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Physics 2

Quarter 4
Self-Learning Module 7
Geometric Optics:
Reflection at Plane and Spherical Mirrors
This module is about GEOMETRIC OPTICS: Reflection at Plane and
Spherical Mirror. After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. relate properties of mirrors and lenses (radii of curvature, focal length,

index of refraction (for lenses) to image and object distance and sizes; and
2. determine graphically and mathematically the type (virtual/real),
magnification, location, and orientation of an image of a point and extended
object produced by a plane or spherical mirror.

Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1.How do you describe the image formed by a plane mirror?

A.The image is virtual, behind the mirror, and enlarged

B.The image is virtual, behind the mirror, and of the same size as the object

C.The image is real, at the surface of the mirror and enlarged

D.The image is real, behind the mirror, and of the same size as the object
2. What is the focal length of a spherical mirror with a radius of curvature of 30 cm
A. 10 cm B. 15 cm C. 20 cm D. 30 cm
3. Where should an object be placed in a concave mirror to form a real image larger
than the object?
A. at a distance equal to the radius of curvature
B. at a distance less than the focal length
C. between focus and center of curvature
D. at a distance greater than the radius of curvature
4. What is the distance of the image if an object is placed at a large distance in front
of a concave mirror of a radius of curvature of 40 cm?
A. 20 cm B. 30 cm C. 40 cm D. 50 cm
5. A spherical, concave shaving mirror has a radius of curvature of 32 cm. What is
the magnification of a person’s face when it is 11 cm to the left of the vertex of the
A. + 3.31 cm B. -3.31 cm C. +3.2 cm D. -3.2 cm
What is meant by “reflection of light”? Define the following terms used in the study
of reflection of light by drawing a labeled ray diagram

A. Incident ray
B. Point of incidence
C. Normal
D. Reflected ray
E. Angle of incidence
F. Angle of reflection


In optics, the concept of ‘object’ has a special meaning. By an object, we mean

anything from which light rays radiate. Objects such as the glowing filament of light
emit light on their own, on the other hand, light could be emitted by another source
like the sun and then reflected from the object. The objects can be very small objects
referred to as point objects or large objects referred to as extended objects. Both
types of objects will be used in drawing ray diagrams for the formation of images.
Point objects similar to point sources of light or a pin are represented by a “dot” while
an “arrow pointing upwards” is used to represent extended objects (insert photo)

When we talk about image, optics refers to an optical appearance produced when
light rays coming from an object are reflected from a mirror or refracted from a lens.
When we look at the mirror, we see the ‘reflection’ of our face which is called the
image of our face. That being the case, ‘our face” is the object and the ‘image’ is what
we see in the mirror. The images are of two types: real images and virtual images.
The image which can be obtained on a screen like those seen on the screen of
cinemas is called a real image. It is formed when light rays coming from an object
meet at a point after reflection from a mirror (or refraction through a lens). Real
images can be formed by a concave mirror and a convex lens. The image which
cannot be obtained on a screen is called a virtual image, which can be seen only by
looking into the mirror or a lens. It is formed when light rays coming from an object
only appear to meet at a point when produced backward (but do not meet) after
reflection from a mirror (or refraction through a lens). A plane mirror and convex
mirror always form virtual images. A concave mirror can form a virtual image only
when the object is in focus.

Figure 1 shows how to find the precise location of the virtual image P’ that a plane
mirror forms of an object at P. Let’s say a small object P (say, a point source of light)
placed in front of a plane mirror (see Figure 1) The object P gives out light rays in all
directions and two rays of light can be used to locate the image P’. Now, a ray of light
PQ coming from the object P is incident on the plane mirror at point Q and it gets
reflected in the direction QR according to the laws of reflection of light making the
angle of reflection r1 equal to the angle of incidence i1 as shown in Figure 1

Figure 1-Formation of Image in a plane mirror. The image point P’ is as far behind the mirror as
the object point P’ is in front of the mirror.

