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MÖRK BORG is © Ockult Örtmästare Games & Stockholm Kartell 2019

Challengers of Vanth is an independent production by Christian Conkle

and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell.
It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
by Alton “Sir Chicken” Wayne
copyright 2022
WHAT IS THIS?............................................................................. 1
Author's Introduction................................................................................................. 1
Inspirations............................................................................................................... 2
Acknowledgements................................................................................................... 2
THE WORLD OF VANTH.................................................................. 3
CREATE A PLAYER CHARACTER (PC).............................................. 5
Abilities..................................................................................................................... 6
Character Ancestries . ............................................................................................... 7
Character Classes.....................................................................................................11
TESTS........................................................................................ 31
BATTLE AND MOVEMENT............................................................ 31
Rounds and Initiative................................................................................................31
Hit Points.................................................................................................................33
OMENS....................................................................................... 33
DISEASES AND MALADIES........................................................... 34
IMPROVEMENT........................................................................... 35
RANDOM TABLES ....................................................................... 36
Robodroid Names.....................................................................................................37
Why do you Adventure?.............................................................................................37
The Adventure..........................................................................................................39
Where do you Wander? .............................................................................................40
Where must you go? . ...............................................................................................42
Inhabited by..............................................................................................................42
Traps . .....................................................................................................................42
Vanthian Exclamation Generator................................................................................43
OUT OF CHARACTER................................................................... 46
No, Really, What Is This?............................................................................................46
Thrazar Unbound

Challengers of Vanth is an RPG that applies the minimalist rules of MÖRK BORG to the gonzo
hoblings-and-phasers world of Vanth as depicted in the lost 1978 RPG Encounter Critical by
Hank Riley and Jim Ireland.
Challengers of Vanth is a love letter to an era, a tribute to an age when you liked awesome
stuff solely because it was awesome.
Challengers of Vanth offers an alternative setting to the fatalistic doom of MÖRK BORG.
While the amazing setting of MÖRK BORG explores the weighty concepts associated with
an inevitable eschaton of a dark and gloomy land of corruption, Vanth is a world inspired by
paintings on the sides of vans, sci-fi and fantasy TV shows and movies from the 60s and 70s,
and Sword and Sorcery comics from the late 70s.
The world of Vanth is an RPG setting created by two overconfident geniuses from 1978,
unencumbered by restraint or subtlety or tradition.
Challengers of Vanth is everything you thought was cool when you, or probably your parents,
were 12-15, everything cheesy and amazing and mind-blowing created between 1960-1985.
Challengers of Vanth is a glam-rock barbarian with a machine gun standing atop a mountain
while a lightning storm rages in the background.
Challengers of Vanth is a warlock casting fiery spells at hissing sleestaks from Land of the
Lost on the top of an Ark II speeding across the desert.
Challengers of Vanth is Caroline Munro and David Hasselhoff in Starcrash.
Challengers of Vanth is drawing lightning bolts on the cover of your Trapper Keeper.
Challengers of Vanth is renting a VHS from the sci-fi rack at the mom-and-pop video rental
shop after midnight.

I first became aware of Encounter Critical in 1978. Being a fan of Dungeons and Dragons
and Tunnels and Trolls, my 17 year old self quickly became enamored of the game’s design
I later wrote and illustrated several unofficial sourcebooks and magazine articles for the
game, including Opponent Opuscule Number One and Critical Skills for the magazine Photraz,
as well as provided interior illustrations for Asteroid 1618 by A.J. Putnam.
In 2004, a scanned copy of Encounter Critical was made available on the WWW and a new
generation of fans discovered this quirky little gem. This mild resurgence in popularity
renewed my interest in the game.
I discovered MÖRK BORG in 2020 and was greatly impressed by the game's minimal design.
However, many of the friends with which I play RPGS were put off by the grim fatalism of the
setting. So I began to think of alternatives.
The idea occurred to me—What if I created a version of MÖRK BORG set in the science fiction
fantasy world of Encounter Critical’s Vanth?
So I dusted off my old Encounter Critical books and got to writing.
What you now read is the culmination of those efforts. A swords and blasters version of
MÖRK BORG where alien space-pirates fight fire-breathing robot dragons and inscrutable
wizards match wits against ancient war computers!

While MÖRK BORG draws heavily on Scandinavian death metal for its aesthetic and inspira-
tion, Challengers of Vanth instead looks towards Wizard Metal, Prog Rock, and Synthwave to
set the mood. The following are excellent sources of inspiration for playing Challengers of

Blue Öyster Cult, Carpenter Brut, Goblin, Hawkwind, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard,
Komischer Läufer, Led Zeppelin, Lord Weird Slough Feg, Magic Sword, Rainbow, Rush (Caress
of Steel, 2112), the Sword (Age of Winters, Gods of the Earth, Warp Riders).

Movies and Television

Ark II (TV series), At the Earth’s Core, Ator the Fighting Eagle, Barbarella, Battle Beyond
the Stars, Battlestar Galactica, Blake’s 7, Buck Rogers (TV series), Conan the Barbarian,
Conquest, Damnation Alley, Deathstalker, Equinox, Fire and Ice, Flash Gordon, Forbidden
World, Galaxy of Terror, Gamera movies, Godzilla movies, Hammer Horror movies, Hawk the
Slayer, Heavy Metal, the Herculoids, Krull, Jason of Star Command, Land of the Lost, Logan’s
Run, People that Time Forgot, Planet of the Apes, Planet of the Dinosaurs, Planet of the
Vampires, Prisoners of the Lost Universe, Star Crash, Star Trek (the Animated Series), Star
Wars (the original trilogy), Starchaser: the Legend of Orin, Steel Dawn, the Land that Time
Forgot, the Sword and the Sorcerer, Thundarr, West World (the original movie), Wild Wild
Planet, Wizards, Zardoz.

Arion - Lord of Atlantis, Kamandi, Kazar, King Kull, Savage Sword of Conan, Star Wars
(Marvel), Warlord.

Other RPGs
The Arduin Grimoire, Gamma World, early Judges Guild products, Metamorphosis Alpha,
Space Patrol, Space Quest, the Spawn of Fashan, Wizard’s World, The World of Synnibarr.

This product obviously borrows heavily from Encounter Critical by S. John Ross.
Copyright © 2003, 2004 S. John Ross
The rules are based on MÖRK BORG by Pelle Nilsson,
MÖRK BORG is © Ockult Örtmästare Games & Stockholm Kartell 2019
Challengers of Vanth is an independent production by Christian Conkle and is not affiliated
with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG
Third Party License.
Some of the character class rules were borrowed from MINIMAL BORG by Vandel Arden, Copyright © 2021 Arden Games.
Warlock grimoires and two spells were borrowed from Asteroid 1618 by Jeff Rients.
Copyright © 2007 Jeff Rients.
Additional ideas and suggestions supplied by Chris Creel, Guy Hoyle, and others.

On the far edge of the known galaxy lies a backwater planet known as Vanth. Like many
worlds in this part of the galaxy, the people of Vanth have access to a strange supernatural
power known as “Magic”. While the rest of the galaxy relies on advanced technology and
science, the seers and scholars of Vanth have instead mastered the arts of wizardry and
sorcery. Thus the inhabitants of Vanth, and other worlds like it that rely on magic, live a
primitive and superstitious pre-industrial existence, giving rise to the region’s unofficial
designation as the “Medieval Rim”.
A century ago, a survey vessel from the Vulkin Star Empire found exploitable natural resourc-
es on the planet. The Vulkin built a starport in the remote North Mountains. They made
contact with the natives under the guise of supernatural visitors from the heavens. The
starport became known as “God City” to the natives of Vanth.
The Vulkin provided swords and armor made of “god-metal”, or advanced Galactic steel,
as well as minor technologically advanced items in exchange for Vanthian gold and magi-
cal potions. In time, God City welcomed other visitors from the stars and developed into a
cosmopolitan trading post - all the while careful to maintain the illusion of remote divinity.
A few hearty explorers dared the treacherous North Mountains and their legendary fissures
to the Underworld for a glimpse of the fabled home of the Gods. These few brave seekers of
truth that survived returned with fanciful stories that none dared believe.
Eleven years ago tragedy struck God City. Tensions had been escalating between the Vulkin
Star Empire and the Klengons for many standard yahrens. War seemed inevitable. Suddenly,
on one fateful day, without warning, God City found itself cut off from the subspace naviga-
tion and communication grid that served the entire sector. There was no communication with
the outside galaxy. With no navigation grid, there could be no safe or accurate hyperspace
travel. Vanth had become cut off from the rest of the galaxy.

Eleven years have passed and there has yet been no contact with the rest of the galaxy.
The fate of the Vulkin Star Empire is unknown. Without galactic trade, God City lacked the
infrastructure to support the millions of galactic transients who found themselves stranded
at the port. The starport was forced to allow the castaways to leave and integrate with the
native Vanthian population as best they could.
With the integration of galactic aliens into the native society of Vanth the pretense of divin-
ity was abandoned. Few native Vanthian still believe in the myth of God City or the gods
and angels that once lived there, though aliens with advanced technology are still seen as
outsiders, strangers to be mistrusted and feared. Many resent the decades of deception and
exploitation at the hands of the off-worlders. While more remote regions, especially those
populated by inhabitants with little contact with the outside world, may still display reverent
awe or superstitious terror when exposed to the witchcraft of the sky-gods, those from the
cities and towns have become much more accustomed with the technological wonders and
advancements that been made available in the past decade.
God City is once again a hub of trade as those who once traveled the stars now seek their
fortunes in a world of magic, mystery, and monsters, where science is exchanged for magic
and adventure is the currency of legends!

the Servant of the Screaming Scientist

1. Roll your abilities.
• If using ancestries and classes, roll 3d6 for each ability, in
order. These values will be later modified by the character's
ancestry and class.
• Player Characters not created with the optional classes can
roll 4d6 and drop the lowest die for two of their abilities.

