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Exploring Pearl Harbor

Use the website to explore Pearl Harbor, then answer the questions below.
What happened? (video)
After watching the video, answer the questions below.

1. What was significant about choice in attacking

Pearl Harbor?
Leaders figured that attacking Pearl Harbor would devastate the
U.S. and force them to lift all their embargoes and sanctions on
Japanese trade and allow them to complete their task.
The objective was to immobilize the Pacific Fleet so that the United
States could not interfere with these invasion plans.
Study the timeline then answer the questions below.

1. From the time Commander Logan Ramsey sends out the air
raid message until the attack is over, how much time had

2 minutes and 2 seconds

2. How many planes did Japan send to attack Pearl Harbor?

353 aircrafts
Read (or listen with the link on website) the speech the FDR delivers to congress on
December 8, 1941, then answer the questions below.

1. In the first line of his speech, what does FDR say about the
date December 7, 1941?
YESTERDAY, December 7, 1941 a date which will live in infamy
the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately
attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.

2. What does the president say about the planning of the

attack? YESTERDAY, December 7, 1941 a date
which will live in infamy the United States
of America was suddenly and deliberately
attacked by naval and air forces of the
Empire of Japan
3. What does he ask Congress to do?
he asked congress to declare war on japan

Survivors eyewitness accounts
Read at least two of the five survivor stories then reflect below. What did you learn form
their experience?
Lou Conter
1. Survivor: _____________________________________________

2. Takeshi Maeda
Survivor: _____________________________________________

Battleship Row
Read about the ships that were affected by the attack. Pick two of the ships and write about
what you learned below.

1. Ship: _______________________________________
The Ushio

2. USS Arizona
Ship: _______________________________________

Until September 11, 2001, Pearl Harbor was the largest attack by a foreign power on US soil.
Study the statistics and answer the questions below.

1. The morning of the attack many soldiers were

killed or wounded, however, there were also
civilians that were injured. According to the
chart, how many non-military people were killed
or wounded?
68 civilians

2. According to the chart, how many total people

were killed or injured during the attack?
2403 killed

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