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25. Even though an mal behav our sts have 27.

----, someone who s successful n

trad t onally avo ded l nk ng human several f elds s often called a Rena ssance
emot ons, such as gr ef, w th responses by man or Rena ssance woman.
an mals, ----.
A) In order to better understand the
A) gr ef n an mals may take forms that are masterp eces of the br ll ant Rena ssance
d cult for humans to recogn se as art sts such as M chelangelo and Raphael
mourn ng
B) Wh le the Rena ssance a ected every
B) observat ons suggest that the ways n area of human act v ty and knowledge, from
wh ch we mourn m ght be un quely human art to zoology

C) a grow ng body of ev dence shows that C) Because the Rena ssance produced
spec es rang ng from dolph ns to ducks nd v duals w th a w de range of nterests
mourn the pass ng of relat ves who excelled n a number of d erent areas

D) research on gr ef n w ld monkeys that l ve D) Although most h stor ans shared the v ew

n soc al un ts has been surpr s ngly l m ted of the per od as a reb rth after the darkness
so far of the M ddle Ages

E) we th nk that humans are the only E) After sc ence advanced when

spec es that gr eves over the loss of loved Rena ssance human sts d scovered and
ones spread anc ent works on mathemat cs,
med c ne, and other top cs

26. ----, language, as a compl cated

phenomenon of the human m nd, does not 28. Peer pressure s what causes people to
seem to be restr cted to a s ngle reg on n do th ngs that are popular n order to f t n
the bra n. w th others, ----.

A) If neurol ngu sts want to exam ne the A) wh le m ddle school students nfluence
funct on ng of the human bra n n more each other to a great extent
deta l
B) however, peers are the people who are of
B) Even f certa n tasks are fulf lled through s m lar age, such as classmates
coord nat on among neurons
C) n other words, some nd v duals res st
C) Although t s local sed ma nly on the left peer pressure and pr or t se the r own
s de of the bra n personal v ews

D) As t s a concrete man festat on of the D) so t can be very powerful dr v ng force n

human m nd the l ves of adolescents

E) When the bra n s overwhelmed w th long E) as psycholog sts use pos t ve peer
and complex sentences pressure as a method to change a ch ld’s
behav our

29. Accord ng to skeletal therap sts, t s
v tal that women strengthen the r bod es n
the r 40s, ----.

A) so a cons derable number of women do

not know very well how to ma nta n the r
bone health

B) as bone dens ty starts to gradually

decrease, leav ng the bones frag le dur ng
th s per od

C) but hunched shoulders and poor posture

can lead to a range of health ssues n the
old age

D) as long as muscles work opt mally to

support the skeleton and the body s
pos t oned correctly

E) even though bad posture s known to g ve

them an awkward look and m ght lead to
ser ous a lments n t me

30. Fast food has emerged as one of the

b ggest enem es of health, espec ally for
ch ldren, ----.

A) thus ts h gh consumpt on makes sense

when the pr ces are cons dered.

B) prov ded that the most common cause of

obes ty s the w de ava lab l ty of fast food.

