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Put the correct form of the word in brackets into the blank.

1. The lounges at airports are always full (DEPART)
2. Will was late for his so he asked me to drive him there (APPOINT)
3. Thanks for looking after my dog. I’m really (GREAT)
4. I’m asking for your ! (FORGIVE)
5. Doug is such a . I never believe a word he says (LIE)
6. Lying to your dad like that was really (HONEST)
7. My brother is but that doesn’t stop him from doing a lot of sports (ABLE)
8. I haven’t got the to go up to a stranger at a party and introduce myself
9. My with Chris lasted for over a year (RELATION)
10. Liz has got a really lively (PERSON)
11. My uncle has an amazing mental (ABLE)
12. I gave the shop the money and left (ASSIST)
13. The company has to start selling its goods in China (PERMIT)
14. The in this place is absolutely terrible. I want to see the manager (SERVE)
15. Could you help me with my ? (DECIDE)
16. I read a of all the supermarkets, but this one is the best (COMPARE)
17. Before you borrow any money from the bank you have to make a about whether
you can pay it back or not (JUDGE)
18. My grandmother had no idea that her old vase was so (VALUE)
19. Companies should always tell the in advertisements (TRUE)
20. Credit cards are really but you have to be careful with them (USE)
Body language is a very ______ form of communication. EFFECT
Some _____ expressions, in particular, can be understood FACE
all around the world. If we find something , for DISGUST
example, we wrinkle up our noses. Anyone watching
_____ knows how we feel. IMMEDIATE
All people smile, and a smile is likely to get a positive
______. It can, however, be obvious when you don't mean REACT
it. When you _____ smile, muscles around your eyes GENUINE
automatically contract, but these muscles are difficult to
control . An authentic smile fades quickly,too, CONSCIOUS
while an artificial smile will _____ last longer. USUAL
The we make when we are angry, sad and EXPRESS
scared are also common to most cultures. Despite all the
_____ languages spoken in the world, we can still DIFFER
communicate using this language of facial UNIVERSE
However, you sometimes need to be . Certain CARE
gestures can vary, even within a single country. For example
Italians gesturing "yes" tilt their heads forward, SOUTH

never back, whereas people in the north nod by TILT

the head backwards and forwards. Sometimes, this can be
very . CONFUSE

Use the following endings : -age, -hood, -ation, -ion, -ful, -ence, -ency , -ness, -al, -(er)y, -ment ,
- ety, -ism , -ity , -ing , -ior
1. I decided this. It was my .
2. Don’t be so anxious. Control your .
3. Ann’s a socialist. She believes in .
4. We all want to be happy. We seek .
5. We all agree. We’re all in
6. Who discovered this? Who made this ?
7. We’ll all arrive. We’ll be met on .
8. I was a child then. It happened in my .
9. She is absent. Can you explain her ?
10. I’ll post this. What’s the ?

11. Be more efficient. Improve your ______.

12. Don’t be so curious. Control your ______.
13. I refused their offer. My _____ is final.
14. I warned you. I gave you enough ______.
15. Put it in your mouth. Take one _______.
16. Can you explain it? Is there an _______.
17. They tried him. I was at the ______.
18. Don’t argue. I don’t want an ______.
19. I don’t like the way you behave. Your ______ is impossible.
20. You can be active here. Choose any ______ you want.

It is easy to assume that life as a top sports star is both easy

and glamorous. But this is to completely UNDERSTAND
the reality of what goes on behind the scenes. From a very
early age athletes must be absolutely to their COMMIT
But on its own is not enough - hey need to DETERMINE

be very in order to succeed, and must never AMBITION

allow themselves to be by setbacks. COURAGE

sports stars can, of course, become very wealthy, SUCCESS

in to being world-famous, but can be at a severe ADD

in their social development. It is therefore ADVANTAGE

important to that they receive a reasonably SURE

balanced upbringing and to their experience beyond BROAD

the daily grind of practice and in order to COMPETE

them to deal with the constant pressures that ABLE

success can bring.

Read the following text and fill in the gaps with an appropriate form of the word at the end of
each line.