2. Roll you ancestry and apply ancestral adjustments to each

base ability score. (Optional)
• Apply modifiers to base abilities.
• Choose any optional features such as evolved or cave-prim-
itive, if desired.
• Determine any mutations.

3. Choose the character’s class. (Optional)

• Roll Archetype and Specialty where applicable.
• Apply modifiers to base abilities.

4. Roll your Starting Gold Credits (G.C), Omens, and Hit Points

5. Roll for gear and purchase anything else you need.

• Weapons
• Armor
• Miscellaneous Equipment

6. Roll on Random Tables (Optional)

• Name
• Motivation
• Starting Location

ADAPTATION (ADA): Your ability to adapt to new and foreign environments, digest alien
foods, resist poisons, and withstand extreme temperatures.
AGILITY (AGI): Your dexterity, reflexes, reaction time, hand-to-eye coordination, grace, and
ESP (ESP): Your innate psychic potential and ability to resist psionic manipulation.
INTELLECT (INT): Your mental acumen, memory, wits, savvy, capacity to understand, and
ability to reason.
LUCK (LUC): Your ability to rely on chance alone as well as your ability to survive a deadly
MAGIC POWER (MAG): Your connection to and ability to manipulate the arcane energy that
permeates the world of Vanth.
PRESENCE (PRE): Your charisma, charm, empathy, and ability to command or manipulate
ROBOT NATURE (ROB): Your willpower, discipline, and grit, your sense of duty, conformity,
and obligation.
STRENGTH (STR): Your raw muscularity and physical power.
TOUGHNESS (TOU): Your constitution, stamina, and physical endurance.
Roll 3d6 for each ability.
OPTIONAL: Choose an acestry and class and apply the ability adjustments to each pertinent
base ability.
Once each base ability is modified by ancestry and class, use the table below to determine
each final ability score modifier from −3 to +3. The base ability is not used in the game once
the character is finished, only the final score.
Player Characters not created with the optional classes can roll 4d6 and drop the lowest die
for two of their abilities. When the character is later improved an ability can never exceed
+6 or −3.


1–4 –3
5–6 –2
7–8 –1
9–12 ±0
13–14 +1
15–16 +2
17–20 +3

an Amazon on her War Helephino

01-06 Amazon
07-13 Dwarf
14 - 19 Elf
20 - 25 Frankenstein
26 - 32 Hobling
33 - 56 Human
57 - 62 Klengon
63 -68 Planetary Ape
69 - 74 Robodroid
75 - 81 Ssleestek
82 - 88 Vulkin
89 - 95 Wookie
96 - 97 Monster (GM assigns type and adjustments)
98 - 00 Were-Monster (as monster, but only in moonlight)

AMAZON: A society of human-looking warriors and hunters that hail from a galactic sector
containing many Jungle Planets. Female Amazons are stronger, faster, and more convention-
ally attractive than their wiry male counterparts and play a dominant role in Amazon society.
Female Amazon warriors are known for charging into battle atop armored helephinos and
specially trained war-llamas. Base Ability modifiers: +1 AGI, -2 MAG, +1 PRE, -3 ROB, +2 STR.
Amazons apply -2 DR to all tests involving camping, hunting, and survival in the wilderness
and -2 DR to all tests pertaining to seduction.
DWARF: Short stocky bearded humanoids who dwell in caverns and mines dug into the
sides of great mountains. They are renowned for their skills in excavation, metallurgy, and
subterranean warfare. Base Ability modifiers: -1 LUC, -2 MAG, +2 STR. Dwarfs apply -2 DR
to Defense rolls.
ELF: Tall and thin guardians of the deep forests, elves are lithe humanoids with slight builds
and pointed ears. Elves tend to be remote and unconcerned with the affairs of the world yet
are easily offended if confused with Vulkin. Base Ability modifiers: +1 AGI, +1 INT, -1 LUC,
+1 MAG, +1 PRE, +1 ROB, -1 STR.
FRANKENSTEIN: An artificial society of humanoids constructed from the combined body
parts of other dead humanoids and given life through strange alchemical science. Their
origin is shrouded in mystery - some claim they were an experiment gone awry, others claim
they were created as a caste of slave laborers. Whatever the origin, once they gained the
knowledge of the secret of their own creation, the Frakensteins gained independence and
the ability to create more of their kind. Base Ability modifiers: -2 AGI, -2 ESP, -1 INT, -1 LUC,
-2 PRE, +3 ROB, +4 STR. Further, Frankensteins apply -6 DR to resist a Psi Witch’s Telepathy.
Frankensteins apply +4 DR to tests involving logic and reason and +5 DR to any test in which
they attempt to sway the opinion of others using debate and reasonable discourse.
HOBLING: Short humanoids with furry feet and friendly dispositions. They enjoy creature
comforts and are renowned for their ability to go ignored and unseen by other ancestries.
Base Ability modifiers: -2 ADA, +1 AGI, +1 INT, +2 LUC, -2 PRE, +2 ROB, -2 STR. In addition,
Hoblings apply -5 DR to tests involving stealth, avoiding notice, picking pockets, legerdemain,
and sleight of hand.
HUMAN: A bipedal mammalian species as well known for acts of great kindness and
achievement as they are for senseless barbarism and depravity.
KLENGON: A cruel society of humanoid warriors, raiders, and conquerors from beyond the
barbarous Galactic Frontier. Klengon corsairs cut a bloody swath across much of the galaxy,
looting, pillaging, and taking slaves to work their fields. Base Ability modifiers: -1 AGI,
+1 MAG, -1 PRE, +2 ROB, +1 STR.
PLANETARY APE: A society of humanoid simians from a parallel Earth where apes evolved
from men. They believe themselves to be the superior species and view other humanoids
with cruel disdain. Base Ability modifiers: +1 ESP, -3 MAG, -1 PRE, +1 STR. Additionally,
Planetary Apes apply -2 DR to all tests involving lifting or breaking heavy objects.
ROBODROID: A society of sentient artificial beings, emotional androids, and mechanized
robots. Base Ability modifiers: -1 AGI, -1 ESP, +2 INT, -1 MAG, -4 PRE, +4 ROB, +1 STR.
Robodroids do not heal, but they can be repaired from nearly any degree of damage, though
this can be expensive and will require tools and spare parts.

SSLEESTEK: A society of cold-blooded reptilian humanoids with long tails and clawed
digits. Ssleestek dwell in warm tropical swamps and jungles or on rocky islands near the
equator. Base Ability modifiers: +1 AGI, +1 ESP, -2 PRE, +1 STR. However, a Ssleestek applies
+2 DR to all tests involving logic, +2 DR to resist a Psi-Witch’s Telepathy, and +4 DR to all tests
involving alchemy.
VULKIN: The dominant society of the Vulkin Star Empire, the humanoid Vulkin tend to be
stronger and more intelligent than humans. They share a physical resemblance to elves
but declaim any common ancestry. Base Ability modifiers: +2 ESP, +2 INT, -1 LUC, -2 MAG,
-1 PRE, +2 ROB, +1 STR. In addition, a Vulkin applies +2 DR to any tests involving sleight of
hand, legerdemain, or picking pockets; -4 DR to all tests involving logic and reason, -1 DR to
all tests pertaining to alchemy, and -2 DR to all tests pertaining to robots.
WOOKY: Physically imposing humanoids of prodigious height, covered in long hair, the arbo-
real Wookies are incapable of speaking human language though their own speech is easily
deciphered by others. Base Ability modifiers: -1 INT, -1 PRE, +1 ROB, +3 STR. Plus, a Wooky
applies -4 DR to all tests pertaining to intimidation or military command; and +4 DR to all
attacks when forced to wear clothing or physical armor. A Wooky will seek out magical rings
or energy armor when it is available.

Optional Features
A player may wish to add one or more of the following optional modifiers to their ancestry,
or none, at their discretion.
CAVE PRIMITIVE: The character represents an earlier developmental period of a species,
a time during which environmental factors favored strength, durability, and survival over
intelligence and finesse. The character is culturally and technologically primitive, subsisting
in small bands of stone-age cave-dwelling hunter-gatherers, lacking agriculture, metal tools,
or permanent dwellings. A Cave Primitive character cannot also be Evolved. Base Ability
modifiers: +1 AGI, -2 PRE, and +2 STR. Characters with this feature append “cave” to their
ancestry, for example Cave Wooky.
EVOLVED OR ADVANCED: The character is a product of millions of additional years
of biological and cultural evolution, the product of a controlled environment that favored
intelligence and empathy over physical ability. An Evolved character cannot also be a Cave
Primitive. Base Ability modifiers: –1 AGI, +2 PRE, and –2 STR. Characters with this feature
append “evolved” to their ancestry, for example Evolved Amazon.
MUTATION: The character was exposed to radiation, body-altering, a universe-altering “Alpha
Incident”, or other mutagen that has permanently changed their physiology or physique. A
character can have up to three mutations, but each must be rolled randomly and the player
must accept each result. Mutations can be combined with either Cave Primitive or Evolved.
HYBRID OR BIONIC: A character born of two different ancestries is called a hybrid. A char-
acter created as a combination of a biological species and a Robodroid is Bionic Cyaborg.
• Positive and negative base ability modifiers cancel each other out. For example, two
ancestries with a STR modifier of +2 and -1 apply +1.
• Two negative base ability modifiers use the lesser of the two. For example, two ances-
tries with an AGI modifier of -2 and -1 apply -2.
• Two positive base ability modifiers use the lesser of the two. For example, two ances-
tries with a ROB modifier of +1 and +3 apply +1.

