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1. The stocks of bluefin tuna, the most 4.

According to Alexander Todorov, we

valuable fish in the world, have plummeted to encounter so many faces in our modern world
such paltry levels that many scientists that our shortcuts may not guide us ----.
speculate that the fish could be headed for ----
. A) accurately

A) application B) notoriously

B) extinction C) severely

C) opposition D) peculiarly

D) superiority E) temporarily

E) collaboration

2. Although we now accept drawings as works

of art in their own right, up until recently they 5. In the 1950s, manufacturers met people's
were thought to be preparatory processes – demand for more powerful cars by making the
no matter how ---- and complex they might engine bigger and the rotation speed faster,
be. but they were not able to predict that it would
A) preliminary ---- a worse fuel economy.

B) proper A) turn down

C) intricate B) result in

D) willful C) leave out

E) valuable D) give off

E) fall for

3. There is a possibility that one of the world's

largest flowers, Rafflesia, may become extinct
from the jungle, so scientists are working hard
to ---- its unusual biology.

A) abuse

B) postpone

C) comprehend

D) complain

E) implement
6. For a long time, researchers ---- the 8. ---- the beginning of the 20th century, a
language abilities of parrots, however it seems young German named Albert Einstein shook
that they also have the capacity ---- their skills classical physics and ended the idea of an
to solve problems. absolute time and space ---- proposing his
theory of relativity.
A) studied / to have utilised
A) In / with
B) have studied / to utilise
B) During / through
C) are studying / having been utilised
C) At / by
D) would studied / being utilised
D) For / from
E) had studied / utilising
E) Across / of

7. Even if DNA ---- influence on our moral

character, it is widely believed that we ---- 9. ---- the history of mankind, there have been
products of our social and cultural many important innovations, ---- the first
environment. stone tools that enabled people to hunt
animals to radio telescopes that can see into
A) would have / were deep space.
B) could have / are A) In / under
C) may have / have been B) During / at
D) will have / are to be C) Along / by
E) should have / will have been D) Throughout / from

E) Of / with
10. ---- migrating birds can be likened to 12. Because chameleons are not capable of
human athletes in extreme endurance sports, providing their own body heat, their colour
the best athletes prove to be far superior to gets darker ---- more heat can be received
birds. from the sun, and they can warm themselves.

A) Unless A) since

B) Because B) if

C) Once C) so that

D) Even though D) provided that

E) Given that D) unless

11. As a result of the construction of 13. Even though there is sufficient water
hydropower dams, forests become available to cover the demands of the world
waterlogged and cannot absorb carbon in population, there is a shortage of clean water
sufficient amounts;----, they release ---- increased pollution.
substantial quantities of greenhouse gases as
they decay. A) despite

A) provided that B) due to

B) even if C) instead of

C) rather D) in terms of

D) though E) rather than

E) as long as
14. Lightning sensors detect ---- many fires
caused by lightning strikes ---- even if they
show initial attack crews the exact location of
these strikes, it is not easy to check them all.

A) both / and

B) so / that

C) whether / or

D) neither / nor

E) so / as

15. The DNA from the modern domestic

horses bears great similarities to that of their
ancestors once living on the steppes of
Western Eurasia, the region ---- the Volga and
Don rivers flow from north to south and drain
into the Caspian Sea.

A) which

B) whose

C) where

D) that

E) what
One day in 1952, John W. Hetrick was driving 17.
with his wife and daughter in the front seat
when he had to change his direction suddenly A) of B) under
and brake quickly to avoid an obstacle. (16)---- C) with D) by
, he and his wife put their arms out to protect
their daughter in case of a crash. This event E) against
inspired him to provide automobiles (17)----
airbags to protect people during accidents.
Hetrick had been an engineer in the US Navy
during World War II. He recalled a
compressed-air torpedo accidentally turning 18.
itself on, causing its canvas cover to shoot up
A) similar to
into the air, 'quicker than a blink of an eye'. In
1952, Hetrick proposed using compressed air B) rather than
to inflate airbags rapidly during car crashes.
He received a patent for this invention in C) because of
1953, but car manufacturers in the 1950s
D) on behalf of
were more interested in style (18)---- safety.
Later, consumers became more safety E) as a result of
conscious and airbag technology improved.
The first airbags were optional, but by the
1990s, they (19)----standard. (20) ---- airbags
have saved thousands of lives, they are not
always sufficient to prevent death and injury A) would become
during crashes. Travellers must also wear seat
belts, and automobiles must have dashboards B) were becoming
made of soft materials and steering columns
C) had become
that can absorb energy during impact from car
crashes. D) became

E) have become


A) Unfortunately

B) Instinctively 20.

