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0. P. DINNGCK (Ainthetics) B. W. FICKLING (Odontology)
RICHARD AS_M (Cinical) S. J. H. MILLER (Ophthalmology)
M. CRAWFORD (Cmparative Medicine) T. J. FAIRBANK (Orthopmdics)
D. I. WILLIAMS (Dermatology) G. H. BATEMAN (Otology)
F. T. G. PRUNTY (Endocrinology) D. MacCARTHY (Pndiatrics)
W. C. COCKBURN (Epidem. and Preventive Med.) W. St. C. SYMMERS (Pathology)
A. C. WHITE (Exper. Med. & Therap.) W. S. TEGNER (Physical Medicine)
L. CARLYLE LYON (General Practice) HAROLD DODD (Proctology)
Sir ZACHARY COPE (History of Medicine) Sir PAUL MALLINSON (Psychiatry)
F. C. W. CAPPS (Laryngology) F. CAMPBELL GOLDING (Radiology)
PHILIP ELLMAN (Medicine) D. H. PATEY (Surgery)
MACDONALD CRITCHLEY (Neurology) Surg. Cdr. F. P. ELLIS (United Services)
W. C. W. NIXON (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) A. CLIFFORD MORSON (Urology)



All correspondence to
T EDITOR, 1, W1MPOLE STREET, LONDON, W.1 (Tel: LANgham 2070)

0 ~~~~~President:

The G.B.I. believes that old people need a holiday or a change

of environment as much as do those who are still at work. It
has an assisted holiday scheme by means of which any of its
dependants can make her own holiday booking at a place of
her own choice and receive from the G.B.I. a proportion of
the cost at the end of the holiday. Working Governesses and
Private Teachers who cannot afford a holiday are also assisted.
In this way over £500 is spent every year and it is money well
spent. One 97 year old takes the waters at Bath every summer.
She makes her own arrangements and packs her own bag!
(For the benefit of Governesses and Private Teachers)

Vi Advertisements
C O N T E N T S (continued) Proceedings
Section of Padiatrics
April 26, 1957, contd. from November Proceedings, p. 930
The Changing ARtiology of Erythema Nodosum in Children [Summary].-JOHN
LORBER, B.A., M.D.. M.R.C.P. and T. COLVER, M.D. .. .. .. .. 1023
June 15, 1957
List of Cases and Specimens shown .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1023
Cine-angiocardiography in Acyanotic Heart Disease of Infancy.-R. ASTLEY, M.D.,
D.M.R. .. . . . . . . . . . .1024
The Association of Acute Appendicitis with Infective Diarrhoea.-K. B. ROGERS, M.D. 1025
The Treatment of Juvenile Thyrotoxicosis with Potassium Perchlorate.-Professor
J. M. SMELLIE .. ..026
Duodenal Obstruction in the New-bom.-A. GOUREVITCH, F.R.C.S .. 1026
Section of Proctology
Section of Obstetrics and Gyniecology
Medico-legal Adventures and Misadventures in Gynicology and Obstetrics [Abridged].
-F. E. CAMPS, M.D., D.T.M.&H. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1053
Books Received for Review. Books Recently Presented and Placed in the Society's Library 1055, 1073
Section of Laryngology
Book Reviews .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1065
Section of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
N.B.-The Society does not hold itself in any way responsible for the statements made or the views put forward in the
various papers.
Copyright: The Society holds the copyright of aU matter accepted for publication in the Proceedings. Requests
for subsequent publication elsewhere should be made to the Honorary Editors, Royal Society of Medicine .... The
copyrght of all papers presented at meetings by Pellows of the Society or Members of the Sections (other than those
wchich havethebeen previously published) shall be deemed to be the property of the Society until a decision has been
made by Society in regard to their publication.

