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2008 Systems Technical Conference

May 12 – 15, 2008 – Los Angeles, California

Live Partition Mobility

Initial Experiences

Session ID: pAI50

Steven Knudson

© 2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Training - 2008 Systems Technical Conference


ƒ Overview
ƒ Prerequisites
ƒ Validation
ƒ Migration
ƒ Effects
ƒ Demo
ƒ Supplemental Material

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ƒ Live Partition Mobility moves a running logical partition from one

POWER6 server to another one without disrupting the operation
of the operating system or applications

ƒ Network applications may see a brief (~2 sec) suspension toward

the end of the migration, but connectivity will not be lost

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ƒ Live Partition Mobility is useful for

– Server consolidation
– Workload balancing
– Preparing for planned maintenance
• e.g., planned hardware maintenance or upgrades
• In response to a warning of an impending hardware failure

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ƒ Inactive partition migration moves a powered-off partition from

one system to another

ƒ Less restrictive validation process because the migrated partition

will boot on the target machine; no running state needs to be

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ƒ Live Partition Mobility is not a replacement for HACMP

– Planned moves only – everything functional
– It is not automatic on a failure event
– Partitions cannot be migrated from failed machines
– Moving a single OS; there is not a redundant, failover OS
that an HACMP resource group is restarted in

ƒ It is not a disaster recovery solution

– Migration across long distances is not supported in the first
release because of SAN and LAN considerations

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From Fix Central website, Partition Mobility:

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ƒ Two POWER6 systems managed by a single HMC or IVM on each server
ƒ Advanced POWER Virtualization Enterprise Edition

ƒ VIOS (VIO, plus Fixpack 10.1) plus interim fixes
IZ08861.071116.epkg.Z – Partition Mobility fix
642758_vio.080208.epkg.Z – VIO MPIO fix
AX059907_3.080314.epkg.Z – USB Optical Drive fix
IZ16430.080327.epkg.Z – various Qlogic Emulex FC fixes

retrieve interim fixes, place in VIO at /home/padmin/interim_fix

# emgr –d –e IZ16430.080327.epkg.Z –v3 (as root, to see description)
$ updateios –dev /home/padmin/interim_fix –install –accept (install as padmin)

ƒ VIOS (VIO plus Fixpack 11.1) rolls up all interim fixes – Preferred

ƒ Virtualized SAN Storage (rootvg and application vgs)

ƒ Virtualized Ethernet (Shared Ethernet Adapter)

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ƒ All systems that will host a mobile partition must be on the same subnet and
managed by a single HMC
– POWER6 Blades are managed by IVM instances

ƒ All systems must be connected to shared physical disks (LUNs) in a SAN

subsystem with no scsi reserve
$ chdev –dev hdisk8 –attr reserve_policy=no_reserve
$ chdev –dev hdiskpower8 –attr reserve_lock=no

ƒ no LVM-based virtual disks – no virtual disk logical volumes carved in VIO

ƒ All resources must be shared or virtualized prior to migration (e.g., vscsi,

virtual Ethernet)

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ƒ The pHypervisor will automatically manage migration of CPU and

ƒ Dedicated IO adapters must be de-allocated before migration
ƒ cd0 in VIO may not be attached to mobile LPAR as virtual optical
ƒ The operating system and applications must be migration-aware
or migration-enabled

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Validation – High Level

ƒ Active partition migration capability and compatibility check

ƒ Resource Monitoring and Control (RMC) check

ƒ Partition readiness

ƒ System resource availability

ƒ Virtual adapter mapping

ƒ Operating system and application readiness check

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ƒ System Properties support Partition Mobility
– Inactive and Active Partition Mobility Capable = True
ƒ Mover Service Partitions on both Systems
– VIO Servers with VASI device defined, and MSP enabled

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ƒ If validation passes, “finish” button starts migration

ƒ From this point, all state changes are rolled back if an error occurs

Mobile MSP MSP Mobile

Partition Partition
1 2 4 5
POWER Hypervisor POWER Hypervisor
Source System Target System