C) Vaguely A) Since

D) Devastatingly B) When

E) Abundantly C) Only if

D) Although

E) Unless
21. Just as the greatest human chess masters 23. Unless learners are encouraged to
cannot stand against with artificial recognise their own cognitive abilities, ----.
intelligence, ----.
A. self-discipline and self-motivation are
A. soon it might become impossible for human among the factors that play a key role in
CEOs to compete with their artificial addressing particular cognitive and linguistic
intelligence counterparts difficulties

B. one major criticism is that traditional B. motivation shapes the development of

artificial intelligence focuses too much on metacognitive thinking processes or what
intelligence as a process teachers can do to help learners in this regard

C. people would have to make decisions about C. they cannot exercise control over their
the elimination of entire categories of human thinking, including being able to step outside
work in a fully automated world the boundaries of their own constructed
D. artificial intelligence programs have been
able to succeed in solving problems on D. scholars suggest that development of
narrowly defined domains competence and autonomy greatly helps
learners overcome challenges they face during
E. the aim of artificial intelligence is not
the learning process
limited to minor tasks but also to interact with
the outside world E. self-determination will stimulate them to
take a greater share in small-group tasks as
the teacher fades the interactive support
22. ----, it was not until the late 20th century
that telescopes with sufficient power to
resolve surface details were developed.

A. Given that NASA’s Mariner 10 is the first 24. As a growing number of unskilled and
spacecraft to visit Mercury and photograph it agricultural workers migrate to urban centres,
up close ----.

B. Although Mercury was first observed A. problems such as lack of job opportunities
through a telescope by Italian scientist Galileo and educational services force people to
Galilei in the early 17th century migrate

C. Because Italian astronomer Giovanni B. governments are struggling to absorb the

Schiaparelli observed Mercury and created the influx into the workforce
most accurate map
C. population growth is fuelled by high fertility
D. Since the astronomer Friedrich Bessel rates among people already living in cities
estimated that Mercury spins at the same
D. rural poverty prompts many to try city life
speed as Earth
and enjoy better living conditions
E. While Institute of Radio-engineering
became the first to bounce a radar signal off E. those living in rural areas now have access
Mercury and receive its echo to new communication technologies
25. Even though William Hamilton was not the 26. Mısırlılar, sadece gökyüzünün haritasını
first person to come up with the idea for a jet çıkarmakla kalmayıp gözlemledikleri yıldızların
boat, ----. bazılarına isim de veren ilk antik uygarlıklardan
A) Greek scholar Archimedes had the concept
of a jet boat when he devised his water screw A) The Egyptians were one of the first ancient
cultures to not only map the sky but to name
B) the maneuverability of the jet boat has long
some of the stars they observed.
made its design highly marketable
B) It was the ancient Egypt culture that both
C) he has been credited with revolutionising mapped the sky and named some of the stars
the conventional world of boating they observed.
D) Italian inventor Secondo Campani had C) The culture of ancient Egypt was
devised a remarkably similar jet-powered boat sophisticated enough to map the sky and
E) he lived in New Zealand, where his boat name some of the stars they observed.
was able to power quickly through shallow D) Having named some of the stars they
waters observed, the Egyptians were one of the first
ancient cultures to map the sky.