A' History of Medicine

It is the aim of this work to construct an outline of the progress of
medicine from the days of Imhotep to those of Sir William Osler. The
work of the leading scientists and practitioners, the fashions and sects
in medicine throughout the ages, the geographical march of medicine
from Greece to Salerno and Padua, and thence, by way of Leyden, to
Britain and America, the epoch-making researches of Harvey and
Claude Bernard, of Lister and many another-these are but a few of
the topics which the historian must fit into his mosaic of medical
history. 72 plates 30s
This is the first detailed history of the oldest medical society in Great
Britain from the time of its foundation until the bicentenary celebrations
in I937. Illustrated Edinburgh University Press 42S

Prospectuses available from 36 Park Street London Wl

35 Section of Obstetrics and G'ynccology 1055
ncountered with broad ligament infection and pyiemia, the commonest organism is
Cl. welchii. Death may occur in two ways, either rapidly from septicwmia, in which case
the external appearance of the body is usually leaden in coloitr with slight jaundice and
autopsy reveals a gross blood-stream infection, or later from renal failure with the incorrectly-
-called "lower nephron nephrosis". Those due to an obvious clostridial infection present
no difficulty but it is not uncommon to find renal failure with a similar picture with or
without gangrene or necrosis of the uterine wall without isolation of a specific organism.
It seems probable that in some of the cases the renal condition is consequent upon antiseptic
fluid entering the blood stream through the placental sinuses during its introduction into
the cavity with intent to cause abortion.
VI. Other Criminal Acts
Recently a prosecution was carried out under the Infant Life (Preservation) Act 192.
This Act provides that any person who with intent to destroy the life of a child capable of
being born alive, by any wilful act causes a child to die before it has an existence independent
of its mother shall be guilty ...
In this case, the child believed at ante-natal examination to be of 26 weeks' gestation, was
delivered on the day following an assault during which the mother was struck or kicked
on the abdomen. The foetal heart was heard on admission to hospital but not the following
morning. On delivery the child was dead and subsequent autopsy showed fractured ribs and
injuries to the lung and liver. All measurements and other evidence of maturity indicated
the child 'to be of at least 28 weeks' gestation and there was, in fact, nothing to indicate
that it could not have lived. A retro-placental blood clot was demonstrated. The
accused man was acquitted of the charge although neither maturity nor cause of death
in utero was seriously challenged.
Lindsay C. C. v. Marshall. Law Reports 1937, A.C. 97, House of Lords.
R. v. Culleton. June 1957 Central Criminal Court.


