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The Claucalion Nonls is boed on Hhe type d Jocomatay

Ovgan prexet.
Habit and Habitat
Neis is Jound in busas 1h sand and \ocks in den ticad
shallow maorine watesg.
Neis is Cosmopalttan in dishibution and ound in Coastal
waten o Euno e North , AtJanic, Paaicoceansin USA .
Commont s dam wo\
Nenis is Commonly called aq woi
)e body is slanden, olongate dosoverd nally tattkred
Soqwanted andis divi dc d into head, tuwk and pyaidum.
3) Head Consis o twopaots, He prosumum anà penistomi
Prustomiuw bocns a paiv o tenu cdes ,tws pait d eyes and a
pay shot twojorwded palps. Peistomum boon you
tenta de and a
)Tunt is made up sevenal seqma uts, each beaning apal
Jalenad paapoi ta uhich anu Jocovoay
Jotomotoy organs.
ovgans gotaepjed
bayond the ouen mangn o each posapodnsm.
|5) Pygidim oy anal segmond is withoud poapodia but bucnya pa f
teMiral onu.
ap pendags Knoun a anal cini and a fomnad
) Rospiaton apens va blozd Capiduiles hetusak f posnapodio
Anetay Canal is shagld and extends Yoom mouth a the
avten end to the anus at postentoy end.
) &eres stpenate leoi Uisation extornal.
kn as Hateronais.
Nonis is known
) Tee &oxual phane d Neris
Kingdom- Ani nolia
Jaus Phyun Anndlda
Tentecda das- Polychasle
Oydeg - Eirantia
Prosornial padp Gonus NeiS.
Peaistonlad cirri

Rarapa pod a
Sudy sésarxnd/Som hes


Re Clayicadon o Hokeronots is bat d on the type o
Jocomeby organ proavnt.
Habt and Habitat
HeBenonls Is a pue suimming uorm ound in sea.
) HelesonOls is Hhe sexucd phoe Neni s
2) Te body c heteroncois is divido dtvto an anterio atake
oY aserual Teglon and apogkl epito ke or &exual
eGon. acte
1} como out to He watey Saryace and doads an
hee swImIng
4) Eycs biemE greaiy enlangd

The penistomal cioi be come

) laoajadia lbr conne elaged, develop additonal
yalarrous ognouths and Sulaebu cone oa1-shape d
uhich hein ative SwimmIng
1) De to excese doveloent of aond the musda and
aliantooy Canal aoe redured.
e is ho naked Sexuad dl morphism in mogt specieg.
Kingdern - dnimalta
Phyum- nralrta
rotanmal Palp das
Gowus -
Eyes ’hotomi al Nentodas
Pe stamium

Atoko or
Non sexuo te¡ion

Epitoke ov

Basis oh claticalion,
The clasiicalton Phesakima is base donte ty pe o ocomstay
Osgan prekent.
,Habit and Habita
Phenetima ae buonoueNs youn din the soi chin deca ing
Organic mate ually ihIn pauho
ms lands, na a the bauks poytuoe
Joawnsgoonkns imgakd
Jakey and Viveonc
Found al ove the wotld
) Phenctinma is Comm ondy colled o-thwo
2) Bady is Biladerally symnchical naorow Jorg elorgacdaid
clndvad meakuing upb 15Omm ndength.
) Aideoyr end taping and pogteioy endts bluut
4) Body is divided \nto l0ooTing Jike sogvevt by o dstn
5) fach sogYhaut is 0roviaad with Sadee aixnged inovinq each
satae dhising hom
hom aa sehgerous
seigenous Sac e skin. A
Setuo halp Yndocomoti on by hold Ma tho eoodth.
7) he dtellom is aChcudag bund glandaa tssue wheh
Complatly Junounds e

) Rermaghodike
par of male gemtal pore is situaded ventaly in tue
ei ghkanth Cteth) eqment whide emale guital pore
Situaed t the vental
\o) nus is situaked at Ho
lominal end dthe dat bod
11) Reprodu chion is Uauslly sogme ut.
12) Bavelopavd takas
13) athuwoy) iswed as bait pláce tn Cocoons
many ncmdized peope Th asoichig and asos fosd by
haye tn madtcluety
educatin ex penimouts and in anicalhuse as produre o
Organte tetilzon.
Kirgdkm- Amalra
Dhylem- Analida
cas- oligo choala
Odeon- Nescqockedo
Gons phreti ma


fnade genital por
Poprae Male qenitzd por

TRe clasunllcaton Apholite is boed on tha tyge ol
Joromolný ogan rout.
Habit an Habitat
Aphvodik is amanive buoomowMg yom dound jut belo
ihenhdal Zon usuely on sandy uidy battorns
THis Jound in both sides o dtantte
Meditesoanl an ed
Comm ents,
phrodite is commord y cale d as, sea mouse,.
2) maasusLe about 12m in Jangth
Body is shoit ,oval and dorso ven trelly attenud
Venhad sunface i flat , segmented andfms a epg
4) Sole.
5) SH sotae and hallow byittes aou preseut on the
dorsal Suace
Be undensida
) Sageuds doaoly vsisle onantenioily
T) Head is Smal /situakd banocdh the dosad felt
single small medlay tendada avd tup arye datou
and beoas a
palps. Ca eca
) totinediget schaadeoiad by doig brandnig
minude lood poorhcdo) .
9 Rapitation 'takes place througla dosal body Suofae
Io) Anus is sihualed a ae postiof exhemity on te
dosal suodae isextenal.
1) Soxes Seprate and ehlization
firgdem dnwadi a
hyum- nyalida
Closh- Paly chacla
Osde- Eyyani a
Gonu,- dphrodt ke

