKI and CKD. We also
SDI suggested dietary intake

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summarize the existing data and consensus recommendations on the provision of nutrition to neonates with AKI and
CKD. We highlight the paucity of data on micronutrient losses and the need for future prospective studies to enhance
nutritional supplementation to hopefully improve outcomes in these patients.

INTRODUCTION Preterm Neonates

Nutritional requirements during the neonatal period are In preterm infants, postnatal growth should approximate
of particular importance as growth rates are higher during the growth of a fetus of the same gestational age in utero.
infancy. In critically ill neonates, this is often compounded The recommended energy and carbohydrate prescriptions
by multiple complications related to their underlying path- vary depending on the route of feeding and individual pa-
ophysiology; therefore, nutrition should be individualized tient parameters including weight, clinical status, and es-
to optimize the neonates’ nutritional status and growth. tablished growth pattern, and thus must be individualized
(Table 1). (1) In all cases, energy intake in preterm infants
Neonates with kidney dysfunction represent one such
must equal the sum of energy expenditure. This includes
group with unique nutritional needs relative to other criti-
energy excreted through losses in stool and urine; energy
cally ill neonatal populations.
expended in basal metabolism, thermoregulation, activity,
The nutritional considerations in neonates with kidney
and new tissue synthesis; and energy stored as fat, pro-
dysfunction encompass a broad spectrum related not only
tein, and glycogen. (1) Significant variations exist in energy
to the acuity or chronicity of kidney dysfunction but also
and carbohydrate requirements even in preterm infants.
to the unique aspects of renal replacement therapy (RRT).
The 2022 European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology,
Significant differences in nutritional needs in kidney dis-
Hepatology, and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) position paper on
ease based on the duration and cause of kidney dysfunc-
enteral nutrition (EN) in preterm infants recommends a
tion including acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic
total energy intake of 115 to 140 kcal/kg per day for enter-
kidney disease (CKD) exist. As the epidemiology and im-
ally fed preterm infants who are healthy and growing,
pact of neonatal AKI have become clearer, there has been
though more than 140 kcal/kg per day may be needed in
a push to optimize the care of these patients, including
some cases. (2) Parenterally supported infants require
nutritional support.
fewer kilocalories (as a result of reduced energy costs for nu-
In this review, we will briefly examine nutrition in
trient absorption and reduced fecal energy losses), whereas
healthy neonatal populations, describe the pathophysiology
enterally fed neonates require more kilocalories because of
and nutritional considerations in neonates with AKI and increased diet-induced thermogenesis and increased fecal
CKD, and highlight areas for future research. energy losses. (2)


The provision of nutrition to neonates depends on numer- Glucose is the body’s major energy source and is particu-
ous factors including gestational age, degree of illness and larly important for the brain and heart. However, lactose
comorbidities, postnatal age, and method of feeding. Herein, is the primary carbohydrate found in human milk. Lactose
we provide a summary that is separated into preterm and is incompletely digested in preterm infants, leading to
term neonates. concerns of increased risk for necrotizing enterocolitis

Table 1. Recommended Nutritional Intakes Based on Estimated Nutritional Needs in Healthy Term and Preterm
Nutritional Components Term Infants Preterm Infants
Energy 75–85 kcal/kg per day (maximum: 100 kcal/kg per day) 90–130 kcal/kg per day
Enteral: 10–14 g/kg/day
Parenteral (Glucose Infusion Rate): 2.5–10 mg/kg/min
Carbohydrates 2.5–10 mg/kg per minute 4–10 mg/kg per minute
Enteral: 11–15 g/kg/day
Parenteral (Glucose Infusion Rate): 4–10 mg/kg/min
Protein and amino acids 1.5–2.5 g/kg per day 2.5–4.5 g/kg per day
Lipids 5–6 g/kg per day 4.1–7.4 g/100 kcal

