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Câu 1. When a lion gets hungry, its manner changes and it

becomes threatened.

A. when B. its manner C. and D. threatened

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 2. Little he knows about the surprise that awaited him.

A. he knows B. about C. the D. awaited

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 3. It is time the government do something to help the unemployed to
find some jobs.

A. do B. time C. the unemployed D. some

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 4. I enjoy reading the article that you told me about it yesterday

A. reading B. that C. told D. it

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 5. Many languages used around the world they do not have a form of

A. used B. around

C. they D. a form of writing

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 6. The bus was plenty of people who had spent many a happy
hour shopping at the new.

A. plenty of B. who

C. many a happy hour D. shopping

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 7. It is believed that in the near future robots will be used to
doing things such as cooking.
A. it is believed B in the near future

C. be used to cooking D. such as

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 8. John announced that he could not longer tolerate the conditions of the
contract under which he was working.

A. announced that B. not longer tolerate

C. of D. under which
Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 9. I think she will be suitable for the work because she has been
working like a teacher for a long time.

A. will be B. for

C. has been working D. like

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 10. Passengers are required to arrive to the gate fifteen
minutes before departure time.

A. are required B. to arrive to

C. before D. departure time

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 11. By measuring the color of a star, astronomers can tell how hot is it.

A. measuring B. the C. how D. is it

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 12. Although caffeine is a moderately habit-forming drug, coffee is not
regarded as harmfully to the average healthy adult.

A. moderately B. habit-forming C. harmfully D. healthy

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 13. The Great Pyramid of Giza is said to have built over a 20-year
A. of B. said C. have built D. a
Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 14. I clearly remember to tell you about this before.

A. clearly B. remember C. to tell D. about

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 15. Not everyone realizes that the most largest organ of
the human body is the skin.

A. not everyone B. most largest C. human D. is

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 16. The governor, with his wife and children, are at home watching the
election results on TV.

A. his B. are C. watching D. on TV

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 17. An ambitious person is committed to improve his or
her status at work.

A. is B. improve C. status D. at
Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 18. Generally, Europe and Asia are regarded as being distinct
continents, but they are simply vast geography divisions of the larger lad
mass known as Eurasia.

A. Generally B. are regarded

C. vast geography D. known as

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 19. Bill is often late for class, which makes his teachers angrily.

A. Bill is often B. for C. which D. angrily

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 20. Manufacturers may use food additives for preserving, to color, or to
flavor, or to fortify foods.
A. may use B. for preserving

C. to flavor D. to fortify
Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 21. Once you have finished an article and identified its main ideas, it
may not be necessary to reread it again.

A. Indentified B. be necessary C. Once D. again

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 22. Thomas refused to join the school basketball team, this was
not good news at all

A. to join B. school C. this D. good

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 23. I am now in my attempt winning a place at the same university to my

A. now in B. winning C. at the same D. to

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 24. However type of raw materials is used in making paper, the process
is essentially the same.

A. However B. is used C. paper D. essentially

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 25. Her weigh has increased remarkably since she
began receiving treatment.

A. Her B. weigh C. remarkably D. receiving

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 26. Neither the Minister nor his colleagues has given an
explanation for the chaos in the financial market last week.

A. Neither B. has given

C. for D. the financial market

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 27. This might not matter with you, but some people are going to
be negatively affected by this decision.

A. might not B. with C. are D. negatively

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 28. Upon reaching the destination, a number of personnel is expected to
change their reservations and proceed to Hawaii.

A. reaching B. is C. to change D. proceed to

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 29. The University of Kentucky has held this prestigious title until 1989,
when it was granted to the University of Georgia.

A. has held B. it C. was granted D. to

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 30. To everyone's surprise, it wasn't in Bristol which he made his
fortune, although that’s where he was born.

A. To B. surprise C. which D. made

Câu 1. There are some people in the government try to improve the lives of
poor people.

A. to improve B. There are C. lives D. try

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 2. There are many reasons why a particular species may
become endangering.

A. endangering B. may C. a D. reasons why

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 3. Hardly did he enter the room when all the lights went out.

A. did he enter B. when

C. the lights D. went

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 4. Publishing in the UK, the book has won a number of awards in recent
regional book fairs.

A. publishing B. has won C. in D. book fairs

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 5. Most of the houses on the street was built in the previous century.

A. of B. on C. previous D. was
Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 6. Oxygen plays a important role in maintaining live.

A. a B. plays C. role D. live

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 7. In July of 1861, Pat Garett killed Billy the Kid in a house close Fort

A. close Fort Summer B. of

C. In D. in a house
Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 8. Both Mr. and Mrs. Smith are explaining the children the rules of the

A. Both Mr. and Mrs. Smith B. are

C. explaining D. the children the rules of the game

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 9. A child of noble birth, his name was famous among the children in
that school.