Another ray of light PR coming from the object P strikes the mirror at point R and
gets reflected in the direction RT, again making the angle of reflection r2 equal to the
angle of incidence i2. The two reflected rays QS and RT are diverging (moving away
from one another), so they cannot meet on the left side. Let us produce the reflected
rays QS and RT backward (as shown by dotted lines. They meet at point P’ behind
the mirror. Now, when the reflected rays QS and RT enter the eye of a person, the
eye sees the rays of light in the straight-line direction in which the reflected rays
enter it. So, the person looking into the mirror sees the reflected rays as if they are
coming from the point P’ behind the mirror (because P’ is the point of intersection of
the reflected rays when produced backward to the right side). Thus, point P’ is the
image of the object P formed by the plane mirror. For example, if our face is at
position P in front of the plane mirror, then we will see the image of our face in the
mirror at point P’. Please note that the image formed by a plane mirror can be seen
only by looking into the mirror. So, if a screen is placed at position P’, no image would
be formed on it because the light rays do not pass through the point P’, they only
appear to do so. An image of this type, which cannot be received on a screen, is
known as a virtual image. Another point to be noted is that the light rays shown by
dotted lines behind the mirror are only imaginary light rays. There can be no real
light rays behind a mirror because it has a silvered reflecting surface at its back
(covered with paint) which does not allow light rays to pass a Plane mirror.
Figure 2- The object distance d is equal to image distance d’


When you put a large number of point objects you have an extended object. Various
points of the objects correspond to a collection of image points which is the image of
an extended object. Let us describe how a plane mirror constructs the image of an
extended object

Figure 3: Construction for determining the position and height of an image formed by reflection at a plane

In our ray diagrams, we will use an ‘arrow pointing upwards’ to represent an

extended object (or finite object). In Figure 3, an extended object PQ (an arrow
pointing upwards) is placed in front of a plane mirror. The location of the image of
arrow PQ in the plane mirror is described in the following steps: (i) From point P, we
draw an incident ray PR perpendicular to the mirror (see Figure 3). This will be
reflected along the same path. So, RP is the first reflected ray. We now draw another
incident ray that strikes the mirror at point D. The ray PS is reflected along ST,
making an angle of reflection (r1) equal to the angle of incidence (i1). The second
reflected ray is ST. We produce the two reflected rays RP and ST backward by dotted
lines. They meet at point P’. So, P’ is the virtual image of the top point P of the object.
(ii) From point Q, we draw an incident ray QU perpendicular to the mirror.

This will be reflected along the same path, giving the reflected ray UQ. Another
incident ray QV is reflected along VW making the angle of reflection (r2) equal to the
angle of incidence (i2). We produce the two reflected rays UQ and VW backward by
dotted lines. They meet at point Q’. So, Q is the virtual image of the bottom point Q
of the object. In this way, we have located the images of the top point P and bottom
point Q of the object. Now, each point of the object (or arrow) between P and Q will
give a point image that will lie between the points P’ and Q’. So, to get the complete
image of object PQ, we join the points P’ and Q’ by a dotted line. Thus, P’Q’ is the
complete image of the object PQ which has been formed by the plane mirror (see
Figure 3). The image is virtual, erect (the same side up as the object, because both
the object and image have an arrowhead at the top), and of the same size as the

The image PQ has been drawn by dotted line just to show that it is a virtual image.
Thus, the nature of an image formed by a plane mirror is virtual and erect, the size
of the object is equal to the size of the image formed. The position of the image is at
the same distance behind the plane mirror as the object (arrow) is in front of the
mirror. For example, if an object is placed at a distance of 10 cm in front of a plane
mirror, then its image will also be formed at a distance of 10 cm behind the mirror.
The total distance between the object and its image will be 10 + 10= 20 cm. That is,
the object will be at a distance of 20 cm from its image.


Figure 4: The image formed by a plane mirror is reversed, the image of a right hand is a left hand and so on;
the images of the letters R, E, D are also reversed

If we stand in front of the mirror, the right side of our body becomes the left side in
the image, and so on. It appears as if our image has been ‘reversed sideways’ with
respect to our body and this effect is called lateral inversion.

To sum up, the image formed in a plane mirror is virtual. It cannot be projected on
a screen. The image formed in a plane mirror is erect, the same side up as the object,
the same size as the object, at the same distance behind the mirror as the object is
in front of the mirror, and is laterally inverted (or sideways reversed).

