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I take my life for granted.

I always complain about all these things, but actually I’m

living like a king. There are some people out there who don’t have these things

and have to sleep outside and drink dirty water. So, I need to appreciate my life

my skills and how I can help others.

I believe I am compassionate and caring, but some of my brothers see different

stuff in me, like I am sometimes mean to them or really annoying, but still caring.

To be honest, I am annoying and kind of mean as well. I want to change that. I

want them to see good in me instead of bad.

In public like at band or just at the store, I act way different than at home, at

home I am crazy funny and annoying, in public, a switch flips and then I act good.

Well, if I am with my family at the store I act kind of crazy, but not as much as at

home. I don’t really know if this is a good thing, but it just happens on occasion.

When someone criticizes me about the way I do things, it makes me frustrated,

they say: “Oh Levi, you need to work on that harder.” That’s all they say. I just get

bothered by it.

I strongly believe that my actions impact the lives of others, like if I act out on one

of my brothers, there definitely going to feel it. I need to stop acting out on them

and try a new approach and like go for a bike ride and see Gods creation.
I think I have found the reason I act out on my brothers, it’s because I get bored,

like I’m done with school, done with switch time and don’t have anything else to

do! So I go to my little brothers and act out on them.

I keep thinking about my 6th grade year at public school. It was by far one of the

worst years of my life. I always told on people and no one liked me. But now I

want to look at the good side of that year, my cousin was in the same grade as me

and we were in the same class. I need to look at the good side of my whole life

instead of looking at the bad. But the bad can sometimes be good to think about,

like: what could have I done different in that situation? Was that action appeasing

to God? Did I just sin there?

I think that doing faithwalk has really helped me cool my emotions down and just

really shrug off people’s comments. Like feelings vs facts. Take my anxiety for

instants, I have all these feelings about oh what if this happens what if that and

that, but that is NOT feelings vs facts. Now if I think about what’s I can think this

instead, I have a loving family and friends I have food and a bed. I could make that

list go on forever!

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