Partition State Transfer Flow

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Migration Steps

ƒ The HMC creates a shell partition on the destination system

ƒ The HMC configures the source and destination Mover Service
Partitions (MSP)
– MSPs connect to PHYP thru the Virtual Asynchronous Services
Interface (VASI)
ƒ The MSPs set up a private, full-duplex channel to transfer partition state
ƒ The HMC sends a Resource Monitoring and Control (RMC) event to the
mobile partition so it can prepare for migration
ƒ The HMC creates the virtual target devices and virtual SCSI adapters in
the destination MSP
ƒ The MSP on the source system starts sending the partition state to the
MSP on the destination server

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Migration Steps

ƒ The source MSP keeps copying memory pages to the target in

successive phases until modified pages have been reduced to near zero
ƒ The MSP on the source instructs the PHYP to suspend the mobile
ƒ The mobile partition confirms the suspension by suspending threads
ƒ The source MSP copies the latest modified memory pages and state
ƒ Execution is resumed on the destination server and the partition re-
establishes the operating environment
ƒ The mobile partition recovers I/O on the destination server and retries all
uncompleted I/O operations that were going on during the suspension
– It also sends gratuitous ARP requests to all VLAN adapters (MAC
address(es) are preserved)

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Migration Steps
ƒ When the destination server receives the last modified pages, the
migration is complete
ƒ In the final steps, all resources are returned to the source and
destination systems and the mobile partition is restored to its fully
functional state
ƒ The channel between MSPs is closed
ƒ The VASI channel between MSP and PHYP is closed
ƒ VSCSI adapters on the source MSP are removed
ƒ The HMC informs the MSPs that the migration is complete and all
migration data can be removed from their memory tables
ƒ The mobile partition and all its profiles are deleted from the source
ƒ You can now add dedicated adapters to the mobile partition via DLPAR
as needed, or put it in an LPAR workload group

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ƒ Server properties
• The affinity characteristics of the logical memory blocks may change
• The maximum number of potential and installed physical processors may
• The L1 and/or L2 cache size and association may change
• This is not a functional issue, but may affect performance characteristics

ƒ Console
• Any active console sessions will be closed when the partition is migrated
• Console sessions must be re-opened on the target system by the user after

• uname will change. Partition ID may change. IP address, MAC address will
not change.

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ƒ Network
– A temporary network outage of seconds is expected to occur as part of
suspending the partition
• Temporary network outages may be visible to application clients, but it is
assumed that these are inherently recoverable

ƒ VSCSI Server Adapters

– Adapters that are configured with the remote partition set to the migrating
partition will be removed
• Adapters that are configured to allow any partition to connect will be left
configured after the migration
• Any I/O operations that were in progress at time of the migration will be
retried once the partition is resumed
– As long as unused virtual slots exist on the target VIO server, the necessary
VSCSI controllers and target devices will be automatically created

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ƒ Error logs
– When a partition migrates all of the error logs that the partition had received
will appear on the target system
– All of the error logs contain the machine type, model, and serial number so it
is possible to correlate the error with the system that detected it

ƒ Partition time
– When a partition is migrated the Time of Day and timebase values of the
partition are migrated.
– The Time of Day of the partition is recalculated ensuring partition timebase
value increases monotonically and accounting for any delays in migration.

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ƒ Two POWER6 servers
– 8-way Mercury
• 01EM320_31
– 16-way Zeus
• 01EM320_31
ƒ Single HMC managing both servers
– HMC V7.3.3.0
ƒ Mobile partition
– bmark26
• OS: AIX 6.1 6100-00-01-0748
• Shared processor pool Test1
• CPU entitlement: Min 0.20, Des 0.20, Max 2.00
• Mode: Uncapped
• Virtual Processors: Min 1, Des 2, Max 4
• Disks: SAN LUN

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Supplemental Material

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ƒClient hdisk0, set Initial Configuration

hcheck_interval to 300 before

ƒClient sees one hdisk – with two

MPIO paths lspath –l hdisk0

ƒPaths are fail_over only. No

load balancing in client MPIO

ƒhdisk6 and 7 in each VIO server

attached to vscsi server
adapter as a raw disk
ƒNo scsi reserve set on hdisk6, 7
in each VIO server. Also, with
two fcs in a VIO server, change
algorithm to round_robin for
hdisk1. SDDPCM, RDAC, or
PowerPATH driver installed in
each VIO server

ƒLUNs appears in each VIO

server as hdisk6, 7
This LUN is zoned
ƒRAID5 LUNs carved in storage, into another two VIO
zoned to 4 FC adapters in the LPARs, on the other
two VIO servers Power6 server also
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Initial Configuration (continued)

ƒ “Source” Power6 server mercury has dual VIO LPARs, ec01 and
ec02. SEA Failover primary is ec01, backup is ec02.