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secondary to carbohydrate malabsorption in this popula- to 7.4 g of fat per 100 kcal, depending on the fat content
tion. However, the substitution of lactose with more read- of the feedings. There are significant intra- and interindi-
ily digestible glucose has not been shown to improve vidual variations in human milk lipid content. In enterally
feeding tolerance or weight gain in preterm infants. (2) fed preterm neonates, ESPGHAN recommends a total fat
Full enteral carbohydrates in preterm neonates should to- intake of 4.8 to 8.1 g/kg per day but notes higher intake
tal 11 to 15 g/kg per day. (2) In parenterally fed preterm may be safe. (2) Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, es-
neonates, glucose supplementation should provide appropri- pecially arachidonic acid (ARA) and docosahexaenoic acid
ate calories for basal glucose metabolism while maintaining (DHA) are critical to supplement in preterm neonates, as
a normal plasma glucose concentration (ie, 54–108 mg/dL). active placental transfer of these important fatty acids oc-
In term newborns, this typically requires a glucose infusion curs during the third trimester of pregnancy. These fatty
rate (GIR) of 6 to 8 mg/kg per minute, but in very-low-birth- acids, when supplied in appropriate amounts to preterm
weight preterm infants who are at risk for significant hyper- infants (DHA intake of 0.5%–1% of total fatty acids,
glycemia, lower initial rates of 3 to 6 mg/kg per minute may 30–65 mg/kg per day; dietary ARA/DHA ratio of 0.5–2),
be more appropriate. (3) GIR can safely be advanced daily by are associated with improved short-term neurologic out-
1 to 2 mg/kg per minute to a goal of 7 to 10 mg/kg per mi- comes. (2)(6) In preterm infants requiring PN, lipids are
nute if serum glucose levels remain within normal limits. typically initiated at 1 to 2 g/kg per day of intravenous (IV)
Notably, higher GIR (ie, 9–12 mg/kg per minute or higher) lipid emulsion and can be advanced to 2 to 3 g/kg per day
may be needed in very preterm or growth-restricted neonates as tolerated.
with hyperinsulinism-like disorders.
Proteins are vital for adequate growth as they are the Term Neonates
key structural component of all human cells and the main Nutrition prescriptions in term neonates are more straight-
driver of lean body mass growth. In preterm newborns, forward than in preterm neonates. EN should be provided
protein supplementation should begin immediately after with human milk, and formula should be used if essential.
birth at 1.5 to 2.5 g/kg per day. After 1 to 2 days, the pro- (7) PN may be needed in term infants such as those with
