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WWI in Color

Part 5: Mayhem on the Eastern Front

As you view the film, answer the following questions
1. What early battle cost the Russia 50,000 soldiers?
2. What resource did the Russian use wastefully?
3. How many Russian soldiers survived the Armenian campaign?
4. What did the Gallipoli campaign achieve?
5. What kills more Italians than the Austrians?
6. What day did Germany capture Warsaw?
7. What was life like on the home front in Russia? How did this affect morale?
8. What resulted from this civil discontent?
9. How did the Tsar respond to the revolutionary threat?
10. Define abdication.
11. How did Russians respond to the new provisional government?
12. Who was Vladimir Lenin? What did he want?
13. How many German divisions had Russia held down?
14. What affect did a Russian/German armistice have on the Allies?

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