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EG 5010 – Mental Wealth Group 2-3 G

University of East London

School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering


Mental Wealth – EG5010

Module leader: Dr Subramaniam Arunachalam

EWB – Lobitos and Piedritas Design Challenge report

Group 2 – 3 - G
Andrew Pearce : u1834178

Abdi Mohamed Guled : u1961094

Deril Fabricio Valencia : u1805843

Daoud Feroz : u1917428

Mohammed Ahmed : – U1720773

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EG 5010 – Mental Wealth Group 2-3 G

• Acknowledgements Page: 3
• Glossary Page: 3
• Summary Page : 3
• Introduction Page : 3
• Purpose Page : 3
• Aims Page : 3
• Background Page : 3
• Social Page : 4
• Economic Page : 4
• Environmental Page : 4
• Corona Virus Impact Page : 5
• Problems Page: 5/6
• Design Criteria Page: 6
• Discussions Page: 6
• Outhouse Page: 6
• Solar Power bus shelter Page: 7
• Housing sustainability Page: 7
• Recommendations Page : 7/8/9
• Key impacts Page : 9
• Design criteria Page : 10
• Conclusions Page : 10
• References Page : 10/11
• Bibliography Page :12
• Appendices Page :12/13

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This report and the video presentation for the Engineers Without Borders (EWB) was equally created
• Andrew Pearce : u1834178
• Mohammed Tahmid Ahmed : u1720773
• Abdi Mohamed Guled : u1961094
• Deril Fabricio Valencia : u1805843
• Daoud Feroz : u1917428

The purpose of this report is to address and improve the lives of the local population of
the Piedritas and Lobitos areas of Peru. This will be achieved by identifying areas on issue for the
local population and then fixing or improving these issues in a way that is sustainable in both a
financial sense, but also in an environmental means as well.

1.0 Introduction
This report follows the guidelines and objectives explained and presented by the Engineers Without
Borders (EWB), it explains the issues facing the communities of Lobitos and Piedritas and gives
appropriate solutions that improve the lives of the residents and minimize our impact on the planet.

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this report is to generate different engineering designs which what tackle and help
solve the problems that are affecting the communities of Lobitos and Piedritas in Peru. These
engineering designs also take into consideration the numerous problems that both communities
have, and their different challenges posed by their social, economic and environmental features.

1.2 Aims
In the report we will offers various suitable solutions that fit with the economic, social and
environmental problems in both communities and we will be focusing on the built environment
aspect of the challenge, thus they will be both sustainable and eco-friendly to the environment in
which they will be used, while improving the lives of all the people that live and work in the area.

2.0 Background
Peru is a country is South America who official language is Spanish and Quechua. Peru is at the
border of Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador. Peru is the 3rd largest country in South
America with a population of 33.1 million in as of December 2020 according to ‘worldometer’
elaboration of the latest United Nation data.

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2.1 Social
Lobitos and Piedritas are neighbouring coastal communities located in the Piura region of northern
Peru, South America. Lobitos is a small fishing and surfing town of 1,300 residents located 17 km
from the city of Talara, the tourist capital of Piura. Lobito's is composed of six main neighbourhoods,
which are under the jurisdiction of different entities, including the Fisherman’s Guild, military, and
Lobito's District Municipality. Piedritas is a community of 400 residents located halfway between the
city of Talara and Lobitos. The residents of Piedritas are in the process of obtaining a land title to
formally establish the community and gain reliable access to basic services such as electricity and
water. Both Lobitos and Piedritas are located within an oil concession area.

2.2 Economic
The Peruvian economy has come up against two recognizable stages of economic growth since the
year of 2000. Out of all the South American countries between the years 2001 and 2014, Peru was
one the fastest if not the fastest growing countries, with a national GDP rate of growth furthermore
increasing to 6.1 percent every year.

The strengthened growth of the Peruvian economy also raises the amount of working people and
amount of income they are receiving that in thus also reduces the rate of people entering poverty.
The poverty rate reduced from 52.2 percent to0 26.1 percent during the years 2004 and 2014, this is
equivalent to 6.4 million civilians escaping poverty during that time period.

However, between the years 2015 and 2019, the Gross Domestic Product growth has slowed to a
yearly rate of 3.1 percent to lower the international commodity prices.

This is lead to less people privately investing, less capital and an even though this is temporary, the 2
factors diminished the impact of the shock on the GPD, allowing it to continue its growth even
though it is at a slower pace. First, the rise in the mining production as projects which has been
planned in the previous years. The second point was due to the poor leadership of the Peruvian
government concerning the countries finance, this allowed the country to decline the government
revenue without changing any of its spending or the exchange the rate, which allowed the increase
of exports and offset during the time of when the domestic demand decreased.