01 - 03 Mutated Psionic Lobe (-5 BASE STR, +2 BASE ESP)
04 - 06 Armor Piercing Fists (d6 as a Scientific Weapon)
07 - 09 Magic Birthmark Companion (50% evil)
10 - 12 Non-Magical Poisons Just Perk You Up
13 - 15 Immune to non-damaging temperatures
16 - 18 Reaction to alchemy (Consuming a potions inflicts a random Disease)
19 - 21 -d4 from a random base Ability
22 - 24 Most Normal Food is Poisonous
25 - 27 Death-Prone (Defense DR 16)
28 - 30 Webbed fingers and toes, plus gills. Breathe underwater and swim 30’
31 - 33 120’ Super-Speed for 1 round (take d8 damage)
34 - 36 You melt in water (a bucket will do 3d10 damage)
37 - 39 Self-Consuming Brain (1% odds each day of -1 PRE)
40 - 42 Atrophied Psionic Lobe (-5 BASE ESP, -6 DR to resist telepathy)
43 - 45 Diminutive version of own ancestry. Half height.
46 - 48 Edible Excretions (-2 DR to all camping and wilderness survival tests)
49 - 51 Additional Secret Eye (Choose Where)
52 - 54 Begin play with random disease or curse (see disease table)
55 - 57 Crinkly and baggy skin, etc. (Seduce DR 18)
58 - 60 +d3 to a random base Ability
61 - 63 Unusual Sexual Gifts (-2 DR to all seduction tests)
64 - 66 Your eyes are blue diamonds (-4 DR to all seduction tests; character is hunted)
67 - 69 Cannibal Urges
70 - 72 Allergy to laser and phasic damage (double damage from laser and phasics)
73 - 75 Detachable Limbs (May trade with others like you)
76 - 78 Albino skin condition (-1 BASE PRE)
79 - 81 Hair/Body Covering Grows at 100x Speed
82 - 84 Laser Eye Beams (d8 as a Scientific Weapon)
85 - 87 Cranial Feelers “Antennae” (-2 DR to all tests pertaining to deduction, telepathy,
and befriending monsters; +3 DR to all tests involving seduction)
88 - 90 Gravity Agnostic (ignore gravity as if weightless)
91 - 93 Blind but with radar sense to compensate
94 - 00 Trauma Mutant. Gain a new mutation whenever you lose all of your Hit Points
and still survive!

Begin with 2d6x100 Gold Credits and 1d2 Omens hp: Toughness + 1d8

The Criminal Class

The class of con artists, hit men, robbers and others involved in unsavory practices.
ILLICIT: The Criminal’s special knowledge of underworld personages, secret gang signs
and cants, and the locations and customs of various criminal enterprises and activities.
Examples include knowing what gang runs a town by identifying the hidden clues in graffiti or
in the signs for pubs and inns, knowing who will bring the best price for fencing stolen goods,
where to go to buy or steal the best forgery equipment and lockpicks, and etc.
INNOCENT: Test Luck when arrested to divert the blame to another.
SHORT CON: Test Intellect to manage confidence scams or rigged games of chance.
FAKE: Test Intellect to create and/or detect forgeries.
SOFTEN THE MARK: Test Presence to gain Advantage on short cons or fakes.
Begins with 2d6x100 Gold Credits and 1d4 Omens. hp: Toughness + 1d4
1 THIEF: a street thief, pickpocket, or burglar. A common crook.
2 GAMBLER: a card sharp, a pool shark, in other words - a cheater.
3 ASSASSIN: a professional killer, a hit-man.
4 SPICE SMUGGLER: a galactic smuggler or vagabond stranded on Vanth
5 MUSCLE: a goon, a thug, a leg-breaker
6 FIXER: a well-connected fixer, fence, and smuggler
7 HIGHWAYMAN: a dashing rogue who relieves wealthy travelers of their belongings.
8 REBEL: a counter-cultural activist and anarchist seeking to overthrow fascism.
9 STREET GANG: surly youths who band together for mutual protection.
10 RACKETEER: a mobster in an organized criminal extortion scheme.

SHIFTY: roll 3d6+3 for Agility.
SLIGHT: roll 3d6-1 for Toughness.

1 DEATHSTRIKE: Test Agility to double damage on your attack
2 SILENT KILLER: Use Agility for Melee attacks
3 SHADOW: Advantage on Agility tests pertaining to hiding or stealth
4 THIEF: Advantage on Agility tests to steal something from a NPC or creature
5 INFILTRATOR: Advantage on Agility tests to unlock a trap or lock using Lockpicks
6 TINKERER: May repair broken weapons or equipment during rest

A criminal cannot improve until he commits a new kind of crime. The crime may be new to
the criminal, or an entirely original confidence game, method of theft, and etc.

The Pioneer Class
Hunter Survivalists in the barren and accursed lands outside the cities.
PROVIDE: Test Adaptation to use materials found in the wild to create useful items, vehi-
cles, clothing, and structures. Examples include creating huts from reeds and bamboo; cloth-
ing and armor from hides and carapaces; a weapon from rocks, sticks, bones, and sinew;
gunpowder from sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter, a healing potion brewed from herbs; and etc.
Apply +1 DR for every 500 gold credits of value an equivalent item would cost in the civilized
world. Fashioning an item from natural components takes 1-4 hours per item.
TAME: Test Presence to temporarily befriend an animal or monster, test ROB var DR to
temporarily befriend a robot or computer. A successful Tame test will shift a monster’s or
robot’s attitude directly to “Friendly” simply by speaking to it. The target is not controlled by
the character, but it will cooperate as much as it can, to the point of defending the character
from attacks by third parties, unless the third parties are also friends, in which case the
target will remain neutral. The target will not obstruct, resist, or attempt to cause harm to the
character in any way unless, themselves, attacked.
EXPLORE: Test Adaptation to use the Pioneer’s extensive knowledge of the environment
and ability to perform the skills and behaviors necessary to minimize the effects of hostile
climates and conditions; find food and water; build shelter; practice proper behaviors for
different climates; know the effects of different hostile climates or conditions; follow tracks
and spoor and identify the creature by same; and etc.
The Pioneer must spend d4 hours hunting and foraging. A successful test means food and
game was found, though separate Ranged or Melee Attacks are required to bring down any
game found. The food and game will feed 2d4 people for a day. A failed test means no food
could be foraged or hunted that day. The character and anyone depending on the character
for survival go hungry and take d4 damage that night.
A successful Explore test can also shorten the travel time across difficult or uncivilized
terrain by half. A subsequent successful roll indicates that the route is repeatable and may
be taught or sold to others.
Begins with 1d6x100 Gold Credits and 1d4 Omens. hp: Toughness + 1d8

the Crew of the Land Ark II

1 HUNTER: a mountaineer, trapper, and wilderness guide
2 BEASTMASTER: a warrior with a mystical connection to wild beasts
3 SURVIVALIST: a survivalist preparing for the end of the world
4 HERMIT: a cave-dwelling hermit seeking to escape civilization
5 FOUNDLING: a child of the forest, raised by animals with a spiritual bond to nature
6 NOMAD: a wanderer, following the migrating herds and game to greener pastures

ARCHER: +1 base Agility
SURVIVOR: +1 base Adaptation
SPIRITUAL: +1 base Presence

1 MARKSMAN: -2 DR Ranged Attacks
2 SHARPSHOOTER: +2 Ranged Damage
3 RANGER: Advantage on Adaptation tests when foraging & hunting
4 SURVIVALIST: Advantage on all tests involving wilderness survival
5 CONSUME ALIEN FOOD: test Adaptation DR 6 to eat alien food or rotten meat
6 MINOR ALCHEMY: test Intellect to brew a Life Potion once per day

A pioneer cannot improve until he discovers a new locale or secret of the wild. The player
should provide a description of any such discoveries, to enrich the scope of the scenario
world. Selling a new travel route may qualify if it can be described with interest.

The PSI Witch Class
The class represents psychics of any kind, including both true Psi witches and others who
have developed the use of psychic powers, also called the “force,” into useful abilities.
TRUST YOUR FEELINGS: Test Esp to fight while blindfolded with no penalty until the end
of that fight.
PSI-POWER: Roll Esp + d4 every morning to determine how many powers you can employ
that day, minimum 1; choose from your available powers from the lists below. PSI-Witches
begin with one power of each type. Whenever a PSI-Witch advances, gain a random Psi
Power from a table of your choice.
Begins with 2d6x100 Gold Credits and 1d4 Omens. hp: Toughness + 1d3
1 DISGRACED HERO: a former Star Knight, stranded on Vanth, fallen into apathy.
2 MASTERLESS APPRENTICE: an apprentice Star Knight whose master was slain.
3 ROGUE PSYCHIC: a commoner, exiled from their village for their unnatural powers.
4 INQUISITOR: a dark instrument of Darth Viraxis’ goal to eliminate all Star Knights.
5 KNIGHT ERRANT: a defender of the weak and innocent, wandering from town to
6 ESCAPED EXPERIMENT: a test subject on the run from their creator(s).

AWAKENED: +3 base Esp
REBELLIOUS: -2 base Robot Nature

The PSI-Witch Queen

The PSI Witch selects or rolls one power from each of the following tables.


1 CONVERT ENERGY. Convert energy from one form to another (heat, momentum, light,
electricity, radiation, sound, etc.).
2 DEFENSELESS. Choose one creature. You ignore that creature’s armor until the end of
that fight.
3 REFLECT. The next curse or magical attack upon the target creature shall be reflected,
lasts until sunrise the next morning.
4 STRIKE ME DOWN. Destroy yourself and target creature, this cannot be mitigated, the
price must be paid.
5 ENERGY SHIELD. -1d4 Defense DR against energy-based attacks for 10 minutes
6 INVISIBLE. You become invisible for 2d10 minutes.


