What Is Love

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Have you been in love? How does it feels to be in love?

Everyone knows what is the word

“love” means and each and every one of us has our own definition of love. But most of us
don’t actually know what’s the true meaning of love. Love is a set of emotions and behaviors
characterized by intimacy, passion, and commitment. It involves care, closeness,
protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust. Love is a wonderful feeling, a rising spirit in
you knowing that it’s being built within you to be an amazing person. Love is putting
another person’s happiness before your own. Love is selfless. Love is not about
self-gratification. Too often, “Love is love” is used as an excuse for hateful
behavior. “Love is love” is a phrase used to express the idea that love is universal
and should not be judged based on gender, sexual orientation, race, or any other
factor. It is a reminder that love is a powerful and beautiful emotion that should
be celebrated and embraced.

Love is the most beautiful feeling in the whole world. But rare are the ones who
can find real, pure love. Somehow, we always suffer in love and then we find what
we craved all the time. There’s a belief that throughout our lives, we will
experience love three times, each at different stages. The first love is often
experienced during high school and is characterized by the all-consuming puppy
love. It feels like a fairy tale and we believe it will last forever. The intense love is
the second type of love and it has the power to turn our world upside down. It
becomes a mirror that reflects our insecurities, needs, and desires. After the
intense love, we tend to become closed, careful, castious, and considerate. Now,
here we get to know what we seek in love. What we really want, and what we
don't. After healing from the heartbreak of intense love and cultivating self-love,
we may encounter the unexpected love. This is the unconditional love that comes
out of nowhere and feels completely right.

Being in love is easily recognizable, as it makes you feel a constant yearning, a

constant need. Loving, on the other hand, doesn’t give you such constant
reminders. However, life always manages to give us those reminders. Life will
often keep people away from us, harm those in our lives and sometimes even take
them from us entirely. When you truly love someone, such moments of separation
and loss overwhelm you with emotion. People often forget how much they love a
person — or fail to realize how much they love them — until life forces them to
remember. When you love someone, you can’t stop loving that person because it
would require you to stop loving a part of you yourself.

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