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COMBO CẤP TỐC 2022: Lấy gốc nhanh chóng, tự tin dành điểm 9 Tiếng Anh chỉ với

2h tự học/ngày
PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nắm chắc điểm 9+, chinh phục điểm 10 Tiếng Anh


Bài thi: NGOẠI NGỮ; Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút; 50 câu trắc nghiệm

Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. shared B. joined C. rushed D. lived
Question 2: A penalty B. benefit C. investment D. decision

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in position of primary stress in each of the following question
Question 3: A. different B. domestic C. dangerous D. physical
Question 4: A. award B. create C. divide D. swallow

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 5: Even if you are rich, you should save money for a _______ day
A. snowy B. rainy C. sunny D. foggy
Question 6: Visitors to the local museum are mostly attracted by____________ chair
A. a beautiful old European wooden B. an old wooden European beautiful
C. an old beautiful wooden European D. a wooden old beautiful European
Question 7: Paul noticed a job advertisement while he_____ along the street
A. walked B. had walked C. would walk D. was walking
Question 8: ______measures for COVID-19 ( including vaccination, wearing a face mask and social
distancing) are important, especially if you are older or have multiple or severe health conditions
A. Prevention B. Preventive C. Preventively D. Prevent
Question 9: Affected by the Estern cultures, Vietnamese you people’s attitudes_______ love and
marriage have dramatically changed
A. for B. towards C. with D. through
Question 10: Everyday, Peter’s mother drives him to school, but today he______ to school by his father
A. takes B. is being taken C. is taking D. was taken
Question 11: In Viet Nam, you shouldn’t___________ at somebody’s house on the first day of the New
Year unless you have been invited by the house owner
A. show up B. cool off C. go off D. keep up
Question 12: The older inhabitants looked on the festival as an opportunity to bridge the_________
between the newcomers and themselves
A. gap B. blank C. crevice D. hole
Question 13: May the students think that ______ they graduate from university, the better chance they
will have to find a job
A. sooner B. the soonest C. the sooner D. the soon

Theo dõi Page : Học Tiếng Anh cùng cô Vũ Mai Phương để học GIỎI TIẾNG ANH HƠN mỗi ngày cùng cô.
COMBO CẤP TỐC 2022: Lấy gốc nhanh chóng, tự tin dành điểm 9 Tiếng Anh chỉ với 2h tự học/ngày
PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nắm chắc điểm 9+, chinh phục điểm 10 Tiếng Anh

Question 14: In the first half of the match, he committed a second clear____________ and was sent off
A. foul B. error C. fault D. mistake
Question 15: Madam Nguyen Thi Hong Cuc, who successfully______ her PhD degree at the age of 68,
has become a great inspiration to youngsters
A. put B. awarded C. earned D. made
Question 16: Patrick’s car is almost new________ it was made in the 2010s
A. because B. despite C. although D. because of
Question 17: She will take an management training course_____________
A. when the pandemic had been controlled B. as soon as the pandemic was controlled
C. until the pandemic will be controlled D. right after the pandemic has been controlled
Question 18: _____ an Oscar, she’s now one of the A-list stars in Hollywood
A. Won B. To win C. Having won D. Being won
Question 19: You are willing to help your parents with the household chores,_______?
A. didn’t you B. aren’t you C. don’t you D. won’t you

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions
Question 20: Many people perished in the Kobe earthquake because they were nor prepared for it
A. survived B. lost their lives C. departed D. declined
Question 21: Recognised as a World Heritage Site in 1983, the Taj Mahal Complex, including the tomb,
mosque, guest house, and main gate, has preserved the original qualities of the buildings
A. initial B. unique C. ancient D. perfect

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions
Question 22: Overpopulation in big cities has severely affected the air and water quality
A. largely B. commonly C. seriously D. insignificantly
Question 23: The writer was really hot under the collar when his novel was mistaken for another
A. worried B. angry C. curious D. calm

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option the best completes the following
Question 24: Peter and Josh, two high school students, are talking about school exams
Peter: “I think exams should not be the only way to assess students.”
John: “_______________. There are various others like presentations and projects.”
A. That’s right! B. I am afraid I disagree
C. I don’t see it that way D. That’s not true
Question 25: William is talking to Lucas about his hobby
William: “How often do you play basketball?”
Lucas: “_____________”
A. With my close friends B. About two kilometers
C. Not good enough D. Almost everyday

Theo dõi Page : Học Tiếng Anh cùng cô Vũ Mai Phương để học GIỎI TIẾNG ANH HƠN mỗi ngày cùng cô.
COMBO CẤP TỐC 2022: Lấy gốc nhanh chóng, tự tin dành điểm 9 Tiếng Anh chỉ với 2h tự học/ngày
PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nắm chắc điểm 9+, chinh phục điểm 10 Tiếng Anh