1 RESHAPE MATTER. Reshape matter into new forms, cannot change state or
2 LEVITATE. Target creature can fly for Presence + 1d6 rounds.
3 TELEKINESIS. Move an object up to d10×10' for d6 minutes.
4 PYROKINESIS. Quench or birth flames. Can deal 2d4 damage to a target, with a 1 in 6
chance to catch fire, ESP test DR 10 or additional d4, until success.
5 FREEDOM. Free yourself and any allies within earshot from their bonds.
6 MATTER SHIELD. -1d4 Defense DR against matter-based attacks for 10 minutes

1 MIND TRICK. d4 intelligent creatures of your choice unconditionally believe the
next reasonable thing you say without question. Examples include "these are not the
robodroids for which you are looking", "you don't need to see my multi-pass", or "you
want to give us this item free of charge".
2 PSYCHIC IMPLANT. Insert a thought implant into the target. Once inserted, you will
always know where the target is as well as their general physical and mental state,
such as “alive and well” and “angry” or “injured” and “sad”. Targets are aware of the
attempt though only Psi-Witches can identify the source of the attempt.
3 MELD. Telepathically bond with another subject you touch for 2-7 rounds. You learn
the entire history of the targetincluding all personal details, surface thoughts, its
strengths and weaknesses, and any ongoing machinations, plans, plots, or schemes.
4 CALM. d4 creatures of your choice are pacified, wishing not to fight for d4 rounds in
combat or an hour out of combat.
5 SEE THE FUTURE. You have Advantage on all d20 rolls for the next d4 rounds.
6 EMBOLDEN. All your allies gain -2 DR for attack rolls for the next d4 founds.

A Psi witch cannot improve until she wins a battle blind.

The Raconteur Class
The class of storytellers, negotiators, performers, musicians, merchants, pleasure robodroids,
and go-go dancers. Just as the warlock may use his scores to work magic, the raconteur may
use theirs to manipulate the world to their will. There is powerful magic in smooth words, a
friendly face, and a sympathetic ear - the magic of listening, conversation, and manipulation.
FAVOR: The raconteur is known to rich and powerful rulers such as monarchs, merchants,
and crime lords. Test Presence to call upon special favors from rich and powerful people.
Examples include having an enemy arrested, borrowing a Damnation Van for a week, protec-
tion by a bodyguard detail, and etc.
STUN: Test Presence to temporarily Stun a victim with charm, intimidation, or humiliation for
one round. The stunned victim will not follow the raconteur’s orders without further manipu-
lation, but they will refrain from harming them or their companions for 2d6 turns.
Begins with 3d10x10 Gold Credits and 1d4 Omens. hp: Toughness + 1d6
1 DIPLOMAT: a negotiator and deal maker from God City, now stranded on Vanth.
2 DOXY: a former concubine of a noble court or prostitute in one of the cities.
3 COURTIER: a former advisor to an aristocrat who was assassinated or fell from
4 GOLD DIGGER: exiled by a noble family after seducing their patriarch/matriarch.
5 PERFORMER: an actor, musician, dancer, or singer traveling from town to town.
6 LIBERTINE: a debauched bon vivant and epicurean in search of new experiences.
7 MERCHANT: a travelling trader going from town to town buying low and selling high.
8 ADVOCATE: a lawyer, soliciter, or negotiator trained in the vagaries of Vanthian laws.

CONVINCING: +2 base Presence
LITHE: +1 base Agility
PARTICULAR: -1 base Adaptation

1 HIGHBORN: Advantage on Presence tests to convince a commoner of your exalted
2 NEGOTIATOR: Advantage on Presence tests when negotiating
3 DEADLY: Reroll melee damage, keep highest, once per Turn
4 CONNECTED: Know a d6+Presence NPCs in each city to find help
5 LIE DETECTOR: You always know when someone is lying.
6 CHARMER: Roll 3d6, high highest 2 dice, when making Reaction rolls

A raconteur cannot improve until they have successfully gained the Favor of someone new.
This usually means providing services to a new ruler, chieftain, bureaucrat, policeman, or
other celebrated or powerful person, by seduction if need be. The player should record what
the raconteur learns from the encounter by way of political secrets, etc.

The Warlock Class
Warlocks collect spells and keep them in their private book of devils, called a grimoire. This
may contain any number of spells. Which spells the warlock knows may be swapped or
recharged between fights when there is no action. The warlocks of some cultures store their
spells magically in a wooden staff or wand, instead of writing them in a book.
SPELLCASTING: Roll Magic Power + d4 every morning to determine how many spells you
can cast that day, minimum 1; choose from your available spells in your grimoire. When
casting a spell, test Magic Power. If you succeed, the spell is activated and you subtract one
use from your daily total. If you fail, you lose d2 hp and you become dizzy, unable to perform
magic for d6 rounds. On a fumble, roll on the Warlock Mishaps table (see page 20).
GRIMOIRE: A warlock’s starting book of occult knowledge contains a single magic spell.
When a warlock defeats another warlock, they may copy the spells from their fallen foe's
grimoire into their own. Additionally, warlocks are required to invent their own spells with the
gamemaster's review and approval. In time, a warlock will expand their grimoire to contain
many spells.
ENSORCEL: Test Magic Power DR 10 to remotely manipulate items. If you fail, you lose d2
hp and you become dizzy, unable to perform magic for d6 rounds. Tasks include opening and
closing doors, filling a tankard of mead, creating a cooked meal, write in a book, or any other
task the character could ordinarily perform through mundane means but with only a flick of
the wrist and fingers and the utterance of a magical word or phrase.
CONJURE: Test Magic Power DR variable to magically summon one generic creature or
being or item of a certain type, such as “a Bee Girl”, “a Radioactor”, “a Warrior”, or “a Sword”,
causing it to appear nearby (d10+5' away). If you fail, you lose d2 hp and you become dizzy,
unable to perform magic for d6 rounds.
HP of creature or G.C. value of item. DR
1-3 hp (commoner, raider rat, sky pianha, etc.); 0-20 G.C. 10
4-6 hp (bee girl, goblin, hyperspace gremlin, etc.); 21-50 G.C. 12
7-9 hp (giant lizard, living dead, phasic wolf, warrior); 51-100 G.C. 14
10-15 hp (bee girl queen, jungle flower, theskian mountain cat); 101-200 G.C. 16
16-21 hp (asteroid worm, giant serpent, radioactor, cave ooze); 201-500 G.C. 18

MAGICAL ATTACK: Test Magic Power to direct eldritch energies against a single target
within 60' for Magic Power + 1d4 damage, minimum 1.
ALCHEMIST: Test Magic Power DR variable (see below) to mix, brew, ferment, or otherwise
create a substance from its chemical ingredients. If you fail, the concoction explodes and
you take 1d6 damage. Examples include potions, beverages, poisons, chemicals, gasses,
and etc. The concoction maintains its potency until sunrise the next day.
The type of concoction affects the attempt. DR
Mundane, non-magical substance (non-alcoholic beverage) 8
Interesting with a minor temporary affect (alcohol, mickey) 10
Minor magical or poison (Heal or do 1-6 damage) 12
Medium magical or poison (Heal or do 2-12 damage) 14
Major magical or poison (equivalent to a spell) 16

The Alchemist must know the spell prior to creating a major magical substance or poison.
Creating a concoction takes 5-8 hours of work per dose.
Begins with 1d8x100 Gold Credits and 1d3 Omens. hp: Toughness + 2d4

1 SCHOLAR: an academic intellectual in search of knowledge
2 WITCH/WARLOCK: an villager exiled from their home for practicing magic
3 STUDENT: a drop out from the Magical Academy of Blackhawk
4 SEEKER: a seeker of dark and forbidden mysteries who makes pacts with foul devils
5 NOBLE: an exiled noble traveling the world, righting wrongs and helping those in need
6 WANDERER: a mysterious robed traveler with an inscrutable agenda

ARCANE POWER: +3 base Magic Power
ANEMIC: -1 base Strength
FRAIL: -1 base Toughness

1 ARCANE TALENT: -2 DR Magic Power tests
2 EQUILIBRIUM: Half Damage from spells and spellcasting mishaps
3 ANALYTIC: Advantage on Robot Nature tests
4 ACADEMIC: Advantage on Intellect tests involving study or decryption
5 ALCHEMIST: Advantage on Magic Power tests involving Alchemy
6 PRODIGY: Roll twice on the Specialty table below

1 NECROMANCER: Spend 1 spell to create d4 Living Dead (7 hp, grab d4)
2 MENTALIST: Spend 1 spell to briefly read a mind
3 ELEMENTALIST: Spend 1 spell to control the elements in a non-damaging way
4 ENCHANTER: Spend 1 spell to enchant one piece of equipment (+2 damage or armor
rolls until the next sunrise)
5 ABJURER: Spend 1 spell to negate 1d6 points of damage from one attack
6 POWER SURGE: Spend 1 spell to double the damage of another spell

A warlock cannot improve until he writes a new spell for himself and expands his grimoire.
The new spell must be reviewed and approved by the gamemaster.

