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3 MARANDA - Grant
agreement no: 735717

MARANDA – Marine application

of a new fuel cell powertrain
validated in demanding arctic
Grant agreement no: 735717
D1.3 Annual report for the
1st project year
Authors: VTT: Jari Ihonen, Antti Pohjoranta, Valtteri Pulkkinen, Minna
Nissilä, Katri Behm, Kaj Nikiforow, Johan Tallgren, Sampo Saari
ABB: Mikko Kajava
SH: Uwe Hannesen, Nafissa Haimad
OMB: Mattia Franzoni, Giovanni Coombs Silvia Ferrara, Kasia
SYKE: Jukka Pajala.
PE: Paul Saint-Vanne, Laurence Grand-Clément
PCS: Henri Karimäki,

Confidentiality: Public
Submission date: 6.3.2017
Revision: -
MARANDA - Grant agreement no:
735717 Deliverable 1.3
1 (16)

Report’s title
D1.3 Annual report for the 1st project year
Customer, contact person, address Order reference
Lionel Boillot, FCH JU Grant agreement no:
Project name Project number/Short name
Marine application of a new fuel cell powertrain validated in MARANDA
demanding arctic conditions
Author(s) Pages
VTT: Jari Ihonen, Antti Pohjoranta, Valtteri Pulkkinen, Minna
Nissilä, Katri Behm, Kaj Nikiforow, Johan Tallgren, Sampo
ABB: Mikko Kajava
SH: Uwe Hannesen, Nafissa Haimad
OMB: Mattia Franzoni, Giovanni Coombs Silvia Ferrara, Kasia
SYKE: Jukka Pajala
PE: Paul Saint-Vanne, Laurence Grand-Clément
PCS: Henri Karimäki


In this annual report, the work progress of the first 12 months of MARANDA project is

The project is introduced with project objectives for the 1st project year. Work progress and
achievements during the 1st year are reported. Deviations are the impact due to them are
reported and corrective actions are proposed. In addition, project management during the 1st
year is described.

Confidentiality Public
MARANDA - Grant agreement no:
735717 Deliverable 1.3
2 (16)

1. Introduction...................................................................................................................... 3
2. Work Progress and Achievements during the 1st year...................................................... 4
2.1 Project objectives for the 1st year ............................................................................. 4
2.2 Summary of progress .............................................................................................. 4
2.2.1 WP2 Specification, safety and life cycle analysis ......................................... 4
2.2.2 WP3 FC stack and balance of plant component development ..................... 7
2.2.3 WP4 FC system development ................................................................... 12
2.2.4 WP5 Power electronics development for FC system and vessel interface . 12
2.2.5 WP6 Hydrogen storage solution development for marine applications....... 13
2.2.6 WP7 FC system integration to containers with fuel storage ....................... 13
2.2.7 WP8 Validation of FC systems in the target vessel and in durability test
bench ........................................................................................................ 14
2.2.8 WP9 Dissemination, exploitation and business analysis ............................ 14
2.3 Deviations and impact ........................................................................................... 15
2.4 Corrective actions proposed .................................................................................. 16
3. Project management during the 1st year ........................................................................ 16
3.1 Consortium management tasks and achievements ............................................... 16
3.2 List of project meetings, dates and venues ............................................................ 16
3.3 Development of the Project website ...................................................................... 16

Deliverable 1.3 2
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1. Introduction
The project work flow is illustrated in Figure 1. The overall strategy of the MARANDA project
is to work in three parallel technology development paths (WP3+WP4, WP5 and WP6) during
the first half of the project and unite the achievements during the integration and validation
phase (WP7 + WP8) mostly in the second half of the project.

Figure 1. Pert diagram for the MARANDA project

Concerning the integration and validation phase (WP7 + WP8), the validation will be started
on-shore using industrial hydrogen in Äetsä chemical factory. The design and validation of
different generations of 100 kW scale PEMFC systems is illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Timeline for the system deliveries and validation in the project.

Deliverable 1.3 3
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2. Work Progress and Achievements during the 1st year
The progress in this report is described for those tasks, which have been active during the first
year of the project.