E) If Egyptians had mapped the sky, they

would have become one of the first ancient
cultures to name some of the stars they
27. Kuzey Afrika’nın birçok bölümünde, diğer 28. New Zealand, separated from other land
su kaynaklarına yeterli erişimi olmayan masses, has unique plant and animal species,
çiftçiler, sulama için tüketiciler açısından which are vulnerable to the impacts of non-
oldukça yüksek bir sağlık tehlikesi oluşturan native species.
işlemden geçmemiş atık su kullanımına
A) Eşsiz bitki ve hayvan türlerinin bulunduğu
Yeni Zelanda diğer kara parçalarından ayrıdır,
A. In most parts of North Africa, where there dolayısıyla bu türler yabancı türlerin etkilerine
is no sufficient access to other water sources, karşı savunmasızdır.
farmers have resorted to using untreated
wastewater for irrigation, which poses a highly B) Yeni Zelanda’nın diğer kara parçalarından
ayrı olması, eşsiz bitki ve hayvan türlerini
elevated health risk to consumers.
yabancı türlerin etkilerine karşı savunmasız
B. The health of consumers in many parts of hâle getirmiştir.
North Africa is highly threatened because of
the untreated wastewater farmers need to C) Yeni Zelanda diğer kara parçalarından
use for irrigation because they do not have ayrılmış olsa da yabancı türlerin etkilerine
karşı savunmasız hâlde bulunan eşsiz bitki ve
sufficient access to other water sources.
hayvan türlerine sahiptir.
C. In many parts of North Africa, farmers
without sufficient access to other water D) Diğer kara parçalarından ayrı olan Yeni
sources have resorted to using untreated Zelanda, yabancı türlerin etkilerine karşı
wastewater for irrigation, which poses a savunmasız hâlde bulunan eşsiz bitki ve
significantly elevated health risk to hayvan türlerine sahiptir.
consumers. E) Yeni Zelanda diğer kara parçalarından ayrı
olduğu için burada bulunan eşsiz bitki ve
D. In several parts of North Africa, farmers
who do not have sufficient access to other hayvan türleri, yabancı türlerin etkilerine karşı
water sources resort to using untreated savunmasızdır.
wastewater for irrigation; however, it poses a
highly serious health risk to consumers.

E. Untreated wastewater that farmers have to

use for irrigation in most parts of North Africa,
where there is no sufficient access to other
water sources, threatens the health of
consumers seriously.
29. Reptiles and insects have no need to sweat 30. While some animal species use their keen
because, unlike mammals, they do not need sense of smell to locate their prey, others find
to maintain a constant body temperature. their victims through their outstanding
A) Memelilerin sabit bir vücut ısısını korumak
için terlemeye ihtiyaçları vardır fakat A. Avlarının yerini belirlerken keskin koku
sürüngenler ve böcekler için aynı durum söz duyularını kullanan bazı hayvan türleri dışında
konusu değildir. kurbanlarını üstün görme yetenekleri
sayesinde bulan başka türler de mevcuttur.
B) Sürüngenler ve böcekler terlemeye ihtiyaç
duymaz çünkü memelilerin aksine sabit bir B. Bazı hayvan türleri avlarının yerini keskin
vücut ısısını korumaları gerekmez. koku duyularını kullanarak belirler, bazıları ise
kurbanlarını üstün görme yetenekleri
C) Memelilerin sabit bir vücut ısısını korumak
sayesinde bulur.
için terlemeleri gerekmektedir ancak
sürüngenlerin ve böceklerin buna ihtiyacı C. Avlarının yerini belirlemek için keskin koku
yoktur. duyularını kullanan bazı hayvan türleri olduğu
gibi kurbanlarını bulmak için üstün görme
D) Sürüngenler ve böcekler, sabit bir vücut
yeteneklerini kullanan türler de
ısısını korumaları gerekmediği için, memeliler bulunmaktadır.
gibi terlemeye ihtiyaç duymazlar.
D. Bazı hayvan türleri avlarının yerini
E) Sürüngenlerin ve böceklerin terlemeye belirlemek için keskin koku duyularını
ihtiyaçları yoktur çünkü memelilerde olduğu kullanırken bazıları da kurbanlarını üstün
gibi sabit bir vücut ısısını korumaları gerekmez. görme yetenekleri sayesinde bulur.

