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COMPARISON OF SMALL-SIGNAL MODELLING RESONANT CONVERTER. ‘ALForsyth, V KE Ho and H.M Ong ‘The Unversity of Birmingham, UK, ABSTRACT ‘Thee techniques ae employed 0 derive small-signal models forthe seriesparlel resonant converter over a range of operating conditions which Includes. the ‘iscominuows eapacor voltage mode. A comparison of the results with experimental data is undertaken to quantify the limitations and accuracy of each technique. The three techniques are sampled-data, extended eseribing fonction and an approximate method INTRODUCTION ‘The hal.brdge series parallel resonant converter, Figure I, considered to be one of the most promising topologies for very high Requency offline power supplies [1]. By using a switching fequency slightly above resonance virually lossless switching of the ‘devices may be accomplished. In addition, the circuit ‘combines the atvative features of the simpler series tnd parallel loaded converters ; a resonant current ‘which fall with lod euret resulting in good partoad ‘ciency, and also the ailty t regulate the ouput wotage over & wide range of loud conditions by ‘modulating the switching fequency Whilst the steady-state operation of the converter is wwelhunderstood itl work has been published onthe ‘mall-sgnal modeling and convo, the main exception being [2] in which the extended describing function technique was used to determine «small-signal model forthe converter, {in this paper the small-signal contol-to-oupat transfer function for the seris-parallel resonant converter is determined sing tree methods ‘sampled-data technique [3] extended describing function technique (2, approximate tetique (4) ‘Tne techniques are summarised inthe following section. ‘The result fr each modeling technique are compares wih practical results from a sypieal 100W converter ‘operating inthe 1-2 MH regon. The comparison of result is undertaken over a. wide range of load ‘conditions. At the light-load extreme all the resonant ‘waveforms approximate closely to sinusoids whereas at ‘he heavy loud extreme the converter enters the Aiscontinuous parallel capacitor voltage operating TECHNIQUES FOR THE SERIES-PARALLEL ‘mode; the parle capacitor volage waveform being seriously distorted ‘The results not only serve to iste the change in converter characteristics a load i varied, but also allow the accuracy and limitations of each technique to be identified. ‘SUMMARY OF MODELLING TECHNIQUES Sampleddata modeling technique [3] ‘This isthe most mathematically detailed ofthe three techniques, the reating model being valid up to half the switching frequeney. The technique has been spplied to 2 variety of converters including complex resonant topologies, but resus from its application to the seies-parallel converter ave not been previously public. ‘One of the main assumption is that the steady-state topological evolution of the convener may be represented by a sequence of pice-wise linear differentia equations. On this basis the state-vector at the end ofthe (k+1)"eyle, Xi may be expressed in terms of the siate-vector at the end of the previous oye, Kos = FU, Te Me *G(Un Ta) a F and G are functions of the vectors U, and Ty : Us being the converter inputs athe end ofthe cycle and 7, being vector of transition times, the instants inthe cjele a which the conver switches from one configuration tothe next. ‘The large-signal, nonlinear, discrete time representation of the converter in equation (1) is linearised by inwoducig small perubations in all variable inclading the tnsition times, expanding the ‘quation using 2 Taylor series and then neglecting non- Tigear tems. A smal-sgnal dscetetime model result. Standard techniques may then be vsed 1 transform the discrete-time model into the continuous time frequency domain for comparison with ‘measurements derive she small-signal sampled-data model the converter steady-state operating, conditions must be ‘own accurately, The derivation procedure summarised above may then be underaen, the omplexsy ofthe equations usually prevents explicit fxprestions being determined, and the model must be Caleulated by compute. Extended desribingfunetion technique [2] The details of this technique and its application to the serisparllel resonant converter are scribed ia (2) ‘One of the principal assumption of the technique is that the resonant waveforme may be approximated by their fundamental component, The derivation ofthe smal-signal model sats fom the online differential equation forthe converter; there are wo dicontinuous terms in the equation, the first representing the ouput voltage of the half-bridge, and the second representing the curent waveform drawn by the rete from the parallel resonant capacitor. ‘The discontinuous functions are liminated by first suming tha they ae squarewaves, and then second by ‘securing thatthe squarewaves may be approximated by their respective fundamental components. Also, by sssuming the resonant waveforms to be sinusoidal 3 fominear seady-tate equation is derived for the Small pertbatons ae introduced to linearse the steady-state equation resulting in & continuous-time small-signal model Approximate small-signal mode! [4] This technique is desorbed in (4) and results are presented for the series and parallel loaded resonant onveres, however, the technique has aot previously been sed to. model the serierparlel resonant converter, The technique lacks the mathematical detail land rigour of the previous two methods, but has the favaniage of being relatively» simple and sraightforword to cael Derivation ofthe conrobto-outpat transfer funtion is based on the assumption thatthe wansfr function may be represented by the equivalent cicuit in Figure 2 ‘The output fiker cireuit is supplied from a voltage source H, Hy (s)f« through a series resistance r,.. The voltage “source "and resistance represent the characteristics of the resonant tank citeuit. fy is the small-signal change in normalised switching frequency, the hase for normalisation being 1/(2xYL,C, ) ‘Te low-frequency gain H, and the revistanee athe ‘equivalent circuit may be determined by differentiating the converter steady-state equations, The average restr output voltage V Figure I, may be expressed tea fiction ofthe normalised switching frequency, f i Se te a Soa xy cAA am tel a expressions for, and Hy we proved in the Appendix “The function Hy) in the equivalent circuit epresents the high-frequency complex pole-pair which occurs in the transfer funcbons of resonant converters. The high FRequeney complex poles are sometimes refered t0 35 beat poles. The poles represent the exctation of the tank resonant equeney by the lowe sde-band of the modulated halbridge output voltage, Hy(s) has the form n= ! ° * Go a@Qe The fequency of the complex pols, wy. 6 approximated to be (0-w,) , @ is the steady-state angular switching. fequeney and, the loaded resonant frequency ofthe tank, tha isthe frequency of the dominant complex poles in the tank. transter function. Q, the Q-factor ofthe ples in Hy(s) is set ‘eal 0 the Q-factor ofthe dominant complex poles in ‘he tank transfer furetion, Values for 1, and Q, were calculted numerically by mlysing the transfer fueton ofthe resonant tank, the rectifier and ood being replaced by an equivalent load resistor of value Ra? /8 The complete contol

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