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Field Experience #2

Intro to Teaching 1301- 21001

Nadia Amos

TCC Northeast Campus

Author Note

First Paragraph: Introduction

Second Paragraph: Lesson Description

Third Paragraph: Engagement

Fourth Paragraph: Individual Needs

Fifth Paragraph: Grouping

Six Paragraph: Overall Impressions



My first observation was February 15th 2024. I observed Mrs. Hill teaching freshman

ELA 1. The location was at GCISD Collegiate Academy in Hurst, Texas. Mrs. Hill's classroom

just has English literature written all over it. It's decorated with a lot of ELA related posters, and

the room contains a huge bookshelf stuffed with books. Another part I liked was a wall of self

goals that should be met. Her classroom is set up with rows of chairs facing each other. My

second observation was Mr. Geer's class. He teaches sophomores ELA 2, also at GCISD

Collegiate Academy. This observation was February 20th 2024. His room is decorated with

sports posters, a “Change your best” bulletin board, and a bookshelf filled with books. His

seating is the tables/desks in groups of four.

Lesson Description

The first lesson I observed was with Mrs. Hill’s class (ELA 1). It was started by the

students being informed it was a theme lesson that they were writing a persuasive essay that

contains epic language. How class started after the news was to work on their hope journal or

essay. The hope journal is their warm up for class. They write down something they want to do,

overcome, remind, or to learn for themselves. After the hope journal the students were shown a

presentation with a bunch of epic language sayings, and all the students had to compare it to a

movie, show, book, or comic book. Once the presentation was completed the students were then

asked to give an example of an illusion, epithet, extended metaphor, or simile. After all the

information was given the students then proceeded to work on their essays. During the rest of

class Mrs. Hill was walking around the classroom and continued to remind the students of what

they were supposed to be doing. The last part of this lesson was that Mrs. Hill played a short clip

of partly cloudy and then asked what the theme of the short clip was. She had to make sure they

knew what defines theme. The second lesson I observed was Mr.Geers teaching sophomores

ELA 2. His lesson was about analyzing poetry on a specific poem that day called “Carry” by

Linda Hogan. This class had a daily objective was “ When given a poem to read, students will

analyze, free verse, symbol, and theme, providing text evidence of at least 3 examples.” During

the lesson the students were taking notes, because they will be having a test over themes and all

the poems they have been going over. While the teacher sat in front of the board at the head of

the class, the teacher read the poem to the class and helped the students to speak relevant

symbolism from the poem.


An example I have of Mrs. Hill maintaining or wanting to get her students involved/

attentive was that the students had to come up with an example of epic language but had to use

or choose their favorite food, a person being chased, or their pet. To show an example she played

a short clip of a movie. It shows how much Mrs. Hill keeps her students engaged because she

always relates the lesson to the students, real life, or something relevant and new. How Mr. Geer

kept them engaged was that he would ask the students lesson questions throughout the

presentation. He would walk around the room and while reviewing the poem he would ask what

the symbolism was in that particular statement to make sure the students really understood what

he was teaching about symbolism.

Individual Needs

It was brought to my attention that Mrs. Hill has different methods to ensure the

understanding of the lesson. How this teacher checks for understanding was during the

presentation she was asking the students to make the similarities to the movies, shows, or books

they knew. She also asked many more questions to ensure the understanding of what she was

teaching and made it relevant to comparison with their life. If she had students that still didn’t

understand, she would have one on one lessons for students that needed further help. For the

auditory and visual learners she played multiple videos, with relevant movies or shows the

students knew.


How the grouping went for Mrs.Hill's class was the students gathered in groups of 2 or 3

for the epic language assignment, which was to come up with an example of an extended

metaphor or simile, epithet, or an allusion. The teacher then proceeded to give examples. After

the lesson and for the assignment the students were able to get in groups to collaborate and

complete the assignment. What I observed was the lesson taught in a whole group, once the

lesson was understood the students were then allowed to get in small groups. This teacher did not

have different levels of the special populations because this is an early college high school, the

students are all gifted and talented.

Overall Impression

After these most recent observations and classes, the different types of learners were

brought to my attention. So for these observations I looked and watched more closely and could

see the extra extent the teachers did for the different learners to make sure all students

understood the lessons. Therefore I would like to make a new goal for myself, to be able to

recognize and do my absolute best to repeat what I saw during my observations which was

noticing different types of learners and acknowledging and teach them to my best ability.

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