Briefing 38

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A Mother’s Brain
Many changes must occur in the that the pattern of secretion is
SUMMARY pregnant female to prepare her for unique to the pregnant or lactating
Prolactin is a pregnancy the physical and physiological state. Her appetite increases, and
hormone that is essential demands of becoming a mother she starts to eat more and gain
(see figure). Some of the physical weight. This is because milk
for development of the
changes are obvious. The abdomen production requires a lot of energy,
mammary gland for milk
expands as the uterus grows and and nature prepares the mother for
production. In addition, the placenta is established to allow this by encouraging fat deposition
prolactin exerts important for growth and nutrition of the during pregnancy. Her reproductive
actions in the maternal developing fetus. The breasts get cycle is stopped, again focusing
brain, resulting in larger and change shape, as the energy on the present pregnancy
changes in maternal fatty tissue is gradually replaced by rather than further ovulations. She
physiology and behaviour glandular epithelial tissue that will also becomes less responsive to
that help the mother cope produce milk. stressors in her environment, and
with the new demands of But it doesn’t stop there. Her brain no longer mounts a fever in
pregnancy, childbirth and is also undergoing a number of response to infection. These
lactation. Hence, the extraordinary modifications that will changes protect the baby from
result in changes to her body being exposed to excessive stress
same hormonal signal is
functions. The control of her hormones, or to excessive
used both by brain and
hormone secretion changes, such temperatures that might harm
body to recognise and
adapt to these new
physiological states.

Multiple actions of pituitary

prolactin and the related placental
lactogen in the maternal brain
during pregnancy and lactation.
Neuro-endocrinology Briefing 38: A Mother’s Brain Knows

development. Remarkably, there is contribute to the suppression of changes, caused by stress or illness
an increased production of new ovulation during pregnancy and at an inappropriate time might have
neurons in the maternal brain during lactation. Prolactin is also specifically adverse effects that do not become
pregnancy, and this contributes to involved in stimulating production of apparent until some time later. For
the dramatic changes in mood and new cells (neurogenesis) in the example, in mice, a decrease in
behavior that accompany pregnancy maternal brain, and this may neurogenesis in the maternal brain
and childbirth. All of these changes promote appropriate changes in during early pregnancy causes
require the brain to function mood and maternal behavior postpartum anxiety and impaired
differently in pregnancy compared to postpartum. maternal behavior some weeks later!
any other time, a type of neuronal Other diseases of pregnancy and
plasticity that specifically adapts postpartum, such as gestational
brain function for motherhood.
Evolution of the diabetes, hypertension, postpartum
maternal brain depression, and failure to bond with
the baby, might similarly have their
Role of prolactin From an evolutionary perspective, it origins in impaired neuroendocrine
Unlike human mothers, who may is perhaps unsurprising that adaptation to the hormonal changes
have a urine test to determine hormones that are required for milk associated with pregnancy. All of us
whether they are pregnant, mothers production, such as prolactin, are have mothers, and many of us will
of other animals do not have any also involved in mediating adaptive be mothers. It is important that we
external information, and yet changes in the maternal brain. The understand how hormones are
undergo all of these changes in evolution of lactation defined a new influencing the brain, so that we can
preparation for becoming a mother. class of vertebrates, the mammals. better identify causes of problems
Their brains are simply responding to Their reproductive strategy involved that might occur during pregnancy,
the hormonal changes that are producing a nutritious secretion from and provide better therapies when
associated with ovulation, mating, an exocrine gland in the skin, and such problems do arise.
implantation and pregnancy. The encouraging the new offspring to
anterior pituitary hormone prolactin consume it. It allowed continued
and the closely-related placental nurturing of the offspring even after
lactogens (pregnancy-specific its umbilical connection to the
hormones from the placenta) are mother was severed at birth. Hence,
emerging as important candidates the period of parental investment in
for mediating adaptive changes in their offspring was extended well
the maternal brain. Because of the beyond pregnancy, providing
unique situation of having both a significant benefits including the
maternal and placental source of opportunity for enhanced brain
hormone, prolactin-like hormones development in the offpsring. For
are present at high levels throughout this new strategy to succeed,
pregnancy, birth and lactation. however, required more than just
milk production. It required the
complementary changes in the
mother to cope with the metabolic
“...prolactin emerges and social demands of being a
as an important parent, including complex behavioral
changes. It seems logical that nature
Professor Dave Grattan
candidate for mediating would use the same hormones that
Centre for Neuroendocrinology
were required for milk production to
adaptive changes in the signal the need for complementary
University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand
maternal brain.” adaptive changes in the brain.
Complications Professor Mike Ludwig
These hormones are able to cross Centre for Integrative
into the brain, and act on prolactin The hormonal changes of pregnancy Physiology
receptors that are widely distributed are required to induce both subtle University of Edinburgh,
on key brain circuits. Prolactin and not-so-subtle changes in the Edinburgh UK
stimulates the onset of maternal function of the maternal brain. It
behavior after birth, and it is also goes without saying, therefore, that
factors that influence hormone The full Briefings series can be
involved in stimulating appetite
secretion during pregnancy will have viewed at website
during pregnancy, and facilitating
some of the changes that occur in consequences on the outcome of
the stress axis. Elevated prolactin the pregnancy, either for the mother © The British Society for
causes infertility, and thus may or the offspring, or both. Small Neuroendocrinology, 2011

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