2.1 Project objectives for the 1st year

The main objectives of the project for the first year has been to define technical specifications
(Milestone 1) and develop stacks and systems so that 1st fuel cell system can be delivered for
the final integration and durability testing in industrial site test bench test (Milestone 2).
Specification were delivered, while the system delivery has not been completed during the 1st
project year.

2.2 Summary of progress

2.2.1 WP2 Specification, safety and life cycle analysis

Task 2.1: Specifications

Task 2.1 has been completed and deliverable D2.1 (Specifications report) submitted on time

This report sets the basis for the coordinated design of the MARANDA fuel cell power plant
and its H2 storage system and, in particular, provides a common reference point for the
discussion between the project consortium and the related authorities, DNV-GL (class
authority) and TraFi (Finnish flag state authority), and the shipyard (Rauma Marine

The report summarizes the main technical characteristics of the MARANDA FC+H2 system
and reviews its safety approaches. The report describes the baseline system which is submit
to changes based on comments and requirements from the authorities and the capacities of
the manufacturing consortium.

The report consists of a main descriptive part and three technical annexes:

1) The fuel cell power plant overview diagram

2) The H2 storage diagram

3) The fuel cell power module diagram

Deliverable 1.3 4
MARANDA, H2020 FCH JU project no. 735717
Task 2.2: Regulation codes and standards (RCS) review and plan of action

Task 2.2 has been completed and deliverable 2.3 (Review of RCS and communication plan)
submitted on time 30 Jun 2017.

In MARANDA project an emission-free hydrogen fuelled PEMFC based hybrid powertrain

system is developed for marine applications and validated on board the research vessel
Aranda, which is one of about 300 research vessels in Europe.

Four months after project start, this document maps Regulations, Codes and Standards
(RCS), existing or under development, affecting the design and the future integration of the
powertrain system on board Aranda vessel. This mapping will support a gap analysis, which
will help a more efficient project implementation. It will as well support an action plan to
advance FCH in marine activities.

As MARANDA hybrid powertrain comprises a 165 kW APU type fuel cell and a mobile
hydrogen storage container, refillable in any 350 bar hydrogen refueling station, the hereby
analysis focuses on APU FC and mobile CHG.

As the project also aims to conduct general business cases for different actors in the marine
and harbor, the review of RSC and the gap analysis is, to some extent, expanded to use
cases, which show the greatest economic potential. The purpose is to indicate the economic
impact of RCS gaps.

RCS applicable directly or indirectly to FCH in marine applications are plentiful. Experience of
FCH is rapidly increasing due to the number of ongoing projects. In general maritime sector is
showing increasing interest in FCH applications, because they can meet the stringent
environmental requirements.

The main code to be considered is the IGF Code from the UN Organization IMO (International
Maritime Organization), as it provides an international standard for ships operating with gas
or low-flashpoint liquids as fuel, such as Hydrogen.

This code, promulgated in January, is planned to be amended in September 2017 with a fuel
cell dedicated section (part E). At this stage of the analysis, the current and upcoming RCS
should allow reasonable level of guidance for the realization of MARANDA.

However, the utilization of fuel cells as prime power, the storage of hydrogen in greater
quantities and the bunkering of hydrogen are design issues, which present a lack of adequate
RCS and would require a dedicated action plan.

Deliverable 1.3 5
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Task 2.3: Integrated fuel cell system and hydrogen storage safety

Task 2.3 has been completed and deliverable D2.4 (Preliminary safety analysis for integrated
fuel cell system and hydrogen storage) was submitted 3.11.2017, while the due date was

In the MARANDA EU project, a 165 kW (AC) power scale proton exchange membrane (PEM)
fuel cell (FC) system is installed on-board the Aranda naval research vessel. Attached to the
fuel cell system there will be a hydrogen (H2) fuel storage (350 bar) and dispensing system.

The IGF Code entered into force in the beginning of 2017, and it is mandatory for ships fuelled
by gases or other low-flashpoint fuels. The current version of the IGF Code includes detailed
regulations to meet the functional requirements only for natural gas as fuel and internal
combustion engine as fuel consumer.

Until regulations for other low-flashpoint fuels will be added to the IGF Code, compliance with
the functional requirements of the IGF Code must be demonstrated through alternative design.

The main principle of the alternative design is that design solution deviating from prescriptive
regulations/rules may be approved provided it is demonstrated to be at least as effective and
safe as that required by the regulations.