tein prescription can be advanced to 3.5 g/kg per day. (4) preexisting congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal
In extremely preterm newborns, a combination of EN and tract or in those with or at risk for intestinal malperfusion
parenteral nutrition (PN) is provided, with slow uptitration (ie, some neonates with critical congenital heart disease).
of EN accompanied by downtitration of PN over the first The daily recommended energy requirement for term neo-
weeks of age. In transitioning from primarily PN to EN, nates varies from 75 to 120 kcal/kg per day and 105 to 130
first-pass amino acid metabolism must be considered, and kcal/kg per day depending on the guidelines (Table 1).
protein content in PN should not be downtitrated before (8)(9) There are several factors that may alter this require-
enteral intake exceeds 75 mL/kg per day and not discontin- ment, including the use of PN, and the general metabolic
ued until full enteral feedings are achieved. (5) In ex- demands of the neonate. In general, if PN is used, the daily
tremely preterm neonates receiving full EN, ESPGHAN energy requirement is reduced by 10% to 30%. (10)
recommends 4 g/kg per day of enteral protein for ade-
quate growth, but a higher intake of up to 4.5 g/kg per Sources of Energy
day may be needed for optimal weight gain. (2) Typical Neonates able to enterally feed with human milk or for-
preterm formulas contain 2.6 g of protein per 100 mL, mula receive 10 to 14 g/kg per day of carbohydrates, which
which corresponds to a protein intake of 3.9 to 4.7 g/kg per is usually sufficient for growth. In those requiring PN, a
day at enteral intakes of 150 to 180 mL/kg per day. Human GIR ranging from 2.5 mg/kg per minute on day 1 to a
milk, particularly donor human milk, is low in protein un- maximum of 10 mg/kg per minute is recommended. (11)
less provided in volumes greater than 200 mL/kg per day; Hyperglycemia should be anticipated and managed ac-
thus, multi-nutrient fortification is necessary to achieve the cordingly. Neonates who exceed the GIR requirements re-
desired protein concentrations of 4.5 g/kg per day. (2) quire further evaluation.
Lipids provide preterm infants with most of their en- Protein requirements are lower in term than in preterm
ergy requirements, and consequently, a relatively high die- neonates. (8) Human milk and infant formulas provide
tary lipid content to supply 36% to 67% of energy intake sufficient protein (1.5–2.5 g/kg per day) for a term neonate
is recommended. (6) In preterm infants with a daily en- if consumed in amounts sufficient to meet energy needs.
ergy intake of 110 kcal/kg, lipid intake is approximately 4.1 Human milk is whey predominant, though the ratio of