Although my two sisters have a mother , we are DIFFER

definitely . LIKE

This is not just a matter of though we are small APPEAR

with curly hair and a to overeat and put on weight. TEND

The goes much further than that. Throughout RESEMBLE

our we were brought up to be very adaptable and CHILD

our to accept change is another characteristic we share. ABLE

Another would be . We all hate parties where you SHY

have to walk into a of strange faces. We are all ROOM

interested in wearing clothes and we often share FASHION

our clothes. , this causes arguments. We really FORTUNE

should come to some about who can borrow what AGREE

from whom.

Three or four cups of coffee a day may not sound (EXCESS) , yet some of the minor
symptoms many of us experience (like headaches , indigestion or high blood (PRESS) ) may
be related to caffeine (TAKE). A cup of real coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine . It
stimulates the (NERVE) system , heart and kidneys . Heavy coffee (CONSUME) is
likely to produce a general (FEEL) of anxiety.

The effects that caffeine has on the human body depends to some extent on personality
and (PSYCHOLOGY) factors. People, for example , who take tranquillizers are
often (SENSE) to caffeine. Drinking more coffee only makes their symptoms worse.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1. She chose light-coloured furniture to up her dark room (BRIGHT)
2. The police released a of the wanted man (DESCRIBE)
3. The spectators with the referee’s decision and threw plastic bottles onto the pitch .
4. I had to his phone number because I didn't have anything to write it down
5. The new laser treatment can extract teeth (PAIN).
6. An ideal friend should be and there for us when we need him (THOUGHT)
7. Four people died in a accident due to road conditions (FATE, ICE)
8. Local residents are angry because accidents have already happened there
9. We told the children to look both ways before crossing the road (CAUTION)
10. can be an enjoyable experience, even if more and more couples are deciding to

11. The teacher told the children to hand in their no later than Friday (ASSIGN)
12. Dianne was refused to the club because she was under age (ENTER)
13. The manager is very generous to all of his staff, of their position (REGARD)
14. Melina was very about picking up her new scooter (ENTHUSIASM)
15. The is trying to find a solution to the crisis (POLITICS, DIPLOMAT)
16. Even though he’s already 21, he is still (MATURE)
17. The firefighter was given a medal for the rescue of a little boy (HERO)
18. I do not know what to do now that my friends are gone. I’ll probably die of (BORE)
19. In the early 1960s a new craze called skateboarding swept through the cities of the
United States (COAST)
20. I heard that neither of the was found guilty in yesterday’s trial (DEFEND)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1. I didn't correct your writing because it was simply (LEGIBLE)
2. We would like to point out the between the two types of engines (SIMILAR)
3. The teacher was very annoyed at Tom because he's so in class (OBEY)
4. Are you sure you did'’t him? He can’t have said that (UNDERSTAND)
5. Homework makes a lot of students , some even become sick (ANXIETY)
6. Vicky's at work was noticed so the boss called her at home (ABSENT)
7. Although I liked living with my family I didn't like the lack of (PRIVATE)
8. Parking space in the city is due to the of car parks (ADEQUATE, SHORT)
9. Despite being a camper I find the in this forest almost
10. I called to apologize for the I had caused (CONVENIENT)

11. The of that lake has never been measured (DEEP)

12. The doctor advised me to exercise a lot in order to my back muscles (STRONG)
13. Many flights were delayed today, causing growing among the passengers
14. was down to five metres due to the thick fog (VISIBLE)
15. They depended on growing farm crops for their (LIVELY)
16. Can you sign this document, please? Don’t worry , it's just a (FORMAL)
17. Violent, trouble-causing hooligans are a among football fans (MINOR)
18. The new machine does not only remove dust from the air, it also controls the
19. Janet anything I do. We simply can’t get along with each other (LIKE)
20. There has been a change in his lately (NOTICE, BEHAVE)

Use the words at the end of the sentence to make a new word that fits into the blank!

She was very and hoped to be a lawyer before she reached 35 (AMBITION)
I don’t think we’ll go down to the beach today. It’s too (CLOUD)
The Times is perhaps the most famous paper in the UK (DAY)
The prisoner escaped to by hiding in the boot of the car (FREE)
I think the most thing to do is to wait a bit longer before buying the house (SENSE)
My neighbours were very kind and when my husband died (SYMPATHY)
He has the to become a professional football player (ABLE)
Is it to drive a car when you’re 16 (LAW)
What started as quickly turned into love (FRIEND)
People watched in as the helicopter crashed nearby (HORRIBLE)
Switzerland and Austria are very countries (MOUNTAIN)
The police are still looking into the mysterious of the young woman (APPEAR)
There is only one snake in Great Britain (POISON)
We decided to take the flat because it was quite large and the rent was very (REASON)
What sort of fish is this? It’s completely (TASTE)
Freedom from should be a human right (POOR)
They say that between companies helps keep prices down (COMPETE)
This part of the country is well-known as an area of great (BEAUTIFUL)
Is the from Earth to Mars the same as from Earth to Venus? (DISTANT)
Their was delayed because of bad weather (DEPART)

Use the words at the end of the sentence to make a new word that fits into the blank!