C) wh le people are h ghly concerned about

the nutr t onal def c ency of foods l ke

D) so the fast food ndustry has rece ved a

lot of cr t cal attent on n recent years

E) as many fast food restaurants have

started to prov de health er alternat ves
such as salads

1.Intell gence, wh ch has been open to a 2. World War I was supposed to be the war
range of def n t ons due to ts-abstract to end all wars, but defeated countr es
nature and thus has become a controvers al faced w th harsh peace terms, wh ch led to
top c, s usually regarded as a measure of the outbreak of World War II.
cogn t ve sk lls and the ab l ty to solve
A) I. Dünya Savaşı’nın tüm savaşlara son
verecek savaş olacağı düşünülüyordu, fakat
A) Çoğunlukla b l şsel becer ler n ve yen len ülkeler n ağır barış koşullarıyla karşı
problem çözme yeteneğ n n b r ölçütü karşıya kalması sonucunda II. Dünya Savaşı
olarak görülen zekâ, soyut doğasından ötürü gerçekleşt .
b r d z tanıma açık olduğu ç n tartışmalı b r
B) Tüm savaşlara son verecek savaş olacağı
konu hal ne gelm şt r.
zanned len I. Dünya Savaşı’nda yen len
B) Zekâ, soyut doğası gereğ b r d z tanıma ülkeler ağır barış koşullarıyla karşı karşıya
açık olup tartışmalı b r konu hal ne gelse de kaldı ve bu durum II. Dünya Savaşı’nın
genell kle b l şsel becer ler n ve problem ortaya çıkmasına neden oldu.
çözme yeteneğ n n b r ölçütü olarak
C) I. Dünya Savaşı’nın tüm savaşları sona
görülmekted r.
erd recek savaş olacağı zanned l yordu,
C) Genell kle b l şsel becer ler n ve problem ancak yen len ülkeler ağır barış koşullarıyla
çözme yeteneğ n n b r ölçütü olarak görülen karşı karşıya kaldı, k bu da II. Dünya
zekânın soyut doğası neden yle b r d z Savaşı’nın ortaya çıkmasına neden oldu.
tanıma açık olması, onu tartışılan b r konu
D) II. Dünya Savaşı’nın gerçekleşmes ne
hal ne get rm şt r.
neden ol an şey, I. Dünya Savaşı’nın tüm
D) Soyut doğasından ötürü b r d z tanıma savaşlara son verecek savaş olacağının
açık olan ve bu yüzden tartışmalı b r konu düşünülmes ne rağmen yen len ülkeler n
hal ne gelen zekâ, genell kle b l şsel ağır barış koşullarıyla karşı karşıya
becer ler n ve problem çözme yeteneğ n n kalmasıydı.
b r ölçütü olarak görülmekted r.
E) I. Dünya Savaşı’nın tüm savaşları sona
E) Zekâ çoğu zaman b l şsel becer ler n ve erd recek savaş olacağına nanılsa da
problem çözme yeteneğ n n b r ölçütü yen len ülkeler n ağır barış koşullarıyla karşı
olarak görülmüş, soyut doğası gereğ b r d z karşıya kalması II. Dünya Savaşı’nın ortaya
tanıma açık olmuş ve bundan dolayı çıkmasına neden oldu.
tartışmalı b r konu hal ne gelm şt r.

3. Today's urban developments, coupled 4.As a result of dramat cally ncreased
w th an ncreas ng populat on, threaten commun cat on between people n recent
many archaeolog cal s tes n Egypt. years, we l ve n a world that s ncreas ngly
mult l ngual where languages we speak are
A) Günümüzdek kentsel gel şmeler, nüfus
no longer conf ned to a spec f c
artışının da etk s yle b rl kte, Mısır’dak
geograph cal area.
b rçok arkeoloj k alan ç n tehd t
oluşturmaktadır. A) İnsanlar arasındak let ş m son yıllarda
öneml ölçüde arttı ve bunun sonucunda
B) Mısır’dak b rçok arkeoloj k alan,
konuştuğumuz d ller n artık bel rl b r coğraf
günümüzdek kentsel gel şmeler ve
bölgeyle sınırlandırılmadığı, g derek çok d ll
artmakta olan nüfus yüzünden tehd t
olan b r dünyada yaşıyoruz.
B) Son yıllarda nsanlar arasındak let ş m n
C) Günümüzdek kentsel gel şmeler,
artması, konuştuğumuz d ller n artık bel rl
artmakta olan nüfusla b rl kte, Mısır’da k
b r coğraf bölgeye özgü olmadığı, g derek
b rçok arkeoloj k alanı tehd t etmekted r.
çok d ll hâle gelen b r dünyada
D) Günümüzdek kentsel gel şmeler, nüfus yaşamamızın b r sonucudur.
artışını beraber nde get rerek Mısır’dak
C) Konuştuğumuz d ller n artık bel rl b r
b rçok arkeoloj k alan ç n tehd t
coğraf bölgeyle sınırlandırılmış olmaması
sonucunda g derek çok d ll hâle gelen b r
E) Günümüzdek kentsel gel şmeler n dünyada yaşadığımız ç n nsanlar
artmakta olan nüfusla desteklenmes , arasındak let ş m son yıllarda öneml
Mısır’dak b rçok arkeoloj k alanı tehd t ölçüde arttı.
etmekted r.
E) Son yıllarda nsanlar arasında öneml
ölçüde artan let ş m n b r sonucu olarak,
konuştuğumuz d ller n artık bel rl b r coğraf
bölgeyle sınırlandırılmadığı, g derek çok d ll
olan b r dünyada yaşıyoruz.