E. Bazı hayvan türlerinin avlarının yerini

belirlemek için kullandıkları şey keskin koku
duyularıyken bazılarına kurbanlarını bulduran
şey üstün görme yetenekleridir.
31. Cheese, which can be made with different 32. (I) On 27 August 1883, the biggest volcanic
kinds of milk, from reindeer’s milk in eruption in history blasted apart the
Scandinavia to buffalo’s milk in Australia, Indonesian island of Krakatoa. (II) On nearby
varies greatly in shape, texture and taste islands, forests disappeared under 75 metres
based on where it is produced. of burning ash, while on Krakatoa itself, not a
single plant or animal is thought to have
A. Peynir, İskandinavya’daki ren geyiği survived. (III) Compared to animals, plants are
sütünden Avustralya’daki bufalo sütüne kadar often better at surviving the flames, even
değişik süt çeşitleriyle yapılabilir ve üretildiği though their leaves may be burned away. (IV)
yere göre şekil, doku ve tat bakımından büyük Fortunately for the earth's wildlife, this kind of
farklılık gösterir. catastrophe is very rare. (V) But every year,
B. İskandinavya’daki ren geyiği sütünden living things have to cope with all sorts of
Avustralya’daki bufalo sütüne kadar farklı süt other hazards.
çeşitleri kullanılarak yapılabilen peynirin
A. I B. II C. III D. IV E. V
üretildiği yere göre şekil, doku ve tadında
büyük farklılıklar bulunmaktadır.

C. İskandinavya’daki ren geyiği sütünden 33. (I) Rocks from space regularly rain down
Avustralya’daki bufalo sütüne kadar değişik on our planet, but only a few survive the fall.
süt çeşitleriyle yapılabilen peynir, üretildiği (II) At Arizona State University’s Center for
yere bağlı olarak şekil, doku ve tat bakımından Meteorite Studies, some 40,000 meteorite
büyük farklılık gösterir. remnants are stored in a humidity-controlled
facility. (III) Another team of scientists from
D. Peynir, İskandinavya’daki ren geyiği MIT try to challenge the efforts made to
sütünden Avustralya’daki bufalo sütüne kadar preserve these rocks claiming that the budget
değişik süt çeşitleriyle yapılabildiği için can be spent on other scientific discoveries.
üretildiği yere bağlı olarak şekil, doku ve tat (IV) Some of these rocks are extremely toxic;
bakımından büyük farklılık gösterir. they have nuclear radiations and special
E. Üretildiği yere bakıldığında şekil, doku ve tat equipment is required to preserve them. (V)
bakımından büyük farklılık gösteren peynir, Scientists try to keep all of these rocks free of
İskandinavya’daki ren geyiği sütünden contamination so future generations can
Avustralya’daki bufalo sütüne kadar değişik study them for clues to how our solar system
süt çeşitleriyle yapılabilir. formed, and how we might one day survive in

A. I B. II C. III D. IV E. V
34. (I) In 1960, the Soviet Union chose Mars as 35. Newton was engaged in two major
its target for the first interplanetary probes. scientific controversies. The first was from
(II) Although they failed, these attempts were 1705 to 1712 with Astronomer Royal John
just the first of decades of Mars missions. (III) Flamsteed, whose notes Newton conspired to
Since water is integral to life on Earth, the publish against his wishes. The second was
presence of water on Mars could mean from 1704 to 1724 with Gottfried Wilhelm von
complex life once existed there too. (IV) Since Leibniz, a German mathematician. Leibniz
then, more ships have been sent to Mars than claimed he had discovered calculus before
any other planet in our Solar System, and Newton. ---- Leibniz and Johann Bernoulli, who
more than half of our total attempts to visit mastered calculus, sent Newton problems
Mars have failed. (V) Luckily we have learned they believed no one could solve in months,
a lot from the successful missions to Mars, yet he solved them within hours.
and we are striving to learn more about this
inhospitable, but intriguing planet. A. Newton also questioned the nature of
gravity but he left the problem till 1685 as his
experiments required more work.

A. I B. II C. III D. IV E. V B. However, Newton’s focus was to date

biblical events using his mathematical

C. Later, it was proven that Newton

discovered calculus first but did not publish it,
while Leibniz did.

D. After painstaking experiments, Newton

discovered the spectrum which led him to
perfect the reflecting telescope.