Terms associated with spherical mirrors:

Concave Mirror- the bent-in surface or concave side faces the incident light. The
inner shining surface of a steel spoon is an example of a concave mirror (see Figure

Figure 5a Reflecting surface of a concave mirror

Convex mirror- the bulging-out surface or the convex side faces the incident light.
The backside of a shining steel spoon is an example of a convex mirror (see Figure

Figure 5b: Reflecting surface of a convex mirror

Center of curvature- is the center of the sphere of which the mirror is a part and is
at C. The center of curvature is not a part of the mirror. It lies outside the reflecting
surface of the mirror. The center of curvature for concave mirrors is in front of it
while the convex mirror is behind it.

The radius of curvature- the radius of the hollow sphere of a glass of which the
mirror is a part, represented by R. In Figure 1(a), the distance CV is the radius of
curvature of the concave mirror and likewise in Figure 2(b), for a convex mirror.

Vertex- the center of the mirror surface and is at V.

Principal axis. is normal or perpendicular to the mirror at its vertex.

Figure 6 center of curvature, a radius of curvature and vertex in spherical mirrors

The Principal Focus and Focal length of a Concave Mirror

The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on its principal axis where all
parallel light rays converge after being reflected from a concave mirror. In figure 7,
point F is the principal focus because all parallel light rays converge at this point
after being reflected from a concave mirror. Since a concave mirror converges light
rays, it is also called a converging mirror. Moreover, a concave mirror has a real focus
since all the reflected light rays pass through the focus (F). The focal length of a
concave mirror is the distance between the vertex and principal focus and in figure
7 the distance VF is the focal length and is denoted by the letter f.

Figure 7: A concave mirror converges (come together) parallel light rays.

The Principal Focus and Focal length of a Convex Mirror

The principal focus of a convex mirror is a point in its principal axis from which
parallel light rays appear to diverge after being reflected from the convex mirror.
Since a convex mirror diverges light rays, it is also called a diverging mirror. It
should be noted that the reflected rays do not pass through the focus
(F) of a convex mirror, therefore a convex mirror has a virtual focus and is located
behind the mirror, in figure 8 it is at point F. The focal length of a convex mirror is
the distance between the vertex and principal focus and in figure 8 the distance VF
is the focal length and is denoted by the letter f.

Figure 8 A convex mirror diverges (spreads out) parallel light rays.

Sign Rules applicable to plane and spherical mirrors

1. Object distance- When the object is on the same side of the reflecting or
refracting surface as the incoming light, object distance d o is positive;
otherwise; it is negative
2. Image distance- when the image is on the same side of the reflecting surface
as the outgoing light, image distance di is positive; otherwise; it is negative
3. the radius of curvature of spherical surface- when the center of curvature C
is on the same side as the reflected light, the radius of curvature is positive,
otherwise; it is negative.


We can determine the properties of the image by a simple graphical method. This
method consists of finding the point of intersection of a few particular rays that
diverge from a point of the object and are reflected by the mirror. Then all rays from
this object point that strike the mirror will intersect at the same point.

The 4 rays that we can usually draw easily are as follows

1. A ray parallel to the axis, after reflection, passes through the focal point F of
a concave mirror or appears to come from the (virtual) focal point of a
convex mirror.
2. A ray through (or proceeding toward) the focal point F is reflected parallel to
the axis.
3. A ray along the radius through or away from the center of curvature C
intersects the surface and is reflected along its original path.
4. A ray to the vertex V is reflected forming equal angles with the principal axis.

Figure 9: The graphical method of locating an image formed by a concave

mirror. The colors of the rays are for identification purposes only.

(a) Principal rays for a concave mirror

Ray 1- Ray parallel to principal axis reflects through the focal point (F)
Ray 2- Ray that passes through the focal point (F) reflects parallel to the principal

Ray 3- Ray that passes through the center of curvature intersects the surface and
reflects along its original path.

Ray 4- Ray that hits the vertex reflects is reflected forming equal angles with the
principal axis.
Figure 10: The graphical method of locating an image formed by a convex mirror.
The colors of the rays are for identification purposes only.

(b) Principal rays for convex mirror

Ray 1- reflected parallel ray appears to come from a focal point

Ray 2- Ray toward the focal point reflects parallel to the principal axis

Ray 3- Ray that passes through the center of curvature intersects the surface and
reflects along its original path.

Ray 4- Ray that hits the vertex reflects is reflected forming equal angles with the
principal axis.


