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created the first
They a U.shaped
road ron

[lî London was the first to live in n ew

citg in the world to hque on suburbs that
underground troin sgstem. This were created
gear, the "Tube" is celebroting around the city,
its 150th birthdog! a nd more lines

rF he first Underground line opened to serve

I connected the three marn +11r.=* them. In 1908
the different lines
I London train stations. The amalgamated
Metropolitan Line opened on 10
January 1863. lt was 5.6 km long
with the new
But the Underground was a real name, the Underground, and the red
and it had just five stations. The necessity in 1800s London. The circle logo that is stil familiar today.
trains had steam locomotives, city's popu ation had increased from The other common name is the Tube,
and there were gas lights in the 1 milllon to 2.5 million in just 50 years.
because its trains are cylindrical.
carriages. The atmosphere was dark The streets were crowded with horses From 1905, the trains used electricity,
and "sulphuious" and passengers that pul1ed carriages and buses and not steam, so the experience was
complained they felt ill. lmagine what created 1,000 tonnes of dung every much more pleasant.
it was like when dayl
smoking carriages As more lines and stations were built,
were introduced TAKE THE TUBE the Tube map became very complicated.
*"p in
The creation of a new transport |n1931, Harry Beck proposed a map that
the 1B70sl
system encouraged people to move was simplified, but not geographically
accurate. The Tube bosses werent very
i r'.
.-{È I:., enthusiastic, but thev tested it in 1933,
. Yi*{*1& & a

and the popular map became a model

ê."* E tr for train systems all over the world.
During the Second World Waç Tube
fuæ§ een stations had a nerry role: they were air-
.%§w i:,#iij.
raid sheters fcr mil ions of Londoners.
When the sirens announced that
German planes were arriving to bomb
.'L! the city, Londoners spent the night in the
§iff&e î6i{ôûr$rê"* stations and on the pladorms.
Today, there are eleven ines and 270
stations. The Tube transporls 4 million
people a day over40B km oftracksl g

(adj) exact vehicle pulled by a horse things in the same place steam (n) vapour you can see
built pret. of to build: to construct to complain (v) to say you are not
dung (n) horses'excrement when water boils (100'C)
carriage (n) a train has a satisfied/happy ghelter (n) place where you can sulphurous (adj) noun: sulphur
locomotive and carriages. Also a crowded (adj) with lots of people/ find protection (yellow gas with a bad odour)

* ru.y coing N'4 IVay 2013 Nathan al unauthorised photocopying is illegal

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