Tutsheet 2 - HRM - 202

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SHRI RAMSWAROOP MEMORIAL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT TUTSHEET NO. 2 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SUBMITTED TO- MS. SHILP! BAJPAI SUBMITTED BY- VERTIKA SRIVASTAVA ROLL NO. MB23118 ee er es Date: ICICI Page :(_I(_IC] Te analy 1d _ SS A?ocriph on doh Apecificad ou oxo nee Gnterceenn ected chap enc, ANGE oats Sten Ousice 8 Cn co Mert provide La ee ee and oi Q J at culos ae b sole coitaSh an prizadion, qd eb “Analysis f Thip fo 4h. pro ce ( Srey odwexing | clecm enting and onaleing Siem ation als out aCe oui Cand Wg Viosuous anpexk > a job incluching Tes dutieon , nenpownibi Lit en = stan bat, Deas 2 venpisved’ working _condi-hans and hie! quasi fice ons | needed +0 | perro tne job effectively Yob _ Dis cription 7 A Job Diaembion oosattren documeck a | ahet outlines Ha sees eae ae LO. : job stole sitio Soa Beton, Et ba \panod (An fe so orm ened ” spe aperifee " Date:( 7] Boe SS ob os Alar Kowon ae segs Apeci feedttons jesaon i. ian om ea ph aa Ne one 7 ‘tea ean atti budes dea parted eT ao fndiviciced _-to — pom Q Dpesifte _ _jeb eal it Hew does “Job ddserption Apecification 2 Explain Wiech Baa jor mecruitmenf and Aekec-ion pusspanes’ ® Ne —. dies fel ae Bp $e "Tob cis cription and Job _Aperil teodton axa a stelated but ateve oe puscpares inthe Heceeeutcenct AalecHion Pxto com . = Job Diseription fo gE scpene & xr deb Dip criptt on outlines te — dicion , Henpouni bration | tor bs — and ectotions wo dated wrth a - Perchieashort _job stole warkes to an 5 eS za on, - t TE Tarludes dehalitns Arch % job 4cte 4 Dae oe, ie Bois Ibu bere are haties ands tenpe C—O cere — eee eb ee ep a a CRESS) Pege ‘(IC IC4 , (fp Rous Sei f= Dob Dineripliews TF 2 OOH uned jo. citlrort Ay AA canch hoses be carer _fpissiding on eral tes ee raat cae i es ef | [es Selection & Duiing the Aelectian 5 : PrLO cow , Dab_ — f Age asia Sel eoeuce ow a | ovalod ng Condihak® roi $i feat Gs _)F and ayia Sty Eber Hee S408 | oh Pp edi sient fou $= i a gif Bob pps foatiion. Outlines he apehi codons ai dy En ocoled ge and addkn bute requried bo | an individwol +o perform a pepeci | Pe | pee Paes etc : “i “Job ob Speci feators PB rae alinelliy pec iics me : “SS ali theadious and ie i Ce ESS Page :( 4 ial ° e || Ur 1 Selection $= Lede a : “ proce , Se as | Perve axa ban chaste. ter evra hur Ai [ candidaten —puitebibity and fit re a scale | et f- ——____ a Quen +2 havo ks Qnalayais te HB. Mare ea a || Huran Reseusice FLanas.em ear. at Ea ‘ = § 7 Dine , 7 ca i Am || Tob Bias dn indeed domentod in Huan si Rerouxce! M extent CHEM) op ft a fa au eundatt on jor cay AR octvite . ht inwelues Aeon cM coy gothexing “ane a. is he anelGzing ewen Mad or dekeorminiog fe__job 4B vahus usediin ARs Dysininasionss Wor Hoce Planning & Jeb AnadyAi > priovi'd an tl Ug insights frida serch and — Pafiss eons needs of he Le organtzation 7 1 What do ae Understand by Human venouxce — planning Desenbe {hs cRanacteristin. F T © ties : -4| Human yerouwice nning CHRP) fo +R process b = ankiGip akin an Sarg ani gation MA a |e need» nd enyswor ak i+ “Bas 3g he shace