A formula that gives the relationship between image distance (di), object distance
(do), and focal length (f) of a spherical mirror is known as the mirror formula. The
mirror formula can be written as

1/Image distance + 1/object distance = 1/focal length

or 1/di +1/do = 1/f

where: di = distance of the image from the mirror

do = distance of the object from the mirror

and f = focal length of the object
The focal length f is related to the radius of curvature R by

f = R/2


The size of the image relative to the object or the ratio of the height of an image to
the height of the object is given by the linear magnification. That is:

magnification = height of image/height of object

or m= hi/ho
where: m= magnification hi= height of image ho = height of object

A concave mirror can form images that are smaller than the object; equal to the
object or larger than the object. Hence, magnification can be less than 1, equal to 1,
or more than 1. A convex mirror forms images which are always smaller than the
object, hence magnification is always less than 1. A plane mirror forms images which
are always of the same size as the object, hence the magnification is always 1.
We can also write another formula for calculating the magnification produced by a
spherical mirror in terms of object distance and image distance. The linear
magnification is also equal to the ratio of the image distance to the object distance,
with a negative sign. The negative sign is needed because the object and image are
on opposite sides of the principal axis. That is:

magnification = -image distance/object distance

or m =-di/do

where m= magnification di = distance of image do = distance of image

We now have 2 formulas for calculating the magnification

m = hi/ho and m = -di/do


m = hi/ho = -di/do
Figure 11 The position, orientation, and height of an image formed by a concave


Sample Problem 1: A concave mirror has a radius of curvature with an absolute
value of 30 cm. Find graphically the image of an object in the form of an arrow
perpendicular to the axis of the mirror at object distances of (a) 40 cm (b) 30 cm
(c) 20 cm (d) 15 cm (e) 10 cm
A. Graphical Method to Analyze the Image Formed by Concave Mirror
a. Construction for do = 40 cm (beyond center of curvature)

b. Construction for do = 30 cm (at center of curvature)

c. Construction for do = 20 cm (between the center of curvature and focus)

d.Construction for do = 15 cm (at focus)

e. Construction for do =10 cm (between focus and vertex)

B. Calculations to Analyze the Image Formed by Concave Mirror

R= +30 cm f = R/2 = +15 cm

di = image distances
m=lateral magnification


(a) 1/40 cm + 1/di = 1/15 cm di = 24 cm

(b) 1/30cm + 1/di = 1/15 cm di = 30 cm
(c) 1/20 cm + 1/di = 1/15 cm di = 60 cm
(d) 1/15 cm + 1/di = 1/15 cm di = at infinity
(e) 1/10 cm + i/di = 1/15 cm di = -30 cm
m= - di/do = -24 cm/40 cm =-0.6 cm

m= -di/do = -30 cm/30 cm = -1.0 cm

m= -di/do = -60 cm/20 cm = -3.0 cm

m = -di/do = -∞/15 cm = - ∞ or (+∞)

m = -di/do = -(-30 cm)/ 10 cm = + 3.0 cm


Ally was cleaning her room when she glanced at herself in a silvered Christmas tree
ornament 1.0 m away. The diameter of the ornament is 8.0 cm. Ally’s height is 1.60
m. Where and how tall is the image of Ally formed by the ornament? Is erect or

The relationship among the object distance, image distance, focal length, and
magnification are the same as concave mirrors, and provided we used the sign rules
consistently. The radius of curvature and the focal length of a convex mirror is

do = 1.0 m = 100 cm

ho = 1.6 cm

The radius of the mirror (half of the diameter) is R = -8.0 cm/2 = -4.0 cm, hence the
focal length f = R/2 = -2.0 cm


di= ? hi = ?