Every warlock begins with a single spell in their grimoire. After that, they must find or take
them from others or create their own.
1 ACCURSE: The warlock applies a random curse against a single target
2 BATTLE IMPERATIVE: The warlock’s side automatically wins initiative every round
until the end of the battle unless countered by a similar spell.
3 CEASE: The warlock can automatically freeze any single being in its tracks, rendering
it unable to act for the duration of the battle. Attacks made against the victim hit
automatically, however if the victim takes any damage the spell is broken.
4 CLONE: Create a perfect duplicate of any one living creature.
5 CURE: The warlock restores all lost hit points to a single character or test Magic Power
DR 16 to cure one natural disease. Ineffective against curses.
6 DEMON MASTER: The warlock completely controls the actions of any number of
creatures they have summoned with Conjure.
7 ENSLAVE: The warlock controls the mind and actions of one intelligent being until the
end of the battle. The enslaved target will risk their life to defend or aid the warlock.
8 FIRE BLAST: The warlock’s next magical attack automatically hits and does double
damage. Each hp spent adds an additional target to the spell.
9 MIMIC SPECIAL TALENTS: The warlock replicates a single special ability of another
character class.
10 PASS AS HUMAN: Allows the Warlock to appear as another bipedal individual for 24
hours. The spell is broken if anyone says the magic words “Ka nama kaa lajerama”
within earshot.
11 PHANTASMIC FORCES: The warlock creates a fully immersive illusion, 30' diameter.
12 PHOTONIC INVERSION: Light sources generate darkness and shadow while areas of
darkness glow with illumination.
13 RESTORE LIFE: The warlock restores life to a dead creature.The maximum hp of any
character or creature thus resurrected is halved.
14 SMOKE FIELD: Fills an area of up to 20 cubic yards with an earthy smoke lasting d6
combat rounds. Melee combat tests in the smoke field are made with Disadvantage
and ranged attacks into or through the smoke hit random targets . Any meat in the area
instantly gains a hardy smokey flavor.
15 SPECTRAL BODY: The warlock and his possessions pass into the Phasic Realm.
They become ghostly apparitions, able to pass through walls, and are unaffected by
non-energy weapons. Energy-based weapons and magical attacks do full damage.
16 SUMMON SALT: conjures several cups of various types of salt (iodized, ionized,
kosher, sea, etc) anywhere within 30' of the caster. Against Ruin Slugs and such the
spell does 3d6 damage. Test Agility to cast into the eyes of a target, blinding them for
2d6 rounds.
17 TELETRANSPORT: The warlock steps through the universe, traveling up to 500 miles
in an instant.
18 TRANSMOGRIFY: The warlock changes a single life-form into another type of life form.
19 WARLOCK BOMB: The warlock creates a powerful explosion centered on a location
they can see. The explosion does 3d20 damage to all targets within 10’ of the epicenter
and half damage out to 40’. The warlock may delay detonation to a specific time or set
a trigger.
20 WARLOCK’S PIT: A 15’ by 15’ pit, 30’ deep, opens up in the ground at a point the
warlock chooses that they can see. The pit may be, at the warlock’s option, half-filled
with a substance such as lava, crocodiles or acid.


Should a warlock roll a fumble when casting a spell, roll 2d6 and consult the chart below.
• Warlocks with 15 hp or less subtract one from the roll.
• Warlocks with 30 hp or more add one to the roll
1 WARLOCK CATCHES FIRE for d6 damage each round for d6 rounds. Spell ruined.
2 SPELL FAILS, but counts against the Warlock’s daily allotment anyway.
3 SPELL CAST SUCCESSFULLY, but some element of the spell (range, duration, area,
damage) is half normal.
5 SPELL RUINED but the warlock may make an immediate Magical Attack instead.
7 SPELL FAILS but does not count against the Warlock’s daily allotment.
8 SMOKE COMES OUT OF WARLOCK’S EARS. Spell goes off normally but warlock is
stunned next round.
9 SPELL DELAYED until the warlock’s next round.
10 SPELL CAST SUCCESSFULLY but the warlock will be unable to cast that particular
spell again for d6 days.
11 WARLOCK MUST CHOOSE between the spell activating and taking d6 damage or
canceling the spell.
warlock’s last, take 2d6 damage instead.

The Warrior Class
The class of mercenaries, knights, soldiers, headhunters and barbarians.
COMPANION: Any time a warrior improves, there is a 15% chance the warrior attracts a great
companion. This happens only once.
1 A MONSTER, usually a mount, such as a griffin or space monster.
2-3 A BEAST, a mount or pet, loyal and dependable.
4 A SIDEKICK, a warrior of like mind, who is absolutely loyal.

LIVING WEAPON: The warrior, stripped of his weapons, can attack with his bare fists deliv-
ering 1-4 points of damage
Begins with 1d8x100 Gold Credits and 1d4 Omens. hp: Toughness + 2d6
1 BARBARIAN: a feral berserker from the tribes of the North Mountains
2 GLADIATOR: an escapee from the fighting pits of the Slaver Kingdoms
3 VETERAN: a free soldier from a defeated army
4 MERCENARY: a sell-sword and sole survivor of a decimated mercenary company
5 GUARDIAN: a former Armiger or Knight, now masterless and disgraced
6 ADVENTURER: a galactic adventurer and explorer stranded on Vanth.

MIGHTY THEWED: +3 base Strength
HARD TO KILL: +1 base Toughness
DISTRUST OF SORCERY: -2 base Magic Power

1 BORN TO FIGHT: -2 DR Melee attacks
2 WAR HARDENED: Restore 1d4 hp after each combat
3 SAVAGE: Advantage on Robot Nature tests involving intimidation or fear
4 RESILIENT: Advantage on Adaptation tests involving sickness or poison
5 BATTLE FRENZY: +2 on Initiative rolls
6 IRONCLAD: No Agility penalty while wearing armor

A warrior cannot improve until he defeats an equal or more powerful foe using a new kind
of weapon. The weapon may be a weapon the warrior hasn’t used to qualify for a level before
(taken from the weapon list) or it may be a new weapon of the warrior’s own devising, in
which case it is added to the available weapons for the scenario. The latter is preferred and
should be rewarded by the Journey Master.

A Cave Primitive Frankenstein Warrior
Assesses his Situation

GOLD CREDITS (G.C.): the official intergalactic currency used in every corner of the cosmos,
even in the most primitive worlds of the Medieval Rim. 1 Gold Credit equals 100 Silver Credits.
CARRYING CAPACITY: +2 DR Strength and Agility tests when carrying more than
Strength+8 normal-sized items. It is impossible to carry more than twice Strength+8.
BASIC WEAPONS: technologically unsophisticated weapons made from common materi-
als. They are less effective against Scientific and Magical Armor
SCIENTIFIC WEAPONS: weapons made from superior intergalactic technology. They are
more effective against Basic Armor.
BASIC ARMOR: conventional armor made from common materials. Its Protection is halved
against Scientific and Magical Weapons.
SCIENTIFIC ARMOR: protection integrated with technologically advanced components,
materials, and energies into its design. Its Protection is doubled against Basic Weapons.
MAGIC ARMOR: enchanted with powerful spells. Its Protection is doubled against Basic


(d6, d4-1 FOR WARLOCKS, (d4, D3-1 FOR WARLOCKS,
0 Unarmed (d2) 0 No armor
1 Theskian Dagger (d4) 1 Quilted armor (-d2)
2 Simple Club (d4) or Sling (d4) 2 Leather armor (-d2)
3 Iron-Shod Quarterstaff (d4) 3 Chainmail (-d4)
4 Mace, Minor (d4+1) 4 Scale Mail (-d4)
5 Reaper Scythe (d6) 5 Plate Mail (-d6)
6 Mace, Major (d6) or Small Bow (d6) 6 Bulletproof Vest (-d4, Scientific)
7 Polearm (d6+2)
8 Long Sword (d8) or Long Bow (d8)
9 Crossbow, Medieval (d10)
10 Bastard Sword (d12)
11 War Axe (d12)
12 Laser Pistol (d8, Scientific)
1 Rations (d8 Days) 1 Utility Belt w/Pouches
2 Canteen 2 60’ of Good Rope
3 Dose of “Mickey” Poison 3 Blade Poison
4 Lantern 4 Makeup Kit
5 Camping Gear for One 5 Donkey
6 Musical Instrument 6 Parchment
7 Night Goggles 7 Hydrovac Suit
8 First-Aid Kit 8 Horse, Helephino, or Llama
9 Potion of Healing 9 Lock Picking Tools
10 Potion of Strength 10 Potion of Flying
11 Lantern, Atomic 11 Hand-Held Computer
12 Tri-Corder 12 Robot Mount

Basic Melee Weapons
Theskian Dagger 6 d4 3’
Steel Foil 25 d4 8’
Machete 30 d4+1 5’
Gladius Sword 33 d6+1 4’
Long Broadsword 50 d8 5’
Pirate Cutlass 65 2d4 8’
Bastard Sword 85 d12 8’
Two-Hand Sword 125 2d6 10’
Halberd or Great Blutarch 60 d8 20’
Military Pick 65 d8+1 5’
Pole Arm (Several Varieties) 77 d6+2 15’
Simple Club 1 d4 5’
Iron-Shod Quarterstaff 3 d4 10’
Pitch Fork 9 d4+1 10’
Reaper Scythe 18 d6 8’
Lizard-Hide Whip 20 d4 15’
Bone Spear 25 d6 10’
Pike 35 d6 15’
Mounted Lance 45 d20 20'
Mace, Minor 52 d4+1 5’
Spiked Morning Star 58 d6+1 5’
Flail, Minor 60 d6+1 5’
Mace, Greater 64 d6 8’
Klengon War Hammer 70 d10 10’
Flail, Great 75 d8+1 8’
War Axe 85 d12 10’
Dwarf or Hobling - 2d6 5’
Dwarf or Hobling (Armored) - 3d6 5’
Telephone Pole - 2d20 40’

Scientific Melee Weapons
Black Hole Metal Club 100 2d6 5’
Phasic Dagger 600 3d4 3’ Phasic*
Eon Blade 1,100 2d8 5’
Gravity Whip 2,000 3d4 30’
Phasic Spear 2,500 3d6 12’ Phasic*
Phasic Prismatic Sword 5,000 3d12 5’ Phasic*
Black Hole Metal Axe 6,000 3d10 10’

*Affects Phasic Creatures, ignores non-phasic armor

Basic Ranged Weapons

Sling 10 d4 15’ 235’ -1
Small Bow 26 d6 45’ 225’ -1
Long Bow 65 d8 65’ 250’
Compound Bow 73 d8+1 70’ 275’
Crossbow, Medieval 110 d10 65’ 300’
Crossbow, Modern 200 d12 80’ 450’
Blunderbuss 140 d10 33’ 100’
Musket 200 d12 100’ 725’
Dwarvish Powderblaster 250 3d6 35’ 125’ -1
Demon Fire Gun 300 d20 50’ 250’