people ‘in is ot pari Hons ba a jks > 9G i mse to achieve its ee Objective a ‘ , Anidbapzing: and the Srqani Becton d Ee Date:C Ij [ Page Iq Me ee : = MW a coe joum Pen pect Vein Sz erste a WR Pir comm den ¥ immediate A tn teed it pmaeay OLELD: OW ceo Joug sLesim Goad» and objective) la i ve__Hre | e) Integration site Grant ational Goals $— ye Effect fan HP) Lepissen Ova bn extended Povo Hou . heeds and extacna foctows fect +o See a oe overall Piretes te Obiectiven of | lexibivity ARP. reXoquia.er hat ee | Guess MiG seu Panning Vo pre steps te a epee Pa ean management of eA Ruy leckem exct ani ahs a cance “i RereNnCoNeuad cs. sabi Fela ST otetement: Situualn Peneusice pis nn Sw pres nequiri te ow achive ent Raman _Henourcce * “Rg Io tes =e Aiticed stale = He — y | 7 ae Ge Date: fica) Pridaott Soctluen . cae in wh enabler —T| grgaki gah ong te ado cote Ryman ~ Heroiw(ce Tf aictently a | atent Acopiriten and Peten Hou am HR pla ait tases Bs ident Need on oe sfehent o and te pyr oct ic to. attract , ma Ronee and Sere Dei Wed Seepleyer, su kK @|Hiiigation Fabs Bias Scenetio o Sus OD ESQ SAbspage :[ peal oe a WR Abreteqien anal F atigued tka fia onal Seno acud jon Stra ee Deer Alow Making pening prev dey Voluable iwrigths as dlatain dabien se ocala { ‘ sto Mepperd lect Aron { 5 OcensrQy. 4 5 = Date: 4 99: II bs Ge Disa the problems int ochuman Aogue. i), planning Hew can ene problems bo i, ere 9 Sosvil dele 7 Awe || Human yesource Genning can encounter J T Acvescal chal natn by fnolvciug. ie —— | a i noe SR ies fading — felon aha Hoc be it needs | Uiffientt dua “te Barge ai tay a ea eat condHons , ~ Sequdaltons oe irrotehed Skil + Thea m Baia ca befuscen HD Ale QDs Teguu ved _ a fates xoler and Re Aki presente by Curated employees ota Lf wtetfon, t- Lynurted —atiuiti OY poor j ay lovee clata Coke { it_& eae to “pstcaa Adel ing wet oad graphic Changes ee cial esorkjorce , > lp) erence = Pone q | necetst tall Utircernts Ho Date: (C4 AA Globalsat . qa aa a Nanos tn Bei. aS Avene us 1 acrom differcesct- 3 a meee - Sn ee ee —focatons ex Husey AS Ee Tanda, elena olds coup R cars ia nad Impl m ente ertedtou, es a a) How wi @ you nicks ol Le Wenley petwse = se Planning Qn ol OM canting 9 i. tr ‘e o Lf B. =, ont Huncour QNOLI(CO _plannin. and Oy can H ‘ Pl. sieloted etre ac $ hed, = ipo n er and TR cnnnan tb E anid Plonning = Tr HR aon ae fn a be Proce that flu | [rvatuer a org aii zait'on 's Ef wdprkfer ce capers el meri TW, veuenedd | goals >. and objec: —~ 0} De en cotpaunen Q cousare h esive analy ES ab Curt Ot asor Kforce Cay pabi sities pe E x ent needy ; and paealegity to .ad On Gapn, —~ HR SF odanning Invite activitien Auch as — toca jen ok asedy WN derranal fs rn pply — t Ghabysiny cand \ gp an [At = lass! Seen on > uM Wey k fevee = Ad Opi alout wanage ent) Atuce ey tou Planning — and ehktwulug e BYgaulratfow - ha» L Stig people — coith fla Notigtt Abr dhs - 7g ii Date :([— —<—— es + + | Horearting : = wat e | On he othen hand isa COurp ou et of I~ oo nnin and inicoluey {0 hi ch'n 2 steeae [ at a drendy and events stodateal a Usovi face . aS a a e for canting welreda be Inehiude di fabivg ee a. techni quae Auth