Risk assessment is an essential part of alternative design procedure and its approval. This
deliverable introduces the set requirements and existing guidelines for risk assessment
concerning use of fuel cell and hydrogen systems in marine use. Plan for preliminary risk
analysis and risk assessment for research vessel Aranda’s fuel cell system is presented.

Task 2.4: Life cycle analysis

First part of the task 2.4 has been completed and deliverable D2.2 (Report on Environmental
Assessment for research vessel use) was submitted 11.12.2017, while the due date was

This report summarises the first part of the environmental assessment of hydrogen-fuelled fuel
cell powertrain system developed in the MARANDA project.

The carbon footprint of the fuel cell system with simplified hydrogen delivery chain was
compared to the use of diesel in electricity production in Aranda research vessel for 18 months
field testing period.

The calculation was based on LCA standards (ISO 14040 2006, ISO 14044 2006.) and FC-
Hy guidelines. The calculation included the manufacturing of materials and components, the
production of the fuel cell system and the operation stage, including the H2 production and
transportation. The end of life stage was left out from the study. The functional unit of the life
cycle was 40 MWh electricity.

The weight of the hydrogen fuel cell system was 2500 kg plus containers 3000 kg. The carbon
footprint was c. 80 t CO2 eq. / 40 MWh, i.e. 2 t CO2 eq. / MWh. Almost a half of the carbon
footprint was caused by the carbon fibre used in the hydrogen cylinders. The hydrogen
delivery chain was economically allocated and the production and transportation of hydrogen
created c. 15 % of the carbon footprint.

The carbon footprint of 40 MWh diesel based electricity was c.38 t CO2 eq. / 40 MWh, i.e.
0.96 t CO2 eq. / MWh. In addition to diesel-based electricity, it is possible to use batteries as
an electricity source in research vessels as well. Comparison between batteries and hydrogen
fuelled fuel cell systems should be made in the future.

Deliverable 1.3 6
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2.2.2 WP3 FC stack and balance of plant component development

Task 3.1 Cathode air filter solution development

The work for the task 3.1 is ongoing. Work plan has been done and necessary materials and
instruments have been purchased and received. The work will be reported in detail in
deliverable D3.2 (Salt particle filter and particle sensor characterisation and selection report).

The air filter solution employed in the fuel cell system should be suitable for marine conditions
and possible solutions will be characterized prior to installment in the ship. The chosen filter
solutions is composed of the following parts:

- Camfil CamVane-100 weather guard

- Camfil Camcube HF filter housing
- Camfil GT Aeropleat G4 preliminary purification filter
- Camfil CamGT E12 gas turbine filter

First, the components are characterized separately, after which the whole filter assembly is
characterized in realistic operation conditions. The studied parameters are pressure drop over
the filter with varying airflow and collection efficiency of the filter. The parameters to be varied
are airflow, relative humidity and addition of dry or humid salt particles:

- Airflow: 380 and 1000 m3/h

- Relative humidity: 40, 70 and 100%

Salt-water droplets/particles are added to the airflow to characterize the filter after a capacity
loading. Dry salt particles and droplets are alternated to study the effect of a sudden increase
in humidity after an amount of dry salt being gathered in the filter.

Figure 3: Salt-water droplets/particles test system for filters in high humid conditions.

Deliverable 1.3 7
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The test system is shown in Figure 3. A humidifier is used to adjust relative humidity in flow
duct. Salt-water droplets are sprayed to a mixing chamber to get homogenous mix before the
filter. In high humid conditions, the filter is exposed to liquid salt-water droplets. In low humidity
conditions, salt-water droplets dry and the filter is exposed to dry salt particles. Pressure drop
is measured continuously over the filter. Droplet/particle concentration from the upstream and
downstream of the filter is sampled alternately using automated valves and dryer. Particle size
distribution and concentration of the upstream and downstream samples are measured using
an ELPI (Dekati Ltd.) particle instrument in the size range of 0.01 - 10 µm.

