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Unit 1

1. What is computer graphics? How image is displayed on video display device?

2. Distinguish between active and passive graphics devices.
3. List and explain the graphic devices used in computer graphics.
4. How does a mechanical mouse work?
5. Write short note on vector display of computer graphics.
6. Define persistence, resolution and aspect ratio.
7. What is horizontal and vertical retrace?
8. Explain in detail about raster and random scan systems.
9. Explain Shadow mask and beam penetration method.
10. What are the various problems of aliasing? What is antialiasing? Explain with example.
11. Explain color CRT monitors.
12. Explain direct view storage tubes and liquid crystal displays.
13. What do you mean by emissive and non-emissive displays?
14. Describe in detail about the DDA scan conversion algorithm?
15. Write down and explain the midpoint circle drawing algorithm
16. xplain in detail about Bresenham‟s line generating algorithm. Give example.
17. Explain in detail about Bresenham‟s circle generating algorithm. Give example.
18. Explain in detail about Bresenham‟s ellipse generating algorithm. Give example.
19. Explain the acceptance and rejection test using bit codes in Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm.
20. Describe Cyrus-Beck line clipping algorithm.
21. Describe Liang-Barsky line clipping algorithm.
22. Explain Sutherland Hodgeman algorithm for polygon clipping with example.
23. Use the Cohen Sutherland algorithm to clip line P1 (70,20) and p2 (100,10) against a window lower
left hand corner (50,10) and upper right hand corner (80,40).
Unit 2

1. Perform mapping from window to viewport coordinate transformation.

2. Using homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix, apply following sequence of transformation to
a unit square centered at origin.
(i) Translation by factor(1,1) Rotation by angle θ=900
3. Obtain the general combined matrix for scaling about an fixed point P (Xf,Yf).
4. What is transformation? Explain translation transformation with the help of example.
5. Describe homogeneous coordinate system for translation and scaling.
6. Describe Affine and Perspective Geometry.
7. Magnify the triangle with vertices A (0, 0), B (1, 1) and C (5, 2) to twice its size while keeping C (5,
2) fixed.
8. Consider on object ABC with co-ordinates A (1, 1), B (10, 1), C (5, 5) Rotate the object by 900 in
counter clockwise direction and give co-ordinates of transformed object.
9. Explain why homogeneous coordinates are used for handing geometric transformation.
10. Apply following transformations on polygon A(10,10) ,B(10,40),C(30,10) D(20,50)and E(30,40).
(i) Translation 10, 20 units along X&Y directions.
(ii) Rotate 450 degrees about the origin
11. A triangle is defined by [ 2 4 4] [2 2 4] Find the transformed coordinates after the following
transformation -:
i. 900 rotation about origin. Reflection about line y =-x.
12. Scale the surface A (2, 2, 2), B (4, 4, 4), C (5, 5, 5), D (6, 6, 6) with respect to point (7, 7).
13. Prove that rotation followed by translation is not same as translation followed by rotation in three
14. Explain projection with the help of orthographic projection.
15. Shear a unit cube situated at origin with a value of Xshear of 2 units.
16. Explain the matrix representation of 3D translation scaling.
17. Write a note on 1 point, 2 point perspective transformation.
18. Distinguish between cavalier and cabinet projection.
19. Describe Axonometric Projections.
20. Describe Oblique Projections.
Unit 3

1. What is viewing? Explain canonical view volume.

2. Explain camera model and viewing pyramid with diagram.
3. Explain different properties of Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF).
4. Short note on Canonical View Volume (CVV).
5. Explain combined transformation matrix for viewing in detail.
6. Write short note on photometry in detail.
7. Write a note on photometry.
8. Explain Grassmann's laws.
9. What is colorimetry? Explain color with the help of colorimetry.
10. What are the various parameters used in color appearance.
11. Explain LMS color space in detail.
12. Describe the transport equation of light in brief.


1. Explain z-buffer algorithm with advantages and disadvantages.

2. What are the basic tests in Warnock's algorithm? Explain.
3. Explain parametric representation of ellipse with example.
4. What is visible surface determination? Explain different methods of visible surface determination.
5. Explain object image space method for efficient visible surface algorithm.
6. Explain parametric representation of an ellipse.
7. Write a note on B-Spline curves.
8. Compare all visible surface detection methods.
9. Construct Bezier curve of order 3, with 4 polygon vertices A(1,1) B(2,3) C(4,3) D(6,4) for values of
u,0≤u≤1where p(u) is a point on curve with values for u=(0,1/4,1/2,3,4,1).
10. What is z-buffer algorithm used for? List t advantages and disadvantages.
11. Briefly explain Painters algorithm with example.
12. Write short note on quadratic surface.

Unit 5
1. What is an image? Explain different file formats of an image.
2. What is an animation? Explain character animation.
3. Explain the concept of median filtering with suitable example.
4. Explain any two principals of animation with suitable example.
5. What is key framing? What are the advantages of key framing?
6. Explain different digital image file formats.
7. Distinguish key frame animation with procedural animation.
8. Explain different types of deformation.
9. Explain JPEG compression process in detail.
10. What is image compression? Explain lossless compression technique.
11. What is image enhancement? Explain frequency domain method of image enhancement.
12. Explain the concept of median filtering in detail.

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