A. of B. his name C. among D. in that

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 10. Unlike many writings of her time, she was not preoccupied with
A. writings B. of her time

C. preoccupied D. with morality

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 11. Tenant farmers are those they either rent a farm and work it for
themselves or work the farm for the owner and receive payment.

A. they B. it C. or D. the owner

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 12. Having finished his tem paper before the deadline, it was
delivered to professor before the class.

A. having finished B. before

C. it was delivered D. before

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 13. It is recommended that people to take regular exercise.

A. recommended B. people C. to take D. exercise

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 14. More than ten students have failed the
exam, that surprised the class teacher.

A. more than B. have failed C. that D. the

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 15. The world is becoming more industrialized and the number of
animal species that have become extinct have increased.

A. industrialized B. species C. extinct D. have

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 16. The most visible remind of the close relationship between the United
States and France is the famous Statue of Liberty, which stands in New York

A. remind B. between C. is D. which

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 17. Folklore consists of the beliefs, customs, traditions, and telling
stories that people pass from generation to generation.

A. Folklore B. the C. telling stories D. generation

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 18. The bones of the elderly are more prone to fractures than of young

A. the elderly b. more C. to D. of

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 19. My pen has very few ink in it, so could you give me some

A. has B. few ink C. could D. some

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 20. Neither William or his brother stole the rambutans from our orchard.

A. or B. stole C. from D. our orchard

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 21. Tom said that he was trying to carry out some campaigns to protect
environment and will encourage others to do so.

A. he was trying B. some C. campaigns D. will

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 22. My elder sisters, both of them were doctors, said they were too
busy to pick me up.

A. elder B. both of them

C. too busy D. to pick

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 23. It is very difficult for her to prevent him for smoking in her house.

A. very B. for C. prevent D. for smoking

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 24. My sister told me that she had met my teacher at the
supermarket yesterday.

A. My sister told B had met

C. at the supermarket D. yesterday

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 25. If you take the train, it would be much more convenient.

A. if B. the train C. would be D. much

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 26. Some of his favourite subjects at school are Maths, English
and Geographical.

A. some B. subjects C. are D. Geographical

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 27. Could you tell me how can I get to the city library, please?

A. Could B. me C. how can I D. the

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 28. The number of students attending universities to
study economics have increased steadily in the last few years.

A. of students B. attending C. economics D. have

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 29. My teacher is very strict and he always makes us to finish all the
exercises before leaving school.

A. is B. strict C. to finish D. leaving school

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 30. Although most species of small birds gather in groups at feeders
provided by bird-watchers, the bright red cardinals usually appears
alone or with its mate.

A. at B. cardinals C. or D. its
Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 31. Henry David Thoreau was an American writer
who is remembered for his faith in religious significance of the nature.

A. an B. is C. for D. the nature

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 32. Proteins are made up of folded irregularly chains, the
links of which are amino acids.

A. made up of B. folded irregularly

C. the links D. which

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 33. A smile can be observed, described, and reliably identify, it can
also be elicited and manipulated under experimental conditions.

A. identify B. experimental C. can also D. A smile

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 34. Each of the members of the group were made to write a report
every week.

A. were B. members C. to write D. week

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 35. The harder he tried, the worst he danced before the large audience .

A. worst B. the C. before D. tried

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 36. My father asked me where had I gone the night before.

A. the B. asked me C. had I D. before

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 37. Ancient people made a clay pottery because they needed it for their

A. a clay pottery B. because

C. it D. their survival
Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 38. Students suppose to read all the questions carefully and find out the
answers to them.

A. suppose B. all the

C. all the questions D. them

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 39. If they took their language lesson seriously, they would be able to
communicate with the locals now.

A. took B. seriously C. would be D. with the locals

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 40. Neither of the men arresting as terrorists would reveal information
about his group.

A. neither B. arresting C. would reveal D. his group

Câu 1. You shouldn’t criticize him in front of his friends. It was insensitive of

A. shouldn’t criticize B. him in front of

C. it D. insensitive
Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 2. Higher education in the United States specifically refers to post -
secondary institutions, that offer associate degrees, master degrees or Ph.d.
degrees or equivalents.

A. specifically refers B. institutions C. that D. or equivalents

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 3. I’m not used to go to school late. I prefer punctuation.

A. I’m not used to B. go

C. late D. prefer
Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 4. Despite the long history of the rights of property ownership,
there have been a great deal of disagreement over what such rights entail.

A. what such rights entail B. have been

C. Despite D. a great deal of

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 5. Paris is much more exciting as I expected.

A. much B. exciting C. as D. expected

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 6. English is speaking in many countries in the world.