American Cancer Society. Symposium on exfoliative cytology. pp. 185. New York:
A.C.S. 1951.
American Cancer Society. Radiation vs. cancer. pp. 196. New York: A. C. S. 1953.
American Cancer Society. Cancer of the Lung. pp. 332. New York: A. C. S. 1956.
American Cancer Society. Massachusetts Division. Cancer: manual for practitioners.
3rd edit. pp. 321. Boston, Mass.: A. C. S. 1956.
Andresen (P. H.). P. H. Andresen: papers in dedication of his sixtieth birthday. 1897.
July 23, 1957. pp. 200. Copenhagen: Munksgaard. 1957.
Beebe (G. W.). Contraception and fertility in the southern Appalachians. pp. 274.
Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. 1942.
Bucharest. Institutul de Medicina si Farmacie. A doua sesiune stiintifica (13-15 Aprilie
1956). pp. 651. Bucharest. 1956.
Burton (R.). The anatomy of melancholy. 7th edit. pp. 723. London: printed for H.
Cripps. 1660.
Connecticut. State Department of Health. Cancer in Connecticut 1935-1951. pp. 141.
Hartford, Conn. 1955.
Denig (H.), ed. Lehrbuch der inneren Medizin. 3rd edit. 2 vols. Stuttgart: Thieme.
DM 49.80 each vol. 1954.
Dewhurst (K. E.). The quicksilver doctor: the life and times of Thomas Dover, physician
and adventurer. pp. 192. Bristol: Wright. 21s. Od. 1957. (Two copies.)
Durupt (A.). Mesure et interpretation du m6tabolisme de base. pp. 185. Paris: Editions
Varia. 1955.
Geigy (J. R.), S.A. Scientific tables. (Documenta Geigy.) 5th edit. pp. 445. Basle:
J. R. Geigy. 1956. (2 copies.)
1056 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicne 36
Geisthoeven (W.), et al. Die Chirurgie der Krankheiten des hoheren Lebensalters und des
Greisenalters. 2nd edit. pp. 259. Stuttgart: Enke. DM 37. 1957.
Gruber (G. B.). Historisches und Aktuelles uber das Sirenen-Problem in der Medizin.
Leipzig: Barth. 1955.
Hanecki (M.). Tadeusz Browicz: zycie i dzialalnosc naukowa. pp. 206. Warsaw:
Pdnstwowy Zakiad Wydawnictw Lekarskich. 1956.
Harris (Wilfred). The facial neuralgias. pp. 109. London: Oxford University Press.
15s. Od. 1937.
Hoff (F.). Klinische Physiologie und Pathologie. 4th edit. pp. 810. Stuttgart: Thieme.
Inter-Society Cytology Council. 2nd annual meeting-Transactions, Boston, November 12-
13, 1954. Facsimile typescript, pp. 176. Boston. 1954.
Irvine (K. N.). BCG and vole vaccination: a practical handbook. 2nd edit. pp. 103.
London: N.A.P.T. 15s. Od. 1957.
Juergens (R.), and Waldenstroem (J. G.), eds. Nebenwirkungen von Arzneimitteln auf Blut
und Knochenmark. Internationales Symposion Malmo, 3-7 Juni 1956. pp. 283.
Stuttgart: Schattauer. 1957.
Keele (K. D.). Anatomies of pain. pp. x+206. Oxford: Blackwell. 27s. 6d. 1957.
Krakowiecka (L.). Maciej z Miechowa: Lekarz i uczony Odrodzenia. pp. 334. Warsaw:
Painstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich. 1956.
Murczynski (C.), and Sypniewska (M.). Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen: dzieje wielkiego
odkrycia. pp. 240. Warsaw: Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich. 1957.
Nixon (H. H.). Intestinal obstruction in the neonatal period. (The Alex Simpson-Smith
Prize Essay, 1955.) pp. 30. London: Institute of Child Health. 1956.
Palmer (H. A.). Psychopathic personalities. pp. 179. New York: Philosophical Library.
Prague. University. Faculty of Piediatrics. Sbornik praci z I. vedecke konference konane
dne 18. Listopadu 1955 v Prague. pp. 269. Praze v Dubnu. 1956.
Rote Liste 1954. Verzeichnis pharmazeutischer Spezialpriiparate der Mitgleider des
Bundesverbandes der Pharmazeutischen Industrie e.V. pp. 1008. Aulendorf:
Editio Cantor. 1954.
Scheele (L. A.), and Hilleboe (H. E.). Cancer control: manual for public health officers.
pp. 90. New York: State Department of Health. 1952.
Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research. Clinical problems in cancer research. pp. 194.
New York. 1952.
Sonntag (E.). Chirurgische Propiideutik. Neubearbeiten von Erich Wachs. 3rd edit.
pp. 390. Leipzig: Thieme. DM 47.50. 1957.
Southwood (S. W.). A dentist's compendium. pp. 87. London: Kimpton. 10s. 6d.
Whitby (Sir Lionel E. H.). and Britton (C. J. C.). Disorders of the blood: diagnosis:
pathology: treatment: technique. 8th edit. pp. 878. London: Churchill.
75s. Od. 1957.
Winslow (C.-E. A.). Health on the farm and in the village. pp. 281. New York:
Macmillan. 193 1.
Woodhall (M. B.), and Beebe (G. W.), eds. Peripheral nerve regeneration: a follow-up study
of 3,656 World War II injuries. pp. 671. Washington: Superintendent of
Documents, Government Printing Office. 1956.
Young (A.). Scalpel: men who made surgery. pp. 311. London: Robert Hale. 21s.0d.
17 Section of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine 1073
Health and it is impossible to say what factors determined this choice in the 200 separate
authorities. For various reasons 33,064 children born in March or November and eligible
for vaccination received no injections. Among these defaulters those born in November
1951-54, had a higher attack rate of paralytic poliomyelitis than unvaccinated children born
-in other months and not eligible for vaccination. It was considered that this excess, limited
to the one age group, was not evidence of a bias in those defaulting, i.e. that the vaccinated
children were an unbiased sample of registered children born in March and November.
In the 74,660 vaccinated children born in 1947-50 who received two injections of vaccine,
one case of paralytic poliomyelitis occurred, giving an attack rate of 1-3 per 100,000. This
was only 16% of the attack rate in the corresponding unvaccinated children, 8-2 per 100,000
<Table I). 3 cases of paralytic poliomyelitis occurred in the 74,024 children born in 1951-54
Non-paralytic with
Paralytic virus isolation
No. of Rate per Rate per
children Cases 100,000 Cases 100,000
1947-50 Births
Vaccinated . .. 74,660 1 1-3 1 1-3
Not vaccinated .. 1,116,359 91 8-2 25 2-2
1951-54 Births
Vaccinated .. 74,024 3 4-1 0
Not vaccinated .. 446,857 90 20-1 15 3-4
who received two injections, giving a rate of 4-1 per 100,000, only 20% of the attack rate in
the corresponding unvaccinated children, 20-1 per 100,000. There was a significant reduc-
tion in incidence in vaccinated children but the rates were based on too small an experience
to measure the degree of protection with any precision. Although the incidence of non-
paralytic illnesses with isolation of virus was lower in vaccinated than in unvaccinated, the
reduction was not significant. There was insufficient evidence on which to judge the effect
-of one injection only.
Owing to the shortage of vaccine and the relatively mild epidemic of poliomyelitis in the
summer and autumn of 1956, the assessment of poliomyelitis vaccine has had to be based
,on a small experience. Nevertheless, the results show that there was some protection in
both pre-school and school children, and that the Brunenders strain, used in the British
vaccine as a substitute for the virulent Mahoney strain incorporated in American vaccines,
conferred protection against type I infections.