The of the river at this point is about 5 metres (DEEP)

The new pop group was so successful in Britain that their spread to the USA (FAMOUS)
Although she was poor, her wouldn’t allow her to accept any form of charity (PROUD)
She seemed friendly, but in she was only after his money (REAL)
There is a great of houses in most major cities (SHORT)
Is there any in the rumour that the Prime Minister is stepping down (TRUE)
The children’s at the party was dreadful (BEHAVE)
We can’t stay all day. We have to make a soon (DECIDE)
The bombs caused terrible (DESTROY)
We had to get special to leave early (PERMIT)
I want of your love to me. Lend me € 1000 !(PROVE)
The at the hotel was excellent (SERVE)
The more rises the less popular the government is going to get (EMPLOY)
His ended in a complete disaster. (MARRY)
The of the computer has had an enormous effect on peoples’ lives (INVENT)
She made an to see her bank manager in the morning (ARRANGE)
We tried to get home before set in because I don’t like driving at night (DARK)
Do you get free dental in your country (TREAT)
Although it is , I don’t think there will be true equality between men and women (DESIRE)
The of foreign languages, especially French, is required for the job (KNOW)

Fill in the spaces in the text using a form of the word in brackets.

It is no (EXAGGERATE) to say that the world has become a global village. Modern
methods of (COMMUNICATE) have made the world much smaller and the problems we
face, such as (POLLUTE) are not restricted to this country. The (DESTROY) of
the rainforests in Brazil is everyone's problem and the (STARVE) which is common in
many African countries is a challenge for Europe too. The (EXTINCT) of rare species is a
tragedy for the planet as a whole and the (EXHAUST) of oil supplies will shake
the (FOUND) of the world's economy.

The (PROTECT) of the environment is the (RESPONSIBLE) of all nations,

rich and poor. However , uncontrolled economic (COMPETE) between strong and weak
nations leads to the (CREATE) of greater (EQUAL) between the rich and poor
nations of the world.

Use the word at the end of the sentence to form a new word that fits into the blank !
1. I wouldn't accept him as a business partner because he is completely (RELY).
2. Have you ever seen the Prime Minister's official (RESIDE)
3. Whenever I meet my old teacher I greet him (RESPECT)
4. You can't be so if you want people to like you (SELF)
5. Kurdish organized a demonstration last week (SEPARATE)
6. Your ideas are interesting but you must the language. Nobody can understand it
7. This cafe in ice-cream (SPECIAL)
8. I appreciate the of this material, but its too expensive. (SOFT)
9. He was won the competition for five years. (SUCCEED)
10. I have to make my final by next Monday (DECIDE)
11. Don't be so of my work (CRITIC)
12. When they searched the postman's house they found bags full of letters
13. I am unable to between the different kinds of perfume. Everything smells the
same (DIFFER)
14. Why don't you check the number in the phone (DIRECT)
15. Good is the key to success (EDUCATE)
16. We are aiming at cooperation between our two firms (EFFECT)
17. Lech Walesa was the personality during the changes that took place in Poland
18. We must call an to repair the heater. (ELECTRIC)
19. He is a kind and understandable who cares for his workers (EMPLOY)
20. I like the book although it is an of the story I had read earlier (EXPAND)

