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1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................3
1.2 Objective of the Internship.......................................................................................................3
1.3 Background of the Internship...................................................................................................3
1.4 Scope...........................................................................................................................................3
2. Overview of The Organization.............................................................................................................4
2.1 Company Profile........................................................................................................................4
2.3 Organizational Structure..........................................................................................................4
3. Internship Activities..............................................................................................................................6
3.1 Internship Activities..................................................................................................................6
3.2 Description of Duties and Responsibilities...............................................................................6
3.3 Applied Skills.............................................................................................................................7
3.4 Challenges Encountered and Solutions....................................................................................8
4. Learning and Development...................................................................................................................9
4.1 Learning and Development.............................................................................................................9
4.2 Academic Concepts Applied...........................................................................................................9
4.3 Skills Developed...............................................................................................................................9
4.4 Personal Growth and Professional Learning...............................................................................10
5. Methodology.........................................................................................................................................11
5.1 Methods of Survey and Data Analysis Techniques.....................................................................11
5.2 Methods of Sampling Technique..................................................................................................11
5.3 Data Collection and Data Analysis:..............................................................................................11
6. Analysis and Findings.........................................................................................................................12
6.1 Significance of Analysis and Findings..........................................................................................12
6.2 Project Overview: Customer Feedback Portal............................................................................12
6.3 Key Findings:.................................................................................................................................12
6.4 Implications:..................................................................................................................................13
6.5 Recommendation...........................................................................................................................14
7. Conclusion............................................................................................................................................14
7.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................................................14
7.2 Summarization of Experiences.....................................................................................................14
7.3 Learning Outcomes.................................................................................................................14
7.4 Overall Impact of The Internship...........................................................................................15
8. Recommendation:................................................................................................................................15
1. Introduction

1.1 Introduction
Starting the transition from theoretical knowledge to real-world application is a big step for every
student. This move has been greatly aided by my internship at ACI Seed. This internship gave
me, as a marketing major at Bangladesh University Professionals, a priceless chance to apply
classroom theory to practical situations inside the prestigious walls of ACI Seed, a well-known
business in Bangladesh that is a division of ACI Limited. This report summarizes my three-
month internship, which was an enriching experience that brought together academic theory and
real-world application. It also highlights the wide range of marketing duties I completed and the
significant professional development I had during that time. It provides a thorough account of
my adventure into the exciting world of marketing.

1.2 Objective of the Internship

My internship's main goals were to apply the academic knowledge I learned from Bangladesh
University Professionals' BBA in Marketing program to real-world marketing experience. This
internship immersed me in numerous aspects of marketing strategy, customer relationship
management, and market analysis to bridge the gap between academic theory and practical
business operations.

1.3 Background of the Internship

I completed the internship at ACI Seed as a required part of my Bangladesh University
Professionals academic program. ACI Limited's subsidiary ACI Seed is a well-known business
in Bangladesh that has made significant contributions to the agriculture industry. ACI Seed
offered a perfect platform for me as a student looking for real-world experience in marketing,
especially in the areas of digital marketing, customer relationship management, and marketing

1.4 Scope
My main areas of interest during my internship at ACI Seed were marketing communication,
CRM, and digital marketing campaigns. I worked on initiatives that specifically involved social
media marketing, SEO optimization, communication strategy building, and improving the
Customer Feedback Portal. The ramifications of these activities go beyond the boundaries of my
internship; they provide insights into the dynamic field of digital marketing and its critical
function in cultivating connections with agricultural stakeholders. My future marketing efforts
will be shaped by the experiences I've had and the lessons I've learned, which will also help the
industry progress overall.
2. Overview of The Organization