Performance of low-cost particle sensors are also studied in the test system. The sensors are
installed parallel with the ELPI that act as a reference instrument. Particle concentration
response and lower limit of detection will be studied. Also loading of the sensors in harsh
environment are analyzed. Three different sensors are tested:

• Shinyei PPD60PV-T2

• Sharp GP2Y1010AU0F

• Vaisala AQT420

Task 3.2 Humidifier solution development and characterisation

The work for the task 3.2 is ongoing. Work plan has been done. Necessary materials and
instruments have been purchased and experimental set-up is building phase. The work will
be reported in detail in deliverable D3.1 (Humidifier characterisation report).

The humidifier solution to be employed in the final fuel cell system will be characterized ex-
situ prior to system integration. Factors to be studied are the outlet humidity from the
membrane humidifier compared to specifications given by the manufacturer, humidifier
performance with high inlet air temperature (dry airflow), and the effect of salt particles in inlet
air on humidifier performance.

Figure 4 presents the test setup for humidifier characterization. The fuel cell stack is replicated
by an in-house bubble humidifier, which humidifies the air fed to the wet side of the
characterized membrane humidifier (FumaTech H20). The humidity can be controlled by
controlling the water temperature in bubble humidifier. Inlet dry air is fed with a blower (Ogura
TX12) to the membrane humidifier and the humidified air is circulated to the wet side of the
membrane humidifier in order to decrease the heat need to the bubble humidifier. The inlet
dry air temperature can be controlled by a heater (Leister) downstream of the blower and
upstream of the membrane humidifier.

Deliverable 1.3 8
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Trace heater TI


Gas Hum

TI measurements
Trace heater TI
temp TI Hum PI TI
Humidifier PI TI Hum
FumaTech HEX

PIC Exhaust
Heater ~2 kW ~75 mbar Back pressure
Bubble TI controller
humidifier PI
3 x TI Line for feeding Tap water
DI water Trace heater optional impurities
TI temp Hum

Heating level TI

TI Heater
~300 mbar ~3 kW


ABB motor +
Ogura TX12 M frequency converter

Water spray

Air IN

Figure 4: Schematic overview of the test setup to be used for humidifier characterization

Temperature, pressure and humidity is monitored in both the dry and wet inlets and outlets of
the membrane humidifier with K-type thermocouples, Sick/Aplisens pressure gauges and
Vaisala HMT330 humidity sensors. Salt particles can be fed to the membrane humidifier by
spraying salt water to the inlet dry air. The pressure is controlled with a proportional valve
coupled to a pressure sensor. Control, data logging and emergency shutdowns are
implemented with an industrial PLC.

Varied parameters in the characterization test is the inlet dry air temperature (40 – 85 °C) and
the airflow and pressure is kept constant (1500 nL/min and 2 bar(a) at the membrane
humidifier). Humidity at the bubble humidifier outlet is kept at a level corresponding to the
outlet of a fuel cell stack operating with air stoichiometry 1.8.

Construction of the setup will take place during March and measurements are scheduled for
April – May 2018.

Task 3.3 Hydrogen ejector development

The work for the task 3.3 is ongoing. Work plan has been prepared. Experimental set-up is
validated for the measurements with humid air using commercial ejector. The measurements
with humid hydrogen are possible before project month M18. The work will be reported in
detail in deliverable D3.3 (Hydrogen ejector development report). In Figure 5 and below is a
short description of test bench, control and data acquisition (SCADA) system as well as results
with a commercial ejector, which confirm the functionalities of the measurement system.

Deliverable 1.3 9
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Test bench

A simplified schematic of the ejector test bench is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Test-bench schematic. MFC: mass flow controller, MH: membrane humidifier,
BPR: backpressure regulator (s: small, l: large), TT: temperature transmitter, PT: pressure
transmitter, HT: humidity transmitter, CT: H2 concentration transmitter, SV: safety valve.

The primary and secondary gas flows are both controlled with three separate mass flow
controllers (MFC), in contrast to what is shown in Figure 5. The use of several differently sized
flow controllers placed in parallel allows accurate flow control at wide range.

The secondary inlet N2 mole fraction is controlled with a mass flow controller feeding N2 to the
secondary inlet stream.

The secondary inlet humidity is controlled by passing the secondary inlet gas through a
membrane humidifier with hot liquid water flowing on the shell side. The humidity can be
controlled by varying the water flow rate (either manually or with the throttle shown in Error!
Reference source not found.) or the water temperature that can be remotely controlled.