Basic Bombs
Grenade (Ceramic) 10 d10 Hurl - -2
Grenade (Metal) 15 d12 Hurl - -2

Scientific Ranged Weapons
Shotgun 200 d12 40’ 125’ -1
Walther PPK 225 d6+1 80’ 475’ -1
Police Revolver .38 300 d8 90’ 500’
Broomhandle Mauser 325 d6+1 85’ 500’
.45 Automatic Pistol 365 d8+1 95’ 600’
Lever-Action Rifle 374 d12+1 175’ 900’
Magnum 400 d10 100’ 750’
Tommy Gun 500 d20 100’ 600’
Stun Ray 800 Stun 250’ -
Laser Gun 1,000 d8 110’ 1250’
Rocket Pistol 1,000 d10 50’ 1000’ -1
Protonic Spearlaunch 1,100 2d6 120’ 1125’
Blaster Pistol 1,200 d10 100’ 1000’
Phasic Pistol 2,400 d12 120’ 875’ Phasic*
Phasic Sniper Rifle 3,000 2d12 300’ 1250’ Phasic*

*Affects Phasic Creatures, ignores non-phasic armor

Scientific Bombs
Grenade (Klengon) 150 3d12 Hurl - -2
Grenade (Photon) 300 5d10 Hurl - -2

Armor Tiers
0 None
1 Light, -d2
2 Medium, -d4
3 Heavy, -d6
4 Superheavy, -d8
5 Megaheavy, -d10
6 Ultraheavy, -d12

A fumbled Defense roll degrades armor's capability by one tier. When armor is damaged,
penalties to attack rolls or movement are not modified. Armor reduced below the lowest
tier is destroyed and cannot be repaired.

Basic Armor
Protection is halved against Scientific Weapons.

Quilted Armor 680 -d2 30’ -2 -
Leather Armor 690 -d2 28’ -1 -
Chain Mail 810 -d4 25’ +0 +2 DR on Agility and
Defense tests.
Frankenstein Plate 820 -d6 10’ +0 +4 DR on Agility tests
and +2 DR on Defense
Scale Mail 960 -d4 25’ +1 +2 DR on Agility and
Defense tests.
Plate Mail 1,000 -d6 20’ +1 +4 DR on Agility tests
and +2 DR on Defense
Dwarf Steel Mail 1,490 -d6 25’ +1 +2 DR on Agility and
Defense tests.
Amazonian Bronze 3,210 -d8 20’ +1 +2 DR on Agility and
Mail Defense tests.
Elf Silver Chain Mail 3,420 -d10 33’ -3 -
Skin Shield 20 -1 -5’ -3 Shield*, breaks on 1
in 4
Wicker Shield 30 -1 -5’ -2 Shield*, breaks on 2
in 6
Wooden Shield 30 -1 -5’ -1 Shield*
Iron-Shod Shield 60 -2 -5’ +0 Shield*

*You can choose to ignore all damage from one attack but shield breaks.

Scientific Armor
Protection is doubled against Basic Weapons.

Bulletproof Vest 80 -d4 33’ -2 +2 DR on Agility and
Defense tests.
Klengon Steel Mail 2,200 -d8 32’ +0 +4 DR on Agility
tests and +2 DR on
Defense tests.
Armored Space Suit 2,630 -d6 25’ -3 +2 DR on Agility and
Defense tests.
Impervium Plate 5,550 -d12 25’ +2 +4 DR on Agility
Mail tests and +2 DR on
Defense tests.
Solid Gold Mail 9,500 -d6 8’ +1 +2 DR on Agility and
Defense tests.
Gravity Disk Belt 44,370 -d6 - NA -
Deflector Screen 54,770 -d8 - NA -
Prismatic Wall 73,230 -d10 - NA -
Graviton Shield 720 -1 -5’ -1 Shield*
Phasic Energy 1,145 -2 -5’ -1 Shield*, phasic**

*You can choose to ignore all damage from one attack but shield breaks.
**Blocks phasic weapons

Magic Armor
Protection is doubled against Basic Weapons.

Magic Ring of 4,170 -1 - NA Magic Armor
Magic Ring of Great 11,430 -2 - NA Magic Armor
Demon Touched 24,300 -3 - NA Magic Armor
Pentagram Shield 2,340 -4 -5’ 0 Magic Armor

Misc. Equipment
100 Gold Credits in a sack 100 Counts as one "item" for carrying capacity.
60’ of Good Rope 10
Ale 1
Amulet of No-Curse 750 Watch your mouth!
Beer 2
Blade Poison 24 Double damage on next hit
Camel 250 Morale 6
Camping Gear for One 43
Canteen 9
Carriage 500
Commoner Garb 7
Contra-Gravity Belt 5,000 Doubles jetpack power
Crystal Ball 3,000 Fickle
Damnation Van 50,000 Well equipped travel
Donkey 50
Dose of “Mickey” Poison 20 Test Adaptation to resist
Dwarf Grog 2
Elvish Cloak 451
Fine City Garb 13
First-Aid Kit 100 +2 HP recovery from rests
Hand-Held Computer 650
Helephino 300 Stout beast of burden, Morale 6
Hologram Clothes 200 Wear whatever you like.
Horse 200 Morale 4
Horse, War 900 Morale 10
Hydrovac Suit 100 Flotation, etc.
Ink 12
Jet Pack 5,000 Flight at 100'
Lantern 24
Lantern, Atomic 400
Llama, War 700 Morale 8
Lock Picking Tools 223
Magic Incense 20 A “trip” for up to 10 people
Magic Lamp 400 Test Presence or else!

Magic Wand 45,000 +2 Magic Power
Makeup Kit 25
Mead 3
Musical Instrument 50
Night Goggles 65
One Ounce Dilithium Ingot 8,640
One Ounce Gold Ingot 60
One Ounce Impervium Ingot 720
One Ounce Silver Ingot 5
Parchment 100 50 sheets
Peasant/Slave Garb 4
Potion of Flying 300 Lasts about an hour
Potion of Healing 200 Restores all lost Hit Points
Potion of Strength 245 +3 Strength
Project X Liquid 50 Growth formula
Psionic Helmet 70,000 +4 ESP
Rations per Day 1
Repair Armor, Tier 1 to 2 250 Double for Scientific armor.
Repair Armor, Tier 2 to 3 400 Double for Scientific armor.
Repair Armor, Tier 3 to 4 550 Double for Scientific armor.
Repair Armor, Tier 4 to 5 700 Double for Scientific armor.
Repair Armor, Tier 5 to 6 850 Double for Scientific armor.
Robot Mount 1,300 A tireless horse without fear
Royal Garb 40
Small Starship 650,000 Requires NavBeam!
Talisman of Phasics 14,500 Immune to phasic effects
Torch 2
Tri-Corder 3,300
Uniform or Disguise 25
Utility Belt w/Pouches 5
Venusian Whiskey 10 Test Toughness to drink
Vodka 6
War Elephaunt 1,120 Morale 10
Wilderness Garb 10
Wine 4

Tests are made against a Difficulty Rating. To succeed roll d20 ±your ability with a result
equal to or greater than the DR. Creatures don’t use abilities, they just roll a d20 against DR.
ADVANTAGE: roll two twenty-sided dice and apply the best result.
DISADVANTAGE: roll two twenty-sided dice and apply the worst result.


6 so simple people laugh at you for failing
8 routine but some chance of failure
10 pretty simple but not simple enough to not roll
12 normal
14 difficult
16 really hard
18 should not be possible


Battles are resolved in rounds. A round is sufficient time to make an attack, cast a spell, use
psionics, or traverse a normal-sized room. There are generally 10 rounds in one minute.
Randomly determine which side goes first each round.
Initiative (d6)
1–3 Enemies go first
4–6 PCs go first

1. Every Combatant Moves
2. Resolve all Attacks

ATTACK ROLL: the player rolls a twenty-sided die to determine the outcome of an attack
made against another combatant.
DEFENSE ROLL: the players roll a twenty-sided die to determine the outcome of an attack
made against that character. At no point does the Journey Master roll dice for attacks made
by non-player combatants in combat.
CRITICAL: any natural unmodified roll of 20 on the twenty-sided die. A Critical Attack Roll
does double damage and armor/protection is reduced one tier. A Critical Defense Roll gives
the character a free attack on the attacker.
FUMBLE: any natural unmodified roll of 1 on the twenty-sided die. A Fumbled Attack Roll
causes the attacker’s weapon to break. A Fumbled Defense Roll results in the character
taking double damage and reducing their armor protection one tier. When armor is damaged,
penalties to attack rolls or movement are not modified. Armor reduced below the lowest
tier is destroyed and cannot be repaired. Armor cannot be repaired to a tier higher than its
original tier.

All combatants complete their movement before resolving attacks.
Unarmored characters may move 35’ on clear terrain. The movement of armored characters
is reduced per their armor specifications. Characters with insufficient Strength to wear their
armor halve their movement and apply +1 DR to attack rolls. Characters with a resulting move
of 0’ are immobile.
Some types of difficult terrain will reduce movement by one-quarter, one-half, or three-quar-
Any combatant passing within melee range of an enemy combatant must immediately cease
movement. A combatant already within the melee range of an enemy combatant may move
freely until it encounters the melee range of a different enemy combatant.

„ TEST Esp DR 12
Long range attacks made with Disadvantage.
„ TEST Presence DR 12
„ TEST Strength DR 12
„ TEST Magic Power DR 12

If you fail the enemy hits you and you take damage. Enemies attack once per round unless
noted otherwise.
„ TEST Agility DR 12
„ TEST Robot Nature DR 12

Each character begins with a specified amount of Hit Points as specified by their character
class. Characters with no class begin Toughness + d8 Hit Points. As a character is injured,
they subtract the damage from the attack from their Hit Points. At zero Hit Points or less, the
character becomes Broken, roll on the table below.
1 Fall unconscious for d4 rounds, awaken with d4 hp.
2 Roll a d6: 1-5 = Broken or severed limb. 6 = Lost eye. Can’t act for d4 rounds then
become active with d4 hp.
3 Hemorrhage: death in d2 hours unless treated with a first aid kit. All tests are DR16 the
first hour. DR18 the last hour.
4 Dead.