2.1 Company Profile

Imperial Chemical Industries, a British multinational, established a branch in East Pakistan,
which later became ICI Bangladesh Manufacturers Limited after liberation. In 1992, ICI divested
its investment to the management, leading to the renaming of the company to Advanced
Chemical Industries (ACI) Limited. ACI Limited, one of Bangladesh's largest conglomerates
with multinational roots, operates through four strategic business units: the Health Care Division
focuses on innovative pharmaceutical products, the Consumer Brands Division offers a wide
range of consumer goods, the Agribusinesses Division is a major player in agriculture and
related sectors, and Retail Chain Division operates the largest retail chain in Bangladesh, serving
over 65,000 customers daily through SHWAPNO outlets. In FY 2022-2023, ACI and its
subsidiaries contributed Taka 16,732 million to the National Exchequer in the form of corporate
tax, custom duty, and value-added tax. ACI Seed operates under Agribusiness Division of ACI
Limited. The most fundamental aspect of agriculture is the seed industry. Maintaining genetic
diversity and driving this industry's evolution towards high-yielding varieties will be essential to
ensure Bangladesh's agricultural output increases sustainably. In 1998, ACI launched the seed
company with this aim in mind. ACI Seed leads the industry in numerous goods and holds a
sizable portion of the market. Because of their high quality and yield, farmers have come to
accept our seeds. As a result, we now have a strong brand reputation and a solid trust base upon
which to grow the company. At Bangladesh Agricultural University in Mymensingh,
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU) in Gazipur, and
Rural Development Academy in Bogra, ACI Seed has its own research and development
stations. The ACI Seed lab, known as the ASRBC lab, is always inventing new and durable
products for farmers. ACI Seed collaborates with numerous development organizations,
including USAID, IRRI, Katalyst, IFC, and numerous others, to enhance the quality of life for
people by advocating for sensible business practices in the marketplace. Additionally, it has
partnerships with other foreign seed producers, and, with the robust supply chain and SPC
assistance, it can distribute some of the highest-quality seeds available.

2.3 Organizational Structure

Organizational Hierarchy Chart

Numbers of Employees: ACI Seed has a total of 300 employees.

Main Office: The main office of ACI Seed is in ACI Centre, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka-
Introduction of all the Departments:
Sales Department: At ACI Seed, the sales department is responsible for establishing and
preserving connections with distributors, retailers, and other agricultural partners. Its main
objective is to increase product distribution and meet sales goals by using market research,
strategic planning, and successful sales tactics.

Marketing Department: The marketing division of ACI Seed is in charge of building marketing
campaigns, promoting goods to target markets, and building brand recognition. It uses a range of
tactics, including market research, internet marketing, and advertising, to establish ACI Seed as a
pioneer in the agricultural sector.

Product Department: At ACI Seed, the product department is devoted to the management,
development, and research of seed products. To satisfy the changing demands of the market, it
collaborates closely with farmers, researchers, and agricultural professionals to develop novel
seed types, guarantee product quality, and maximize seed performance.

Finance Department: To maintain the company's financial stability and regulatory compliance,
the finance department of ACI Seed is in charge of accounting, budgeting, and financial
planning. It offers risk management, investment strategies, and financial analysis to enhance
corporate operations and promote long-term success.

3. Internship Activities

3.1 Internship Activities

The activities I participated in during my internship at ACI Seed were varied and active, each
presenting its own set of difficulties and potential for growth. This section lists the different tasks
and initiatives I worked on, all of which helped to give me a realistic understanding of the
marketing sector. Every action, from leading digital marketing campaigns to delving deeply into
consumer behavior analysis, was a step toward realizing how complex marketing is. In addition
to allowing me to put my academic knowledge to use, this practical experience helped me
acquire a variety of abilities that are crucial for a future marketing professional.

3.2 Description of Duties and Responsibilities

I was placed in the Marketing Department at ACI Seed for my three-month internship, where I
actively participated in a variety of stimulating and demanding activities and projects. My main
duties were as follows:
Engagement and Interaction: Foster meaningful interactions with followers by responding
promptly to comments, messages, and inquiries, and actively engaging with relevant content.
Addressing Negative Feedback: Implement a proactive approach to address negative feedback
swiftly and effectively, by acknowledging concerns publicly, offering solutions or assistance,
and demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.
Connection Buildup: Connecting the potential new customers with the local field force of their
Campaign management: Coordinating campaigns, finding winners from different event and
sending them gifts.
Field Visit: To interact with farmers and field force directly and gather necessary information.
Survey & Report: To make survey for necessary marketing activities and prepare feedback from
Data Entry and Assortment: Ensuring accurate and consistent data entry from surveys and
reports. For example: Entry of data from Survey of Crop Show Winter 2023.
Packaging: Packaging of gifts or rewards for employees, customers, and winners from contests
arranged by ACI Seed.
ACI Online Approval System: Testing the ACI online Approval System which works as a
connectivity tool to uphold an ordered and proper relationship from ACI Seed's top management
to farmers, dealers, and area executives, and identifying the shortcomings or technical errors
prevailing now in the system.
Business proposal letter: Providing context for the proposal and establishing credibility.

