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For this assignment I was not able to join a group, during this time I was on maternity

leave and I, along with my professor, decided to include an assessment into my lesson and
present it into my placement.

For this lesson I was reviewing polygons with my students to get them prepared for their
upcoming state testing, which my CT knew they may have these polygon problems on their test.
I reviewed academic vocabulary of the polygons with my students and had my students turn and
talk with partners to answer questions from my slides. I assessed them during the lesson and
walked around to see if my students were working well with their partners and if they needed
any guidance. As the lesson progressed my students were doing a better job at getting everything
quickly, they were working fast, and they enjoyed the activity of turn and talk. As for a
technology assessment I used the webpage Kahoot.

Using Kahoot I learned I could create a new Kahoot to match my students lesson, or I
could find a Kahoot already made by previous educators. I learned I could save these already
made Kahoots and adjust them to the learning needs of my students and time limit for each
question. I could also rewrite the questions and answers if I needed.

By using Kahoot in my lesson, I learned that my students enjoyed it and enjoyed being
competitive with it. I gave the Kahoot assignment individually to my students and I learned that
after the lesson, almost all of my students were on track with the polygons and its academic
vocabulary. I believe that only a few may need a much slower lesson review, but I could do that
in a one-on-one group with me while other students are reviewing or moving on to the next step
of the unit or review.

I enjoyed the lesson with my students and the assessment technology, I will incorporate
this technology into my classroom. I believe it encourages my students to focus on the lesson and
be ready for the game assessment at the end.

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