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‘Small-Signal Modeling of Series and Parallel Resonant Converters Erie X. Yang, Fred C. Lee, and Milan M. Jovanovic Virginia Power Electronics Center Virginia Polytechnic Insitute & State University Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 Abstract - The emal-signal modeling technique based on the extended describing function concept Is applied to serles-resonant converters (SRCs) and paralel-resonant ‘converters (PRCs). The developed models Include both ‘requeney control and phase-shift control The small- signal equivalent circukt models are also derived and Implemented In PSPICE. The models are in good ‘agreement with measurement data. LinTRODUCTION ‘The resonant converters have advantages for high power or high-traquency power conversion [1-7]. When the switching frequency is below th resonant frequency, the active switches. turn of at zero currant condition, the natural commutation is. very desrabie for high power applications which employ BUTS, 'SCRs and GTOs. When the wrtching requancy i above the reconant requancy, zero voltage turn on ofthe active swiches: cean be achieved and is Weal for MOSFETs, Due to the sottewiching characteristics, ti feasible 10 operate the ‘convartr at very high frequencies to got high power density. “Two maduiation techniques aro usually amployed. Insta of frequency modulation corto, tharesonant converters can also ‘be raguiated by phaso-shit control [8-10], where the duty cycle {is modulated and the switching frequency is kept constant. ‘Smal-signal analysis of the resonant convertors has been reported [11-14]. A sampledata modeling approach was proposed in [11] a8 systematic modeling method: it laads to ‘aciecrotetime modal whichis solved in the numercalform and Is not easy to use inthe compensator design. The closed form smal-signal model {¥2] was obtained undor high Q approx mation. The modal has limited accuracy and use. The ‘small-signal model of seres-resonant converters with dode ‘conduction angle cortral was proposed in[13), The modeldoes not work for the more commonly used frequency contol ‘Another modeling approach also based on dscrte-time anal ysis was shown ia [14]; the analytical model can predict hightroquency dynamic behavior. By sactficing the hightrequency accuracy. the model can be wansformed into continuous-time form, and the equivalent circuit model can be ‘obtained. The problem of this method s that ican net achieve ‘simpicy and accuracy atthe samo time {Al of tho smal-signal analyses mentioned above based on the time-domain formulation, which ether resorted in complex ‘mathematical derivation, or numerical methods. A recently developed modeling technique employing an extended ‘describing function concept [15-17] combines the time-domain land frequency-domain analyses. A systomatic small-signal ‘modeling procedure based on this concept was discussed in etal in (17), Inthis paper the madeling method introducadin{17]is applied tothe seres-resonant converters (SRCs) and parallelesonant ‘onveriers (PRCs}. The continuous time models were obtained inananalytcal close form and the equivalent cxcut models aro fealized. The models include both trequency contol and Guty-eycle contol (or commenty reterted to as phaso-shit control). The block dagram of he small-signal models shown, nFigt In Fig. 1, ¥, and f stand for smal-signal portubation ofthe line votage and the output curent respectvaly. fay and d ‘correspond to frequency contol and duty-ycle contol. The ‘utout variables inctude the perturbed average line curont, and the perturbed output voltage, v,.. With the model, tis oasy to obtain the commonly Used small-signal transfor functions, such as contrelto-output tvansfer function, lineto-ouput transfer function, Input impedance, and oviput impedance. In Section I, the derivation of an SRC analytical smal-signal ‘madel and cicult modelis given. The PRC small-signal models ire preserted In Section Il. Section IV provides tho exper- imental verication of these models. | Fig. Block diagram ofthe smal-signal modo of resonant converters. The perturbation of the normalized ‘witching frequency is dofined 25 jy //F, where Fi the resonant requency. ‘This workis supported ty the VPEC Pacnrehip Program andthe Vigna Cente fr Inovatwo Technlogy (IT) 785 (0-7803-0485-3/92 $3.00 © 1992 IEEE I. SMALL-SIGNAL MODELING OF SRC In this section, the