3.3 Applied Skills

I developed and used a range of skills during my internship, including:

Team work: At ACI Seed, working with colleagues from several departments requires effective
communication. Whether exchanging information, planning tasks, or addressing project needs,
succinct and unambiguous communication promoted smooth teamwork and guaranteed objective

Communication skill: To effectively communicate information, respond to issues, and establish

rapport, one must engage with clients and stakeholders. In order to foster fruitful client
connections, I always communicated professionally and articulately, whether via phone
conversations, emails, or in-person meeting.
Social Media Management skill: I actively interacted with followers on a variety of social media
sites as part of digital marketing campaigns. It was necessary to communicate in a clear and
sympathetic manner in order to respond to messages, comments, and inquiries promptly in order
to improve brand engagement.

Feedback management: Careful communication was needed to handle both good and negative
comments from stakeholders and customers. Managing feedback channels required
acknowledging issues, providing answers, and displaying a dedication to properly addressing

Report Writing: I was in charge of creating reports during my internship that included data
analysis, recommendations, and summaries of my results. In order to provide reports that were
understandable, succinct, and insightful and to guarantee that important information was
communicated completely and accurately, effective communication skills were essential.

Presentation Skills: Good presentation skills were required for presenting findings, project
updates, and recommendations to coworkers and managers. Effective presentations required
precise articulation, a captivating delivery style, and visual aids to help me persuade the audience
and hold their interest.

Conflict Resolution: When divergent opinions emerged, good communication was essential to
bringing about a resolution. The utilization of diplomatic communication, empathy, and active
listening facilitated the understanding of diverse viewpoints, constructive problem-solving, and
the development of win-win agreements.

3.4 Challenges Encountered and Solutions

Challenge: Adjusting to a Quick-Paced Workplace: At first, I struggled to stay up with the

rapidly evolving landscape of the digital marketing industry.
Solution: I became more organized and proficient in managing my time, and I asked my boss and
coworkers for advice, which enabled me to adjust more skillfully.

Challenge: It can be unsettling to deal with possible hacking efforts on your social media
account, but in order to limit the harm, you should act coolly and collectedly. A few of them
used to send shady links to our comment area and email.
Solution: I had to be extra careful while clicking any links, I set strong security protocol and
monitor the page frequently.
Challenge: When I first started up, it was scary to show seed products to customers.
Solution: I improved my confidence and presenting abilities by watching my seniors in meetings
and progressively taking on more responsibility in customer communications.

4. Learning and Development

4.1 Learning and Development

My time with ACI Seed served as evidence that an internship's real success is determined by the
growth and learning it allows its participants. This part examines the professional skills I
developed, the personal development I underwent throughout my internship, and the important
academic principles I utilized in practical situations. My journey from theoretical knowledge to
practical abilities was characterized by a never-ending learning curve, with new obstacles and
chances for development appearing every day. In addition to improving my comprehension of
the marketing sector, the knowledge and abilities I acquired during this time also helped me
define my professional identity and future career goals.

4.2 Academic Concepts Applied

My internship at ACI Seed provided an excellent platform to apply the academic concepts
learned during my BBA in Marketing. Key applications included:
Market Analysis: I was able to effectively contribute to market research projects by identifying
significant consumer segments for our clients by utilizing my academic expertise of market
segmentation, targeting, and positioning.

Consumer Behavior: Understanding and forecasting customer reactions to different marketing

initiatives, particularly in digital media, required the application of theories learnt about
consumer behavior.