The ejector outlet pressure is controlled with two differently sized proportional valves. The use
of two valves in parallel allows more accurate control of the outlet pressure on a wide range.

Control and data acquisition (SCADA) system

The ejector testbench control and data acquisition (SCADA) system is implemented using a
Schneider PLC and Cromi software by THT control. The SCADA features remote access and
data storage in a SQL database. Figure 6 shows the graphical user interface of control

Deliverable 1.3 10
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Figure 6. The graphical user interface of control software.

Ejector characterization
Figure 7 shows the entrainment ratio maps of two ejectors purchased from SMC (ZH05S-X267
and ZH05L-X267) and intended for vacuum generation. Both have a 0.5 mm diameter nozzle
but the S-version generation more vacuum while the L-version achieves higher secondary flow
rate. The L-version ejector with the current ejector test bench while the S-version was
characterized with a previous non-automated test bench.

Figure 7. Entrainment ratio maps of two ejectors (left: SMC ZH05S-X267, right: SMC ZH05L-
X267) characterized with dry air at room temperature and with 0.5 barg ejector outlet

Task 3.4 and task 3.5 Development of fuel cell system housing encapsulation for salty
marine environment

The work for these tasks is ongoing and proceeding as planned.

Deliverable 1.3 11
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2.2.3 WP4 FC system development

In work package 4 (FC system development) the work has progressed more slowly than
planned. The deliverable (D4.1) was submitted on time while deliverable D4.2 was delayed by
4 ½ months. This delays has caused delay for the submission of D4.5 and D4.6, which were
due in 30.11.2017. The estimated submission of these deliverables is now April 2018.

D4.1 Selection and characterisation of all BoP-components

The BoP components (fuel cell system components excluding stack) have been selected and
characterized. The result of this characterization is the BOM (Bill of Material) which is an
exhaustive list of all the components with their functional properties which are required to build
the fuel cell system.

D4.2 Delivery of first 455-cell stack

The first 455-cell S3 stack has been delivered by PowerCell Sweden (PCS) to project partner
Swiss Hydrogen (SH) on 2018-01-09. For every stack produced at PCS, a Factory Acceptance
Test (FAT) is conducted after stack conditioning, prior to delivery. The stack successfully
passed all the tests. Deliverable 4.2 describes the tests done and the main results.

D4.5 Installation, operation and maintenance guidelines and D4.6 Delivery of first FCS

Work for preparing the deliverable 4.5 in ongoing. The work is progressing in parallel with
deliverable 4.6, both of which were due 30.11.2017. The current estimate for the submission
of these deliverables is 30.4.2018.

2.2.4 WP5 Power electronics development for FC system and vessel interface

Task 5.1: Target vessel electrical concept design

Task 5.1 has been completed and deliverable D5.1 (Concept design for fuel cell hybrid based
powertrain system in Aranda) was submitted 3.11.2017, while the due date was 31.8.2017.

D5.1 document presents different powertrain system solutions for connecting a fuel cell
system in the vessel electrical network in research vessel M/S Aranda.

There are four different scenarios analysed. Each system has its pros and cons in the sense
that all of them would be technically possible but in the light of project work very different. The
selected system structure integrates the fuel cell powertrain with the vessel ac-distribution
switchboard. A lot of emphasis is given in the project work and the risks of integration work.

The conclusion is that the traditional ac connection is a low risk system in which the system
components are the most standard. It is also seen the safest version for the vessel operation
since the fuel cell are not mixed with the main propulsion system components.

Task 5.2: Automation and control design

Task 5.1 has been completed and deliverable D5.2 (The automation and control system for
the pilot ship with fuel cells and energy storage systems) was submitted on time 28.2.2018.
while the due date was 31.8.2017.

Deliverable 5.2 presents the automation and control system for the pilot vessel M/S Aranda
with fuel cells and energy storage systems in MARANDA project

Deliverable 1.3 12
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The basic control system and the connections towards the vessel power management and
automation systems are presented. Basic functionality in normal operation as well as starting
and stopping of the system are explained. Some safety aspects are also considered for
emergency shutdown procedures.

2.2.5 WP6 Hydrogen storage solution development for marine applications

Task 6.1. Selection of the hydrogen storage system components

Task 6.1 has been completed and deliverable D6.1 (Storage system layout and design) was
submitted 4.10.2017, while the due date was 31.8.2017.

