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Q. Section A consists of 20 questions of 1 mark each. 20
No Choose the correct option for the following questions: Marks
Q1. The diagram shows what happens to a ray of light when it strikes the surface of a plane
mirror. The vertical dotted line is at 90o to the surface of the mirror. Which statement is NOT
true? (Fig.1)
i) angle 2 always equals angle 3
ii) angle 3 = angle of reflection 1
iii) angle 1 = angle of incidence
iv) angle 1 always equals angle 4
Fig. 1

Q2. What properties of sound change with respect to any change in frequency and amplitude?
Choose the correct option:
i) pitch- amplitude; echo – frequency ii) echo- amplitude; loudness – frequency
iii) pitch- amplitude; loudness – frequency iv) loudness- amplitude; pitch - frequency
Q3. Study the relationship between two words on either sides and use it to fill in the blank from
the given options.
Smallest cell: ______: Largest cell: Ostrich egg.
i) WBC ii) RBC iii) Platelet iv) Nerve cell
Q4. 1 hertz is equal to
i) 1 vibration per minute ii) 10 vibrations per minute 1
iii) 60 vibrations per minute iv) 600 vibrations per minute
5. Two mirrors A and B are placed at right angles to each other. A ray of light incident on
mirror A at an angle of 25° falls on mirror B after reflection. The angle of reflection for the
ray reflected from mirror B would be
i) 25° ii) 50° iii) 65° iv)115°
6 Which series best identifies the images of human genetic formation in Fig.2 in an order of A,
B, C, D respectively?

Fig. 2

i) Cell, Chromosome, Nucleus, DNA

ii) DNA, Nucleus, Chromosome, Cell
iii) Cell, Nucleus, Chromosome, DNA
iv) DNA, Chromosome, Nucleus, Cell
7. The picture 3 below shows two cases in which a person is trying to burn the heap of leaves.
In case 1, the heap of leaves has moisture in it and in case 2, the heap of leaves is dry.
Identify in which of the cases the leaves will NOT burn and why? 1
Fig. 3

i) Case 1, the heap of leaves will not burn as its temperature does not rise above its ignition
ii) Case 2, the heap of leaves will burn as its temperature rises above its ignition temperature.
iii) In both case 1 and case 2 it will not burn, as leaves are not combustible and there is no
relation of combustion and ignition temperature.
iv) The heap of leaves will burn in both cases.
8 Choose the correct sequence flow chart showing the organization of the living world.
a) Tissue –Cells- Organ - Organ system- Organism
b) Cells -Tissue –Organ- Organ system- Organism
c) Organ- Organ system-Tissue -Cell -Organism
d) Cell- Organ- Organ system- Tissue -Organism
Q9. Assertion – Water can be used to control fire caused due to electric equipment or oil. Reason-
Water is commonly used to control fire as it raises the ignition temperature of the
combustible substance.
i) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanation for 1
ii) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is not correct explanation for
iii) Assertion is a correct statement but reason is a wrong statement.
iv) Assertion is a wrong statement but reason is a correct statement.

Q1 Assertion -Hydra reproduces by budding which is a type of asexual reproduction. 1

0. Reason- Asexual reproduction involves male and female gametes.
i) Assertion and reason both are correct statement and reason is correct explanation for
ii) Assertion and reason both are correct statement and reason is not correct explanation for
iii) Assertion is a correct statement but reason is wrong statement.
iv) Assertion is a wrong statement but reason is a correct statement.
Q11. Assertion: If the current through a circuit is too weak the filament does not get heated 1
sufficient and it does not glow.
Reason: Well, though a material may conduct electricity, it may not conduct it as easily
as a metal. As a result, the circuit of the tester may be complete and yet the
current through it may be too weak to make the bulb glow.
i) Assertion and reason both are correct statement and reason is correct explanation for
ii) Assertion and reason both are correct statement and reason is not correct
explanation for assertion.
iii) Assertion is a correct statement but reason is wrong statement.
iv) Assertion is a wrong statement but reason is a correct statement.

Q12. Which of the following represents the composition of female destined zygote in human 1
i) 22+X ii) 44+ XY iii) 22+Y iv) 44+ XX

Q13. Study the relationship between two words on either side and use it to fill in the blank from 1
the given options.
First period of girl: __________: Stoppage of the menstrual cycle: Menopause
i) Fertilization ii) Menarche iii) Copulation iv) Ovulation

Q14. Read the following sentences carefully, and choose the correct one: 1
i) The ray of light which falls on the mirror surface is called incident ray.
ii) The point at which the incident ray strikes the mirror is called the point of reflection.
iii) The ray of light which is sent back by the mirror is called the emergent ray.
iv) angle of emergent is equal to angle of reflection.

Q1 1


A student learns that the sound travels in a waveform. The image shows the sound waves
produced by a man and a woman. What can be concluded from the Fig.4 shown above?
i) closer the waves, greater will be the amplitude
ii) closer the waves, greater will be the frequency
iii) farther the waves, greater will be the amplitude
iv) farther the waves, greater will be the frequency
Q16. In a person suffering from Diabetes, which hormone is not produced by the pancreas in 1
sufficient quantity?
i) Adrenalin ii) Thyroxine iii) Insulin iv) Melatonin
Q17. Sets of reproductive terms are given below. Choose the set that has an incorrect combination. 1
i) Sperm, Testis, Sperm duct, Penis
ii) Menstruation, egg, Oviduct, Uterus
iii) Sperm, Oviduct, Egg, Uterus
iv) Ovulation, Egg, Oviduct, Uterus
Q18. Consider the following statements and choose the correct one: 1
i) Rods are the rod-shaped cells present in the retina of an eye which are sensitive to dim
ii) Cones are the cone shaped cells present in the retina of an eye which are sensitive to bright
light or normal light.
iii)The blind spot is a small area of the retina insensitive to light where the optic nerve leaves
the eye.
iv) All the above.
Q19. In which zone of the candle the soot can be collected on a spoon- 1
a) zone of complete combustion
b) Luminous zone
c) Black zone
d) both (a) and (c)
Q20. A student traces the path of a ray of light passing through a triangular prism. Which of the 1
following figures mentioned in Fig. 5 correctly represents the passage of white light through