Marketing Strategies: Creating successful marketing strategies for various campaigns was made
possible by the concepts of marketing strategy development, which constituted a large portion of
my curriculum.

Brand Management: The development of the product branding strategies benefited greatly from
academic insights on brand positioning and management.

Marketing Communication: The development of successful customer relationship management

was directly impacted by the marketing communication theories that were studied.

4.3 Skills Developed

The development of a broad range of abilities, which are necessary for a career in marketing as
well as for professional life in general, was a key component of my internship. This segment
explores the range of abilities I developed throughout my internship. Every ability I have
learned, from soft skills like cooperation and communication to technical competencies unique to
the marketing industry, has been essential to my career progress. These abilities helped me not
only carry out my daily tasks with success but also set a strong basis for my future professional
aspirations in the exciting sector of marketing. The skills I have developed are:

Cross-functional cooperation: Collaborating with peers from many departments, including sales,
digital marketing, and field force, gave me the chance to improve my cross-functional
cooperation abilities. I acquired new skills in dispute resolution, effective communication, and
utilizing a range of viewpoints to accomplish shared objectives.
Solving problems: Overcoming obstacles like unfavorable comments on social media or
technological problems in online approval processes helped me become more adept at solving
problems. In order to get over challenges and accomplish goals, I gained knowledge on how to
assess issues, pinpoint underlying causes, generate creative solutions, and put winning plans into
Market Research and Analysis: I was able to hone my abilities in market research and analysis
by participating in surveys and data analysis for marketing initiatives. I gained knowledge on
how to compile pertinent information, analyze market trends, and draw conclusions to guide
strategic choices.

Project management: Effective project management was necessary for arranging field trips,
coordinating campaigns, and overseeing different marketing activities. I gained knowledge on
how to successfully plan, coordinate, carry out, and oversee projects to guarantee their timely
and cost-effective completion.

4.4 Personal Growth and Professional Learning

My internship experience encompassed not only the development of technical skills and practical
knowledge, but also significant personal and professional growth. I'll be thinking about the less
obvious, but no less important, parts of my growth throughout the internship in this area. It
includes the development of my attitude on work, the improvement of my character traits like
resilience and flexibility, and the expansion of my knowledge of the field. In addition to shaping
my professional style, these experiences have broadened my viewpoint and equipped me for the
challenges and complexity of a career in the dynamic field of marketing. This internship was a
voyage of development, both personally and professionally:
 Confidence: I felt more confident in my abilities after presenting concepts and plans to
clients and upper management.
 Professional Network: By interacting with professionals and industry experts, I was able
to expand my professional network.
 Knowledge of the Industry: The practical experience gave me a thorough understanding
of the marketing sector, its difficulties, and changing trends.
 Career Guidance: This experience helped me to better define my goals and reinforced my
desire to work in digital marketing.
 Time Management: I became better at managing my time by juggling several things and
adhering to deadlines.

5. Methodology

During my internship, I have worked for a project named Customer Feedback Portal. This new
system is a part our current digital communication strategy.

 Connectivity: Uphold an ordered and proper relationship from ACI Seed's top
management to farmers, dealers, and area executives.
 Problem Solving: Through a chain of command, the issues will be reported to ACI Seed's
upper management, and suggestions for similar problem-solving can be made with ease.
 Information Storage: Data from earlier studies on any problem and its techniques and
solutions can be saved and utilized for future studies on related problems.
We have carried out a survey in order to validate our project.

5.1 Methods of Survey and Data Analysis Techniques

Questionnaires: Structured lists of inquiries were given to participants in order to get quantitative
Quantitative Analysis: Results were found by analyzing numerical data and determining
statistical significance through the use of graphical representation techniques.
5.2 Methods of Sampling Technique
Stratified Sampling: After dividing the population into homogenous subgroups or strata, samples
are randomly chosen from each stratum according to its size. This approach guarantees that all
pertinent population groupings are included. Total sample size is 110. It is divided into two
subgroups. 50 from farmers and retailers and 50 from our field force and others. We collected
data from various rural places in Bangladesh.
5.3 Data Collection and Data Analysis:
Google forms were used to collect data and Excel and Google Sheet were used to analyze data.
We identify if there is any communication gap, and should we invest in the project and whether
this would benefit the business and field force and farmers requires it or not.
6. Analysis and Findings