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whey to casein varies over time, ranging from 90:10 in of 2 large randomized controlled trials. (19)(20) An initial
the colostrum to 60:40 in mature milk. Whey is more eas- CRRT dose prescription of 25 to 30 mL/kg per hour is rec-
ily digestible and absorbable and adds a lower solute load ommended in adults. (21) In pediatric patients, a corre-
on the kidney. (12) Most commercially available formulas sponding dose of 2,000 mL/1.73m2 per hour is used. (22)
designed for term infants have a whey-to-casein ratio of While the conversion from a weight-based dose in adults
60:40. Proteins when given by PN may be started at 1.5 g/kg matches well with a body surface area (BSA)–based dose
per day. In hospitalized neonates, catabolism is often present, in older children, the nonlinear relationship between weight
and protein requirements are often increased up to 3 g/kg and BSA results in a disproportionately higher dose in neo-
per day. Protein utilization for growth, and not energy, is best nates and infants. (23) The impact of this difference in
when 30 to 40 kcal/g of protein is provided. (13) Most paren- CRRT dosing on nutritional needs in neonates has not been
teral protein solutions contain essential amino acids. well studied.
Approximately 5 g/kg per day of fat is needed in term Malnutrition is extremely common in patients with
neonates. Both human milk and infant formula provide a AKI receiving CRRT, with a reported incidence of 30% to
sufficient quantity of lipids. In term infants, parenteral 55%. (24) One multicenter study of children receiving
lipid intake should not exceed 4 g/kg per day. (14) Formu- CRRT showed that many were receiving insufficient pro-
lations that have essential fatty acids should be used. tein. (25) Additionally, CRRT may result in the depletion
(loss) of important solutes necessary for growth and devel-
ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY opment. This loss of proteins appears to be dependent on
Pathophysiology of Compromised Nutrition the dialysis dose. (26) A study in adults showed that pa-
Critical illness is often characterized by a catabolic state, tients with severe AKI, even without CRRT, had micronu-
with muscle protein breakdown and lipolysis, and deterio- trient concentrations below the reference range that were
ration in nutritional status is common. (15)(16) This is am- not different from those receiving CRRT. (27) These data
plified in neonates who have high nutrition requirements suggest that micronutrient absorption and utilization may
for their rapid rate of growth yet have limited nutrition re- be impaired in AKI in general. (27) Zappitelli and col-
serves. In addition to protein catabolism, other metabolic leagues evaluated nutritional losses in children receiving
abnormalities seen in AKI include altered amino acid me- CRRT and reported that 10% of total amino acid intake was
tabolism, peripheral insulin resistance, and induction of a lost during CRRT. (28) Furthermore, patients had a nega-
proinflammatory state that can affect immune function. tive nitrogen balance despite protein provision of approxi-
(17) Hyperglycemia due to peripheral insulin resistance mately 2 g/kg per day. (28) The authors also identified loss
and hepatic gluconeogenesis is common. While these fac- of folate and selenium during CRRT and suggested that
tors lead to a loss of existing protein and energy stores, op- standard supplementation of these micronutrients may not
timal nutrition delivery in neonates and infants with AKI be sufficient. A second study from the same center (n515,
is also exceptionally challenging. Pathologic positive fluid median age of 2 years) found that CRRT resulted in a me-
balance and fluid overload present in the setting of AKI of- dian loss of 14.6% of prescribed protein. (26) Finally, in a
ten require fluid restriction, which makes it harder to pro- single-center prospective observational study of 174 children
vide optimal nutrition. As a result, critically ill neonates receiving CRRT (median age of 18 months), 56% had acute
(and infants and older children) with AKI are frequently protein-energy wasting, defined as weight greater than the
underfed and more likely to be fasting, thus placing them 3rd percentile. (29) Only protein energy wasting was associ-
at even greater risk for malnutrition. (18) Finally, AKI is ated with mortality in this cohort. (29) Unfortunately, most
also associated with electrolyte derangements such as hy- of these studies include older children. There is limited
ponatremia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and meta- data on how these losses affect neonates who are in a criti-
bolic acidosis, all of which may necessitate modifications cal stage of growth and development.
to EN or PN. Feeding modality may also be a barrier to the provision
A small subset of patients with severe AKI may require of adequate nutrition in neonates with severe AKI, includ-
RRT, either as continuous RRT (CRRT) or peritoneal dial- ing those who require CRRT. A recent single-center study
ysis (PD). Despite the advances in technology, CRRT pre- evaluated 41 patients (median age of 9 years) receiving
scriptions in neonates, infants, and children have been CRRT. (30) Approximately 50% of patients received a com-
largely extrapolated from adults. In adults, the CRRT dose bination of PN and EN, with 34% receiving exclusively PN
at initiation of therapy was standardized after the results and 12% receiving only EN. The percentage of time meeting