Use the word at the end of the sentence to form a new word that fits into the blank !
1. Unfortunately, your illness is (CURE).
2. Please don't tell me any more lies. It is very (HONEST)
3. You won't be paid very much as an worker (SKILL)
4. His arguments are so it's impossible to have a decent discussion with him (LOGIC)
5. The traffic problem in the city has improved (EXPECT)
6. The judge told him it was to drink and banned him for a year (RESPOND)
7. Please make the cheque to John Brown (PAY)
8. Such a small car is for longer journeys (SUIT)
9. Please put out your cigarette. There's an over there (ASH)
10. My boss continually his position by getting me to do things that I really am not
supposed to do (USE)
11. He holds strong and is ready to defend them at any time (BELIEVE)
12. James Bond was a hero of mine (BOY)
13. Congratulations ! All the you have made turned out to be correct (CALCULATE)
14. Two soldiers and eighteen were killed in the attack (CIVIL)
15. I found this offer among the ads in the paper (CLASS).
16. I have my letter of application and a CV (CLOSE)
17. I seem to have my car keys. I can't find them anywhere (LAY)
18. We have just been shown another example of killings (SENSE)
19. We don't have any avocados. There seems to be a at the moment (SHORT)
20. The long rainy journey was the first of many that awaited her (HARD)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals!
1. Despite being a passionate camper, I find the (DARK) in this forest
2. In order to (BROAD) your shoulders you have to do many push-ups at the gym.
3. She didn't like the colour of her hair so she decided to (DARK) it.
4. The suspect was released because of lack of (EVIDENT) against him.
5. Being unable to meet John , I rang to apologise for the (CONVENIENT) I had
caused him.
6. (FLUENT) in at least two languages is essential if you want to become an
7. The town council placed (RESTRICT) on the water supply due to a
(SHORT) of water that year.
8. There are many (COMPLAIN) about the (ADEQUATE) of facilities for
the handicapped.
9. The government attempted to reduce (VIOLENT) by increasing police patrols.
10. The (DEEP) of that lake has never been measured.
11. To calculate the area of the room you have to multiply its (LONG) by its
12. The doctor advised me to exercise in order to (STRONG) my muscles.
13. Amanda is (LIKE) to lose any weight, as she has a (WEAK) for sweets
and junk food.
14. Many (FLY) were delayed today, causing growing (PATIENT) among the
15. In some countries the percentage of (LITERATE) is still very high.

Use the word at the end of the sentence to form a new word that fits into the blank !

1. The made it clear that it wasn't his last book (NOVEL).

2. We normally don't trust (POLITICS) .
3. What kind of am I to take to cure my disease (MEDICINE).
4. It was a big compared to his last match (IMPROVE).
5. Everybody is worried about the of the rainforest (DESTROY)
6. The police were told by their where to find the criminal (INFORM)
7. He received many medals for his acts of during the war (HERO).
8. This knife won't cut. It needs (SHARP).
9. John turned up on the wrong day because of a (UNDERSTAND)
10. She got very angry but later on apologised for her (PATIENT).
11. People living in cities often suffer from (LONELY).
12. My grandfather got a medal for his during the war (BRAVE).
13. The book contains some very nice (ILLUSTRATE).
14. Failure to apply in time may result in a of benefit (LOSE)
15. Mary suddenly fell sick so we needed a immediately (REPLACE)
16. Jackie had another with her boss. They always quarrel (AGREE).
17. Bobby Charlton was a player who played in the 1960s (LEGEND).
18. Ever since their house burned down they have been (HOME).
19. He gave me a smile because he knew he had done something wrong (DEVIL)
20. He turned out to be a very worker (USE).

Use the word at the end of the sentence to form a new word that fits into the blank !
1. Stephen King's new novel is really (REMARK).
2. Why don't you go to the police . It's the most thing to do (REASON).
3. The only for getting the job is being 18. (REQUIRE)
4. Taxi drivers are often very people (TALK).
5. Can you tell me if the disease is (INFECTION).
6. Our team didn't lose because of their great footballers (DEFENSE).
7. Please don't touch my hand. It's very where I got bruised (PAIN).
8. It was very of you to send me a postcard (THOUGHT).
9. You should be careful when using appliances (ELECTRIC).
10. My flat consists of a very living room and a kitchen (SPACE).
11. My car has back seats (REMOVE).
12. Passengers must expect delays in departures and arrivals (LONG).
13. Jean said that she had destroyed her ID card (ACCIDENT).
14. I prefer fresh food to food (FREEZE).
15. I've visited Greece for five years and I'm going there this year too (SUCCESS).
16. You wouldn't like the movie. Its too for you (CHILD).
17. Her soup tasted (HORROR).
18. She doesn't know who her father is (BIOLOGY).
19. There is no explanation for what we just saw (SCIENCE).
20. There are many parks in the US, especially in California and Florida (AMUSE).

