WS - Heating and Cooling Curves

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Class: 9 Subject: Chemistry

Name___________________________ Date___________________

C1 : The Particulate Nature of Matter

Topic: Heating and Cooling Curves

Enrichment Worksheet

1. The graph on the right shows the hea ng

curve of water. Answer the following
ques ons based on it.
a. Which state of ma er exists at curve AB
b. What is the boiling point of water? How do
you know that from the curve?
c. Name the phase change that occurred
between points C & D on the graph.
d. Which state of ma er exists between
points C and D?
e. Which state of ma er exists between
points B and C on the graph?
f. Which state of ma er will exist beyond
point D?

2. The graph to the right shows a cooling curve

for stearic acid. Stearic acid is a waxy solid at
room temperature that is derived from animal
and vegetable fats. It is an ingredient in soap,
candles, and cosme cs.
A sample of stearic acid was placed in a test tube
and heated to 95 degrees C, at which point the
stearic acid was completely lique ed. The test
tube was placed in a beaker of ice water, and the
temperature monitored un l it reached 40
degrees C. Answer the following Qs about the
cooling curve:
a. What is the physical state of stearic acid at
point A?

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b. Between which 2 points on the graph did freezing occur? How do you know that?
c. What is the mel ng point of stearic acid? What is the freezing point of stearic acid? Are they the same or
di erent?
d. Which state of stearic acid is present between points B and C?
e. Compare the mel ng point of stearic acid with the mel ng point of water. Which substance has the
stronger intermolecular forces out of the two? Explain.

3. Study the graph of temperature change with me as energy input is taking place in the form of heat, to
change the state of 1 kg of solid ice.
(i) Mark the temperature
on the graph at which
the ice melts. (mel ng
point of solid)

(ii) Why is the line at B

parallel to the x-axis
(forming a plateau)?

(iii) Where is the energy

going if the temperature
does not rise at B?

(iv) Mark the temperature

on the graph at which
the liquid water boils.
(boiling point of liquid)

(v) Why is the line at D parallel to the x-axis (forming a plateau)?

(vi) Where is the energy going if the temperature does not rise at D?

(vii) Shade the regions where water exists in:

(a) Only solid form

(b) Both solid and liquid

(c) Only liquid form

(d) Both liquid and gas

(e) Only gaseous form

(f) Mel ng of ice is taking place

(g) Boiling of water is taking place

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4. Z is a covalent substance. In an experiment, a sample of pure solid Z was con nually heated for 11 minutes.
The graph shows how the temperature of the sample of pure Z changed during the rst 9 minutes.

a. What is the mel ng point of pure Z? [1]

b. The sample of pure Z began to boil at 9 minutes. It was boiled for 2 minutes. Use this informa on to sketch
on the grid how the temperature of the sample of pure Z changed between 9 minutes and 11 minutes. [1]

c. The sample of pure Z was con nually heated between 2 minutes and 5 minutes. Explain, in terms of
a rac ve forces, why there was no increase in the temperature of the sample of pure Z between 2 minutes
and 5 minutes. [2]

d. Describe how the mo on of par cles of pure Z changed from 0 minutes to 2 minutes. [2]

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