Concept Map 2. Quant - Qualit.Mix Research

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Quantitative, Qualitative

and Mixed Research

See Table 2.1 for

Emphases of Approaches

Quantitative Research Qualitative Research Mixed Research

Experimental Research Ethnography Historical

Provides Excellent Non-Experimental

Types of Variables Manipulation of IV Control over Extraneous Research
Phenomenology Grounded Theory Case Study

Strongest Designs have No Manipulation of IV Less Control Over

Quantitative Variable Categorical Variable Random Assignment Extraneous Variables

Intervening or Mediating
Independent Variable Dependent Variable Categorical IV = “Causal Examine correlational
Comparative” coefficient

Moderator Variable ExtraneousVariable

Compare Means

Varies from -1 to +1 and

Shows Strength of Shows Direction of
Zero Stands for No
Relationship Relationship

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