ƒ “Destination” Power6 server zeus has dual VIO LPARs, sq17 and
sq18. SEA Failover primary is sq17, backup is sq18

ƒ Profile for client partition bmark29_mobile has virtual scsi client

adapter IDs 8 and 9 connecting to ec01 (39) and ec02 (39)
respectively. Do NOT expect server adapter IDs to remain the same
after partition move.

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Initial Configuration (continued)

ƒ In VIO LPARs ec01 and ec02, hdisk6 and hdisk7 are LUNs we use
for bmark26 and bmark29 mobile LPARs.
ƒ $ lspv
hdisk0 00c23c9f9a1f1da3 rootvg active
hdisk1 00c23c9f9f5993e5 clientvg active
hdisk2 00c23c9f2fb9e5a9 clientvg active
hdisk3 00c23c9fb60af645 None
hdisk4 none None
hdisk5 none None
hdisk6 00c23c9f291cc30b None
hdisk7 00c23c9f291cc438 None

ƒ Without putting LUN hdisk7 in a volume group, we put a PVID on it

$chdev –dev hdisk7 –attr pv=yes -perm

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Initial Configuration (continued)

ƒ DS4300, RDAC LUNs can be identified by IEEE Volume Name

ƒ $ cat sk_lsdisk
for d in `ioscli lspv | awk '{print $1}'`
echo $d `ioscli lsdev -dev $d -attr | grep ieee | awk '{print $1"
"$2}' `
$ sk_lsdisk
hdisk6 ieee_volname 600A0B800016954000001C7646F142A6
hdisk7 ieee_volname 600A0B8000170BC10000142846F124AD

ƒ Have found that ieee_volname will not be visible up in the client


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Initial Configuration (continued)

ƒ CLARiiON PowerPATH LUNs can be identified by Universal Identifier (UI)

ƒ $ cat sk_clariion
for d in `ioscli lspv | grep hdiskpower | awk '{print $1}'`
ioscli lsdev -dev $d -vpd | grep UI | awk '{print $1“ “$2}’

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Initial Configuration (continued)

ƒ In both VIO LPARs on “Source” Power6 server mercury, hdisk7 is

attached to virtual scsi server adapter ID 39

ƒ $ cat sk_lsmap
# sk_lsmap
for v in `ioscli lsdev -virtual | grep vhost | awk '{print $1}'`
ioscli lsmap -vadapter $v -fmt : | awk -F: '{print $1" "$2" "$4" "$7" "$10}‘
$ sk_lsmap
vhost0 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C11 vt_ec04 client2lv
vhost1 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C12 vt_ec03 nimclientlv
vhost2 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C15 vt_ec05 client3lv
vhost3 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C32 vt_ec07 hdisk3
vhost4 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C20 vt_bmark26 hdisk6
vhost5 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C13
vhost6 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C14 vtscsi0 hdisk6
vhost7 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C16
vhost8 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C21
vhost9 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C39 vt_bmark29 hdisk7

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Initial Configuration (continued)

ƒ The client LPAR was activated, booted to SMS, Remote IPL setup,
boot on virtual Ethernet adapter, from the NIM master.

ƒ Target disk selection – Option 77, alternative disk attributes…

>>> 1 hdisk0 00c23c9f291cc438

PVID from VIO No MPIO in network boot

shows up in client image, so disk only
netboot shows up on first vscsi
client adapter ID 8

ƒ Option 77 again…
>>> 1 hdisk0 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V9-C8-T1-L8100000000000

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Initial Configuration (continued)

ƒ NIM install completes. One command included in the NIM script
resource, running at the end of install, and before boot
chdev -l hdisk0 -a hcheck_interval=300 –P

ƒ Sets MPIO to test failed and non-active paths every 5 minutes, bring
them online if available.

