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Monday Jan.

08, 2024
First Day
 Today was my first meeting with Mrs. Thompson and her third-grade class;
overall, I was welcomed into their classroom with such excitement and
respect. I enjoyed the class, and I enjoyed learning from Mrs. Thompson
right away. I liked the way the students got along with everyone in the
classroom, and I enjoyed seeing that the students have a great relationship
with their teacher. I also enjoyed learning that Mrs. Thompson provides
“brain breaks” to have students stretch and be able to re-focus on their work.
Tuesday Jan. 09, 2024
Second Day
 I was able to help students today in their writing prompts along with an
activity. Right now, students are learning how to write and maintain
themselves on the lines of the sheet. I was also in an I-Learning meeting that
was set in my CT’s classroom when the students were sent to their specials.
The principal also attended the meeting, and I was amazed at all the
questions and the concerns my CT and other teachers had based on the
program. I truly felt the concern they showed for their students.
Monday Jan. 29, 2024
Third Day
 Today was one of two observations that I had with my supervisor. I based
my lesson on what one of my SMART Goals are. My lesson consisted of the
question “What does your name mean?” I want to learn my students’ names
and be able to remember them, but I also wanted them to be able to write to
me about what their names mean to them, and where does it come from.
This way my students can feel comfortable telling me about their names and
why it may be important to them to be presented by that name. I also gave
them a short activity to draw what their name means on the back of their
Tuesday Jan. 30, 2024
Fourth Day
 Today I helped my students with an array activity. I reviewed some array
examples with them before they started on the hot air balloon array activity.
They were given a multiplication to work on by my CT and each student
worked on their own, they also had a chance to color in their arrays. I also
was given the chance to talk about student progress and understand the
difference between when the student is struggling with the content and when
the student is deciding to not work on their assignments.
Tuesday Mar. 12, 2024
Fifth Day
 After my maternity leave, today was my first day back! I was glad to be
back, and my students were excited to see me again. I learned that one
student moved from school (in the same district) but also another student
moved from the state. The student that moved from Bernard Long to another
school was due to discipline issues. I learned from my CT what to do with
discipline and when to seek alternatives for these students. Also, what to do
with students inside the classroom.
Tuesday Mar. 19, 2024
Sixth Day
 I was excited to see a new student in our classroom, she is an ESL student,
and I asked my teacher how she is doing and what measurements are being
taken to help her adjust to the classroom due to a language barrier. My CT
has added identifying cards to her classroom and the student has been seeing
a teacher translator to help her guide during the assignments. My CT has
also paired this student with another students who is fluent in both Spanish
and English.
Monday Mar. 25th, 2024
Seventh Day
 Today students began their review for the state test that was coming after
spring break. My CT was reviewing math, but students were having a hard
time staying focused. My CT had to use her teacher voice to get her students
back on track. Her teacher voice consisted of kind words but using a stern
voice. My students understood my CT and did their best to get back on
track. I have never seen my CT’s stern voice until today, which I took from
that sometimes as a teacher we may need to use our stern voice.
Tuesday Mar. 26th, 2024 ‘
Eighth Day
 As we get closer to my student’s spring break, I notice that they are not 100
percent focused, they are tired and dreading. I asked my CT if this is normal
and she mentioned that it is, and that she tries her best to keep them active
by still providing “brain breaks” and she also gives them snacks to energize.
 I also helped one of my students with math problems of addition and
subtraction. I could see that my student knows the work but, he needs
confirmation/guidance in repetition. I could tell he doesn’t feel confident to
do it on his own yet, but I used as much praise as I could to help him in his
Wednesday Mar. 27th, 2024
Ninth Day
 I attended my placement for a half day, and my students continued on
reviewing for the state test before their spring break. And as an activity the
school provided a small easter egg hunt for all the students in the building.
Tuesday Apr. 09, 2024
Tenth Day
 Today was my second observation with my Supervisor and I gave my lesson
on polygons, since I know this will be on the state test my students will be
taking. I noticed some behavior with my students, but I didn’t know how to
talk to the students about it. I later asked my supervisor and CT for some
guidance, and they mentioned that I can use general words that don’t accuse
the one student directly.
Tuesday Apr. 16th, 2024
Eleventh Day
 Today my students continued their state testing, and due to that I was placed
in the library while my students took their test. I helped the librarian when
her kindergarten class came into the library. I enjoyed getting another point
of view from younger children, that way I could say I was introduced to
almost every grade level.
Monday Apr. 22nd, 2024
Twelfth Day
 My students have finished their state testing, now they are only reviewing
some of the same things in their computer work. For example, they are still
reviewing math problems that involve games and other fun activities.
Students are also taking other tests that involve the end of a unit or test that
are included in their academic growth.
Tuesday Apr. 23rd, 2024
Thirteenth Day
 Today I asked my CT if students still worked on academic work after testing
sessions are done. She mentioned that they do, but in a more fun activity
way. For example, she’ll review their spelling words and some math, and
provide individual activities for them to do with what they reviewed. My CT
also gives them hands on activities, for example, they recently did an around
the globe activity with their hands prints for earth day.
Wednesday Apr. 24th, 2024
Fourteenth Day
 Today was my last day with my students, and I introduced them to an
activity that involved history and social studies. I introduced them to the
real-life events of Ruby Bridges and how she changed or helped change
segregation in 1964. I showed actual photos of the time period to my
students, and I wanted to show them the connection of an illustrated
biography and the truth behind it. I wanted my students to understand the
Ruby was once them in different circumstances. My students enjoyed the
presentation with the pictures I had for them, and I believe they understood
who Ruby is. They were surprised to know that Ruby Bridges is still alive

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