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Environment - environmental problems to dump (lerak pl.

dumped (lerakott, dömpingelt)
endangered animals and plants to burn
to become extinct = to die out to turn our life greener
to melt to help the environment
icecap, icesheet Green Peace activists
a sea-level rise to live in an environmentally friendly way
to produce (termel, előállít) to litter (szemetel)
to consume (felél, fogyaszt) littering (szemetelés)
the world’s resources (a világ erőforrásai) to reduce pollution
reserves (tartalékok) to reuse things
to pollute the environment/ the soil / the water / the to reduce the amount of things we buy and the
air energy and water we use
They are too polluted for fishing / swimming to understand the problem of pollution
to discharge (kirakodik, lerak) rain forest (őserdő, esőerdő)
to emit (kibocsájt) biodegradable waste, packaging, plastic (biológiailag
to harm the environment (károsít) lebontható)
waste ozone-friendly
e-waste recyclable
to waste to damage the ozone layer (károsítja, rombolja)
to select destruction (pusztulás)
to collect threatened (rain forest) fenyegetett
the rubbish to protect
selectively protection
to separate your rubbish developing countries
to turn/ switch on/off developed countries
to plant trees locally grown food, locally made products
to use too much petrol public transport
to buy organic food electrical appliances
organic waste products made from recycled paper/material
greenhouse effect containers
leaping bunny logo (heavy) metals
to recycle plastic, paper, glass needlessly
to ban animal testing to leave the water running needlessly
different colour rubbish bins to be in danger
to be worried about sth to save energy
pollution (air, water, soil) to destroy (lerombol)
climate change shopping habits, transport habits
extinction of animals and plants waste treatment
cutting down forests pesticides (növényvédők)
the melting of the icecap insecticides (rovarírtók)
smoke fertilizer (műtrágya)
to prohibit (megtilt) approximately (megközelítőleg)
scrapyard (szeméttelep) a species of plant and animal
a landfill site (szemétlerakó)

The temperature of the Earth has increased because of the greenhouse effect.
Global warming has caused climate changes.
Because of global warming, the icecap at the North Pole is melting and the sea-level is rising .
The greenhouse effect keeps the Earth warm enough for humans to live.
Some gases trap the energy from the sun and this makes the Earth warmer.
If the greenhouse effect becomes stronger, it will make the Earth warmer - which can cause problems for people,
plants and animals.
Pollution is everything that makes the ground, the water and the air dirty or unsafe.
We cause pollution when we use electricity, aerosols and cars, burn fuel, smoke and use / buy things that were
made in factories.
10. osztályos vizsgatétel
The pictures show different ways of collecting rubbish. Compare and contrast them including these aspects:

 Littering: the terrible sight – pollution

 Selective rubbish collecting – how does it work and why is it useful?
 How can we turn our life greener?
 Do you think you live in an environmentally friendly way?

4-ért: The pictures show different ways of collecting rubbish. There are many environmental problems today, for example pollution, global
warming, climate change and the greenhouse effect. Nagyon sok környezeti probléma van ma, pl. szennyezés, globális felmelegedés, klíma
változás és üvegház hatás.
1. Pollution is one of these which we, people cause. A szennyezés egy ezek közül,melyet mi, emberek okozunk.
It makes the air, the water or the land dirty or unsafe. A levegőt, a vizet és a földet koszossá és veszélyessé teszi.
In the second picture we can see a landfill site. A 2. képen egy szemétlerakót láthatunk.
The litter there aren’t only ugly, it also pollutes the environment because we can’t recycle that.
Az ottani szemét nem csak csúnya (látvány), hanem szennyezi a környezetünket, hiszen nem tudjuk újrahasznosítani azt.
2. In the first picture we can see what we can do to make our life greener: we should collect our rubbish selectively.
Az első képen azt láthatjuk, amit tehetünk azért, hogy zöldebbé (környezetbarátabbá) tegyük az életünket.
These different colour bins are in the streets of bigger cities. Ezek a színes kukák a nagyobb városok utcáin vannak. We put different kinds of
rubbish (glass, paper, metal and plastic waste) into different bins. And they recycle old products to make new ones.
Különböző típusú szemeteket különböző kukákba teszünk. És újrahasznosítják a régi dolgokat: újakat csinálnak belőlük.
3. So we can turn our life greener if we reduce pollution: Tehát zöldebbé tehetjük az életünket, ha csökkentjük a szennyezést.
if we recycle things. Ha újrahasznosítjuk a dolgainkat.
if we reuse things. Ha újrahasználunk dolgokat.
if we reduce the amount of things we buy and the energy and water we use. Ha csökkentjük a vásárolt dolgok és a használt energia és víz
For example: We should switch off lights, our computer or TV when we don’t use them. We can walk or ride a bike instead of taking the bus or
driving a car. Pl.: Le kellene kapcsolni a villanyokat és a számítógépeket, TV-ket, amikor nem használjuk őket. Gyalog vagy biciklivel járhatunk
busz és autó helyett.
4. I think I try to live in an environmentally friendly way. I always switch lights, computers and the TV, I ride my bike, I select my rubbish and
don’t buy useless things.
Azt hiszem, környezetbarát életet igyekszem élni. Mindig lekapcsolom a villanyokat, a gépet és a TV-t, ha nem használom, biciklivel járok, külön
gyűjtöm a szemetet és nem veszek felesleges dolgokat.

5-ért: Bevezetés: The pictures show different ways of collecting rubbish. There are many environmental problems today, for example
pollution, global warming, climate change and the greenhouse effect.
Now I’d like to talk about one of them: pollution, which is something we, people can be blamed for.
Pollution makes the air, the water or the land dirty or unsafe.
In the second picture we can see a landfill site. The litter there cannot be recycled so it doesn’t only make the earth ugly, it also pollutes the
The products we use every day already polluted the environment when they were made and transported. So we can reduce pollution by
buying as few items as possible and we use them as long as we can, after that we try to reuse them in another way, or we give it to someone
who can use them again and finally, we collect our rubbish selectively as we can see it in the first picture.
Fortunately, today many people understand the problem of pollution so there are more and more people, governments and companies who
try to do their best to reduce pollution.
For example, these different colour bins are in the streets of bigger cities. They are selective rubbish bins in which we put different kinds of
rubbish (glass, paper, metal and plastic waste) So this is a part of recycling. They create new products out of those materials.
The third way of collecting our rubbish is: picking up litters thrown away by others.
So we can turn our life greener if we reduce pollution:
if we seperate our rubbish and don’t throw away them on the streets
if we buy products that contain recycled materials.
if we reuse things
if we reduce the amount of things we buy and the energy and water we use for example:
We should switch off lights, our computer or TV when we don’t use them. We can walk or ride a bike instead of taking the bus or driving a car.
To sum up, the 3 Rs are important: reuse, recycle things and reduce the amount of things you buy and the energy you use.
I think I try to live in an environmentally friendly way. I always switch lights, computers and the TV when I don’t use them. I tend to walk or
ride my bike whenever I can. I select my rubbish and don’t buy useless things. I try to think twice before I buy something. Finally, I have planted
trees with my father, they make oxigen for us (which we really need)

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