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Name: Ivanah Jean D.

Caralos Date: February 18, 2024

Instructor: Prof. Ricky “Matey” B. Duran, MSc Subject: ENVO36

Is there air pollution in vape?

In recent years in the modern world, it has been higher for the people engaging in new
technology. Vaping has emerged as a rapidly growing trend that captivates millions worldwide.
According to research an electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) or vape is a device that simulates tobacco
smoking. It consists of an atomizer, a power source such as a battery, and a container such as a
cartridge or tank filled with liquid.
Vaping may harm not just the people, but it can be accountable to the environment. The
increasing usage of vaping indoors raises concerns about possible effects on public health and
indoor air quality (IAQ). Liquid for use inside an e-cigarette is called e-liquid but is also known as e-
juice or vape juice. E-liquids may contain nicotine, as well as propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin or
glycerol, other chemicals (including those used to create flavors), and, in some cases, water. The
study uses measurements of airborne nicotine concentrations that airborne nicotine were collected
using a modified sampling method. (Chen et al., 2017; Lopez et al., 2013). By continuously
measuring concentrations in real-time, researchers can track fluctuations in pollutant levels and
identify potential hotspots where vaping activities contribute to elevated pollution levels. Data
analysis and monitoring are used for analyzing the concentration of chemicals, like nicotine and
other particles used to compose an e-cigarette or vape. Collecting data and monitoring it needs air
as a sample to observe for nicotine and other particles that have been concentrated through the air.
This helps in assessing the potential inhalation exposure to particulate matter.
In result of the study, shows effect of that vaping may have an impact on our health and
environment. Here are some concerns about the impact of vaping on the environment, especially
on air quality, indoor air quality, outdoor air quality, and chemical emissions. Using vaping indoors
can develop aerosolized particles and harmful chemicals into the air. It is less harmful than tobacco
smoke, but it still can contribute to air pollution. The indoor air concentrations of fine (PM2.5) and
ultrafine particles (UFP) increase when e-cigarettes or vaping are used. The ultrafine particles
penetrate the alveoli of the lungs. While the outdoor air quality, in areas where vaping is very
common, unpenetrated contributes to localized pollution, even if it may not have as much of an
effect on overall air quality as inside vaping. Moreover, chemical emissions can also affect the air
quality of our environment but not for that it also has a big impact on our health. If vaping devices
use heat to create aerosol from e-liquids, which can include flavorings, additives, and nicotine
among other substances. When breathed, several of these substances may be harmful, particularly
at high concentrations or after long-term exposure.
As I read some of the articles, I’ve been researching I found that one study found that vaping
was more effective than other nicotine replacement therapies (like nicotine patches) in helping
people quit cigarettes. However, most people kept vaping after they stopped using cigarettes, so
they were still getting nicotine and other dangerous chemicals. Even though it is still not safe it is a
safer alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes and safer for the people who inhale from others
or are called secondhand smoke. There are two major health effects respiratory and cardiovascular
disease. In response to these issues about vaping not just for our health but also for the
environment. The governments should address these issues by implementing and regulating the
users and marketing of vaped products. Also, restrictions or bans for advertising to attract the
youth and for less of an impact on environmental pollution.

References :
Destaillats, H., Singer, B. C., & Salthammer, T. (2020). Does vaping affect indoor air quality? Indoor
Air, 30(5), 793–794.
Chen, R., Aherrera, A., Isichei, C., Olmedo, P., Jarmul, S., Cohen, J. E., Navas-Acién, A., & Rule, A. M.
(2017). Assessment of indoor air quality at an electronic cigarette (Vaping) convention. Journal of
Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 28(6), 522–
Li, L., Nguyen, C., Lin, Y., Guo, Y., Fadel, N. A., & Zhu, Y. (2021). Impacts of electronic cigarettes usage
on air quality of vape shops and their nearby areas. Science of the Total Environment, 760,

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