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protein goals by feeding modality was 65% for EN1PN, the assessment of intravascular volume as well as extravas-
34.6% for PN only, and 27.6% for EN only. Interestingly, cular fluid (such as free intra-abdominal fluid and pleural
when these patients were weaned to EN only from PN1EN, effusion). (33)
the average percentage of time protein goals that were met de-
creased to 20%. While this study included older children, Nutrition Prescription in Neonates with AKI
these data highlight that children with AKI are at significantly The diagnosis of AKI has several potential implications for
increased nutritional risk when they transition from PN to EN. nutrition assessment and provision in neonates. The goal
is to provide appropriate nutrition while achieving fluid
Estimating Nutritional Needs in AKI homeostasis and avoiding dehydration or progressive volume
Estimating nutritional needs in critically ill neonates, in- overload. This goal can be difficult to achieve, especially if
fants, and children is very challenging. Direct measures of fluid restriction is necessary in the setting of oliguria or an-
energy expenditure and indirect calorimetry are not usu- uria. (34) The inability to provide nutrition secondary to fluid
ally available in clinical practice, and resting energy expen- restriction in AKI is an indication of RRT.
diture (REE) may be calculated using the World Health Energy expenditure in neonates with AKI may depend
Organization or the Schofield equations. (24) In critically ill more on the underlying disease, the preexisting nutritional
children, in the acute phase, caloric needs equal REE. (24) status, and the coexistence of acute and chronic comorbid-
The subsequent recovery phase should incorporate addi- ities. Based on the phase of AKI, the caloric prescription
tional energy requirements for rehabilitation and growth. must account for rehabilitation and growth. It may also
Early and repeated nutrition screening and assessment need to be modified to account for RRT-related net gain or
are recommended to identify children at risk for malnutri- loss of energy. Both CRRT and PD provide other sources
tion. (24) While there are no screening tools specific to of calories for nutrition. For CRRT, this includes citrate
AKI in neonates, accurate anthropometric measurements (3 kcal/g) from the anticoagulant used, and lactate (3.62 kcal/g)
should be obtained early and repeated at least weekly. and glucose from the dialysis fluid. PD provides calories from
These include euvolemic weight, recumbent length, head the glucose in the dialysis fluid (7–9 kcal/kg per day), which
circumference, and assessment of muscle and fat distribu- should be a part of the prescription. (35) Critically ill neonates
tion by measuring middle upper arm circumference and with AKI may require higher protein intake to limit negative
skinfold thickness. Reference values for arm circumfer- protein balance. Protein restriction to lower blood urea ni-
ence and skinfold thickness from the World Health Orga- trogen levels or delay RRT initiation is not recommended.
nization are only available after 3 months of age, but there (21)(35) Protein losses may occur during PD, on the order
are other smaller studies that have looked at these meas- of approximately 0.1 to 0.28 g/kg per day, and additional
urements in neonates. (31)(32) Fluid balance may interfere protein intake of at least 0.1 g/kg per day should be pro-
with the use of weight as a marker of nutritional status in vided to infants on PD. (35) Table 2 summarizes the sug-
those with AKI. Other measures such as net fluid balance, gested dietary intake (SDI) in healthy term neonates and
bioimpedance electrical analysis, or point-of-care ultraso- those treated with RRT.
nography may help delineate volume status. Bioimpe- It is also important to appropriately supplement micro-
dance analysis can estimate body composition (particularly nutrients (vitamins, trace elements, and carnitine). Sup-
total body water and lean mass) by measuring opposition plemental vitamin A should be avoided in all neonates
to electrical flow through tissues with the current and de- with AKI because impaired kidney function is associated
tection electrodes placed on the infant’s wrist and ankle. with reduced excretion of vitamin A, as well as elevated lev-
(32) However, the prediction equations using this method els of retinol, both of which may result in hypercalcemia and
are less accurate for neonates as compared to older chil- hypervitaminosis A. (24) Those requiring RRT may need
dren. (32) Point-of-care ultrasonography may be used for supplemental water-soluble vitamins, trace elements (copper,