6.1 Significance of Analysis and Findings

Our goal is to evaluate whether there are any communication gaps in our company and whether it
would be worthwhile to fund a project to address these gaps. It is critical to determine whether
such an endeavor will satisfy the demands and expectations of our field force and farmers while
also producing measurable advantages for our company. Finding any gaps in the channels of
communication allows us to focus on areas that need to be improved and create solutions that
will increase teamwork and information sharing. It was required to know if this project simplifies
processes and increases overall efficiency in addition to strengthening the bonds between our top
management, field force, and farmers.

6.2 Project Overview: Customer Feedback Portal

The system has 03 main objectives.
Connectivity: Ensure that farmers, dealers, and area executives have a solid and well-ordered
contact with the top management of ACI Seed.
Problem Solving: The problems will be brought to the attention of ACI Seed's higher
management via a chain of command, where proposals for similar problem-solving may be
easily made.
Information Storage: Previous research on any issue, including its methods and solutions, can be
stored and used in subsequent research on similar issues.
The system is under development. I ran a few tests. The prototype system is not fully functional
6.3 Key Findings:

Communication Gap: Our first question was to identify communication gap. 28.2% people
marked themselves as very dissatisfied and 21.8% people marked themselves as dissatisfied. S0,
50% people from our filed force and farmers are not satisfied.
Challenge Facing: Our second question was to find how often Farmers and field force face
challenge that needs to be taken care of properly. 31.8% responded that they occasionally face
problems and 22.7% stated that they frequently face problem. The people who rarely faces
problem are 23.6% and people who said they always face problem are 17.3%
Problem Identification: Our third question was to identify the key problems that need to faced
frequently. The problems or issues are: Technical difficulties, Product quality concerns, Supply
chain disruptions and Pricing issues. Technical Problems are the most reported problem. 62.7%
of people who responded identified this issue. For example: Seed Storage Challenges, Seed
Treatment Efficiency, Seed borne Diseases, Seed Contamination, Seed Viability and
Germination Rates.
Current Perception: Our fourth question was to identify the current perception about the current
problem-solving system among farmers, retailers and field force. 21.8% people think our current
problem-solving process is not effective. 15.5% people think it is somewhat effective and 32.7%
people think it is moderately effective. So, the current perception is not well here.
Relevance of New System: Our fifth question was regarding our target audience’s perception on
the importance of our new system. 28.2% people think our system is very important and 20.9%
think it is extremely important. So, our new system is relevant.
Usages of the System and Benefit for business: Our last question was to find how often field
force and others will use the system and whether we would gain any benefit. 53.6% people
responded that they will use the new system for sure. So, more data will be stored in the system.
And data in today’s business world is very much valuable. It will help to improve the seed

6.4 Implications:

Improved Communication Channels: Improving cooperation and information sharing between

the field force, farmers, and management requires addressing the communication gap. Effective
communication channels, such as frequent updates and feedback systems, help close the gap and
promote accountability and openness. Effective lines of communication, such as frequent
updates and feedback systems, help close the gap and promote accountability and openness.

Focused Problem-Solving Approach: It is important to prioritize efforts to address seed-related

obstacles due to the high frequency of technical difficulties. Technical challenges experienced by
stakeholders can be minimized by investing in infrastructure upgrades, technical support
systems, and training programs that improve seed storage, treatment, and quality control

Simplified Problem-Solving Procedure: To solve problems quickly and effectively, the present
problem-solving procedure has to be made more effective. Operational bottlenecks may be
reduced and problem-solving skills improved by utilizing technology-enabled solutions,
standardizing standards, and streamlining workflows.
The strategic deployment of a new system: It should prioritize user training, system integration,
and continual development, given the system's perceived relevance and readiness for adoption.
The new system's utilization and potential advantages for company development and efficiency
gains may be maximized by aligning it with the recognized demands and preferences of
Data-Driven Decision Making: Making use of the new system's collected data can offer
insightful information about customer preferences, market trends, and operational performance.
Informed strategy planning, resource allocation, and performance evaluation may be facilitated
by using a data-driven approach to decision-making, which will eventually increase corporate
success and competitiveness in the seed sector.