1/do + 1/di = 1/f

1/di = 1/f - 1/do = 1/-2.0cm - 1/100 cm

di = -1.96 cm
Because the distance of the image is negative, the image is behind the mirror,
which is on the side opposite of the outgoing light and it is virtual. The image is
about halfway between the front surface of the ornament and its center

The lateral magnification and the image height are

m = di/do = -hi/ho = - (-1.96 cm)/100 cm = 0.0196 cm

hi = m x ho = .0196 cm x 160 cm = 3.14 cm
Quarter 4: Week: 3 Day: 1
Title of the Activity: Let’s Get to Know Plane Mirrors
Activity no. 1

Learning Competencies: relate properties of plane mirrors to image and object

distance and sizes

Direction: Please answer the following briefly

1. What kind of mirror is needed for obtaining a virtual image of the same size
as the object?
2. What is the name of the phenomenon in which the right side of an object
appears to be the left side of the image in a plane mirror?
3. When we sit in front of a plane mirror and write with our right hand, it
appears in the mirror that we are writing with the left hand. What is the
phenomenon responsible for the effect?
4. A candle 5.0 cm tall is 50 cm to the left of a plane mirror. Where is the image
formed by the mirror and what is the height of this image?
5. A pencil that is 10.0 cm long is held perpendicular to the surface of a plane
mirror with the tip of the pencil lead 12.0 cm from the mirror surface and
the end of the eraser 21.0 cm from the mirror surface. What is the length of
the image of the pencil that is formed by the mirror? Which end of the image
is closer to the mirror surface: the tip of the lead or the end of the eraser?

Quarter 4: Week: 3 Day: 1

Title of the Activity: Reflection at a Spherical Mirrors

Activity no. 2

Learning Competencies: Determine graphically and mathematically the type

(virtual/real), magnification, location, and orientation of an image of a point and
extended object produced by a plane or spherical mirror.

Directions: Solve the following Problems:

1. A toy 0.650 cm tall is placed 16.0 cm to the left of the vertex of a concave mirror
with a radius of curvature of 22.0 cm.

A. Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of the image of the toy.
B. Determine the position, size, orientation, and nature (real or virtual)
of the image

2. An image of the coin 1.5 cm tall is formed 6.50 cm behind the convex mirror.
The radius of curvature of the convex mirror is 17.0 cm.
A. Where is the coin located? Draw a ray diagram to show the location of the
coin and the formation of the image of the coin.
B. Determine the size, orientation, and nature (real or virtual) of the image.

1. Give all the characteristics of an image formed by Plane Mirror

2. Fill out the table below on the Summary of Images formed by Concave Mirror

Object Distance Image Distance Size of Image Nature of Image

1. Between
vertex and

2. At focus

3. Between
focus and
center of

4. At the
center of

5. Beyond the
center of

6. At infinity

3. Complete the table on the Summary of Images Formed by Convex Mirror

Object Distance Image Distance Size of Image Nature of Image

Anywhere vertex
and infinity

Marissa was driving her car to her office along with Urbano Velasco when she saw a
man behind her on a motorcycle through her rear-view mirror. A woman was also
sitting behind the man on the motorcycle. Marissa noticed from her rear-view mirror,
that the shawl of the woman was almost touching the spokes of the motorcycle wheel.
She signaled the motorcyclist to stop and alerted the woman. The woman instantly
wore her shawl properly so that it won’t hang loosely near the spokes of the
motorcycle and thanked Marissa for the alert.

(a) What kind of mirror is used by Marissa as a rear-view mirror?

(b) State two characteristics of the image formed by such a rear-view mirror?
(c) What could have happened if Marissa had not alerted the woman sitting at the
back of the motorcycle?
(d) What values are displayed by Marissa in this incident?

Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. A man stands 10 m in front of a large plane mirror. How far must he walk
before he is 5m away from his image?
A. 10 cm B. 7.5 m C. 5 m D. 2.5 m
2. What is the focal length of the mirror if an object 3 cm high is placed at a
distance of 8 cm from a concave mirror which produces a virtual image 4.5 cm
A. 21 cm B. 22 cm D. 23 cm D. 24 cm

3. Which of the following distances should a person hold his face from a concave
mirror with a focal length of 25 cm so that it may act as a shaving mirror?
A. 45 cm B. 20 cm C. 25 cm D. 30 cm

4. What is the distance of the image if an object is placed at a large distance in

front of a concave mirror of a radius of curvature of 40 cm?
A. 20 cm B. 30 cm C. 40 cm D. 50 cm
5. What is the distance and the radius of curvature of a convex mirror used as a
rear-view mirror in a moving car is 2.0 m? A truck is coming from behind it at a
distance of 3.5 m.
A. 0.77 m behind the mirror C. 7.7 m behind the mirror
B. 0.77 m in front of the mirror D. 7.7 m in front of the mirror

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