2.3 Environmental
Peru is a tropical country as is located near the equator, giving Peru a dry season and a wet season.
The ecosystem of Peru is very wide because of its great elevation above sea height. Around 84 of the
existing ecosystems and 28 of the 43 climates on the planet resides in the country of Peru. These
numerous amounts of climates make Peru one of the most biological diverse countries in the world.
There are 25,000 plant species which is 10% of the world total species of plants. There are also 472
different species of mammals, and 20% of the world’s butterfly species plus 1,816 bird species. Over
a half of Peru is covered by tropical rain forest, it is also where the amazon river Amazon river

However, most of this is at risk as majority of the tropical rain forest is threatened by deforestation
from mining, gas extraction, oil drilling, logging, expansion of farmland and the extraction of other
natural resources. From this the environment system of Peru is at risk, so we must ensure when we

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are developing Piedritas and Lobitos as we do not want to destroy the eco-systems of many
vulnerable animals, insects and plants.

2.4 Coronavirus Impact

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has had an impact and continues to have it all over the world, and the
communities of Lobitos and Piedritas are no exception. The country of Peru entered a national
lockdown that lasted from the 15th of March till 31st of July 2020, after the lockdown business had to
open their doors to a reduced number of customers as governmental measures stated that
businesses were to operate at a maximum of 50% capacity, to allow for social distancing. As of the
writing of this report Peru has had a total of 973,912 coronavirus cases confirmed, with total of
907,654 recovered and 29,984 active cases. Lastly, Piura, the region of the country in which Lobitos
and Piedritas are located is no longer under mandatory quarantine.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) would have had an especially harsh negative effect on the economy of
both communities as they were already in not a great shape, and due to the governmental measures
for social distancing and that the international borders of Peru being closed for passengers, the
international tourism and national tourism due to the lockdown would have being completely cut.

Despite the challenges of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, there is a desire for a sustainable
and equitable tourism industry that incorporates the unique skills and talents of the residents, whilst
ensuring all the people can meet their basic needs, preserving the local ecosystem, and diversifying
the tourism offerings. (Borders, 2020)

3.0 Problems
In Lobitos the oldest homes were constructed around 100 years ago while others were built in the
1970s. The living conditions of Lobitos range within the districts of the town. Most of the buildings
are poorly adapted to the desert environment, this is a concern as Lobitos is surrounded by a dry
forest, and the lack of desert protection means facilities are not used during the day to protect the
locals from the heat.

The lobitos area also lacks a proper waste management system which holds them back on becoming
eco-friendly along with being environmentally friendly.
Most hotels in lobitos aren’t as efficient, eco-friendly and sustainable as the ‘buenavista lobitos’
hotel. This isn’t enough to make the whole industry and area of lobitos sustainable and efficient

New developments in Nuevo Lobitos and Primavera have no sewer connection or septic tank and are
not connected to the grid. Approximately 5% of the people in Primavera do not have toilets
(Borders, 2020).

A large majority of buildings are not engineered and built for tough windy conditions/ weather. This
can cause a major risk to all residents and landowners in the area as their safety and comfortability
isn’t guaranteed.

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In Lobitos the oldest homes were constructed around 100 years ago while others were built in the
1970s. The living conditions of Lobitos range within the districts of the town. Most of the buildings
are poorly adapted to the desert environment, this is a concern as Lobitos is surrounded by a dry
forest, and the lack of desert protection means facilities are not used during the day to protect the
locals from the heat.

In Piedritas, there is a lack of toiletry facilities to 78% of the population and more importantly there
is wastewater flowing from a water treatment plant in the nearby town of Talara causing damage to
both the local and wildlife environment in the area. This in turn also effects the efforts of the locals
that are trying to make their town tourist friendly.

4.0 Discussion
There are three main solutions that we as group have come to an agreement towards, those are an
outhouse, a solar powered bus shelter and housing sustainability. These 3 solutions can benefit the
people of Lobitos and Piedritas in a few ways. For example, there are barely any toilets in both
towns, some of the people will probably end up defecating on the streets which could lead to
environmental damage as well as putting their own health at risk. Furthermore, their housing is also
a cause for concern as most of them were built between 100 to 40 years ago, therefore they will
have structural instability and pose a serious risk to those who even try to stay in those properties.
The solar powered bus shelter can provide covering for people which is very much needed as most
of the buildings in the towns lack proper roofing or covering to be even called a shelter let alone a
house, furthermore electrical energy can be harnessed using solar power to charge lithium-ion
batteries that can help people cook clean and improve their quality of life. We believe that these
selections of solutions we have come up with can create a difference and aid the people of Lobitos
and Piedritas