Table 2. Modifications to the Suggested Dietary Intake of Calories and Proteins in Healthy Term Neonates and
Those on Chronic Dialysis
Energy Protein
Term neonate 93–107 kcal/kg per day 1.5–2.5 g/kg per day
Peritoneal dialysis Deduct 7–9 kcal/kg per day Add 0.15–0.3 g/kg per day
Hemodialysis Deduct 3 kcal/kg per day Add 0.1 g/kg per day

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zinc, selenium), and carnitine. There are no data to recom- hypothalamic neuronal circuits that control appetite. (37)
mend routine measurement of serum concentrations of mi- There are also higher circulating concentrations of cyto-
cronutrients unless a deficiency or toxicity is suspected based kines, such as leptin, tumor necrosis factor a, and inter-
on clinical signs. leukins 1 and 6, which further lead to cachexia. (37)
Additional electrolyte abnormalities seen in AKI may
require modification of the nutrition prescription. Normal Estimating Nutritional Needs in CKD
values of plasma potassium in neonates are higher com- Regular assessment by a pediatric dietitian experienced in
pared to levels in older infants, children, and adults, and caring for neonates with CKD is imperative, and the Kidney
appropriate interpretation requires the use of age-based Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) clinical prac-
normative values. (36) For infants with AKI and hyperkale- tice guideline includes specific recommendations for regular
mia, human milk, which is naturally low in potassium evaluations of growth and nutritional status in these neo-
compared to standard infant formulas, may be used. Alter- nates. These recommendations include a review of dietary
native approaches include decanting milk with potassium- intake and assessments of length for age, estimated euvole-
binding resins, use of low-potassium infant formulas, or a mic or “dry” weight and weight for age, body mass index
brief period of discontinuing EN and supplementing with (BMI) for height/length for age, and head circumference.
IV fluids or PN without potassium. If the patient is already (38) This is echoed by the more recent Pediatric Renal Nutri-
receiving nutrition exclusively via IV fluids or PN, potassium tion Taskforce (PRNT) (39) guidelines that recommended as-
should be removed from these fluids until hyperkalemia is sessment of these parameters at least twice as frequently as
corrected. The enteral or rectal use of sorbitol-based resins they would be performed in a healthy neonate, although
such as sodium polystyrene should be avoided in neonates more frequent assessments may be needed in neonates with
because of the risk of intestinal perforation and obstruction. severe disease or complications (polyuria, growth delay, de-
(36) Hyperphosphatemia may require phosphate restriction creasing/low BMI, comorbid pathologies impacting growth
and transition to a low-phosphorous renal infant formula or or nutrient intake, and recent acute medical status changes).
treatment with a calcium-based phosphate binder. Hypophos- (38) For preterm infants born between 32 and 37 weeks’ ges-
phatemia is common during CRRT, and phosphorus supple- tation, PRNT recommends plotting anthropometric measure-
mentation is often needed to avoid complications such as ments for both gestational and chronologic age for the first
respiratory muscle weakness, myocardial dysfunction, and en- year after birth, and for those born before 32 weeks’ gesta-
cephalopathy. Phosphate is commonly provided as an additive tion, these measurements should be obtained through 2 years
to CRRT solutions, though in recent years, commercially of age. (39) Consideration of the underlying pathology of
available phosphate-containing CRRT solutions have become CKD is also important when nutritional prescriptions are de-
available. Patients often need additional supplementation ei- termined; infants with congenital nephrotic syndrome, for ex-
ther orally or in the PN. Table 3 summarizes the electrolyte ample, experience excessive protein losses and may require
requirements in healthy neonates and those with AKI. additional protein/amino acid supplementation beyond that of
infants with CKD secondary to other causes. Careful assess-
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE ment of body weight and fluid balance is of paramount im-
Pathophysiology of Compromised Nutrition portance given that the prescription of nutrition is often based
The altered metabolic milieu found in patients with AKI is on body weight and both volume overload and that depletion
also seen in those with CKD. Additional changes include can occur in neonates with CKD. Dry weight should be fre-
anorexia secondary to abnormalities in the hormonal and quently reassessed by evaluating body weight along with the

Table 3. Electrolyte Requirements in Healthy Term Neonates and Typical Changes seen in Patients with Acute
Kidney Injury Compared to Normal
Healthy Term Neonates Term infants With Acute Kidney Injury
Sodium (mEq/kg/day) 2-5 May decrease May decrease May decrease May decrease
Potassium (mEq/kg/day) 2-4 Lower Unchanged /lower Unchanged /lower Higher
Calcium (mMol/kg/d) 0.25-2 Higher Higher Higher Higher
Phosphorus (mMol/kg/d) 0.5-2 Lower Unchanged /lower Unchanged /lower Higher
Magnesium (mMol/kg/d) 0.15-0.25 Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged Higher
Acetate/bicarbonate As needed Higher Unchanged Unchanged Lower

RRT, renal replacement therapy; iHD, intermittent hemodialysis; PD, peritoneal dialysis; CRRT, chronic RRT