ƒ The newly Installed and booted LPAR has two vscsi client adapters
# lsdev -Cc adapter -F "name physloc" | grep vscsi
vscsi0 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V9-C8-T1
vscsi1 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V9-C9-T1

ƒ Two MPIO paths to hdisk0

# lspath -l hdisk0
Enabled hdisk0 vscsi0
Enabled hdisk0 vscsi1

ƒ The PVID we expected does come thru from VIO to the Client LPAR
# lspv
hdisk0 00c23c9f291cc438 rootvg active

ƒ The table is now set for Live Partition Mobility

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Starting Mobility

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Starting Mobility

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Starting Mobility

If you specify a
new profile
name, your
initial profile will
be saved. But
do NOT assume
it is bootable, or
usable on return
to “source”
server. VIO
mappings will

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Starting Mobility

There might be
more than one
server to
choose from

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Starting Mobility

… then …

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Starting Mobility

I selected
the pair that
were both
primary, but
any pair
should do

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Starting Mobility

Verify that
the required

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Starting Mobility

These are
my client
LPAR vscsi
adapter IDs,
matched to

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Starting Mobility

You may
select from
shared pools
on the

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Starting Mobility

Left to

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Starting Mobility

The moment
we’ve waited

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As migration starts, in the

“All Partitions” view we see
the LPAR residing on both
Power6 servers

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Further along in the

migration, we see the
LPAR in “Migrating-
Running” Status

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Migration Complete
Migrated LPAR
resides solely on new

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Migration Complete
ƒMigration preserved my old profile, and created a new one

Same client
adapter IDs, but
different VIO
server adapter

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Device Mapping after Migration

ƒ Migration used new VIO server adapter IDs, even when same adapter
IDs were available

$ hostname
Migration did not
$ sk_lsmap use ID 39 in
vhost0 U9117.MMA.109A4AF-V1-C15 destination VIO
vhost1 U9117.MMA.109A4AF-V1-C16 LPARs
vhost2 U9117.MMA.109A4AF-V1-C39
vhost3 U9117.MMA.109A4AF-V1-C14 vtscsi0 hdisk7

ƒ When you migrate back, do not expect to be back on your original VIO
Server adapter IDs. Your old client LPAR profile is historical, but will not
likely be usable without some reconfig. Best to create a new profile on
the way back over.

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Device Mapping after Migration

ƒ Back on the “source” server, device mappings for your client LPAR have
been completely removed from the VIO LPARs

ƒ $ hostname ec01
$ sk_lsmap
vhost0 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C11 vt_ec04 client2lv
vhost1 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C12 vt_ec03 nimclientlv
vhost2 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C15 vt_ec05 client3lv
vhost3 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C32 vt_ec07 hdisk3
vhost4 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C20 vt_bmark26 hdisk6
vhost5 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C13
vhost6 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C14 vtscsi0 hdisk6
vhost7 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C16
vhost8 U9117.MMA.1023C9F-V1-C21
No longer a vhost
adapter ID 39
(compare with page

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Interpartition Logical LAN, inside one Power6

ƒ Migration can preserve an internal, LPAR to LPAR network
ƒ The LPAR to migrate has virtual Ethernet adapter
ƒ Added this adapter to the Profile
ƒ DLPAR same adapter into the running LPAR
ƒ We added Ethernet adapter ID 5, on a different VLAN - 5

adapter is
on VLAN 5

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Interpartition Logical LAN, inside one Power6

ƒ cfgmgr in running AIX LPAR, DLPAR’d adapter is in

# lsdev –Cc adapter –F « name physloc" | grep ent[0-9]
ent0 U9117.MMA.109A4AF-V9-C2-T1
ent1 U9117.MMA.109A4AF-V9-C5-T1

ƒ smitty chinet, configure en1 interface

# netstat -in
Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts OerrsColl
en0 1500 link#2 540066 0 46426 0 0
en0 1500 9.19.51 540066 0 46426 0 0
en1 1500 link#3 0 0 3 0 0
en1 1500 192.168.16 0 0 3 0 0
lo0 16896 link#1 301 0 318 0 0
lo0 16896 127 301 0 318 0 0
lo0 16896 ::1 301 0 318 0 0

ƒ Perform the Migration again, back to “source” server mercury

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Interpartition Logical LAN, inside one Power6

ƒ We do get an “error” reported, that there is no support in source VIO

servers for VLAN 5.