A. English B. speaking C. many countries D. the world

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 7. Chemical engineering is based in the principles of physics, chemistry,
and mathematics.

A. in B. principles C. chemistry D. mathematics

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 8. He is the second person be killed in that way.

A. is B. the C. be killed D. way

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 9. . For the first time in the history of the country, the person who
recommended by the president to replace a retired justice on the Supreme
Court is a woman.

A. is B. a retired justice

C. to replace D. who recommended

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 10.. The most sensitive way to resolve a family problem
is by open discussion.
A. the B. sensitive C. by D. open
Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 11. . Dogs that are trained to lead the blind must be loyalty, intelligent
and calm.

A. dogs that B. trained C. the D. loyalty

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 12. . The shopkeeper warned the
boys don't learn their bicycles against his windows.

A. the B. don’t C. their D. against

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 13. . The telephone rang several times and then stop before
I could answer it.

A. times B. then C. stop D. could

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 14. The teacher asked him why hadn’t he done his
homework, but he said nothing.

A. why B. hadn’t he done

C. but D. said nothing

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 15. . A dangerously situation was created by the bad roads.

A. dangerously B. was C. created D. bad roads

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 16. . In most countries music songs are deeply personal and deal
with themes of love, lonely, and separation.

A. most countries B. deeply C. deal with D. lonely

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 17. One of the best ways to encourage your children to read are to
provide interesting titles for them to enjoy.
A. the best B. to read C. are D. for
Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 18. Had I been interested in that subject, I would try to
learn more about it.

A. in B. try to learn C. Had D. about

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 19. The two children tried as hardly as they could to bring about a
reconciliation between their parents.

A. children B. hardly C. between D. to bring about

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 20. Education, whether it happens at school or anywhere else, is a
important part in our life.

A. Education B. whether C. or D. a important part

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 21. I can’t go out tonight because I have too many work to do.

A. can’t B. because C. too many D. to do

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 22. Foreign students who are doing a decision about which school to
attend may not know exactly where the choices are located

A. are doing B. about which

C. to attend D. the choices

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 23. Should you mind telling me the way to the nearest restaurant?

A. Should B. telling me C. to D. nearest

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 24. English, together with Literature and Maths, are compulsory subjects
in the national curriculum.
A. English B. with Literature

C. are D. national curriculum

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 25. Optimists believe that in future we will be living in a
cleaner environment, breathing fresher air and eat healthier food.

A. Optimists believe B. in future

C. living in a cleaner D. eat healthier food

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 26. The man for who the police are looking robbed the bank yesterday.

A. who B. are C. robbed D. the bank

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 27. He passed the exams with high scores, that made his
parents happy.

A. passed B. with C. that D. happy

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 28. . Because her sickness she didn’t take part in the English
competition held in Sunday.

A. Because B. she C. take D. held

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 29. The teacher together with his students have finished their project on

A. The B. together C. have D. their

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 30. Mr. Smith, along with her cousins from Canada, are planning to
attend the firework display in Da Nang, Vietnam.

A. with B. her cousins C. are D. to attend

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 31. I had my motorbike repair yesterday but now it still doesn’t work.

A. had B. repair C. but now D. work

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 32. The Oxford English Dictionary is well known for including many
different meanings of words and to give real examples.

A. well known B. The C. meanings D. to give

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 33. David, who mother is Vietnamese, speaks both Vietnamese and
English fluently.

A. who B. is C. speaks D. fluently

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 34. If I had studied carefully, I wouldn't made so many mistakes.

A. I had B. carefully C. made D. so many

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 35. The director, as well as his wife and two children, were injured in the

A. the B. well C. were D. in

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 36. My father asked me where had I gone the night before.

A. asked B. the C. before D. had I

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 37. The harder he tried, the worst he danced before the large audience.

A. before B. the C. worst D. tried

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 38. Many young people lack skills, good education, and financial to
settle in the urban areas where many jobs are found.

A. lack B. financial C. urban areas D. are found

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 39. She did not know where most of the people in the
conference was from.

A. did not B. where C. the D. was

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 40. It is important that you turned off the heater every
morning before you leave for class.

A. turned off B. before C. important D. leave for

Câu 1. Developing new technologies are time-consuming and expensive.

A. developing B. technologies C. are D. time-consuming

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 2. The assumption that smoking has bad effects on our health have
been proved.

A. that B. effects C. on D. have been proved

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 3:. A novel is a story long enough to fill a complete book, in that the
characters and events are usually imaginary.

A. long enough B. complete C. that D. imaginary

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 4. The leader demanded from his members a serious attitude towards
work, good team spirit, and that they work hard.

A. leader B. his members

C. attitude D. that they work hard

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 5.The earth is the only planet with a
large number of oxygen in its atmosphere.