Allen (J. G.), Harkins (H. N.), Moyer (C. A.), and Rhoads (J. E.), eds. Surgery: principles
and practice. pp. xxii+ 1495. London: Pitman. £5 lOs. Od. 1957.
Baird (D.), ed. Combined textbook; obstetrics and gynmcology. 6th edit. pp. xii+936.
Edinburgh and London: Livingstone. 95s. Od. 1957.
Blake (J. B.). Benjamin Waterhouse and the introduction of vaccination. A reappraisal.
pp. 95. Pennsylvania University Press. London: Oxford University Press.
32s. Od. 1957.
Burket (L. W.). Oral medicine. 3rd edit. pp. xxi+558. London: Pitman. £5 Os. Od.
Charny (C. W.) and Wolgin (W.). Cryptorchism. pp. viii+ 140. London: Cassell.
45s. Od. 1957.
Cope (Sir Zachary), ed. Sidelights on the history of medicine. pp. x+246. London:
Butterworth. 45s. Od. 1957.
Current Contents of Phannaceutical Publications, September 30, 1957. A weekly survey of
chemical, pharmacological and clinical publications. Philadelphia: Eugene
Garfield Associates.
Gandevia (B.). An annotated bibliography of the history of medicine in Australia. Fore-
word by Sir Gordon Gordon-Taylor. pp. 140. Sydney: Australasian Medical
Publishing Co. Ltd. LAI 15s. Od. 1957.
1074 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 18
Glaister (J.). Medical jurisprudence and toxicology. 10th edit. pp. xi+720.lEdinburgh and
London: Livingstone. 47s. 6d. 1957.
Grundy (F.). Preventive medicine and public health. 3rd edit. pp. vii+309. London:
Lewis. £1 5s. Od. 1957.
Ham (A. W.). Histology. 3rd edit. pp. xv+894. London: Pitman. 80s. Od. 1957.
Harrison (R. G.), ed. Studies on fertility. Including papers read at the Conference of the
Society for the Study of Fertility, London, 1956. Being Volume VIII of the
Proceedings of the Society. pp. x+138. Oxford: Blackwell. 25s. Od. 1957.
Hilliard (L. T.), and Kirman (B. H.). Mental deficiency. pp. xvi+517. London:
Churchill. 60s. Od. 1957.
Hinden (E.). A primer of pediatrics for the senior student and family doctor. pp. xv+356.
London: Macdonald. 25s. Od. 1957.
James (D. G.). The diagnosis and treatment of infections. pp. viii+234. Oxford:
Blackwell. 30s. Od. 1957.
Keele (K. D.). Anatomies of pain. pp. x+206. Oxford: Blackwell. 27s. 6d. 1957.
Kiil (F.). The function of the ureter and renal pelvis. pp. 205+xii (plates). London:
Saunders. 52s. 6d. 1957.
Klein (R.), and Mayer-Gross (W.). The clinical examination of patients with organic cerebral
disease. pp. xiii+96. London: Cassell. 15s. Od. 1957.
Macdonald (G.). The epidemiology and control of malaria. pp. 201. London: Oxford
University Press. 30s. Od. 1957.
Moseley (H. F.). The forequarter amputation. Illustrated by Helen T. MacArthur.
pp. viii+79. Edinburgh and London: Livingstone. 42s. Od. 1957.
Naclerio (E. A.), ed. Bronchopulmonary diseases. pp. xxvi+956. London: Cassell.
£8 17s. 6d. 1957.
Reynolds (A. K.), and Randall (L. 0.). Morphine and allied drugs. pp. xiii+ 393. Toronto
University Press. London: Oxford University Press. 80s. Od. 1957.
Robertson (E. Graeme). Pneumoencephalography. pp. xxi+482. Oxford: Blackwell.
£5 lOs. Od. 1957.
Schelien (A. M. C. M.). Artificial insemination in the human. pp. xii+420. London:
Cleaver-Hume. 72s. Od. 1957.
Sevitt (S.). Burns-pathology and therapeutic applications. pp. xii+ 364. London:
Butterworth. 37s. 6d. 1957.
Seward (E. H.), and Bryce-Smith (R.). Inhalation analgesia in childbirth. pp. viii+58.
Oxford: Blackwell. 7s. 6d. 1957.
Statland (H.). Fluid and electrolytes in practice. 2nd edit. pp. xv±229. London:
Pitman. 45s. Od. 1957.
Stirling (W. Barr). Aortography. Its application in urological and some other conditions.
pp. vii+292. Edinburgh and London: Livingstone. 50s. Od. 1957.
Verney (R. E.), ed. The student life. The philosophy of Sir William Osler. pp. xiii+ 214.
Edinburgh and London: Livingstone. 15s. Od. 1957.
Wolf-Heidegger (G.). Atlas of systematic human anatomy. Volume III. Systema
nervorum-vasa sanguinea et lymphacea. pp. 167. Edinburgh and London:
Livingstone. 55s. Od. 1957.