6.5 Recommendation
Based on these findings, I recommended the following:

The Continuation of the project: The project seems to be important and has company will be
benefitted from it.
More Test Run: There should be more test run to identify any error exists in the system and to
improve the system.

7. Conclusion

7.1 Conclusion
ACI Seed provided a three-month internship that was extremely fulfilling and enriching,
providing a deep understanding of the real-world applications of the marketing profession. In
addition to enabling me to put the academic information I learned during my BBA in marketing
to use, this time has given me a great opportunity to advance both personally and professionally.

7.2 Summarization of Experiences

Practical Exposure: I gained first-hand knowledge of market research, digital marketing tactics,
and consumer behavior analysis while working on a variety of initiatives, particularly the
Consumer Insight Initiative.
Enhancement of Skills: I now possess a wide range of skills, including improved communication
skills, analytical aptitude, strategic thinking, and a better comprehension of digital marketing
Professional Networking: Having the chance to speak with and collaborate with business leaders
in the field has broadened my professional network and given me new perspectives on the
workings of the marketing industry.
7.3 Learning Outcomes

1. Application of Academic Knowledge: I was able to better comprehend marketing ideas

by making connections between classroom theories and practical marketing activities
through my internship.
2. Knowledge of Industry Trends: With practical experience, I was able to comprehend the
issues and developments that the marketing industry is facing today, especially
about digital marketing.
3. Determination about My Career: This experience has helped me make a firm decision to
work in digital marketing, which will direct my future academic and professional

7.4 Overall Impact of The Internship

My career path has been greatly influenced by the internship. It has strengthened my enthusiasm
for marketing and equipped me for the opportunities and difficulties of this rapidly evolving
field. The information and abilities I've gained over this time are priceless resources that will
help me in my future undertakings. To sum up, my internship with ACI Seed has been a life-
changing opportunity that has greatly aided in my professional growth and preparedness for a
future in marketing.

8. Recommendation:
I propose the following recommendations for enhancements in upcoming internships based on
my observations of Bangladesh University Professionals' BBA Marketing program and my
experience as an intern at ACI Limited:

For the Company:

Organized Onboarding Process: Introducing a more organized intern onboarding process,

including in-depth orientation sessions, will facilitate incoming interns' quicker adjustment and
better understanding of their tasks.

Mentorship Program: Put in place a structured mentoring program wherein seasoned workers
guide interns and act as a resource for questions in order to improve the learning process.

Variety of Project Exposure: Giving interns the chance to work on a greater variety of projects in
several departments may provide them with a more comprehensive grasp of the business's

For the University:

Immersion Simulation Exercises: Based on each student's field of study, universities can design
immersive simulation exercises that imitate real-world job circumstances. Project management
tasks, crisis management scenarios, and simulated client encounters are a few examples of these
exercises. Before starting their internships, students may hone their critical thinking, problem-
solving, and collaborative abilities in a safe and controlled setting by taking part in these tasks.

Courses with Real-World Industry Tasks Integrated: Work with industry partners to create
courses that combine classroom instruction with actual industry tasks. These classes can give
students actual experience working on projects that are closely connected to their field of study,
giving them insights and skills that they can use right away in their internships. Industry partners
can also provide networking events, mentorship opportunities, and guest lectures.


Mallick, S., Datta, A., & Kuwornu, J. K. (2018). Vegetable Seed Marketing—An Overview of
Challenges and Opportunities. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 24(1), 10-28.
Copeland, L. O., McDonald, M. B., Copeland, L. O., & McDonald, M. B. (2001). Seed
Marketing. Principles of Seed Science and Technology, 380-389.

Patil, E. S. W., & Sukhadane, C. S. (2016). Marketing Strategies for Sustainable Growth and
Business of Seed Industry in Maharashtra. International Journal of Engineering and
Management Research (IJEMR), 6(1), 370-372.

Survey Form:
Questions and Response:
Social Media Campaigns:

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