Letter 2

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Hi Serge,

I would like to share a, it’s difficult to say precisely what that was, i can call it a thought, a
quote that came but it best matches as a realisation. What it was not, is a intellectually reached
conclusion. It came from some place within.

I was having lunch and it occured to me that the “one’s psyche can always see even when one
cannot”. I associated it with statement that jung made i don’t remember exactly what that was,it was
something like, psyche as a self regulating mechanism. I associate this quote with one of the talk
that we were having in the first session about the reason of why i needed to get into therapy, you
said that there is a path that one follows and if one deviates from it , problems arrises. I also shared
that dream with you after which i decided to get into therapy. It does looks to me i am following a
path, a inner calling, maybe i do devaite sometimes. One statement does looks true that psyche has
awareness much greater than the i.

As to where this statement have come from in the unconscious, i would associate it with the dream i
had about my grandfather. I think that part of the psyche that was projected unto him freed itself , i
am not sure in what state the energy is now but i do realised that unconsciously i tried to project that
unto you. Because when i reread the email i sent to you i realised that i asked you for guidance at
the same time when i was on my grandfather feet and in way was saying to him that don’t leave me
yet. I also forgot to mention that he spoke those words with respect to him.

I would also like to share the story of movie that i saw, this is most unexpected movie to learn
something from. I couldn’t believe it that the movie spoke so deeply to me.

There were two worlds shown in the movie, some humans lived deep in the ocean and some lived
on the surface. Normally they don’t interact with each other, but this time a queen from the ocean
came up on the surface and married a man on the surface and a child is born as a result.In my case,
this can be associated with in one case, my father is spiritual person and my mother always taught
me about the let’s say about the outer world, it was as if they were from different world.

The second part were i realted to was myth associated with the child, he was told the he is a king
but he didn’t identified with that myth. I am told the same myth, in india we have these books about
one’s life called ‘Kundali’ and religious people here said that i have ‘rajyog’ in my ‘Kundali’. Now i
see that they were talking about the same thing that the jung called “to know the myth of our life”.
But i don’t identify with that myth.

The child grows up all his on the surface but then needed to went inside the ocean to stop the war
between the surface people and the ocean people. He went inside but was in someway was
overcome by the forces inside, he lost a battle by his half brother but the critical moment the
heroine of the movie saves his life. But the battle was not over. He still needed to stop the battle.
There was only one option, to obtain the trident of the first king that was lost which could only be
received by one true king. He found a map and the location of the trident was at the center of the

Now the experience that he had when he was there was like the experience that i had which i now
realise was the experience with the self. It was something like:

to be courageous
to be scared
to reach god
to speak to him
to say i am a nobody
To say i am here beacuse the people outside needs me
to give the whole of life energy unto the hand of god
god gives you an identity and the trident
To wear the color yellow
A hero is the one true king
He unites the two world
He rescues his father from the belly of the whale
He meets a Heroine
He Gives back to the world

i would like to end this letter letter by mentioning one dream that we talked about, the one with
Jung in jet airplane and when he wanted a man to be his copilot, i have a thought a quote for this:

It is much more lively to be the pilot of a vehicle, a smaller one either; than to be the copilot of
someone’s else’s vehicle.

I would ofcourse read jung and would try to do the jungian inner work.

Yours Sincerely,

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