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Breakfast in London

Are the statements true (T),

false (F) or we don’t know(?)?

1. A lady in a yellow top is

having beans on toast and a
cup of tea.
2. It is morning.
3. There is pizza on the counter.
4. The special of the day is fish
and chips.
5. There is a take-away service
6. It’s winter.
7. There are some newspapers
on the table.
8. The lady in yellow is going to
work soon.
9. It is an expensive café.
10. The server is wearing an
11. The cyclist is travelling
from right to left.
12. There are many passengers
on the bus.

1. Who is in the
The lady in the foreground is called Beatrice. She is a
Londoner. She loves living in London. She works in an
2. Where is she from?
accountants’ office. This morning, she is having a late
3. Where does she work?
start to work. She is in a cafe which is near to her
4. Where is she now?
office. She is having breakfast. She‘s eating beans on
5. What is she having?
toast and drinking tea. She has a report in front of her.
6. What is she reading?
She is reading it. She is going to make a presentation to
7. Who is she making a
her bosses. She is feeling nervous about it. Watching
presentation to?
other people working is helping her to calm down. And
8. How does she feel?
seeing the buses, cars, vans and bikes going past the
9. When will she have to
window is calming her down, too. When Big Ben strikes
nine o’clock, Beatrice has to go. Her presentation is at
10. What is happening at
9.30. After that, she will meet her friends for lunch at
Rossi’s where they will have a delicious pizza. Good luck
11.What will Beatrice do
for T/F
today, Beatrice.
for lunch?
1t, 2t, 3f, 4f, 5t, 6f, 7t, 8?, 9f, 10t, 11f, 12?


1. A lady called Beatrice.

2. She’s from London.
3. She works at an accountants’ office.
4. She’s in a café.
5. She’s having beans on toast and and tea.
6. She’s reading a report.
7. She’s making a presentation to her bosses.
8. She feels nervous.
9. She’ll have to leave at 9am.
10. She’s making the presentation.
11. She will meet her friends and they’ll go to Rossi’s for pizza.

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