4.1 Outhouse
Our solution to the lack of toilets that are available to the people of both towns of Lobitos and
Piedritas is to build outhouses near their makeshift homes. These outhouses will be cheap to make
as it could be sourced through government means such as the Peruvian forestry platform program.
Where their aim is to show the world that Peru can export products that can bring value to the
customers as well as themselves whilst also contributing to the sustainable and decentralized
development of the country. Peru has the second largest forest area in Latin America and a great
assortment of timber types, which can be applied in many things for example home construction
and furniture. Through this program we can build an outhouse that would be 1.55m in width, 1.55m
in length and 3m in height, it will have a staircase in order to enter the area where there will be
enough space for using the toiletry facility.

The reason why we chose this is because there will be no water usage in the toilet itself, instead the
waste matter will be deposited into large plastic buckets (with sealable lids) beneath the toilet seat.
To counter the smell but also allow the waste to break down faster is by using saw dust. This will be
available for the people as it will be a by-product when the outhouse frames will be cut and built
thus making use of everything possible in order to stay eco-friendly. It will be available with a trowel
so when they are done using the toilet, they just simply throw several scoops of saw dust on top of

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their waste and go about their day. The buckets should be removed when it is 90% filled just to
avoid spillage.

The buckets can then be taken to a compost mound in a local farm or nearby communal garden and
they can deposit the waste into that pile continuously and over time it will develop into good
compost that can be used to help with growing vegetables, grains such as corn, fruit and the local
environment thus making it able for the people to make themselves self-sustainable.

4.2 Solar powered bus shelter

A main problem in the area is that a lot of the buildings have little to no sun protection and since the
two towns are in a desertified forest, this is a major concern for the locals. The main solution would
be to install sun protection for the locals, but this could also be an opportunity to harness the sun's
rays and use them to create clean, affordable energy for the area.
One example of this could be to build projects, around Lobitos and Piedritas, like solar powered bus
stations and solar powered hubs which can provide shelter from the harsh sunlight whilst providing
clean energy and servicing a practical use as well.
The solar energy can be converted into electrical energy which is then stored into large lithium-ion
batteries that can help power the towns basic needs such as lighting at night, electrical heating for
food and warmth.
This solution can improve the lives of the locals to the area and can help them become more energy
efficient in the future.

4.3 Housing sustainability

The main issue that needs tackling in this context is the lack of protection from the dangerous gale
caused by dangerous windy conditions which are met in the Lobitos and Piedritas areas. This can
pose a huge threat to the locals who live in such conditions as the houses that were constructed a
very long time ago are not prepared for these conditions and thus, they are not well optimised. We
can reduce the risk attached to the location by adding steel shutters and safety glass to all windows
and glass panes of the commercial buildings and houses. These materials have higher resistance to
the force generated by the high wind speeds which can withhold the structure and safety of the
residents, and workers in the area, more efficiently. The wind generated from the offshore can also
make a lot of noise, however we can triple glaze the panels of the glass in the surrounding
commercial buildings, and houses so they can become more soundproof, providing a more peaceful
environment for all present in the commercial building/houses.

Fox blocks can also be installed when building different houses or hotels in the coastal area. Fox
blocks are a type of construction block made of concrete that can formulate walls. These walls are
double insulated and are also steel reinforced. The purpose of fox blocks is to channel all the tension
coming from the wind, in between the fox blocks layer to the other side of the block which in turn,
evenly distributes the energy, helping the whole structure itself to resist the forces that may damage
the building or disturb the living standard. While these fox blocks can be used as great protection
material against hazards coming from windy conditions; they can also provide another indirect
benefit for locals as they can help save money on resident's energy bills. This is all because of the
fact that the walls are double insulated/double layered, restricting the escape of heat within homes

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as-well as keeping the building under protection from windy climates; making the overall project
more efficient, and eco-friendly, and sustainable.

Due to the windy conditions provided by the coastal area, it would be incredibly challenging for
investors to build commercial tall buildings, such as skyscrapers, which would have many benefits in
aspects such as the contribution in the tourism and business industry. We can overturn these
drawbacks and risky factors by implementing the idea of using a ‘Tuned mass damper’. A Tuned
mass damper is also known as a ‘seismic damper’ or ‘harmonic damper.’ The tuned mass damper is a
device used on very tall buildings, to be mounted on, to reduce the mechanical vibrations caused by
the extreme high-speed winds. This helps to add the weight on to the building making it more rigid,
sturdy, and stronger against the forces of high accelerating winds. This tuned mass damper can be
installed within the tall commercial buildings, such as skyscrapers that are yet to be built in the area
of Lobitos and Piedritas; this can therefore lower the risk of high accelerating windspeeds, of
creating movement within the buildings.