VOL. 50, 1957

Note.-In this volume two series of numbers are used for pagination, one being the sectional
page number and the other the volune page number. The latter only is used in
the Index.
Abel, A. Lawrence, major surgery in carcinoma of adrenalectomy for cancer of breast (H. J. B.
the rectum with or without colostomy, Atkins), 859
excluding the anal canal and including (W. P. Greening), 561
the rectosigmoid (Disc.): the abdomino- in treatment of Cushing's disease (A. Stuart
perineal operation for cancer of the Mason), 766
rectum, 1035 Adrian, The Right Hon. Lord, the analysis of the
and Ungley, H. Gordon, hemorrhage or piles nervous system (1st Sherrington
and the early detection of rectal cancer Memorial Lecture), 991
(Film) (By title), 606 agranulocytosis, congenital (J. R. K. Henry), 329
Abel, A. R. L., the aftermath of hysterectomy and Ahern, T. M. R., the management of mass casualty
oophorectomy (Disc.), 422 situations in time of war (Disc.): sorting,
Abercrombie, G. F., recurrent otitis media in early treatment and evacuation, 968
children (Disc.), 409 allergy, a laryngologist's view on (J. Angell James),
abnormalities, congenital, management in general 827
practice (Discussion), 809 Allinson, S. W., benign tumours of the larynx
abortion, habitual (V. B. Green-Armytage), 385 (Disc.) (By title), 442
psychiatric indications for (Discussion), 321 plastic surgery of the middle ear (Disc.) (By
Abreu, A. L. d', see D'Abreu, A. L. title), 702
abscess, pelvic (Harold Dodd), 604 recurrent otitis media in children (Disc.), 413
acanthosis nigricans (P. J. Hare), 276 Allison, J. H. (for F. Ray Bettley), dyselastosis
acidosis and osteomalacia following uretero- with cysts and comedones (By title), 19
sigmoidostomy (Arnold Bloom), 512 amenorrhea and hirsutism (Discussion), 453
acids, antifolic (G. M. Timmis), 8 and psychiatric states (J. H. Rey), 453
acrogeria (David Morris), 330 ampulla of Vater, carcinoma, treated by local
actinomycosis, cervico-facial (H. P. Cook), 678 excision (R. G. Reid), 925
Adams, A. Wilfrid, the aberrant renal artery amyloidosis, primary (R. I. S. Bayliss), 47
(Disc.), 369 amyotonia congenita syndrome (J. N. Walton), 301
ten-year follow-up of cases of adenocarcinoma anaesthesia, electro-encephalography in relation to
of the kidney (Disc.), 367 (Sheila M. Wilson), 105
torsion testis (By title), see Slade N. fluoromar in (J. W. Dundee), 191
Adams, W. Stirk, irradiation of the nasopharynx for burned children (Harry Middleton), 888
(Disc.) (By title), 228 general, some aspects of (0. P. Dinnick), 547
Addison's disease, neo-natal (G. R. Sparrow), 719 in cardiovascular surgery, problems of (Ole
adenitis, tuberculous cervical (Discussion), 1057 Secher), 983
incidence (J. J. Mason Brown), 1060 in obstetrics (Discussion), 547
adenocarcinoma of kidney, ten-year follow-up general anaesthesia (0. P. Dinnick), 547
(A. C. Thackrah), 362 prevention of inhaled vomit (J. M. Holmes),
adenoma, salivary, radiological manifestations 556
(Max J. Ryan), 96 requirements of the obstetrician (J. S.
adenovirus infections (Discussion), 753 Tomkinson), 552
epidemiological studies (B. E. Andrews and place in undergraduate training (K. G. Lloyd-
J. C. McDonald), 753 Williams), 13
keratoconjunctivitis caused by (R. G. Anderson, Alastair, dextro-inversio cordis, 924
Sommerville), 757 Anderson, E. W., the psychiatric indications for
natural and experimental infections (H. G. the termination of pregnancy (Disc.), 323
Pereira and B. Kelly), 755 Andrews, B. E., and McDonald, J, C., adenovirus
ocular diseases associated with (B. R. Jones), infections (Disc.): epidemiological studies
758 of adenovirus infection, 753
IV Index
Andrews, Leslie G. (for J. P. M. Tizard), obstruc- arthritis, Rose-Waaler factor (L. E. Glynn, E. J.
tive jaundice and sepsis following Holborow and G. D. Johnson), 469
exchange transfusion for group B in- sacro-iliac, radiology (R. G. Grainger), 854
compatibility, 329 suppurative, staphylococcal antibody in (C. H.
aneurysm, false, of tibial artery (E. C. B. Butler), Lack), 625
152 unusual, associated with sarcoidosis (C. M.
Angell, J. C. (for J. D. Fergusson), long-standing Ridley), 609