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presence or absence of edema, blood pressure, laboratory val- Neonates with CKD requiring RRT warrant special con-
ues, and dietary intake. (38) Individualized counseling and in- sideration regarding their nutritional needs. Some of these
terventions, as well as frequent reevaluations and potential needs are similar to those discussed for AKI. Adequacy of
modifications to nutrition plans of care, may be needed. This nutrition provision is of particular importance during PD
requires the coordinated efforts of a dietitian with expertise in catheter placement because malnutrition with subsequent
pediatric and renal nutrition, as well as a multidisciplin- abdominal muscle wasting can lead to poor stability of the
ary team including the child, caregivers, and the pediatric catheter, potential leakage, and impaired wound healing.
nephrology team. (41) In children receiving PD, the energy intake from
the dialysate should be considered to range from 7 to
9 kcal/kg per day depending on the dextrose concentra-
Nutrition Prescription in Neonates with CKD
tion of the dialysate, the time on dialysis, number of
KDOQI recommends centering nutritional care to achieve
cycles, dwell times, and the peritoneal membrane trans-
the following goals:
porter status. If there is excessive weight gain in these
1. “maintenance of an optimal nutritional status (ie,
children, this energy source needs to be taken into con-
achievement of normal pattern of growth and body com-
sideration. Dialysate protein loss should be accounted
position by intake of appropriate amounts and types of
for, and the recommended protein intake is higher than the
SDI for neonates managed conservatively, with an addi-
2. avoidance of uremic toxicity, metabolic abnormalities,
tional 0.15 to 0.3 g/kg per day recommended on PD and
and malnutrition, and
0.1 g/kg per day on intermittent hemodialysis (Table 3).
3. reduction of the risk of chronic morbidities and mortal-
(40) Neonates on PD frequently experience vomiting, poor
ity in adulthood.”(38)
appetite and oral intake, and delayed gastric emptying,
which can exacerbate nutritional deficiencies and losses.
More recently Shaw and colleagues from PRNT pro-
(41) Adequate growth and even catch-up growth can be
vided an update on energy and protein requirements for
achieved with appropriate nutrition provision in neonates
children with CKD stages 2 to 5 and on dialysis. (35) Given
with CKD with or without RRT.
the varying national and international terms and defini-
The intake of calcium should be maintained between
tions for energy and protein requirements, PRNT intro-
100% and 200% of SDI. The calcium intake from medica-
duced the term “suggested dietary intake” (SDI) for their
tion and dialysate should be considered. The dietary phos-
recommendations. In CKD stages 2 to 5, initial prescrip-
phate intake should be within the SDI. Human milk and
tions for nutrition should approximate that of healthy chil-
whey-dominant formula are low in phosphate. (42) Potas-
dren of the same chronologic age, and when weight gain sium intake should be based on renal function and serum
is suboptimal, the prescription should be adjusted toward potassium levels. Human milk has a low potassium con-
the higher end of the SDI. In infants at risk for obesity, tent. In neonates with hyperkalemia, human milk may be
the nutrition should be adjusted to achieve appropriate substituted with a low-potassium formula. In formula-fed
weight gain without compromising the delivery of protein, infants, the potassium-binding resin can be added to the
fat, carbohydrates, and macro- and micronutrients. In neo- formula and decanted. (43)
nates, human milk is preferred, with appropriate fortifica- While the preferred route for the provision of nutrition is
tion, when necessary, in the setting of fluid restriction, or oral, enteral tube feeding via a nasogastric tube or gastrostomy
when additional calories are required without increasing device may be occasionally needed. PRNT recommends sup-
total volume. A whey-dominant formula is recommended plemental or exclusive enteral tube feeding in children with
when supplemental feedings are required. Methods of CKD who are unable to meet their nutritional requirements
fortification of human milk with whey-based formulas orally. (35) Despite these recommendations, various studies
have been described elsewhere. (40) A feeding volume of have shown limited use of enteral tube feeding outside North
150 mL/kg per day may be sufficient to meet the nutri- America and some European countries. (44)(45)(46) For short-
tional needs of an infant with CKD. However, an infant term enteral feeding needs, a nasogastric tube is preferred,
with polyuria with a higher-than-normal fluid require- whereas a gastrostomy device is preferred for long-term use.
ment may need additional fluid given either as free water (47) PRNT provides additional clinical practice recommenda-
in between feedings or mixed in to prepare dilute formula. tions for the optimal delivery of nutrition via enteral tube feed-
(40) ing to children with CKD stages 2 to 5 and on dialysis. (47)