We could also consider the advantages of using certain geometrical shapes, when designing roofs for
housings. It is found that buildings which boasts a hexagonal, or octagonal shaped roof tops, are the
most wind resistant to strong gale, coming from windy environments, such as the coast. The reason
why the octagonal, or hexagonal shapes for roofing are the most superior when it comes to resisting
the effects of wind, is because the aerodynamics behind the shapes are what allows the wind to slip,
and flow around much easier rather than the usual rectangular shaped roof tops which creates a lot
of friction with the surrounding air rather than allowing it to slip through.

We can also further implement this concept, by making buildings smoother around the edges, and
make them rounded. By making the building more rounded this allows the aerodynamics of the
building to allow wind to flow all around the building; instead of trying to travel through the
building, which would create a lot of force, and tension throughout the entire building.

5.0 Recommendations for wind/gale on housings

One of the solutions to tackle the wind related issues, that is the worth investing on out of all the
other solutions, is the sound-proofing triple layer glass and steel shutters. This is because of the fact
that this choice is one of the cheapest and cost-effective solution for the overall project. All the
sound the wind produces in these coastal areas would sabotage the business and tourism industry
along with the living standard as they are all being disturbed. Another reason this is also a key
investment is because of the fact that the steel shutters supply a lot of strength, and durability for
the building which helps when resisting the forces coming from the wind. This overall makes the
investment very sustainable and successful.

Another key solution for this problem that is worth investing on, is the fox blocks, as this is essential
for future upcoming projects and plans when making new buildings or homes for people, as it is a
much cheaper option when compared to the solution of the ‘Tuned mass damper’ which can cost
companies around 4 million dollars. These fox blocks can efficiently reduce the tensions coming from
the forces of the wind, by distributing it out evenly within the other fox blocks, throughout the
entire building. The capability and sustainability of this solution is guaranteed and is much more of a
cost-efficient option when compared to the ‘Tuned mass damper.’ An AutoCAD model is available on
figure 4, on appendices.

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5.1 Recommendation for solar issues/heat problems

The main solution that is proposed to tackle the solar panel bus station related issues is the
sustainability of the solar bus stations. Firstly, they will be beneficial to the townspeople who can
conveniently wait for the bus without the suns heat being right above them also the solar panels will
be able to power any electronical screens in the stations that can update the townspeople of the
next bus that will arrive or depart. The solar panels can also power up large batteries throughout the
day, these batteries can then be used by the townspeople to do basic daily housework This is
environmentally friendly and completely sustainable as no greenhouse gases are leaked due to the
process. An AutoCAD model is available on figure 1, on appendices.

5.2 Recommendations for toiletry/sanitation/outhouse problems

The main solution that is worth investing on for this issue is to build the outhouses as this reduces
the risk of catching diseases and overall improves the living standards within the area. The sawdust
boxes that are implemented within the outhouses are used to prevent any pungent smell that
usually emanates from a toilet, but it also is used as a medium that can help to develop the waste
into compost which can be a contributing factor towards the farming in both towns. This will in-turn
indirectly support the townspeople as they can grow crops to sell to improve their daily lives. This
would be very sustainable and environmentally friendly for the locals in Lobitos and Piedritas. This
also influences and raises the business industry as more jobs and revenue is sourced and created,
leading to a larger, and more sustainable economy. An AutoCAD model is available on figure 2, and
figure 3, on appendices.

5.3 Key impacts

The key issues for this project are that any of the potential solutions need to be cost effective, eco-
friendly, and sustainable. The length of time for the construction of the project and the overall cost
of the project are issues as well and will need to be considered before any of these potential
solutions are considered. Of the potential solutions the outhouse and solar powered bus shelters as
these solutions will be cost effective to set up and will be sustainable. The bus shelter provides a
shelter for the locals during the day and with having solar panels on the roof of the structure, this
can provide clean energy as the areas of Lobitos and Piedritas are in an area that has constant
sunlight and makes this solution suitable for the area. The outhouse is also a useful solution as the
outhouse solves the toiletry issues in both towns and with the sawdust block, the outhouse can
provide compost for sustainable farming and this increase the revenue and job opportunities for the
locals. The housing issues can be solved with wind-resistant houses as these houses will be
developed to be more sustainable and will provide a solution to one of their issues as the houses
would not be affected as badly from the strong winds that the area gets, especially the town
of Lobitos. The only issue with this solution is the cost of the houses as this could be too expensive a
solution to be built in the area.