E. Hence, Newton’s work was noticed by

scientific luminaries and his theories began to
be taught in universities.
36. There are currently more than 1.5 million 37. Lithium exists everywhere in the world,
species of animals, plants and microorganisms but only in a few places in such concentrations
known to science. Biologists split up this that it is profitable to extract it. Bolivia has the
teeming diversity of life into categories most considerable reserves, almost 25% of the
depending on each organism’s shape and world’s total known lithium resources of 39
appearance and its anatomy using a scheme million tonnes. ---- So far, only a few people
referred to as biological taxonomy. Life on can afford pure electric cars, but it will be a
Earth is organised into a hierarchical structure problem when everybody wants an electric
by a modern classification system using eight vehicle: their batteries consume about 13,000
taxonomic ranks. The top rank is known as a times more lithium than a smartphone. So,
domain, each of which is divided into several scientists are looking to the oceans. To date,
kingdoms, which then split into a number of the extraction of lithium from the oceans has
phyla. ---- Carl Linnaeus, the Swedish botanist been uneconomic, as the concentration is too
and zoologist, laid down the foundations of low. Recently, Japanese scientists have
this system in the early 18th century. introduced a method that will make lithium
from ocean water profitable.
A. Over time, organisms of the same species in
different geographical locations adapt to their A. Battery-powered electronics such as
different surroundings. laptops and smartphones have become the
standard equipment of all people in the world.
B. The taxation in biological classification that
lies below class and groups together into B. To scientists, it has been a mystery, how the
similar biological families is order. miracle metal ended up on our planet in the
first place.
C. In botany, the study of plants and fungi,
phyla are instead known as divisions. C. Several experts worry that the increasing
popularity of electric cars will deplete Earth’s
D. In the modern classification scheme, there
lithium reserves in record time.
are three domains based on the genetic make-
up of the organisms’s cells. D. And just like in the case of oil, there is a
competition among countries to obtain new
E. These in turn break down into class, then reserves of lithium.
order, family and finally species.
E. The metal, which is primarily produced as a
white powder known as lithium carbonate,
has been nicknamed ‘white oil’.
Mammals have spread successfully over the 39. Which of the following is true about the
entire world, and have even conquered biology of mammals according to the passage?
extreme habitats such as deserts and the
Arctic. In spite of all external diversities, they A) Monotremes are a type of mammal which
have numerous characteristics in common. give birth to live young.
Mammals are the most highly developed B) The structure of the mammal heart helps
vertebrate animals. Their constant body blend oxygen-rich and oxygen-deficient blood.
temperature grants them a life largely
independent of temperatures of the C) The hearts of mammals are unique in terms
surrounding areas. They achieve constant of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide.
body temperature by a high food intake ─ in
D) Long respiration is a characteristic limited
comparison to reptiles, for example ─ and an
to certain types of mammals.
increased rate of metabolism. Long
respiration, typical of mammals, supplies the E) The foetus inside a female is able to survive
body cells efficiently with oxygen. The heart thanks to the placenta and umbilical cord.
consists of two atria and two ventricles, which
are completely separated from each other.
This prevents the mixing of oxygen-rich and
oxygen-deficient blood. All mammals, except
for the egg-laying monotremes, give birth to
live young. During pregnancy, the foetus is
linked to the circulatory system of the female 40. What is the passage mainly about?
and is supplied with nutrients via the placenta
A) Mammal diversity on the planet
and umbilical cord. The exchange of oxygen
and carbon dioxide also takes place using this B) Distribution of mammals in the world
C) Common features of mammals
38. Which of the following is true about
mammals? D) Differences between mammals and reptiles

A) As a result of their adaptation to living in E) Reproduction differences in mammals

different habitats around the world, their
physical appearances have become varied.

B) Compared to reptiles, mammals consume a

much higher amount of food in order to
maintain their body temperatures.

C) Thanks to their oxygen-rich blood, they are

able to nurture their offspring.

D) Their increased rate of metabolism has

helped them to be highly sophisticated

E) They share several similarities with reptiles

in terms of nutrition and food intake.

1. B
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. D
11. C
12. C
13. B
14. B
15. C
16. B
17. C
18. B
19. C
20. D
21. A
22. B
23. C
24. B
25. C
26. A
27. C
28. D
29. B
30. D
31. C
32. C
33. C
34. C
35. C
36. E
37. C
38. B
39. E
40. C

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