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Proteins and amino acids. In: Koletzko B, Cheah FC, Domellof M,
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unique nutrition needs. It is important to be aware of Preterm Infants Scientific Basis and Practice Guidelines World Review of
their nutritional requirements, know how to assess them Nutrition and Dietetics. Vol. 122. Basel: Karger; 2021:75–88

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American Board of Pediatrics the EURRECA network. Matern Child Nutr. 2010;6(suppl 2):55–83
Neonatal-Perinatal Content doi: 10.1111/j.1740-8709.2010.00262.x

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Vol. 25 No. 1 JANUARY 2024 e33

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1. A preterm infant of 31 week’s gestation is starting enteral feeds. The NICU

team is working on calculating the caloric density of feeds to ensure
adequate growth. Which of the following statements describes an
appropriate daily total energy intake for this preterm infant?
A. 60 kcal/kg per day.
B. 75 kcal/kg per day.
C. 90 kcal/kg per day.
D. 120 kcal/kg per day
E. 150 kcal/kg per day.
REQUIREMENTS: Learners can
2. You are caring for an infant born at 25 week’s gestation who is advancing take NeoReviews quizzes and
enteral feeds. Previous studies have demonstrated that proteins are key claim credit online only at:
structural components of all human cells, vital for adequate growth, and a
main driver of lean body mass growth. What is the recommended amount of neoreviews.
enteral protein intake for adequate growth in an extremely preterm infant?
To successfully complete 2024
A. 11.5 g/kg per day NeoReviews articles for AMA PRA
B. 2 to 2.5 g/kg per day. Category 1 Credit™, learners
must demonstrate a minimum
C. 3 to 3.5 g/kg per day.
performance level of 60% or
D. 4 to 4.5 g/kg per day. higher on this assessment. If
E. 5 to 5.5 g/kg per day. you score less than 60% on the
assessment, you will be given
3. You are taking care of a critically ill term neonate with acute kidney injury additional opportunities to
(AKI). Infants with this condition are often in a catabolic state with muscle answer questions until an
protein breakdown and lipolysis. In addition to increased protein catabolism, overall 60% or greater score is
other metabolic abnormalities can occur in infants with AKI. All of the achieved.
following metabolic derangements can be observed in these patients except:
This journal-based CME activity
A. Altered amino acid metabolism. is available through Dec. 31,
B. Hypoglycemia. 2026, however, credit will be
recorded in the year in which
C. Impaired immune function.
the learner completes the quiz.
D. Peripheral insulin resistance.
E. Proinflammatory state.
4. AKI is a common complication in neonates with critical illness and can be
challenging to manage. Pathologic fluid balance and fluid overload often
require fluid restriction, making it difficult to provide optimal nutrition. In
addition to fluid overload AKI can contribute to each of the following 2024 NeoReviews is approved
for a total of 30 Maintenance of
electrolyte derangements EXCEPT:
Certification (MOC) Part 2
A. Hypercalcemia. credits by the American Board
B. Hyperkalemia. of Pediatrics (ABP) through the
AAP MOC Portfolio Program.
C. Hyponatremia.
NeoReviews subscribers can
D. Hyperphosphatemia. claim up to 30 ABP MOC Part 2
E. Metabolic acidosis. points upon passing 30 quizzes
(and claiming full credit for
each quiz) per year. Subscribers
can start claiming MOC credits
as early as October 2024. To
learn how to claim MOC points,
go to: https://publications.aap.

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5. An infant of 37 week’s gestation with AKI is requiring continuous renal
replacement therapy (CRRT). A common complication of CRRT is the removal
of important solutes necessary for growth and development. Of the patients
receiving CRRT, what percentage experience malnutrition and poor growth?
A. 10%
B. 25%.
C. 45%.
D. 60%.
E. 75%.

Vol. 25 No. 1 JANUARY 2024 e35

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