• Catch your breath, have a drink. Restore d4 hp.
• A full night’s sleep restores d6 hp.
• Without food or drink no hp is restored when resting and after two days a starving PC
loses d4 hp per day.
• An infected character does not benefit from resting. Instead, d6 hp is lost daily.

When meeting creatures whose reaction is uncertain, roll 2d6 to determine their disposition.
2–3 Kill!
4–6 Angered
7–8 Indifferent
9–10 Almost friendly
11–12 Helpful

Most enemies will not fight to the last drop of blood.
Roll for morale if
• the leader is killed
• half the group is eliminated
• a single enemy has only 1/3 of its hp left
If you roll greater than the creature’s Morale value with 2d6, it is demoralized. Roll d6 to see
if the enemy (1–3) flees or (4–6) surrenders.

Every class gains a number of Omens. If you play without classes every character begins with
d2 Omens. When depleted roll the class’ designated die (d2 if playing without classes) and
regain that many Omens after resting at least six hours.
Use Omens to:
• deal maximum damage with an attack
• reroll a dice roll (yours or someone else’s)
• lower damage dealt to you by d6
• neutralize a Crit or Fumble
• lower one test’s DR by -4

01-12 Bone or Joint Disease DEATH (D% TWICE)
13-24 Nerve/Brain Disorder 01-02 1 hour
25-35 Skin Disease 03-05 1 day
36-47 Cancer 06-10 1 week
48-59 Respiratory Disease 11-16 2 weeks
60-71 Blood Disease 17-26 3 weeks
72-83 Stomach/Intestines 27-42 1 month
Disease 43-64 2 months
84-94 Venereal Disease (V.D.) 65-00 4 months
95-00 Psychic Disorder or Magic
Curse (Subtable)


01-06 Malicious Lesions (1-4 Tribes)
07-13 Degenerative Aura Contamination
14-19 Screaming ESP (Uncontrolled)
20-25 Chaotic Black Magic Syndrome
26-32 Magneton Clash (Those with Cranial Feelers Only)
33-38 Pestilence of Dark Withering
39-44 Recurring Psychometric Morbidity
45-51 Anger Motion Disease (Telekinetic)
52-57 Curse of Seven Hundred Minds
58-63 Inflamed Psionic Lobe
64-70 Death Chills (Spreads By Skin Contact)
71-76 The Pyrotic Plague (Spreads By Eye Contact)
77-82 Enmity of a Devil (74%) or Demon (19%)
83-89 Demonic Possession
90-95 Curse of the Rotting Eye
96-00 Pyschosomatic Spontaneous Self-Transmogrify

The game master decides when a character should be improved. It can be after completing
a scenario, killing mighty foes or bringing home treasure.
Additionally, each class establishes individual conditions for eligibility for improvement.
When the game master determines that the character is eligible for improvement the follow-
ing things occur:
MORE hp: Roll 6d10. If the result is equal to or greater than your current maximum hp,
increase it by the die type appropriate for your character’s class.

ABILITY CHANGES: Roll a d6 against every ability. Results equal to or greater than the
ability increase it by 1, to a maximum of +6. Results below the ability decrease it by 1.
Abilities from −3 to +1 are always increased by 1 unless the d6 result is 1. The ability is
then reduced by 1, but never below -3.

the Warlord of Unheroic Decay

MALE (d66) MALE (d66) FEMALE (d66) FEMALE (d66)
11 Abraham 11 Mogullen 11 Alana 11 Jessica
12 Ace 12 Morgan 12 Alessandra 12 Jetta
13 Aldebarian 13 Munkar 13 Alura 13 Jezebel
14 Arion 14 Nestor 14 Amaeri 14 Jilleane
15 Ator 15 Nicor 15 Anath 15 Joan
16 Baltor 16 Nordyon 16 Anella 16 Jocasta
21 Barbro 21 Ocron 21 Antigone 21 Kallina
22 Bardak 22 Oghris 22 Ardala 22 Katelyn
23 Barracuda 23 Orin 23 Ariel 23 Malia
24 Carlos 24 Quepeg 24 Artemis 24 Meagan
25 Cayman 25 Richard 25 Athena 25 Meg
26 Chalmers 26 Rodrigo 26 Aviana 26 Mol
31 Craccus 31 Roon 31 Ayesha 31 Nancy
32 Cromwell 32 Sacco 32 Belenne 32 Nanelia
33 Dar 33 Sador 33 Belit 33 Nephele
34 Darius 34 Salmaron 34 Bella 34 Niki
35 Devereux 35 Seth 35 Boudica 35 Nova
36 Fado 36 Shad 36 Brae 36 Reena
41 Gargit 41 Skiold 41 Brunhilde 41 Ryliane
42 Gelt 42 Sunn 42 Calliope 42 Scola
43 Gunther 43 Talon 43 Callista 43 Selena
44 Hawk 44 Thorn 44 Cayetlin 44 Sheena
45 Hopper 45 Thrazar 45 Chani 45 Silica
46 Ilias 46 Tils 46 Codille 46 Sonja
51 Indun 51 Titus 51 Colobri 51 Sunya
52 Kaira 52 Toralva 52 Cybele 52 Tefnut
53 Kang 53 Tracton 53 Dehamira 53 Thalassa
54 Kelvin 54 Tulak 54 Devi 54 Thundara
55 Kiro 55 Verdugo 55 Diana 55 Valeria
56 Lux 56 Washington 56 Elan 56 Valkyrie
61 Maax 61 Wolff 61 Erinne 61 Vanna
62 Mace 62 Xusio 62 Exmin 62 Zaera
63 Magreb 63 Zed 63 Griba 63 Zamira
64 Marko 64 Zigfried 64 Grimilde 64 Zenobia
65 McNabb 65 Zordon 65 Helen 65 Zora
66 Mikah 66 Zygon 66 Hippolyta 66 Zygona

Start with a name from the previous table and modify it with the following.


1 “-abot” 1 Alpha
2 “-amatic” 2 Beta
3 “-aton” 3 Zeta
4 “-atron” 4 Omega
5 “Auto-” 5 Prime
6 “Computo-” 6 One
7 “Cyber-” 7 Zero
8 “-droid” 8 Supreme
9 “-icon” 9 Maximum
10 “Robo-” 10 d10 x 1000, i.e. “4000”
11 “-tronic”
12 “-ulon”
1 To find the villain that killed your... (d6)
1 best friend 3 parents 5 child
2 lover 4 sibling 6 pet
2 To pay off a debt and save... (d6)
1 your best friend who’s been arrested
2 the farm from foreclosure
3 a family heirloom used as collateral
4 a loved one who is being held hostage or in slavery
5 an orphanage
6 a village from raiders
3 To fulfill a promise to a dying friend.
4 To right wrongs, dispense justice, and defend the helpless.
5 As penance for a crime you committed
6 You are an explorer, a scientist, or a scholar in search of knowledge
7 For wealth, fame, and glory!
8 You serve... (d8)
1 a mentor or instructor 5 the Hobling Syndicate
2 an overlord or warlord 6 the Vulkin Star Empire
3 the Guild of Mysteries 7 the Argus Foundation
4 the Royal Road Wardens 8 the Viraxis Inquisition
9 To retrieve a lost family heirloom
10 To leave Vanth and explore the stars

Beware the Dreaded Shambling-Man-Swamp-Thing!

The… (d6)
1-4 (d6) 5-6 (d6)
1 Lost 1 Crimson
2 Hidden 2 Indigo
3 Forbidden 3 Griseous
4 Sunken 4 Xanthus
5 Haunted 5 Vermillion
6 Strange 6 Onyx
1-2 (d8) 3-4 (d8) 5-6 (d8)
1 Catacomb 1 Island 1 Shrine
2 Cavern 2 Laboratory 2 Starship
3 Chamber 3 Labyrinth 3 Temple
4 City 4 Mine 4 Tomb
5 Citadel 5 Monolith 5 Tower
6 Crypt 6 Mountain 6 Tunnels
7 Forest 7 Pit 7 Valley
8 Grotto 8 Prison 8 Vault
…of the… (d6)
1-2 (d6) 3-4 (d6) 5-6 (d6)
1 Mad 1 Golden 1 Paranoid
2 Dark 2 Silver 2 Benevolent
3 Howling 3 Pale 3 Bandit
4 Iron 4 Radiant 4 Phantom
5 Cruel 5 Shadowy 5 Undying
6 Cannibal 6 Putrid 6 Elder
1-3 (d6) 4-6 (d6)
1 Overlord 1 Hierarch
2 Warlord 2 Queen
3 Priest 3 Shaman
4 Archon 4 Magi
5 Alchemist 5 Assassin
6 King 6 Champion