vena caval obstruction and hyper- arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (R. H. Sewell),
nephroma (By title), 362 267
angioma, cerebral, neuro-ophthalmological aspects articular tuberculosis, changing patterns (E.
(Discussion), 85 Stanley Evans), 571
radiology (David Sutton), 91 artificial insemination (Discussion), 683
annuals, domestic, mammary neoplasms in in man (Reynold Boyd), 685
(E. Cotchin), 557 Aschan, G., irradiation of the nasopharynx (Disc.):
ankylosing spondylitis (Discussion), 427 histopathology of otosalpingitis as a
treated with X-rays, effect on bone-marrow background for deep X-ray treatment
(J. W. Stewart), 428 (By title), 228
Anscombe, A. R., hour-glass stomach with pyloric Ashby, Michael, hepato-lenticular degeneration,
carcinoma (By title), 153 884
-anti-folic acids, new (G. M. Timmis), 8 Ashby, W. Ross, the brain as a machine (Disc.), 808
anti-metabolites (Symposium), 6 Asher, Richard (Disc.), 404
clinical and biological aspects (D. A. G. Cushing's syndrome (Disc.): psychiatric aspects
Galton), 10 of Cushing's syndrome, 764
anti-purines, new (G. M. Timmis), 6 myelomatosis with xanthomatosis (By title), see
anti-tumour agents (Symposium), 1 Lennard-Jones, J. E.
antrum, maxillary, cancer, classification (V. M. renal failure treated with prednisolone, see
Dalley), 533 Lennard-Jones, J. E.
radiation treatment (Discussion), 529 subdural himatoma referred as a mental case
radium treatment (Robert Gibb), 534 (By title), 117
supervoltage irradiation (T. W. Backhouse), Astley, R., cine-angiocardiography in a cyanotic
531 heart disease of infancy, 1024
anuria in medical conditions (Discussion), 493 Astwood, E. B., hormones in blood (Disc.) (By
renal changes following (E. M. Darmady), 498 title), 460
anxiety, treatment (Discussion), 211 Atkins, Hedley J. B., hypophysectomy for cancer
aortic stenosis (Discussion), 817 (Disc.): the value of hypophysectomy
surgery of (Andrew Logan), 820 compared with adrenalectomy for ad-
aorto-arteriography (T. Philp), 544 vanced cancer of. the breast, 859
appendicitis, acute, associated with infective atlas, dislocation, rotational (F. G. St.C. Strange),
diarrhoea (K. B. Rogers), 1025 265
appendix, intussusception, simulating carcinoma atrophie blanche (R. H. Marten), 279
of cecum (Frank Forty), 271 atrophy of skin, macular (R. G. Howell), 1021
argentaffinoma (Discussion), 443 optic, arteriosclerotic (D. J. Lyle), 937
(R. B. Hudson), 37
E. audiometry, bone conduction, present position of
(R. S. Stacey), 40 (J. D. Hood), 689
intestinal and renal function in (I. S. R. Australian medical history (B. Gandevia), 591
Sinclair), 447 auto-immunity and thyroiditis (Discussion), 953
pathology of (P. S. Macfarlane), 443 experimental evidence (E. Witebsky), 955
tryptophan metabolism in (E. Boyland and automobile driving, visual problems of night
D. C. Williams), 451 driving (Discussion), 173
Army medical services, organization for mass
casualties (Sir Alexander Drummond), Baar, H. S., the histochemistry of normal and
967 abnormal human muscle (Disc.), 312
Armytage, V. B. Green-, see Green-Armytage, V. B. Backhouse, T. W. (for B. W. Windeyer), the
arterial blood flow patterns (J. M. Potter), 661 radiation treatment of cancer of the
stenosis, proximal vertebral (P. 0. Yates), 663 antrum and ethmoid (Disc.): the treat-
arteriography, aorto (T. Philp), 544 ment of carcinoma of the maxillary
renal, in hypertension (C. J. Hodson), 539 antrum and ethmoids by supervoltage
arteriosclerotic optic atrophy (D. J. Lyle), 937 irradiation, 531
artery, posterior tibial, traumatic false aneurysm Badenoch, A. W., carcinoma of the urethra, two
cases (By title), see Wiggishoff, C.
(E. C. B. Butler), 152 ten-year follow-up of cases of adenocarcinoma
renal, aberrant (F. T. Graves), 368 of the kidney (Disc.), 367
arthritis, rheumatoid, and leg ulcer (F. Ray Bailey, David (for Ian Todd), "weaver's bottom"
Bettley), 17 (ischial bursitis), 270
and rheumatoid disease (B. Cruickshank), 462 Baily, R. A. J., and Brock, B. H., hydrocortisone
clinical pathology (A. T. Richardson), 466 in tennis elbow-a controlled series, 389
larynx in (Discussion) (By title), 442 Baines, G. H., carcinoma of ovary (By title), 1024
Index v