1. Makro fotoğrafçılığın en önemli 2. Hastalığın biyolojik doğası kültürden
tekniklerini keşfetmek için, fotoğrafçılar bir kültüre değişmese de hastalıkların nasıl
bahçede ışık ve konumla çalışmalı ve ufak algılandığının ciddi bir biçimde değişildik
hareketlerle arka planın nasıl değiştiğini fark gösterdiğine dair net kanıtlar vardır.
A) The biological nature of disease does not
A) The key techniques of macro photography change from one culture to another, though
include working with light and position in a we have clear evidence showing that how
garden, through which photographers can diseases are understood is dramatically
notice how the background changes with different.
slight moves.
B) While the biological nature of disease
B) Discovering the key techniques of macro differs slightly from one culture to another,
photography requires photographers to there is dramatic variation in how diseases
work with light and position in a garden and are understood, as shown by clear
to notice how the background changes with evidence.
their slight moves.
C) Even if there is clear evidence suggesting
C) To notice the key techniques of macro that how diseases are understood varies
photography, photographers may work with dramatically from one culture to another,
light and position in a garden and discover the biological nature of disease remains
how the background changes in accordance constant.
with slight moves.
D) Although the biological nature of disease
D) To discover the key techniques in macro does not change from one culture to
photography, photographers need to work another, there is clear evidence that how
with different ranges of light and position in diseases are understood varies
a garden and notice the changes in the dramatically.
background caused by slight moves.
E) There is clear evidence suggesting that
E) To discover the key techniques of macro the biological nature of disease does not
photography, photographers should work change, but how diseases are understood
with light and position in a garden and varies to a great extent from one culture to
notice how the background changes with another.
slight moves.

3. Akademik başarısızlığın önlenmesi ciddi 4. Kaslarımız, egzersizden sonra stresin
bir konudur çünkü akademik başarısızlığa neden olduğu kynurenine adı verilen toksini
uğrayan çocuklar yaşamları boyunca önemli etkisiz hâle getiren bir bileşen üretmektedir,
sosyal ve ekonomik problemler yaşarlar. ancak günlük yürüyüş bu bileşenin üretimini
artırmak için yeterli değildir.
A) It is important that academic failure is
prevented since children who fail A) Following a workout our muscles
academically are likely to suffer from neutralise a stress-induced toxin called
significant social and economic problems kynurenine by producing a compound,
throughout their lives. though a dally walk will not be enough to
boost the production of this compound.
B) Should academic failure not be avoided,
which is a serious subject, children who fail B) A compound is produced by our muscles
academically face important social and via workout to neutralise a stress-induced
economic problems throughout their lives. toxin called kynurenine, but a daily walk is
not enough to boost the production of this
C) Prevention of academic failure is a
serious subject because children who fail
academically experience significant social C) A daily walk is not enough to boost the
and economic problems throughout their production of a compound, produced by our
lives. muscles after a workout, that neutralises a
stress-induced toxin called kynurenine.
D) As a subject, prevention of academic
failure is serious because children who fail D) After a workout, our muscles produce a
at school go through significant social and compound which neutralises a stress-
economic problems throughout their lives. induced toxin called kynurenine, but a daily
walk is not enough to boost the production
E) What makes prevention of academic
of this compound.
failure a serious subject is that children who
fail academically have significant social and E) After a workout, our muscles produce a
economic problems throughout their lives. compound to neutralise a stress-induced
toxin called kynurenine, because walking
daily is not enough to boost the production
of this compound.

2017-YDS-1 Spring/English

17-21: For these questions, choose the best

word or expression to fill the spaces in the
passage. 19.

