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CT4033 – Systems Design

Assignment 001
Technical and Business Report for Student Submission

Student Name: (Student name)

Student Number: (Student number)
Course: (Course name)
Submission Date: DD/MM/YYYY

University of Gloucestershire
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Stake holder analysis.............................................................................................................................6
Naming conventions..............................................................................................................................6
Scope of the work..................................................................................................................................6
Data Requirements................................................................................................................................6
Functional Requirements......................................................................................................................7
Non-functional Requirements...............................................................................................................7
Conceptual Analysis...............................................................................................................................7
Logical Data Modeling...........................................................................................................................7

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Include your introduction section here, discuss the topic area

Stake holder analysis

Discuss the different stake holders surrounding the design project

Naming conventions
Include all your naming conventions and reasoning behind this here. These should 3 tables, one for Terms, one for Facts, and one for Rules

Scope of the work & Business events list

Include the main discussion around the system, including the different diagrams you are using

Data Requirements
Discuss the key data requirements that you are using here and justifications

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Functional Requirements
You should produce two/three fully worked out requirements and as many summary requirements as you feel are necessary

Non-functional Requirements
You should produce two/three fully worked out requirements and as many summary requirements as you feel are necessary

Conceptual Analysis
Include your conceptual models here and their relationships between each other. Data Flow diagram

Logical Data Modeling

What is the logical database design of the system. Entity relationship diagram

Conclude what you are designed, overview of the different elements you have discussed

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Include citation references (Nelson G, 2021)

Can use Mendeley or other 3rd party software.

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