Use the word in brackets to make a new word that fits into the blank !
1. His among fellow authors is amazing. (POPULAR)
2. The car was probably the most important of the 20th century. (INVENT)
3. helped him earn millions of dollars. (FAMOUS)
4. Her biggest strength is the she shows when she does something new. (CREATE)
5. We try to be to the needs of the customer (RESPOND)
6. The Prime Minister has promised to take steps to fight terrorism (DECIDE)
7. They live in a quiet street in the north of Chicago (SUBURB)
8. Are you taking the trip for business or ? (PLEASE)
9. It's for him to hang out with children of his age (NATURE)
10. A lot of our medicines from tropical plants (ORIGIN)
11. are looking at new evidence on how the Egyptians buried their dead (HISTORY)
12. She had an outward of calm, but she was really worried (APPEAR)
13. The Birmingham-based firm has over 300 (EMPLOY)
14. The publishers are looking for an American for his novels (TRANSLATE)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals
1. I am grateful for your help. (VALUE)
2. Single mothers get little for the hard work they do (RECOGNISE)
3. A lot of research is being done into gene manipulation (SCIENCE)
4. The organisation I work for deals with the of wildlife (PROTECT)
5. My wife has a special of animals (UNDERSTAND).
6. Your shop has an window display (IMPRESS)
7. The magazine has a of interesting articles on food (VARY)
8. His greatest was winning a gold medal at the Olympics. (ACHIEVE)
9. Everyone has been so since I lost my job (SYMPATHY)
10. There is a slight that you'll get the job (POSSIBLE)
11. The teacher asked the students to write a of the text (SUMMARISE)
12. Writing speeches for is his speciality. (POLITICS)

Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits into the blank !
Most people's political (ACTIVE) is limited to voting in an (ELECT) every
few years. Other, more (COMMIT) people regularly attend
(DEMONSTRATE) about particular political issues. Then, there are those who enter
into (CORRESPOND) with the (POLITICS) who represent them. They
may write with (REFER) to some national law which concerns them, with a
(PROPOSE) for change in party policy, or something concerned (PURE) with
local (GOVERN) - anything , in fact, which they feel deserves the (ATTEND)
of their Member of Parliament. However, waiting for a reply requires a lot of
(PATIENT) and only few people would expect a profound and lengthy (ANALYSE) of
their original letter.

Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits into the blank !

1. The plants grew quickly in the (WARM) of the greenhouse.

2. We suddenly caught (SEE) of the shiny blue sea.
3. Animals in the wild have to fight for (SURVIVE).
4. Taking a computer course has proven to be (BENEFIT) to my career.
5. I lost my keys but, (FORTUNATE), my neighbour was able to find them.
6. My brother is a extremely talented (MUSIC).
7. (HONEST) is one of the best qualities you can have.
8. We should treat all (LIFE) creatures with (KIND) and respect.
9. The aircraft reached a (HIGH) of 35,000 feet.
10. She has made (NUMBER) (USE) contacts throughout her career.
11. The company have received many (COMPLAIN) about their new products.
12. She is a very (CAUTION) driver and never goes over the speed limit.
13. I prefer to wear clothes made from (NATURE) fibres.
14. To John's (AMAZE) he won the (COMPETE).
15. Modern supermarkets offer a wide (CHOOSE) of products.

After World War II , The European Coal and Steel Community began to unite European
countries (ECONOMY) and politically in order to secure (LAST) peace. In 1957,
the six (FOUND) countries created the European Community. As time went, on more and
more countries joined the union. In 1991, the Treaty of Maastricht (FORMAL)
established the EU as a (SUCCESS) to the EC. It introduced the (DEVELOP) of a
common foreign and (SECURE) policy. For the first time, it allowed citizens to
move (FREE) within the union. In 2002, the (NATION) currencies
were (PLACE) with a single currency, the Euro. In the 21st century the
(ENLARGE) of the EU eastward welcomed 10 former Communist countries.
The EU describes (IT) as a family of democratic European countries , (COMMIT) to
working together for peace and (PROSPER). It promotes the integration of Europe

 a common currency
 the freedom of (MOVE) between member states.
 trading markets (WITH) borders
 a common foreign policy
The institutions of the EU form the framework of (COOPERATE) between the 28
member states. The European Commission engages in the day-today work of (RUN) the EU.
It is the (LEGISLATION) body of the union. Its commissioners are appointed by the
Council of Ministers , in (AGREE) with the member states, and are then approved by the
European Parliament.
The European Council, also known as the Council of Ministers , is the main (DECIDE)-
making body of the EU. It represents the interests of the member states, with each member
(BE) represented by its own ministers.