Read the passage and mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the blanks
When you graduate from high school or university, is learning finished? The answer is no.
In_______(26)______ countries, people continue learning all their lives.Why is lifelong learning
important? How can it help you?
Lifelong learning can be useful in many ways. People who want to change careers often return to study
at a university. Some professionals require employees to keep learning new ____(27) to do things. For
example, doctors and nurses must always learn about new illnesses and treatments. (28)_______, they
must practice the skills they have and keep learning new ones.
Lifelong learning can help people stay healthy and independent. Many older people also feel that
lifelong learning helps them stay close to young people. Lots of older people are now learning how to use
computers. “I want to________(29) active for my own health, “said Mr. Salinas, a 91- year-old man taking
computer classes. “I see my computer learning as part of an active life and something (30)_____ I can
share with my family
Question 26: A. lots B. each C. every D. many
Question 27: A. routes B. roads C. ways D. paths
Question 28: A. Moreover B. Therefore C. However D. Although
Question 29: A. live B. study C. work D. remain
Question 30: A. whom B. what C. that D. where

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions
A microwave oven is an electric oven that heats and cooks food by exposing it to electromagnetic
radiation in the microwave frequency range. This induces polar molecules in the food to rotate and
produce thermal energy in a process known as dielectric heating. Microwave ovens heat foods quickly
and efficiently because high water content food items can warm themselves with the energy from the
radio waves
An American engineer, Percy Spencer is generally credited with inventing the modern microwave oven
after World War II from radar technology developed during the war. Named the "Radarange", it was first
sold in 1946. Raytheon later licensed its patents for a home-use microwave oven that was introduced
by Tappan in 1955, but it was still too large and expensive for general home use.
The first microwave oven with a turntable between 1964 and 1966. The countertop microwave oven
was introduced in 1967 by the Amana Corporation. After microwave ovens became affordable for
residential use in the late 1970s, their use spread into commercial and residential kitchens around the
world. In addition to cooking food, microwave ovens are used for heating in many industrial processes.
Microwave ovens are popular for reheating previously cooked foods and cooking a variety of foods.
They rapidly heat foods which can easily burn or turn lumpy if cooked in conventional pans, such as hot
butter, fats, chocolate or porridge. Unlike conventional ovens, Microwave ovens usually do not directly
brown or caramelize food, since they rarely attain the needed temperature to produce the necessary
reactions. In addition, microwave ovens have limited roles in professional cooking because the bilding-
range temperatures of a microwave will not produce the flavorful chemical reactions that frying,
browning, or baking may.
Question 31: the word “which” in the last paragraph refers to_______
A. foodstuff B. conventional pans C. microwave ovens D. industrial processes

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COMBO CẤP TỐC 2022: Lấy gốc nhanh chóng, tự tin dành điểm 9 Tiếng Anh chỉ với 2h tự học/ngày
PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nắm chắc điểm 9+, chinh phục điểm 10 Tiếng Anh

Question 32: It can be inferred that all of the following contribute to the popularity of microwave ovens
A. cooking a variety of foods B. cooking in conventional ways
C. foods being heated quickly and efficiently D. microwave ovens with turnables
Question 33: What is the main topic of this passage?
A. The appearance of Radarange and its sake
B. the popularity of microwave ovens
C. Research in military’s influence on human life
D. The invention and application of the microwave oven
Question 34: This passage supports which of the following conclusions?
A. Microwave ovens can cover both professional and home cookings
B. Cooking would be more fun with microwave ovens
C. Microwave ovens became immediately popular after being invented
D. Life has become easier than ever with help of technology
Question 35: The word “affordable” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_____________
A. domestic B. moderate C. cheap D. conventional
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions
The green building movement, started in the 1970s as a way to reduce environmental destruction, is
changing the way buildings are constructed. In the early years, green builders were a small minority, and
their goals of reducing the environmental impact of buildings were considered unrealistic. Now, however,
the movement is growing, as builders have been able to take advantage of new technology.
Green builders try to make use of recycled materials, which means less waste in dumps. Also, they reduce
environmental impact by reducing the energy requirements of a building. One way is to provide an
alternative, non-polluting source of energy. First, with solar panels, it is possible to produce electricity
from the rays of the sun. Once installed, they provide energy at no they cost and with no pollution.
Another solution is to reduce the amount of energy required in a building. It is possible to cut electricity
use noticeably by improving natural lighting and installing low-energy light bulbs. To reduce the amount
of fuel needed for heating or cooling, builders also add insulation to the walls so that the building stays
warmer in winter and cooler in summer.
One example of this advanced design is the Genzyme Center of Cambridge, the most environmentally
responsible office building in America. Every aspect of the design and building had to consider two things:
the need for a safe and pleasant workplace for employees and the need to lessen the negative
environmental impact. 75 percent of the building materials were recycled materials, and the energy use
has been reduced by 43 percent and water use by 32 percent, compared with other buildings of the same
In other parts of the world, several large-scale projects have recently been developed according to green
building principles. One of these is in Vauban, Germany, in an area that was once the site of army housing.
The site has been completely rebuilt with houses requiring 30 percent less energy than conventional ones.
These houses, heated by special non-polluting systems, are also equipped with solar panels.
A larger project is under way in China. The first phase of this project will include houses for 400
families built with solar power, non-polluting bricks, and recycled wall insulation. In a second phase,
entire neighborhoods in six cities will be built. If all goes well, the Chinese government plans to copy
these ideas in new neighborhoods across China.

