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Grammar (unit#01)

Teacher: Miss Namra

Class: 8th


Types of Adverb
Page no: 04

Exercise: A

Underline the Adverbs in the following sentences and write their

types in the column.

1. kishore plays tennis well. (adverb of manner)

2. When are you expecting them? (adverb of time)

3. He often comes here. (adverb of frequency and place)

4. She came late to the party. (adverb of time)

5. They do exercise daily. (adverb of frequency)

6. Parisa accepted the gift happily. (adverb of manner)

7. The crow ate the bread greedily. (adverb of manner)

8. You will come to know soon. (adverb of time)

9. It will be a holiday tomorrow. (adverb of time)

10. It is not raining outside. (adverb of place)

Grammar (unit#01)

Q#1. Give the examples of

1. Adverbs of Manner

2. Adverbs of Place

3. Adverbs of Time

4. Adverbs of Frequency

S# Manners Place Time Frequency

01 Happily Abroad Now Always

02 Slowly Downstairs Yesterday Generally

03 Painfully Outside Later Hardly

04 Quickly Away Soon Normally

05 Beautifully Everywhere Tonight Usually

Grammar (unit#01)

Page no: 05


. Make eight sentences using Adverbs of all four kinds. Make two
sentences of each type of adverbs.

Adverbs of Manner

1. She speaks very slowly.

2. I laugh nervously.

Adverbs of Place

1. She will stay there for 9 days.

2. The little lamb followed Ali everywhere.

Adverbs of Time

1. When will you come in my party?

2. The result was announced yesterday.

Adverbs of Frequency

1. We mostly go to village in the month of June.

2. They usually eat fish.

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