The members of the European Parliament are elected every 5 years in a Europe-wide
(ELECT) . In (ADD) to considering the Commission’s (PROPOSE) it oversees
the (IMPLEMENT) of the EU budget.

Use the words in brackets to form a new word that fits into the blanks .

1. His latest is a book on the theme of relationships . (PUBLISH)

2. will be served in the hall in the afternoon . (REFRESH)
3. Union members expressed their of the new management's offer. (APPOVE)
4. In her to answer the phone, she almost fell down the stairs . (EAGER)
5. In the safety world, a number of standard must be followed (PROCEED)
6. The of the device is what make sit so poplar (SIMPLE)
7. Most people want from their new president (LEADER)
8. The dress will take place at 9 tomorrow morning (REHEARSE).
9. I cannot comment on the statement. I am sworn to on the matter (SECRET)
10. The cost of has increased by 20% this year. (MEMBER)

11. There is no doubt a of fresh water (SHORT)

12. At the moment ,there is absolutely no that may lead to the capture of the criminal
13. His led to other team scoring the decisive goal (CARELESS)
14. There is every that process will continue to rise this year. (LIKELY)
15. He valued his too much to ever want to get married (DEPEND)
16. The new leader promised to lead the country to (PROSPER)
17. It's quite natural to experience a certain amount of on your first day on the job
18. The of the new manager sent thrills through the staffroom. (APPEAR)
19. There are several as to what happened in the meeting (INTERPRET).
20. My father's has been working for the company for over two decades (ACCOUNT)

Rewarding children
Giving children money is a common form of (MOTIVATE) used by parents with
high (EXPECT) to make their children work harder for exams. Some youngsters
receive (PAY) as high as €100 for each A grade they get at their final exams. But should
such rewards be based on exam (PERFORM) , or should they, as many parents and
teachers feel, be offered in (RECOGNIZE) of a child's efforts , (REGARD) of the

The latter approach would solve the problem of how parents reward their children with different
levels of (ABLE) . Imagine , for example , a family with one child who is
(ACADEMIC) gifted and another who has learning (DIFFICULT). The dangers of result-
related rewards for the second child are clear; with little chance of obtaining higher grades , the
withholding of promised (FINANCE) rewards would only (STRONG) the child's
feeling of (FAIL).
However, some leading educational (PSYCHOLOGY) believe that parents should rely on
their own (JUDGE) in such matters. They say that if parents feel that money will motivate
their child , then they should not be condemned for operating a system of cash payouts.

Thanks to modern medicine there are many new (TREAT) for diseases which, in the past,
were (CURE) . Many childhood (ILL), for example, have disappeared. This is due
to the use of vaccinations.
(MEDICINE) advances have also changed the way surgical operations are performed. These
are less (PAIN) for the patient than they used to be. But, (FORTUNATE), in
Third World countries , a high number of (INFECTION) diseases are still common because
of overpopulation and poor (LIFE) conditions. Malnutrition, which is caused by
(SUFFICIENT) food, is one of the many problems which can (THREAT) children's lives in
these countries.
With today's technology , there is no reason that a (SOLVE) to these problems should be
beyond our (CAPABLE).

Use the words in brackets to form a new word that fits into the blank .
According to experts, the way you spend your free time is vital to your general (HAPPY),
and (GET) the right balance is very important. It goes without saying that physical
(FIT) is the key, so everyone's leisure time should include some form of exercise, (IDEAL)
something that you find (ENJOY).

Most people also gain (SATISFY) from doing something (CREATE) , such as
painting, cooking or gardening. However, not all your free time (ACTIVE) should be
solitary or you may end up feeling lonely . (COMPANION) is also important to most
people's sense of well-being. But you must find the right kind of social
(INTERACT) . (MEMBER) in some groups , such as (POLITICS) parties can
simply lead to stress and (FRUSTRATE) . Joining a (SOCIETY) group like a choir
or a dance classes likely to be much more (BENEFIT).

(Up to Advance WF 47)

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