The deliverable 6.1 reports the current layout and design of the H2 storage system, including
all its components. The system features, functions and components are described, along with
eventual possible modifications and existing alternative solutions.

The layout is preliminary and for the time being may not be considered definitive, as several
on-going discussions are taking place, regarding alternative solutions and components of the
system. OMB has selected the main components and the suppliers of the system parts,
however, other options are also taken into account. The aim of the alternative pathways is to
improve the current layout, where possible, in terms of functionality, timing and cost; taking
into consideration the future replicability of the storage system.

Task 6.3 Adaptation of selected hydrogen supply components for the marine

First part of the task 6.1 has been completed and deliverable D6.2 (Selection of hydrogen
supply components for adaptation) was submitted 4.10.2017, while the due date was

2.2.6 WP7 FC system integration to containers with fuel storage

Task 7.1 Designing and building a durability test bench

First part of the task 7.1 has been completed and deliverable D7.1 (Design and layout of fuel
cell systems into 10 ft container for durability testing in Äetsä) was submitted 3.11.2017, while
the due date was 31.8.2017.

This report represents the design and layout of the fuel cell system that will be used for
durability testing in MARANDA project. The site for durability testing will be Kemira Chemicals
plant in Äetsä, Sastamala, Finland.

The durability test system will be installed into two 10-ft freight containers and consists of three
sub-systems: fuel cell power module (FCPM), power electronics (PE) and higher-level control
system (HLCS). The FCPM is manufactured by Swiss Hydrogen, the power electronics by
ABB and the integration of these two systems, together with safety features and higher-level
control system, is implemented by VTT. The higher-level control system is based on industrial
automation and will allow data logging and remote monitoring of the test system.

A system overview, the sub-system specifications and interfacing of these sub-systems

mechanically and electronically are represented, and the system layout as well as necessary
drawings for full system installation with preliminary component list are given in the Annexes.

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Task 7.3 Safety assessments of the fuel cell systems and hydrogen storage

Work for the task 7.3 is ongoing. Most part of the work concerning the fuel cell durability test
system for installation in Äetsä has been done. However, the delay of submission for D4.5 and
D4.6 has also delayed completion of deliverable D7.3 (Safety assessments of the fuel cell
system for durability testing in Äetsä), which was due 30.11.2017. The current estimate for the
submission of deliverable D7.3 is 30.4.2018.

Task 7.4 Initial testing of the fuel cell systems and hydrogen storage solution

Work for the task 7.4 has not been started, as it can be started only after submission of D7.3.
Deliverable D7.4 (Initial testing of the fuel cell system for durability testing in Äetsä) which was
due 28.2.2018 is expected to be completed by 31.5.2018. However, duration this initial testing
can be extended, see Chapter 2.3.

2.2.7 WP8 Validation of FC systems in the target vessel and in durability test

Task 8.2 Vessel dynamic load cycle and operational data gathering

Task 8.2 has been completed and deliverable D8.2 (Measured operation profile data from the
pilot ship) was submitted on time 27.4.2017.

Deliverable 8.2 presents the measurement results of the M/S Aranda power consumption
during the dynamic positioning operation of the vessel. The target of the study is the find out
the power requirement in real operating conditions for the fuel cell system to be validated in
the project MARANDA. Each measurement consists of one or more dynamic position
situations during from some minutes to a few hours.

The results indicate that the power consumption of the M/S Aranda (before modernisation)
exceeds the designed values for the fuel cell systems in the project demonstrator in most of
the time. As a solution, in demonstration part of the MARANDA project, alternative power
sources must be used in parallel with the fuel cell systems. Alternatively, the power
requirement must be reduced by, for example, reducing the requirements for the vessel

In a commercial operation the nominal power level of the fuel cell system size should be about
400 kW. The operation profile would be then 30-240 minute constant power (40-100 %) pulses
separated by a shutdown. This will be used as guidance for the durability testing load profiles
in the MARANDA project.