A) had better stand

The Atacama Desert in South America is peppered with
odd, cushion-like plants known as the llareta, a spongy B) may have stood
cousin of parsley. Despite the harsh weather conditions
that they have to (17)----, some of these plants are up to
C) can stand
3,000 years old. Though looking like a rock covered by
small green plants without flowers, the plant has a
tightly packed structure of branches, each adorned D) used to stand
(18)---- clusters of tiny leaves. The resulting plant is so
strong that you (19)---- on top of it very comfortably. E) must stand
(20)----, this hardiness comes at a price: the plants are
thought to grow just 1.5 cm a year. According to
Catherine Kleier, a researcher from Regis University,
Colorado, the llareta became very strong (21)---- a
combination of environmental factors (cold at night and
hot in the day) and it is compact to trap heat. The more
compact the plant, the more successfully it protects

A) For instance B) However C) Therefore

D) Similarly E) Otherwise


A) endure B) influence C) avoid

D) trigger E) improve

A) rather than B) in addition to

C) contrary to D) except for

E) because of

A) on B) at C) with D) for E) over

2017-YDS Spring/English

22-26: For these questions, choose the best

word or expression to fill the spaces in the
passage. 24.

A) from B) by C) toward D) on E) into

Both Mars and Venus have been objects of scientific
and popular speculation since at least the beginning
of the 20th century, and since the 1960s spacefaring
nations have been sending robotic probes to explore
these two planets. (22)----, Mars has drawn far more
attention. Since 2002 no fewer than two Mars probes
have been actively gathering data during any given
year. There were actually seven used in 2015 alone.
This is (23)---- because Mars is far more hospitable than
Venus, where surface temperatures can reach 480 °C,
surface pressure is 92 times that of the Earth and the
planet is permanently surrounded by thick clouds of A) may exist
sulfuric acid. We have direct evidence that water once
flowed and pooled (24)---- Mars. So, it can be assumed B) must have existed
that life once existed there and (25)---- at present. Venus
is far more Earth-like than Mars in its size, composition C) could have existed
and surface gravity, but (26)---- its harsh environment, it
could never host life. D) would have existed

E) used to exist


A) Accordingly B) Nevertheless 26.

C) Furthermore D) That is
A) due to B) instead of
E) At first
C) in comparison to D) unlike

E) such as


A) coincidental B) irreversible C) unintentional

D) preventable E) plausible

2017-YDS-2 Fall/English
17-21: For these questions, choose the best
word or expression to fill the spaces in the 19.
A) to be paid B) having paid

In the 1960s, people had greater employment C) to have paid D) to pay

opportunities and a new buying power. (17)---- this
growing affluence, music and fashion became E) being paid
mass-market industries and were quick to cater to the
demands of the youth market. The growing popularity of
television helped to spread popular culture throughout
the world, (18)---- new trends could develop rapidly.
Programmes such as Top of the Pops in the UK and
The Ed Sullivan Show in the US could lead people
(19)---- considerable attention to pop music. In 1962,
the Beatles emerged from Liverpool's Cavern Club.
Their first album Please Please Me became very
famous (20)---- the globe within a year. They grew
(21)---- popular, sparking such intense devotion in their 20.
fans that it became known as 'Beatlemania'. A) from B) around C) toward

D) into E) about

A) Instead of B) Rather than

C) As a result of D) Contrary to

E) Regardless of 21.
A) slightly B) coincidentally

C) steadily D) equally

E) immensely

A) though B) otherwise C) instead

D) just as E) so

2017-YDS Fall/English

22-26: For these questions, choose the best

word or expression to fill the spaces in the 24.
A) would have complained

Since ancient times, architecture has been considered

B) may complain
the ‘mother’ of the arts. (22)---- music, painting, and
sculpture that exist in a way separate from life,
architecture incorporates life. People and their activities C) should complain
are an (23)---- component of architecture, not merely as
spectators to be entertained but as contributors and
participants. Painters, sculptors, and composers of D) must have complained
music (24)---- about how their viewers or audience never
see or hear their art in quite the same way as it was
conceived, or that is interpreted or displayed in ways E) used to complain
that affect its innate character. However, they have
control (25)---- the essence of their work and that
essence is, in a way, tightly sealed within the object: the
musical score, the covers of a book or the picture frame.
(26)----, even the essence of architecture is realised by
the people whose activities it influences.

A) about B) over C) against
A) As well as B) By means of
D) from E) with
C) As opposed to D) In terms of

E) Because of

A) Otherwise B) Unfortunately
C) For instance D) Therefore
A) impoverished B) immeasurable
E) On the contrary
C) unreasonable D) indispensable

E) unintentional


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