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Things to consider before uploading a Youtube video

When uploading videos to YouTube, there are several things to consider in order to
maximize the chances of the video being successful:

1. Title: Choose a title that is descriptive, interesting and relevant to the video's

2. Description: Provide a detailed and well-written description of the video,

including any relevant links or information.

3. Thumbnail: Choose an attention-grabbing thumbnail that accurately represents

the video.

4. Tags: Use relevant and specific tags to make the video more discoverable.

5. Privacy settings: Decide whether to make the video public, unlisted or private.

6. Optimizing for search: Use keywords in the title, description and tags to make
the video more discoverable.

7. Closed captions and subtitles: Add closed captions and subtitles to make the
video more accessible to a wider audience.

8. Audience: Consider who the video is aimed at and tailor the content accordingly.

9. Format: Ensure the video is in the correct format and meets YouTube's
guidelines for resolution and file size.
10.Promotion: Promote the video on social media, other platforms and website to
increase visibility and drive traffic to the video.

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