2.2.8 WP9 Dissemination, exploitation and business analysis

Task 9.1 General dissemination

Work for the task 9.1 is ongoing. The project has been presented in IEA-HIA 39 meeting in
Delft Netherlands 26.-27.9.2017 and in FCH JU event H2 and Fuel Cells in maritime
applications – 15-16 June 2017 in Valencia. In addition, MARANDA project was presented in
Marine energy conference in Florø, Norway 13–14 September 2017.

Deliverable 1.3 14
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Task 9.2: Hydrogen delivery chain analysis for marine applications

Work for the task 9.2 is ongoing and deliverable D9.3 (Report on business analysis tool design
and use) was submitted 6.3.2018, while the due date was 28.2.2012.

In this deliverable it is reported how a business analysis tool has been developed during the
first year of the project to support dissemination activities. After a first attempt to develop an
excel based tool, it was decided to build a web based tool including a few algorithms and a
fleet database in order to emphasize the main advantages of FCH based vessels, e.g.
reduction in emission, future cost reduction would the marine sector commit to the technology.
The tool has been developed in an agile mode and was tested with a few marine stakeholders
(ship owners, ship captain, FCH integrators) and is approaching its final version.

Task 9.3: Exploitation towards industry stakeholders, institutions and regulatory


Work for the task 9.3 is ongoing. The organisation and exploitation of an advisory board has
been done by Pers-EE. Initial events were organised in Helsinki and Valencia in June 2017
and deliverable D9.1 (Summary of initial event) was submitted 30.6.2017, while the due date
was 31.5.2017.

Initial events were held in Helsinki and Valencia to support the creation of a Marine Advisory
Board for the project. These events were held in conjunction with other workshops about FCH
for marine activities which contributed to the overall project objectives. They gathered overall
more than 30 people and proved successful in creating traction for the MAB. The confirmed
participants offer the necessary functional and geographical coverage.

As a part of the work in task 9.3 MARANDA project will be presented in own booth in NaviGate
2018, international fair for professionals, organised at the Turku Fair and Congress Center
(Finland) from 16 to 17 May 2018.

Task 9.4: Exploitation towards general public

Work for the task 9.3 is ongoing. A public workshop was organised in Espoo and reported in
deliverable D 9.2 (Summary of workshop 1), which was submitted 23.10.2017, while the due
date was 31.8.2017.

2.3 Deviations and impact

The most important deviation for the 1st project year is the late delivery of the first system due
to delay of some of it’s components. This, in turn, has delayed e.g. the final safety assessment
(Deliverable: 7.3 Safety assessments of the fuel cell system for durability testing in Äetsä).
This delay can further affect the start of the durability testing runs so that they may be started
only after 2018 summer vacation season.

Deliverable 1.3 15
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2.4 Corrective actions proposed
Overall, project progress is acceptable and the delays can be caught up in the second project
year. As one mitigation action, initial part of the fuel cell system durability testing, planned in
Äetsä, could be done either at VTT Espoo or at VTT Bioruukki pilot plant facility. This means
that initial testing in Task 7.4 could be extended from a few tens of hours up to several hundred
hours. This would enable system operation also during summer 2018 and smoothen the
commissioning work in factory site, as there would be more experience about system

3. Project management during the 1st year

3.1 Consortium management tasks and achievements
The start date for the project was 1st of March 2017. The kick-off meeting was organized by
VTT in Espoo in the 7th and 8th of March 2017. During the kick-off also the technical work of
WP2-WP7 were launched. Kick-off report has been submitted (Deliverable 1.1).

The first progress meeting was organised at ABB Marine and Ports (Helsinki, Finland) 20th of
September 2017 and at VTT (Espoo, Finland) 21st of September 2017.

3.2 List of project meetings, dates and venues

List of project plenary meetings and web-based meeting

Date Place Title

7.-8.3.2017 VTT, Espoo (Finland) Kick-off meeting
20-21.9.2017 ABB, Helsinki (Finland) and VTT Espoo 1st semi-annual project
(Finland) progress meeting

The initiation and progress of the project work packages has been monitored with monthly or
bimonthly www-based meetings in which WP leaders have been participated.

3.3 Development of the Project website

The public web-site for the project has been opened and reported (Deliverable 1.2). The
address is

In addition to public web-site, a restricted SharePoint work area has been created for the
consortium members.

Deliverable 1.3 16
MARANDA, H2020 FCH JU project no. 735717

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