ƒ VIO LPARs on source and destination Server must have virtual adapter
on VLAN 5, and this adapter must be “joined” into the SEA

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DLPAR new virtual Ethernet adapter into VIO LPARs

ƒ Do the DLPAR of adapter into both source VIO LPARs, and both
destination LPARs

The new

Priority MUST
match existing
trunk to
trunked SEA virtual
join SEA

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Adapter DLAR’d into VIOs, but not joined to SEA

ƒ Slightly different error – mkvdev the new virtual onto the SEA

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Which adapter to join?

ƒ Do in each of the four VIO LPARs – adapter numbers might not be


ƒ $ lsdev -type adapter -field name physloc | grep ent[0-9]

ent0 U789D.001.DQDXYCW-P1-C10-T1
ent1 U9117.MMA.109A4AF-V2-C11-T1
ent2 U9117.MMA.109A4AF-V2-C12-T1
ent3 U9117.MMA.109A4AF-V2-C13-T1
$ cfgdev
$ lsdev -type adapter -field name physloc | grep ent[0-9]
ent0 U789D.001.DQDXYCW-P1-C10-T1
ent1 U9117.MMA.109A4AF-V2-C11-T1
ent2 U9117.MMA.109A4AF-V2-C12-T1 The newly
ent3 U9117.MMA.109A4AF-V2-C13-T1
ent4 DLPAR’d in
ent5 U9117.MMA.109A4AF-V2-C18-T1 virtual
$ chdev –dev ent4 –attr virt_adapters=ent1,ent5
ent4 changed

Both trunked
virtual adapters
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Which adapter to join? Possible errors on chdev

ƒ Forgot to hit “external access” checkbox on new virtual adapter

chgsea: Ioctl NDD_SEA_MODIFY returned error 64 for device ent4

ƒ Trunk priority on new virtual did not match the existing trunked virtual
chgsea: Ioctl NDD_SEA_MODIFY returned error 22 for device ent4

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Now in the Validation before Migration…

ƒBoth VLAN ids show up in both destination VIO servers

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Ready to Finish…

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Another potential error…

ƒError configuring virtual adapter in slot 23 – we had no vhost in slot 23

ƒVirtual Optical device vtopt0 (cd0) cannot be attached to vhost adapter of migrating
LPAR - not obvious.
ƒrmdev –l cd0 –d (in client LPAR)
ƒrmdev –dev vtopt0 (in VIO server)
ƒRepeat validation

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Original SEA redundancy – Can Client Migrate? Yes

Source VIO1 Source VIO2

Client LPAR
ec01 ec02

physical VLAN 45 VLAN 55 physical

ƒBefore SEA Failover, we used EtherChannel Network Interface Backup in client
ƒSEA in each VIO server, with External Access Virtuals, each on different VLAN
ƒClient LPAR gets virtual adapter on each VLAN, with EtherChannel NIB on top
ƒTrunk priority on SEA bridged virtuals does not matter; different internal VLANs
ƒNo control channel; This is SEA, but not SEA Failover

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Original SEA redundancy – Can Client Migrate? Yes

ƒBoth VLANs in the

client LPAR (45, 55)
were found
- in SEAs
- in VIO servers
- on the destination

ƒIt is going to migrate

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ƒ Live Partition Mobility Redbook

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IBM hardware products are manufactured from new parts, or new and serviceable used parts. Regardless, our warranty terms apply.
All customer examples cited or described in this presentation are presented as illustrations of the manner in which some customers have used IBM products and the results they may have achieved. Actual
environmental costs and performance characteristics will vary depending on individual customer configurations and conditions.
This publication was produced in the United States. IBM may not offer the products, services or features discussed in this document in other countries, and the information may be subject to change without
notice. Consult your local IBM business contact for information on the product or services available in your area.
All statements regarding IBM's future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only.
Information about non-IBM products is obtained from the manufacturers of those products or their published announcements. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the performance,
compatibility, or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products.
Prices subject to change without notice. Contact your IBM representative or Business Partner for the most current pricing in your geography.

61 20-Aug-08 © 2008 IBM Corporation

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