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COMBO CẤP TỐC 2022: Lấy gốc nhanh chóng, tự tin dành điểm 9 Tiếng Anh chỉ với 2h tự học/ngày
PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nắm chắc điểm 9+, chinh phục điểm 10 Tiếng Anh

Green building ideas, on a small or large scale, are spreading. Individuals, companies, and governments
are beginning to see their benefits. Not only are they environmentally friendly, green buildings improve
living and working conditions and also save money in the long run.
Question 36: The word “negative” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_________
A. adverse B. farvoble C. direct D. lasting
Question 37: According to paragraph 1, the environmental goals set by green builders were initially
considered unrealistic presumably because ______.
A. the potential applications of technology to constructing green buildings were not recognised then
B. there was an abundance of natural materials for the construction of conventional buildings
C. the problems of environment destruction were not prevalent at the time
D. there was a lack of green builders at the beginning of the 20th century
Question 38: According to the passage, which of the following statements about green buildings is
A. They are more economical and produce no pollution.
B. They have only been built in technologically developed countries.
C. They are gaining in popularity in different parts of the world.
D. They are environmentally responsible constructions with gardens.
Question 39: The phrase "under way " in paragraph 6 mostly means ______.
A. being certified B. being launched C. being notified D. being inspected
Question 40: What is one common characteristic shared by the Genzyme Center of Cambridge and the
project in Vauban, Germany?
A. Both took advantage of new insulation technology, which cuts down on construction costs.
B. Both were built out of entirely recycled materials instead of conventional ones.
C. Both were built based on green building principles, which reduces energy use considerably.
D. Both are housing complexes with special, non-polluting heating systems.
Question 41: The word "they " in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. recycled materials B. solar panels C. rays of the sun D. green buildres
Question 42: Which of the following does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Economic benefits of environmentally responsible buildings
C. New technologies applied to constructing office buildings
B. Successful green building projects all over the world
D. An environmentally friendly approach to constructing buildings

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions
Question 43: Van Clibum studies(A) piano from(B) 1951 and won(C) a lot of awards between(D) 1958
and 1960
Question 44: Charities such as(A) Oxfam are always(B) trying to recruit(C) volunteers to help in its(D)
Question 45: His family had been unaware(A) of his compulsory(B) gambling, so they didn’t do anything
to give(C) him a hand(D) to quit it

Theo dõi Page : Học Tiếng Anh cùng cô Vũ Mai Phương để học GIỎI TIẾNG ANH HƠN mỗi ngày cùng cô.
COMBO CẤP TỐC 2022: Lấy gốc nhanh chóng, tự tin dành điểm 9 Tiếng Anh chỉ với 2h tự học/ngày
PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nắm chắc điểm 9+, chinh phục điểm 10 Tiếng Anh

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to each of the following questions
Question 46: Every student is required to write an essay on the measures to prevent SARS CoV-2
A. Every student should write an essay on the measures to prevent SARS CoV-2
B. Every student can write an essay on the measures to prevent SARS CoV-2
C. Every student must write an essay on the measures to prevent SARS CoV-2
D. Every student might write an essay on the measures to prevent SARS CoV-2
Question 47: We haven’t met them as soon as they moved to London
A. We met them many times as soon as they moved to London
B. The last time we met them was when they moved to London
C. We last met them after they moved to London
D We didn’t meet them before they moved to London
Question 48: “Would you like to have dinner with me tonight, Jenny?” Paul said
A. Pau offered Jenny to have dinner with him that tonight
B. Pau invited Jenny to have dinner with him that tonight
C. Pau suggested Jenny to have dinner with him that tonight
D. Pau insisted Jenny to have dinner with him that tonight

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions
Question 49: You didn’t give me a chance. I couldn’t tell you the truth
A. If only you gave me a chance to tell you the truth
B. As long as I had told you the truth, you would give me a chance
C. I wish you had given me a chance to tell you the truth
D. If you gave me a chance, I would tell you the truth
Question 50: They finished one project. They started working on the next
A. Only when they finished one project, they started working on the next
B. Had they finished one project, they would have started working on the next
C. Hardly had they finished one project when they started working on the next
D. Not until they started working on the next did they finish the previous one

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