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The puzzle of reproduction for evolutionists is it requires_______ of it to get variation

and yet reproduction is ________ and ________ to explain.

dogma, complex, and difficult

1. 2. Which type of reproduction takes less time?

2. often the time it takes to reproduce asexually is much less than the time it takes to
reproduce sexually
3. 3. The problem identified is either evolution is a ____________________ process OR it
needs to be intelligently guided in order to function.

.I could not find the answer in the reading :/

1. 4. What is the “parasite” problem?

2. The idea behind this parasitic resistance is that sexual reproduction scrambles the
information in a population’s genome in each generation
3. 5. What has “baffled” evolutionists?
4. Further, it would require a significant change in the DNA to go from asexual to sexual,
which is a common theme across all these proposals. Even worse, it does nothing to
explain why there are still asexual organisms.

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