i) a ii) b iii) c iv) d


Q. 16
Section B consists of 8 questions of 2 marks each.
No Marks
Q21. Analyze the following statements and justify them as well. 2
a) Distilled water is a poor conductor of electricity, but when salt is dissolved in it,it
behaves as an electrolyte.

b) Solid copper sulphate does not conduct electricity as ions are formed in solution form
only not in solid state.
Q22. Swara and Yash were looking in a water-filled vessel. They could see their images clearly in 2
the still water. At that instant, Yash threw a stone in the water. Now their images were
blurred. Swara could not understand the reason for the blurring of the images.
Explain the reason for blurring of the images to Swara by answering the following question.
a) Is there a relation between the reflection of light and the blurring of the images?
b) Which types of reflection of light can you notice from this?
c) Are laws of reflection followed in these types of reflection?

Q23. a) Identify and name the Instrument shown in Fig.6. Also, 2

name the group of musical instruments it belongs to. Fig. 6
b) How does this instrument produce sound?

Q24. All combustible substances do not produce flame on burning? Elaborate. 2

Q25. Draw a labelled diagram showing the process of cell division. 2

Q26. a) Name the phenomenon which you are observing in figure 7. 2
b) Explain the reason behind coins appearing raised in water. Fig. 7
c) Write one example showing a similar phenomenon.

Q27. Hens and frogs are both oviparous exhibiting different types of fertilization. Explain. 2

Q28 In general, cell sizes are not related to the size of an organism. However, will there be a 2
difference in the length of the nerve cell in a rat and giraffe?

Q. 21
Section C consists of 7 questions of 3 marks each.
No Marks
Q29. Complete the table for any two hormones, glands that release them and their Functions.
S.No Hormone Gland Function
1. Adrenalin Adrenal

2. GH Promoted growth
and development
3. Ovaries Development of
secondary sexual
Q30. a) ‘An electric current can bring about a chemical change’. Comment.
b) Name two applications of the above phenomenon. 3

Q31. a) Calculate the number of images formed by plane mirrors kept at an angle of 60º to each
b) Give two uses of periscope.

Q32. In animals where fertilization is internal.development of an individual after fertilization can

occur in two different ways.What are these two ways and how they are different from each 3

What is metamorphosis? Name the various stages in the life

cycle of mosquito as shown in Fig:8


Q34. When a ray of light undergoes a change of medium of different optical densities the light
experiences a change in speed. How will the light behave on passing through mediums of 3
two different optical densities?
Q35. a) Identify and name the cells shown in fig.9 (a) and fig.9 (b). 3
b) State how both cells are different from each other on the basis of their structure.

Fig. 9 (a) Fig. 9 (b)

Q. 15
Section D consists of 3 questions of 5 marks each.
No Marks
Q36. a) Label the parts A, B, C & D of a Candle flame as shown in Fig. 10.
b) Give a detailed explanation of any two zones.
c) Why does the wick of a candle not burn?


Q38. Observe the given Fig: 11(a) and answer the following:
a) Identify and name the eye defect shown in the Fig.
b) Explain the reason for the occurrence of this eye
c) What needs to be done to correct the vision of the
person suffering from this defect?
d) Draw a ray diagram showing an image formed
by a converging lens when the object is at Fig.11(a)
F. Also mention the characteristic of the image formed
Answer the question based on the given Fig: 11(b)
a) Identify and write the phenomenon which you are
observing in the Fig.
b) Explain the phenomenon shown in the fig.
c)Write one example depicting a similar phenomenon other
than given in this question.
d) Draw a ray diagram showing an image formed by a
concave lens when the object is between F and 2F. Also
mention the position, nature and size of the image.


Q37. a) How does loudness of sound get affected by amplitude?

b) SONAR fitted on a motorboat sends a sound signal, which is reflected from the sea bed
and returns to the SONAR detector after 1.6s. What is the depth of sea at that place? Given
that the speed of sound in seawater is 1500m/s.

Q. 8
Section E consists of 2 questions of 4 marks each.
No Marks
Q39. Salma had very soft and smooth skin during her childhood. As she entered adolescence, she
developed pimples on her face, her body became taller compared to her face. She got worried
about all of the sudden changes. Her mother explained that all these changes are normal and
advised her to wash her face at regular intervals.
a) Why Salma’s mother advised Salma to wash her face at regular intervals? 4
b) What is the reason for the appearance of pimples on her face?
c) Why did Salma experience disproportionate growth of the body?
d) List out any two secondary sex characteristics in females at the time of puberty other than
mentioned in the question.

Meenu took a beaker which contains an acidified copper sulphate solution. A copper plate
and a carbon rod are kept in this copper sulphate solution. The copper plate is connected to
the positive terminal of a battery whereas the carbon rod is connected to the negative
terminal of the battery. Meenu added a small LED as a tester.
a) Define Electrolyte. Name the electrolyte used in this experiment.
b) What will you observe when an electric current is passed through this set-up for a
considerable time?
c) Meenu remarked that LED is a more efficient device than a bulb in a tester. Comment.

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