Notopad ia) byiles

h Chaatae

desent byislea

Neunopodtcol chaatae
Bass clawaichion
Tke clauicadion o Hhudes ia is bacdon lotyr
Jocomutoty chuduse or organ roayt.
Habit and Habitat
tlvudinco(a is toundin hehwalertan, ponts. Jakos, slow
hham and Sangivoraus Colod Sucking Din
fwamps Tis Sangvoraus
habit. Hyudlnonle has cosmopali tavn or world oido
dstibtian speaaldy ound in Ihdla and Myanm eo.
) Hiudinaila qranulasa is commorly called Ivdian cattte Jaach
Body s solt elongaled veomam and blalbally symnbia
toth dasa Sufere qen and icntia Suoee oarg yelb
in colou
extensin o tHe Guty is doysa ven hall, ateed
while dug Contacton it s cynd cad
+) Budy o aci is dvid d into 33ogtravds.
dunt div àedldo annudi ovng.
5) Aioroy and posteni Suckeny au "wall doveloped nteoy
Sucko trivadiate wouth andis onad by ie
uon posbrmium wth ew Somites outenioy tegqun
posteiby Sucken is Cicadco inoudde and o ms a
mus calor dicc at Hhe posdoior end. Both Hhe sucos one ay
þauen organo adheln and docomstien.
6) hie pois eyes aBo prexud ontle dogl side .
) bdonen is the
doual yocal groae ontewis om mouth tb anus.
8) d
Pngdan ivrali a
Vhylum- Anndida
Qus Hyudrea

Prostomawn Guny Hiudina a

>Ancnta Sudes

Made gonopor e


Neplby dt opore

Dovsad we) Sude Ventialew

Baso dashcahion
Tha classhcctlon o epala isbcd on the type of
docomotoy ovqan' procut.
Habit and Habitat,
donpula ives nahand Shey, calcaeous, and twicked tube
altached to the shols and othon maonlho objects -soueHal
ani wal Je bgtha.
is yound in Euope and U.sA
,Comment s
Jbudy is elengakd and aylnditcad but contacile
2) dutenY ekd Jomy head consichvq of hostomiunand
Penstomum Dosteiy ond remais otache d with mam d
Cal caoow tubo.
3) Posbmiom Contains apal o incomplae Cy clats yataed
qis o byanchan whch e Qlanaled ard prindely
4) Gls ao Supotkd by caxthdaro)
madyied palp Somchuay wth
Skalato and au ichy Suppled blood and boi dey
aptaion Senve to calst merosolic fod patida .
Each qil consuh o an alogakd bunch hawgR1ou af
6) ipd on d the donal Uawauts oulaqpd tofovn shoqen
the tute in uhich the dnnolid ives.
3) Renstoe is exttndsd tovwed as paired mambyaca to }a
a colloy uhvch is employe din Smoohivg the Insitef tioshell.
) Ne phrid 1oa poslenoy Sogmonts at as genital duds.
Kingdbm- nmal tc
Phylm nnalid a
Oyden- Canal pad paa
Gunus - Senguda

Contratdo Tevdaces

Sam -ciyecdas


Bass o danilicaton
Ie clauificatr) Chologlenus is baxd oy ta type
docomo tory shudue opoxqan reozvt.
Habit and Habitat
T} is a tubiealoy moilne and biolumins(eu anvali d
which Jivo, pomauty ina 0-fhe
U-tube made o Sond and
mucous th inweuut and excusouv opening.1ha tuse
pachent ke Hodo
Tis (amtmonly foun din Ewipe, 'sA Noth Calina to
Cape Cod.
) CommoWy knowyn a Pad wom

Tu is op:que.. Buty is ahike, dliak ,3ocm dong and

dudkd inta adeniy mia dlk ard podeiy cgion.Terdades
and palps aou abuat ept apai backuodly diieded
leni omial Ciri.
Subing diss orod bll ogais
moath Susoou nud by aacallas Sie pon tomam and a pai o
Teduced No bpodum. euth Cloiny st qyne ut boonsAoim
Jile Notbudia which collad ood.
5) M eutm s shongy damntsend phuuong bluchqren Jqut
tuthout he at. e igt is produced by
and duefeae -Has ouuesi d egencnation..
|Kingdom-nmalr a
thyum- Annalida
orken Sploni de
Mouth Gunu- Ch atopens

lanistorm ad callor


Notapodt a


Baiso clasaion
-TRe classicaton d Sabela is boud on the type of Jocomstay
Habt and Habitad
Sa bela is amanilne ,tubicalou) poly dhate pveeut in Jou
mask to approxmakely loo althoms dep.1t is ohen
tnciuted on Oystca' shall.ete.
the cworld but espouay QSAt.
) Comwonly kroun as Peatock worm
a)dmal Juesin upiglt tulse, nade oSand rains glurd
3) Bxdu s dvidod into Sma) hoad, a tunk and abdoney)
Head ts Congti tatd by the hogomiakn, cuhrch conteis
Soveral qisl Jlamds o Joatheny knancdes whtch ane
hs dified palps Each ketada kas 2rous o Smalpwby
mucus - ecyetiug glands.
5)Thunk glon has & first segmodt is called ay
Procomiom whichls co-like hav dong venhal
Qand shield to Seciele mucu)
9) len tomiuwn has notopodnm and setae, but no Neuypoduw. 1he
1al 7sgme at ae notmad lapoda , eoch (ansisthug
a Notopalum with noma) Satae and a
Neupalium with Smal) band Sca caled Ciochds Unans
|Krngdam -chvalta
a olychata
O\des Sedevdat a
Gunw- Sabella


Mucows gland




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