01-04 The Streets of God City 55-56 The Shores of the Salty
05-06 The Decadent Towers of Bay
God City 57-58 The Realm of the Iron
07-08 The Hoarfrost Citadel Dwarf King
09-10 The Northern Mountains 59-60 The City of Thunders
11-12 The Fissures of Death 61-63 The Pass of Death
13-14 The Icy Lake of Hori 64-65 The Slaver Kingdoms
15-16 The Great West Road 66-67 The Empire of Darth
17-18 The Plains of Parathax Viraxis
19-20 The Phasic Swamp 68-69 The Isle of Blacksteel
21-22 Castle Noth 70-72 The Sea of Great Peril
23-24 The Angel Barrows 73-74 The Lair of the Sulduku
25-26 Castle Crane Hierophants
27-29 The City of Blackhawk 75-76 Dino Island
30-32 The Great Spineywood 77-78 The Holdings of the
33-34 The Realm of the Hobling Zombie Princess
Emperor 79-80 The Klengon Colonies
35-36 The Lands of the Horse 81-82 The Goblin Hills
Tamers 83-84 The Wonderlands, home of
37-38 The Deadly South the Funfair Nomads
Mountains 85-86 The Forests of the Amazon
39-40 The Fortress of the Limb and Wooky Freeholds
Traders 87-88 The Bleak Mountains
41-42 The Eavestrough Faerie 89-90 The City of Bloodhaven
Haven 91-92 The Ape Sultans
43-44 The Silent Glade 93-94 The Steel Warlords
45-46 The Waepeta Sorceror 95-96 The Forbidden Waste
Palisade 97-98 The Unknown Highway
47-48 The dreaded Shunned 99-00 The Hidden Caves
49-52 The Mercenary Coast
53-54 The Siven Mile Pillars of

(d20) (d66)
1 an Ambitious... 11 Baron
2 a Concerned... 12 Captain of the Guard
3 a Corrupt... 13 Caravan Guard
4 a Decadent... 14 Chieftain
5 a Desperate... 15 Courtier
6 a Despondent... 16 Crime Lord
7 a Dispirited... 21 Criminal (50% Wanted)
8 a Formidable... 22 Desperate Parent
9 a Greedy... 23 Escaped Prisoner or Slave
10 an Immature... 24 Explorer
11 an Insane... 25 Farmer
12 an Injured... 26 Femme Fatale (75% betrayal)
13 an Inscrutable... 31 Guild Master
14 a Naïve... 32 Industrialist
15 a Paranoid... 33 Inventor
16 a Scheming... 34 King or Queen (50% in Exile)
17 a Suspicious... 35 Landlord
18 a Wanted... 36 Merchant
19 a Virtuous... 41 Mine Owner
20 a Zealous... 42 Necromancer
43 Philanthropist
(d12) 44 Priest or Priestess
1 ...Amazon... 45 Prince or Princess in
2 ...Dwarf... Disguise (50% in Exile)
3 ...Elf... 46 Scientist
4 ...Frankenstein... 51 Sea Captain
5 ...Hobling... 52 Smuggler
6 ...Human... 53 Spy (50% for the Enemy)
7 ...Klengon... 54 Starship Officer
8 ...Planetary Ape... 55 Surgeon
9 ...Robodroid... 56 Tabloid Reporter
10 ...Ssleestek... 61 Vizier
11 ...Vulkin... 62 Vulkin Bureaucrat
12 ...Wookie... 63 Warlock or Witch
64 Warlord
65 Witch Hunter
66 Zookeeper

1 Artificial Tunnels 11 Mine
2 Catacombs 12 Monolith
3 Caves 13 Palace
4 Citadel 14 Prison
5 Crashed Starship 15 Ruins
6 Factory 16 Sewers
7 Forest 17 Temple
8 Island 18 Tower
9 Laboratory 19 Village
10 Manor House 20 Warrens

1 Amazons 11 Magic Statues
2 Bandits 12 Mummies
3 Bee girls 13 Orcs
4 Giant Ants 14 Planetary Ape Huntsmen
5 Giant Spiders 15 Rogue Robodroids
6 Giants 16 Slavers
7 Goblins 17 Spectral Spirits
8 an Infernal Ape 18 a Vampire
9 Klengon Raiders 19 Viraxian Stormtroopers
10 the Living Dead 20 Whirling Dervishes
1 Acid, fills room or pit 12 Projectiles, darts, spears,
2 Buzzsaw blades etc., 50% poisoned
3 Creatures 13 Radiation, fills room or pit
4 Crushing walls 14 Room or corridor spins or
5 Electrified floor or walls turns on an axis
6 Explosion 15 Sand, fills room or pit
7 Fire, fills room or pit 16 Spikes
8 Frictionless floor or walls 17 Teleporter
9 Laser grid 18 Toxic gas, fills room or pit
10 Meat grinder/trash shredder 19 Undead
11 Pit, 2d6x10' deep 20 Water, fills room or pit

(d66) (d66) (d66)
11 Alura’s 11 Abrasive 11 Anus
12 Ardala’s 12 Adamant 12 Bile Sac
13 Ariel’s 13 Bristly 13 Canthus
14 Arion’s 14 Cancerous 14 Cloaca
15 Ator’s 15 Effulgent 15 Coccyx
16 Baltor’s 16 Engorged 16 Dewclaw
21 Bardak ‘s 21 Fancy 21 Dewlap
22 Colobri’s 22 Flaming 22 Ear Wax
23 Dehamira‘s 23 Floppy 23 Earlobes
24 Griba’s 24 Gelatinous 24 Epidermis
25 Indun’s 25 Glorious 25 Eyelids
26 Jetta’s 26 Griseous 26 Facial Warts
31 Jocasta’s 31 Grisly 31 Fingernails
32 Magreb‘s 32 Gummous 32 Ganglia
33 Mogullen’s 33 Hairy 33 Gnathion
34 Munkar’s 34 Hoary 34 Goiter
35 Nanelia’s 35 Humongous 35 Hallux
36 Nestor ‘s 36 Infinite 36 Jawbone
41 Nova’s 41 Magnificent 41 Left Nipple
42 Orin’s 42 Miniscule 42 Lesions
43 Quepeg’s 43 Misshapen 43 Liver Spots
44 Sador’s 44 Monstrous 44 Musk Glands
45 Scola’s 45 Prominent 45 Nose Horn
46 Silica’s 46 Putrescent 46 Nostril Hairs
51 Sunya’s 51 Resplendent 51 Philtrum
52 Toralva‘s 52 Sacred 52 Pinna
53 Tracton’s 53 Sallow 53 Pus Sacs
54 Tulak’s 54 Squamous 54 Sagittal Crest
55 Valeria’s 55 Sumptuous 55 Spleen
56 Vanna‘s 56 Sweaty 56 Thorax
61 Verdugo’s 61 Swollen 61 Thrapple
62 Zamira’s 62 Tenebrous 62 Toenail
63 Zenobia’s 63 Tumescent 63 Tongue
64 Zora’s 64 Turgid 64 Top-Knot
65 Zygon’s 65 Unfathomable 65 Ulcers
66 Zygona’s 66 Unsightly 66 Wisdom Teeth

Encounter Critical was not written in 1978 and my name is not Alton “Sir Chicken” Wayne.
Encounter Critical, the RPG, was a satirical RPG written by S. John Ross in 2004 and was
released as a “hoax” - a forgotten game from 1981 found at a yard sale, scanned, and
released to the internet. To be sure, it was a good hoax. It certainly fooled me.
S. John Ross told me he does not consider Encounter Critical a parody. He calls it an "origin
myth" of the birth and early years of the RPG hobby, a fabricated example of the type of
small RPGs produced at the time—arrogant, misogynist, overly-technical, unnecessarilty
complex, and completely gonzo! I still call Encounter Critical a parody, but it is the best kind
of parody, the kind that really shows its knowledge of and affection for the source material.
Not only did I fall for the hoax, I also fell for the game’s over-the-top aesthetic, its spirit
of innocence from "the early days", and the retro science-fiction fantasy setting of Vanth.
It reminded me of the homemade games I made as a kid in 1979. My first home-made
RPG project was to make character classes for each of the aliens pictured in “Space Wars:
Worlds and Weapons” by Steven Eisler and jam them all into one science fiction uber-set-
ting written by a 9-year-old. Pretty much Encounter Critical.
My actual name is Christian Conkle, and I enjoy both MÖRK BORG and Encounter Critical
very much. Alton “Sir Chicken” Wayne is a pseudonym I have used for many years for writ-
ing Encounter Critical projects such as Opponent Opuscule, Critical Skills, and illustrating
Asteroid: 1618.
The part about really enjoying MÖRK BORG but finding some players put off by the dark-
ness of the setting is true. Although I personally enjoy MÖRK BORG’s fatalistic setting and
have no trouble finding players that also enjoy it, I do have friends who are discouraged by
its dour tone and would love to play a version of MÖRK BORG with a setting that was more
accessible and relatable.
Likewise, I know many people who would absolutely love Encounter Critical if the rules
were less arcane and more “produced”.
Thus in my mind did the proverbial chocolate meet peanut butter.
I present to you, perhaps not the greatest science fiction fantasy role play game, but at
least a fun alternative setting for MÖRK BORG, or a more modern alternative to Encounter


Challengers of Vanth is an alternative gonzo science fiction fantasy setting supplement
compatible with MÖRK BORG. Previous familiarity with Vanth or Encounter Critical is not
required to use or enjoy this product, however it is assumed that players and gamemasters
own MÖRK BORG and are familiar with its rules.
This is NOT an officially licensed or authorized use of the setting from Encounter Critical.
This is fan fiction in the form of a roleplaying game.
This product provides a new alternative to standard MÖRK BORG character generation rules.
In addition to the standard four abilities Strength, Agility, Presence, and Toughness,
Challengers of Vanth adds six new abilities that better represent the new setting and its
characters: Adaptation, Esp Intellect, Luck, Magic Power, and Robot Nature.

At the edge of the Galaxy in a primitive region of the
Vulkin Star Empire known as the Medieval Sector, lies the
mysterious planet known as Vanth.

Vanth is a world ruled by the power of magic and the steel

of swords - a world of lasers and force fields - a world of
robots, dragons, and robot-dragons!

Challengers of Vanth is an alternative gonzo science fiction

fantasy setting supplement compatible with MÖRK BORG.
Previous familiarity with Vanth or Encounter Critical is
not required to use or enjoy this product, however it is
assumed that players and gamemasters own MÖRK BORG and are
familiar with its rules.

This is NOT an officially licensed or authorized use of the

setting from Encounter Critical, this is a tribute. This is
fan fiction in the form of a roleplaying game.

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