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Access of information
2. Data analysis Virtual Attack on bodies both
Evolution of IT Rise of Cyber Space 3. Data storage Personal & corporate.

Socio-cultural advantage + social interaction turn

World wide jurisdiction into disadvantage Technological globalization Machine criminal activity

Online Global Community =

Cyber space Net + citizens = Netizens No territorial Barrier

It's a challenge to prove in court of law,

As the whole act is committed in the Intangible
Actus Reus surroundings.
Fundamental element of crime :
Mens Reus Unauthorized access Hackers intention + Knowledge of performance

Computer crime to be treated

as conventional crime
Criminal Liability under Cyber Crime
Object of crime = computer Repository of evidence

Cyber crime difficult to
Detect & Prosecute Internet based crime :- Hate crime

Identity theft

Cyber crime hackers - Skilled Criminals

Traditional Crime & cyber crime

Concept Conventional crime Traces are left by offender
Other physical evidence
Change of identity is possible
Cyber crime Crime via internet = Tech Little chance of Traces
Faking there existence as bot

1998 1st cyber terrorist attack via 800 emails to

Cyber criminality shrilankan embassy by Tamil tigers Threat to financial security & Government

Protection activity to defend unauthorized device

Cyber crime & Cyber Security exploitation Blend of Human & Technical elements

Computer Network
Cyber security

Computer software
Cybercrime Main Target

Computer hardware Service attacks



Group of people
Victims of Cyber crime



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