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Today is Monday, and just like the past weeks, I've experienced both exciting and

tiring days in the life of being a teacher. These experiences have made me realize that
one should always expect the unexpected. In the life of a teacher, you can experience
things you never had before, like being ignored and disrespected by some of the
students. But I am grateful that I still manage these circumstances. As a future
teacher, I made them realize that being respectful as students is very important."

"Today, I have learned about the perseverance required in being a teacher. I have realized the
immense sacrifices that teachers make. These learnings have been a great eye-opener for me
as a future teacher, motivating me to be even more hardworking and passionate in my chosen

"Today, I've realized that having great patience and understanding for students is
much needed in the field of teaching. As a teacher, you should always bring your love
and care for them. You should always keep in mind your aims for them to learn
meaningfully in their everyday studies."

Teaching is a noble profession that requires dedication, passion, and a genuine desire
to make a difference. Your commitment to your students and their learning journey is
truly admirable.

I can say that this whole day has been tiring yet wonderful. My students and I had a
fantastic learning session about waves in physics. They were very excited to learn
something new and eager to satisfy their curiosity."

Today, I have learned the importance of being a responsible and passionate teacher.
As a teacher, it is your responsibility to provide meaningful learning experiences for
your students in their daily lives."

"This day made me realize again the importance of connection and positive
relationships between the students and the teacher. Positive connections make hard
things easier and create meaningful experiences."

1. Proverbs 9:9 (ESV): "Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser;
teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning."
Today is Wednesday, and all I can say is that this is a great day in my journey with my
students. Today, they showed their excitement to learn something new and actively
participated in our classroom activities. The whole day became fun and meaningful
for me and for my students.

"Today, I have learned the importance of imparting knowledge and activities that are
tailored to the students' skills and interests. They are excited to learn something new
if the lesson captures their attention and encourages their participation."

I have realized that providing interesting and new activities is much needed to make
students participate throughout the lesson. As a teacher, it is very important to relate
your lessons to their real-life experiences and create scenarios that help them
visualize the lesson you are discussing." These approaches can greatly enhance
student participation and understanding.

2 Timothy 2:2 (ESV): “And what you have heard from me in the presence of many
witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.”

Today, my students performed their big-time gig activity where they created their
own music by using unique sounds from local and indigenous materials. I am so
happy and grateful for their efforts and talents as students. The way they delivered
great performances as grade 7 students was remarkable. I could see the happiness
and enjoyment in their eyes throughout the class." It's wonderful to see them
showcasing their creativity and skills in creating unique music. Their enthusiasm and
the happiness they experienced during the class are truly special.

As a practice teacher, I learned the importance of providing opportunities for

students to showcase their creativity and talents. The big-time gig activity allowed
them to explore their musical abilities and create unique sounds using local
materials. Seeing their remarkable performances as grade 7 students filled me with
happiness and gratitude. It taught me the significance of incorporating hands-on and
engaging activities that tap into students' interests and cultural backgrounds. I will
continue to create a supportive and enriching environment where students can
showcase their abilities and feel a sense of joy and accomplishment.
Providing opportunities for students to express their creativity and talents boosts
their confidence and motivation. Engaging activities that connect to their interests
create a positive learning environment where students thrive. Student-centered and
experiential learning allows every student to shine and feel accomplished.

"Teaching is the art of assisting discovery." - Mark Van Doren

"Today is Friday. In the morning, I helped gather the modules for Open High School
students. In the afternoon, the grade 7 students had their first catch-up Friday
session. Our first lesson was about friendship. I saw the excitement on their faces as
we talked about friendship, and they were able to share experiences with their
friends. They also learned about the qualities of good and bad friends. The whole day
was filled with fun activities like making friendship cards and exchanging them.
Today, I enjoyed spending time with my students, and we all learned a lot."

Through my involvement in gathering modules and conducting catch-up sessions on

friendship, I learned the importance of creating a positive and engaging learning
environment. By allowing students to share their experiences and explore meaningful
topics, such as friendship, I witnessed their excitement and active participation. The
use of interactive activities, like making friendship cards, enhanced their learning
experience. These experiences taught me the value of student-centered teaching,
fostering connections, and incorporating creative elements into lessons. As a practice
teacher, I will continue to prioritize student engagement, meaningful discussions, and
hands-on activities to create impactful learning experiences.

The interactive activities, such as making friendship cards, added a fun and creative
element to the lesson. These experiences emphasized the importance of creating a
positive and engaging learning environment, where students can share their
experiences and connect with their peers. Overall, today's experiences reinforced my
passion for student-centered teaching and the power of meaningful discussions and
hands-on activities in fostering a love for learning.

1. "The great difficulty in education is to get experience out of ideas." - George

Washington Carver

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