systematic smallsignal modeling proce: ‘dure proposed in [17] is appbed to SRC. The step-by-step derivation o the smal-signal models i illustrated {A Nonlinear State Equation “The cout ciagram of SAC is shown ia Fig. 2. The active switch network generates a quasi-square wave votage, vw, ‘applig tothe resonant tank Under continuous tank curent mode, the stato equations of SRC are given by: iSsgsesamtnere ‘ ‘The interested output variables are the output votage, and ‘the averaged input current, i, of the power stage: i wnat no ae ptt oh oe lating the switching frequency, w, or controling the duty cycle, 4, while maintaining a constant switching traquoncy. The ‘porting point is detormined by ( Fig.2Cicuitaiagram of SRC. .B, Harmonie Approximation Thetypical wavalormsot the stato variables ae shown in Fig. 28, where the tank waveforms it) and (t),canbe approximated by fundamental harmonies, and the output capactor voage ‘canbe approximated by de component By making this assumption, we have: i) =i{nsines +{(eosos @) v= Hsing +¥,(eosa4. @) Notice thatthe envelope torms finieva¥.) are slowiy time varying, so the dynamic behavior of these terms can be investigated. The derivatives of i) and w() are found tobe: (Sami) pmors(SvasJooes oo $-(S-up,}inmes( Serafin, 0b . Exionded Describing Function By employing the extended describing concept [17] nonlinear terms ia (1) ean be approximated ether by the fundamental components terms or by the de tors to ie vat “fhe 4a) sen, “Mier 8NO + Hisiarepoonis @ Witla « ate. (a) ‘These i(:»)} are called extended describing functions (EDF). “They are functions ofthe operating conditions and the harmonic coatficiants of the state variables. The EDF torms can be Caleatdby mating Fouter expansions th nodinwar ars ove steonp~bsi( 3a), e) I : [esi esea esa Fip.8 pice! wavloms oh late variables of an SAC 786 Hoaiore) w “e Co « where =VEE isthe peak value ofthe tank euro . Harmonie Balance ‘With the small-signal modulation trequency lowor than the witching frequency, by substituting (2-4) into (1), and by equating the ‘collcents of de, sine, and cosine terms respectively, wo gt fe}einenstifen, 6 ASres)peoneton on (4 t wo oo on Equation (5) is a modulation equation. tis a nonlinear large-signal model ofthe SAC power stage. Its important that the inputs of (5), (piindui), ao varying slower than the ‘switching frequency, s0 tis readily perturbed and linearized at certain operating points ‘Tne corresponding output equations are: ae ‘Bou € sty Sat Sonn: nen cancion a now lavas icetiay onsa egegeace Uso easi Sordi Fo Hebiacay whe ol wo on (om) zeros, and set the de bas ofthe external currant source / then the steady-state solution can be obtained by solving (6)t0 ive: tevne gts 6 “ welt “ ne ieee 6 seeye nb EE “ Tho steady-state solution provides the result ofthe de analysis. Of SRC. For example, whenthe cxcuithas no loss andthe duty fatio d is one, the voltage conversion rato is gven by: ” ‘Aresut similarto (7) canbe foundin[7]. The votage conversion ratio i the function ofthe load and the switching frequency, it is shown in Fig 4, whore ae E 2 Fig. 4 Voltage conversion ratio o! SRC based on steady: state solution of modulation equation. 787 F. Perturbation and Linearization Peturbing the large-signal model (6) around the operating print: d=pea jno4i, 1 by _andmaking linearization underthe smal-signalassumptiongive the model vty, (a) ) where (ee) a) ee) ‘This analycal smal-signal model has the standard form as the block diagram shown in Fig.1. The matrcus are defined as: Bo % Tae 3 i cL ° < Zoo we c ow ® The model parameters ae gen as: ‘e{te) feo) oo £,=1,00{ 50) o) Eres 7) 6 oo 02) om ei on oe 6. Equivalent Circult Mode! ‘According to (8), the small-signal modal has a linear state ‘equation description. By the inverse way of wing the state ‘equation from linear cicut, the smal signal equivalent circuit ‘model can be synthesized irom (8) as shown in Fg. 5. ‘The following controled cources are defined in the cult model (200) (400) (ve) ay, tbd “2b, £22 ht bie, dey (004 dow (06) ‘This cuit model can be easily implemented in commonly used circuit simulation cotwares, such as PSPICE. de 296 Figs 788 Equivalent smal-signal cuit model of an SRC. IM, SMALL-SIGNAL MODELING OF PRC ‘Thecitout diagram of PRCis showninFig.8. Thesmal-signal modeling proceduce for PRC is same as that for SRC. The

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