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Before to start I’d like to talk about the technology in general and why is important the AI
on our life’s. Nowadays you can find AI in everything that you can imagine, it’s very
important for our lives since that is the innovation for the world and the future, still, some
people turn down the AI since the AI will replace the people on the jobs, but that it’s lie
since the AI will change the world completely for a better future and for the future
generations. On the other hand, a lot of people that is thinking bad things and the worst of
the AI is better that the cat has the tongue. Also, I think in that topic and it’s interesting for
me and for a lot of people, since, nowadays, who doesn’t want to talk about artificial
intelligence? All people would like to talk about this topic because it’s interesting and many
people want to share the opinion about it.

On the contrary I imagine that cash will disappear since the money only will be digital as
the mobile banking apps like Nequi. Still, in my opinion that is very interesting since it will
be very cool that the money will digital, instead of bills will be phones with money and
virtual cards. In addition, this can be a good solution too for the environmental problems,
so many people will feel carried away also will feel motivated to go to the extra mile like for
instance find more solutions for the climate change and the contamination.

On the other hand, I anticipate that the AI will create new careers and many new jobs, for
instance today exist a university and in Bogota once in a blue moon you can see a
university with interesting careers and that have future on Colombia. Sergio Arboleda
University has a career called Artificial intelligence and computer science, and that career
will be the future on our world since it is teaching the future to the new generations and
that will make a innovative world with fewer problems and more solutions in order to it will
allows employed many people and create a more advanced world. However more
Universities is added of this project because Jorge Tadeo University add a new career that
is called computational modeling, which is similar to the Sergio Arboleda University
program but more cheap. Also this can help the researchers of the future quite a bit.

I anticipate that the AI will find a treatment to the Cancer. The AI going to save many lives
because with the investigations that the AI will allow and the work for the doctors will
easier. Furthermore today the medicine career is innovating and now exist a new career
that is share with the medicine and that is the Biomedical engineer, is a career combine
with the medicine and the AI and that is a big advanced for the medicine since with this the
doctors and the scientist have can created many prosthesis for people that didn’t have a
part on the body and the artificial intelligence have helped. So, if the artificial intelligence
can make this and help many people why can’t found the treatment of the cancer?

To sum up the artificial intelligence isn’t bad and dangerous as many people is thinking
and, the artificial intelligence will change our lifestyles and the world although people turn
down the artificial intelligence and feels people feel butterflies on their stomachs when
talking about this, the AI will continue innovating our world and many people is according
with this. For instance, in my case, I would that the AI change my life to have much better
a lifestyle.









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