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Define the Following

1. Independent Variable
● The independent variable is a manipulated factor in an experiment or study. It is
the variable intentionally changed by the researcher to observe its effect on the
dependent variable.
2. Dependent Variable
● The dependent variable is the observed and measured outcome in an
experiment or study. It is the variable affected by changes in the independent
variable, and researchers aim to understand, predict, or explain its variations.
3. Extraneous Variable
● Extraneous variables are factors in a research study that are not the main
variables but can impact results. Researchers work to identify and control for
these variables to enhance the study's internal validity, ensuring that observed
effects can be confidently attributed to the independent variable rather than
external factors.
4. Confounding Variable
● A confounding variable is an extraneous factor in a study that is associated with
both the independent and dependent variables. It can introduce confusion by
creating a misleading relationship between the variables, making it challenging to
determine the true cause-and-effect.
5. Pseudoscience
● Pseudoscience are beliefs or practices that present themselves as scientific but
lack empirical evidence, scientific study, and adherence to the scientific method.
These claims often rely on anecdotal evidence, lack proper testing, and resist
revision in the face of new evidence.

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