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5.4 Design Criteria

We as a team have come up with ideas and solutions that can benefit and solve the issues of this
project and thus we have created several AutoCAD models to give a visual view/ demonstration of
how it would look like and work out to sustain a more environmentally friendly and overall
sustainable area within Lobitos and Piedritas.

5.5 Conclusion
Overall, the issues of the built environment in the areas of Lobitos and Piedritas stem from
underdevelopment and an overall lack of funding resulting in most houses being badly maintained
and unsuitable for today's climate. The main solution is to develop the area, so the locals have a
more sustainable future and would be able to rely on thier own income and not from the nearby city
of Talara. By investing into the development of the houses to adapt to the environmental conditions
we can improve the living standard within the area by numerous folds.
The investment of improving the other 57 hotels by making it more efficient and sustainable also
saves a lot of money and reduces a lot of carbon footprint along with the fact that you are
promoting the tourism industry and generating a lot of income. In turn you would also be making
the area exceptionally clean and environmentally friendly which promotes the essence of a cleaner,
green world.
The impact of coronavirus has changed the lives of many people around the world and this impact
will make development tougher for the area, but the area has developed ideas to change their
future and make the area more sustainable.

6.0 References
Borders, E. W., 2020. Built Environment. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 23 October 2020].
Borders, E. W., 2020. The Area. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 23 October 2020].
Coronavirus Cases in Peru. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 7 December 2020]
(Lobito's, Perfect Waves in a Peruvian Ghost Town. — Stumpy Vision Surf Blog & Photography,
Vimeo. 2020. Colegio Santa Elena De Piedritas. [online] Available at: <>
[Accessed 30 October 2020].

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Flickr. 2020. Caleta Lobitos - Talara - Perú. [online] Available at:

<>[Accessed 30 October
Wallpapers, P., 2020. Awesome Peru Flag Wallpapers - Wallpaperaccess. [online] WallpaperAccess.
Available at: <> [Accessed 30 October 2020].
TripSavvy. 2020. 5 Maps That Will Help You Visualize Peru. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 30 October 2020].
Peruwoods. 2020. Who We Are - Peruwoods. [online] Available at: <
we-are/> [Accessed 8 December 2020]. 2020. Tuned Mass Damper. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 8 December 2020].

ALUTECH. 2020. Wind Resistance. [online] Available at: <https://alutech->
[Accessed 8 December 2020].

Fox Blocks. 2020. Tornado Safe Homes: How ICF Construction Can Help Protect Your Home. [online]
Available at: <
20mph.> [Accessed 8 December 2020]. 2020. [online] Available at:

_Chapter4.pdf> [Accessed 8 December 2020].

Keller Roofing and Inspections. 2020. [online] Available at: <

there-such-a-thing-as-a-hurricane-proof-roof/> [Accessed 8 December 2020]., k., 2020. Administrative Map Of Peru - Nations Online Project. [online] Available at: <
20Ecuador.> [Accessed 9 December 2020]. 2020. Peru Population (2020) - Worldometer. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 9 December 2020].

Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2020. Peru | People, Language, Population, & Map. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 9 December 2020]. 2020. Saving Peru’s Ecosystems And Biodiversity | Discover Peru. [online]
Available at: < > [Accessed 9 December

World Bank. 2020. Overview. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 9 December 2020].

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7.0 Bibliography
Borders, E. W., 2020. Built Environment. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 23 October 2020].
Borders, E. W., 2020. The Area. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 23 October 2020].
Vimeo. 2020. Colegio Santa Elena De Piedritas. [online] Available at: <>
[Accessed 30 October 2020].
Flickr. 2020. Caleta Lobitos - Talara - Perú. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 30 October
Wallpapers, P., 2020. Awesome Peru Flag Wallpapers - Wallpaperaccess. [online] WallpaperAccess.
Available at: <> [Accessed 30 October 2020].
TripSavvy. 2020. 5 Maps That Will Help You Visualize Peru. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 30 October 2020].
EcoSwell. 2020. Water And Sanitation — Ecoswell. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 8 November 2020].
Peruwoods. 2020. Who We Are - Peruwoods. [online] Available at: <
we-are/> [Accessed 8 December 2020].

8.0 Appendices
Solar powered bus shelter:
Figure 1:

Outhouse :

Figure 2:

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Figure 3:

Wind/gale resistant house:

Figure 4:

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