Christianity VS Evolution

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Christianity VS Evolution

Evolutionists believe that we came from animals, they also believe that all life is related.
As in, were related to plants, apples, bananas, watermelon, etc. And they believe that all life is
built on matter and DNA. Well I’m here to tell you that none of it is true. I’m here to tell you
that God created us in 7 days and that Jesus died on the cross because our sin, and was
resurrected 3 days later.
If you believe in evolution, how does information start? How did languages just happen
to come from matter? Anyway, in an evolutionist world view, you believe that when you die
your done and you never knew you were on earth. So, if you die, why do you believe in
evolution? Climate change? Why do you do anything on earth, if you just die and don’t go
anywhere than your life means nothing.
Bill Nye claims “My claim is that not only your size and shape and number of fingers eye
color and so on is a result of the main ideas in all biology. Evolution. Not only is evolution the
main idea in biology, but what you feel is also a result of evolution.” Ken Ham answers back:
“Why does it matter if your done when you die? Why does it all really matter? Everyone’s done
and they won’t even know there here? Bill Nye then states that the idea is to pass your genes
on to the future. Bill Nye finally says, “What we do is live. The meaning of life is to pass your
genes on and make more people.” Ken Ham just keeps asking if we die why does it all matter?
And bill Nye keeps giving lame answers and there just keep talking over each other. And that
debate just keeps going. As Christians, we believe that when you die you go to heaven and
spend eternity with God
In my eyes of being a Cristian and listening to all these beliefs, I am strongly on Ken
Hams side of the argument that Jesus is Gods son and he can do miracles and heal the
paralyzed and blind. People have argued over this topic for a long time and I don’t think they
will ever settle to a conclusion. The most interesting part of these debates to me are when they
talk about how old the Earth is. Evolutionists believe that the earth is 6 billion years old. And
Christians believe that the Earth is about 6,000 or so. I have never once believed in evolution
and never will because I live in a Cristian family and I am a Cristian.
In conclusion Christianity wins in my book. With all the information we went over I am
strongly on the Cristian side of things. I don’t know about you but I DON’T want to be related to
my back yard. I want to be a Cristian and have holy beliefs and love my God and my neighbor.
(Here is the debate video:

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