ay hen ol Oh: (NMS eit an in and eli ctfre Lito d elt'n = | Peon pe approach e fac expert _frclgen eck and Acenexto plone q al Dincuww the Quanh'tetive and Qualifative npects St man pourert filo sinc , Hamp ouser peas otyso kno wn aw fermay Mer ewiee nonin : tn car porat botte quanti tative and? qualitative aunpects b. acti man a ak fo ces a5 ° n srgsei got oo a a Tt inctedo — d deteccinininte = y Pe deed nd ee @= S55 = Page I Kids Tnven Dyn fa nase iu = hans Moire ; ma Cle ty — avai debi Gs dy PPeetad ~ dua ; bia SEEMS aiid eeth. | fy ett eadieal a organisa cffonat eats necemary to VAA\AAS pibissiee —Metaiea = Runatilative analy aT} D___tn clive) e nighties <8 7) [Auch oud —emplevee ‘Heer noes pirsthenn my | obrenteciam “safer and prod fly a, wren A OU Cn arorkforee : hy ston ee officioney. ry ~Aapects = mM & 2sThalss (n chard en cousidex » ' on Aub lect've foccievs an ||Auch on v9 Boron cor Lhusee eee i] wesrale and — Leacl ers tip capabi tities the ” Can ie ence dock fens planni 9 oleci'sious \ lesa a lan nn & This includ es : is . act, ’ On -fech nrofo4q/ cod ce Woes Changes anal woos ket Lalla! Bee as aticat: ee [unpack future N-Ce ~ @oe:lo5 Page (1) Tatent meat Strate: E=IGuntu Ne ‘ Develop pee 2 1a } identify opp oxtuni ties or a ae aan ae econ ae deaderrPilin tn d m ent ie SOU, _atkeiMed go OiMed a, table comtelere cnperble ae Keocti = eo ‘al ad futures chatteng nu ‘Adee 2 emt the Vasu os owes ecru fuscent | ofp executive, * Vas frources Of Stecrauiued * 0s 2a 4 for § at Promotion & feomo tig from _estihig 7 Con be eX ceil boot: ae : Ss aeitini iP crsatafiad = eS de vorels I tun add 4 bs pet a post tie §- Thin crppstoach —_steli on ‘feowty ~ an _exiat A eonnecttonys fever _ MA OLerboole pala cand dote> —a wh ate _ro-t adil expnged — ys Ge Pate: ooS Page Ij A [ potslemion al netwoy ky, a Gl Sate ob firtet 2 Qutine poe orm ~ 4 i puch — os oe : 8 abt [fob beards allors Org ania ations i orae A a_aside poo x ectdiive ean 3 ‘a ave eueclepment Progrome f Dhuesting — fos _Neadextutp 7 d mesct prognams and hs 4 Goth li ‘oat 3 . oft af employees oy ekeautingt {olen can Qo Cant =~ effective A 4 tt > bing Ho Legod , econouic Ao dad A Jf and polireeDt Be tna fn stecyurtrwet. tur Te Cousidexratton - Lf Ard Dracnwenatton foros | Equsk Qupley wert ee CE&EO) i . Toa a a - ° re ae = Devs: II] rage ‘CIC IL Q) ocial usid ony Pn ide a ea a) « diana and Inchuston e | Corp Oocal Renpoun' bi Sity C Eatgloyen — Branding — “a al Polptiead Cows denatioy em aden Eno lrouncend i : : ROm ees e onceptt ou iD biel Yee Vasvolus Aclecton trechwiquen in Ganercal 2 Outline Pore ( stechiai qures ashe ute Aalst, tyed in Tada ¢ election “Techniquen ase mettods wed by vw ons +o i Myo Saye ratte amen the | foi tabi fity job suse’. of Can Al dates ca aestie ae xp La nott’s Mane, a eioces, 2 Th da Date: ( JJ] Page :(—_][_] p[ wok 22 RK pero lion. F 5 ctusced chau! our Tatouy) ews F A foals Ov CO.0y Da Ee ey, i b- [op dns asap ieee | z . Os pelectt A ae In clue e ' i a - Couterty ; | and Beskoreund Checks < feclidguer are adepied — Wig oat’ons a oe Se Aes : begat dts — " 25 fo dhoda. —a =

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