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Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani

Work Integrated Learning Programmes Division

Second Semester 2020-2021

Comprehensive Examination
(EC-3 Regular)

Course No. : TA ZC164

Course Title : Computer Programing (MATLAB)
Nature of Exam : Open Book
Weightage : 40%
Duration : 2 Hours
Date of Exam : Sunday, 02/05/2021 (FN)
Note to Students:
1. Please follow all the Instructions to Candidates given on the cover page of the answer book.
2. All parts of a question should be answered consecutively. Each answer should start from a fresh page.
3. Assumptions made if any, should be stated clearly at the beginning of your answer.

Q.1Set.(A) A calorie is a unit of energy. The 15° C calorie is defined as 4.1855 Joules. The
following script defines a couple of random calorie values, calls a function to
calculate the equivalent number of Joules, and prints this. Write the function, and
store it in a separate code file [7]

Q.1Set.(B) Write a function called rotleft that will receive one row vector as an argument (you
may assume that it is a row vector with a length of at least two), and will return
another vector, which consists of the input vector rotated to the left – e.g., all values
shift over one element, and the first element is wrapped around to the end. For
example, >> rotleft([1 3 4]) [7]

Q.1Set.(C) Write a function isdivby4 that will receive an integer input argument, and will return
logical 1 for true if the input argument is divisible by 4, or logical false if it is not.

Q.2Set.(A) DNA is a double stranded helical polymer that contains basic genetic information in
the form of patterns of nucleotide bases. The patterns of the base molecules A, T, C,
and G encode the genetic information. Construct a cell array to store some DNA
sequences as character vectors, such as
and then sort these alphabetically. Next, construct a matrix to store some DNA
sequences of the same length and then sort them alphabetically. [7]

Q.2Set.(B) Create a cell array of all character vectors. Sort them alphabetically. Investigate the
use of some string functions on the cell array, e.g., lower, count, and contains.

Q.2Set.(C) Create a table to store information on students; for each, their name, id number, and
major (say chemical, mechanical,etc) [7]
Q.3Set.(A) A production facility is producing some nails that are supposed to have a diameter of
0.15 inch. At five different times, 10 sample nails were measured; their diameters
were stored in a file that has five lines and 10 diameters on each. First, create a data
file to simulate this data. Then, write a script to print the mean and standard deviation
for each of the five sets of sample nails. [7]

Q.3Set.(B) The operations manager of a plant that manufactures tires wants to compare the
actual inner diameters of two grades of tires, each of which is expected to be 575
millimeters. A sample of five tires of each grade was selected, and the results
representing the inner diameters of the tires, ranked from smallest to largest, are as
Grade X 568 570 575 578 584
Grade Y 573 574 575 577 578
Create a data file tire.xls in Excel and calculate the mean, median and std. dev in
MATLAB and export it to excel or write the computed values to excel [7]

Q.3Set.(C) Enter and save the data shown below in excel in a spreadsheet, then import the data
in MATLAB and find the mean of each row, this data to be reflected in excel sheet

55 42 98
49 39 95
63 51 92
58 45 90

Also, find the additional values in MATLAB for std deviation of each column in

Q.4Set.(A) The following list gives the measured gas mileage in miles per gallon for 22 cars of
the same model. Plot the absolute frequency histogram and the relative frequency

23 25 26 25 27 25 24 22 23 25 26
26 24 24 22 25 26 24 24 24 27 23

Q.4Set.(B) Calculate and plot two subfunctions on same page in MATLBA for the following two

Q.4Set.(C) Plot a three-dimensional figure for this equation, also plot the contours of these
equation and explain the significance of this commands [7]

Q.5Set.(A) Create a data structure to store information about the elements in the periodic table of
elements. For every element, store the name, atomic number, chemical symbol, class,
atomic weight, and a seven-element vector for the number of electrons in each shell.
Create a structure variable to store the information, for example for lithium:
Lithium 3 Li alkali-metal 6.94 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 [7]

Q.5Set.(B) Create a data structure to store information about the elements in the periodic table of
elements. For every element, store the name, atomic number, chemical symbol, class,
atomic weight, and a seven-element vector for the number of electrons in each shell.
Create a structure variable to store the information, for example for

Sodium 11 Na alkali-solid 22.98 2 8 13 0 0 0 0 [7]

Q.5Set.(C) Create a data structure to store information about the elements in the periodic table of
elements. For every element, store the name, atomic number, chemical symbol, class,
atomic weight, and a seven-element vector for the number of electrons in each shell.
Create a structure variable to store the information, for example for

Carbon 6 C element-gas 12 2 8 2 0 0 0 0 [7]

Q.6Set.(A) What will be the output of the following commands?

(a) strrep(‘BIDS’,‘D’,‘T’)
(b) mystring = ‘PilaNI’;lower(mystring)
(c) isletter(‘EK127’)
(d) Create the following two variables:
(e) >> var1 = 123;

>> var2 = ‘123’;

Then, add 1 to each of the variables. What is the difference? [5]
Q.6Set.(B) What will be the output of the following commands?
a) strrep(‘TIPS’,‘I’,‘A’)
b) mystring = ‘hYD’; lower(mystring)
c) isletter(‘EK127’)
d) Create the following two variables:
e) >> var1 = 456;

1. >> var2 = ‘456’;

2. Then, add 1 to each of the variables. What is the difference? [5]

Q.6Set.(C) Two variables store character vectors that consist of a letter of the alphabet, a blank
space, and a number (in the form ‘R 14.3’). Write a script that would initialize two
such variables. Then, use functions to extract the numbers from the character vectors
and add them together [5]


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