A. the B. number C. oxygen D. its

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 6. Not until he got home he realized he had forgotten to give her the

A. got B. he realized C. her D. the present

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 7. The longer the children waited in the long queue, the
more impatiently they became

A. the longer B. waited C. the long queue D. impatiently

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 8. Mrs. Stevens, along with her cousins from Canada, are planning to
attend the firework display in Da Nang, Vietnam.

A. with B. her cousins C. are D. to attend

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 9. If one type of manufacturing expands, it is like that another type will
shrink considerably.

A. expands B. like C. another D. considerably

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 10. For thousands of years, man has created sweet-smelling substances
from wood, herbs and flowers and using them for perfumes or medicine.
A. man B. sweet-smelling C. using them D. or
Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 11. People in every part of the world readily and easily communicates by
means of electronic mail.

A. every part B. readlily C. communicates D. by means

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 12. The grass needs cutting, so let us have one of the men to take lawn-
mower and do it.

A. needs B. cutting C. let D. to take

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 13. . What we know about certain diseases are still not sufficient to
prevent them from spreading easily among the population.

A. What we know B. are C. from spreading D. among

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 14.By the time Robert will finish writing the first draft of his
paper, most of the other students will have completed their final draft

A. will finish B. writing C. most D. their

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 15. Each of the beautiful cars in the shop was quickly sold to their owner

A. Each B. cars C. quickly D. their

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 16. . United States is aimed at develop friendly relations among
nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-
determination of people.

A. develop B. based C. principle D. people

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 17. After spending two days arguing about where to go for their
holidays, is was decided that they shouldn’t go anywhere.

A. arguing B. for C. is was decided D. shouldn’t go

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 18. Regarding as one of the leading figures in the development of the
short story, O Henry is the author of many well- known American novels.

A. Regarding as B. leading figures C. the D. novels

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 19. If you work hard, you would be successful in anything you do.

A. you work B. would be C. in D. anything

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 20. Mrs. Loan, along with her talented students, are going to be on
the summer camp to USA.

A. along with B. talented C. are going D. summer

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 21. Most bothersome flies belong to the family Sarcophagidae and
are popular known as flesh flies because the larvae feed on flesh.

A. belong to B. popular known C. because D. feed on

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 22 . It is important that cancer is diagnosed and treated as early as
possible in order to assure a successful cure.

A. is diagnosed B. treated

C. as early as possible D. to assure

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 23. . Had it not been for you help me, I wouldn't have succeeded.

A. not B. you help me C. wouldn’t D. succeeded

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 24. I enjoyed talking to the people with that I met at the party last night.

A. talking B. the C. with that D. at the party

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 25. It is vitally important that she takes this medication night and

A. vitally B. that C. takes D. medication

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 26. Society uses such human emotions as proud, shame, guilt, and fear
to maintain itself.

A. such human B. proud C. guilt D. itself

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 27. The number of women earning Master's Degrees have risen sharply
in recent years.

A. number B. earning C. have risen D. recent years

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 28. Some species of bats are dormant each days and active every night.

A. species of B. each days

C. every night D. are dormant

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 29After the police had tried unsuccessfully to determine to who the car
belonged, they towed it to the station.

A. the police B. unsuccessfully C. who D. it to

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 30. Those who had already purchased tickets were instructed to go
to gate first immediately.

A. Those B. had already purchased

C. gate first D. immediately

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 31. For thousands of years, man has created sweet-smelling substances
from wood, herbs and flowers and using them for perfumes or medicine.

A. man B. sweet-smelling C. using them D. or

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 32. There are many different ways of comparing the culture of one
nation with those of another.

A. There are B. of comparing C. those D. another

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 33 She only had a twenty-dollars bill with her when she
landed at Healthrow airport.
A. had B. twenty-dollars bill C. when D. at
Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 34 I was very busy lately since the project of designing the new
collection started.

A. was B. since

C. the project D. the new collection

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 35. Sometimes it takes me about three hours finishing my round.

A. sometimes B. me C. hours D. finishing

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 36. Little have people done to alleviate the sea pollution caused by the
factories in central Vietnam, haven’t they?

A. have people done B. caused

C. in central D. haven’t they

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 37. I can’t find the letter I received from my boss some days ago. I might
throw it into the waste paper bin yesterday.

A. received B. can’t find

C. into the D. might throw

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 38. Unlike the old one, this new copier can perform their functions in half
the time.

A. unlike B. can perform

C. their functions D. in half the time

Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 39. Building thousands of years ago, the ancient palace is popular
with modern tourists.
A. building B. ago C. the ancient D. popular with
Hiển thị đáp án
Câu 40. It is the recommendation of many psychologists that a learner ought
to use mental images to associate word and remember them.

A. recommendation B. ought to use

C. to associate word D. remember them

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