Baker, L. Rendell-, see Rendell-Baker, L. Bett, D. C. G. (for Brian F. Russell), ?purpura

Ball, J. Donald, endomyocardial fibrosis, 43 annularis telangiectodes (By title), 1022
Ball, K. P., allergic rheumatism, with pulmonary (for G. C. Wells), exudative discoid and
infiltration (By title), 117 lichenoid chronic dermatosis of
long-standing vascular renal tumour associated Sulzberger and Carbe (By title), 1021
with malignant hypertension (By title), Bettinger, Hans, imitation patterns in uterine
see Phear, D. N. tumours (By title), 206
Ballantyne, J. Chalmers, irradiation of the naso- Bettley, F. Ray (Disc.), 278
pharynx (Disc.) (By title), 228 congenital poikiloderma (Thomson) (By title),
Barber, Geoffrey O., pediatrics in general practice see Cosley, J. G.
(Valedictory address), 25 dyselastosis with cysts and comedones (By
recurrent otitis media in children (Disc.), 413 title), see Allison, J. H.
Bateman, G. H., amnion graft in radical mastoid- leg ulcer and rheumatoid arthritis: three cases, 17
ectomy (Disc.) (By title), 414 Biggs, Rosemary, recent advances in the diagnosis
bilateral hearing improvement following and treatment of hemophilia, 645
fenestration (Disc.) (By title), 414 biliary obstruction, congenital (A. W. Franklin
bleeding from the ear in closed head injuries and R. S. Corbett), 708
(Disc.) (By title), 414 Billimoria, J. D., Lockey, Eunice, and Maclagan,
habilitation of the deaf (Disc.) (By title), 414 N. F., some observations on the effect of
irradiation of the nasopharynx (Disc.) (By fats on blood clotting, 623
title), 228 Bishop, P. M. F., and de Vere, R. D., amenorrhcea
malformation of the auricle (Disc.) (By title), 414 and hirsutism (Disc.): the Stein-
myringotomy restated (Disc.) (By title), 414 Leventhal syndrome, 458
post-traumatic conduction deafness (Disc.) (By Blackburn, E. K. (with Owen Daniel and H. T.
title), 414 Swan) unexpected post-operative bleed-
recurrent otitis media in children (Disc.), 413 ing due to hTmorrhagic disease, 399
some points on the technique of temporal bone Blacklock, John W. S., injury as aetiological factor
surgery (with colour slides) (Disc.) in tuberculosis (Pres. address), 61
(By title), 414 bleeding, subarachnoid (Discussion), 281
and Kodicek, J., bilateral laryngocele (with unexpected post-operative, due to hxmorrhagic
film) (By title), 442 disease (Owen Daniel, H. T. Swan and
Bates, J. A. V., the changing values in electro- E. K. Blackburn), 399
encephalography (Disc.), 908 blood clotting, effect of fats on (J. D. Billimoria,
Batten, Lindsey W., common congenital abnormal- E. Lockey and N. F. Maclagan), 623
ities and their managment in general disorders (Discussion), 644
practice (Disc.), 809 flow patterns, arterial (J. M. Potter), 661
recurrent otitis media in children (Disc.), 414 group antigens in dentine (I. R. H. Kramer), 677
Battle, R. J. V., facial and palatal repair in the hormones in (Disclussion) (By title), 460
treatment of malignant disease (Disc.), pressure, plea for standard normal (C. K.
435, 442 Vartan), 795
Bayliss, R. I. S., Cushing's syndrome (Disc.): transfusion, exchange, in treatment of galacto-
diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome, 761 s,emia with hyperbilirubinxemia (A. P.
primary amyloidosis, 47 Norman), 706
BCG vaccination (K. N. Irvine), 485 in treatment of spherocytosis with hyper-
Beales, P. H., plastic surgery of the middle ear bilirubinemia (Isobel Smith and A. W.
(Disc.): some problems of tympano- Franklin), 707
plasty (By title), 702 obstructive jaundice and sepsis following
Beattie, John, the aftermath of hysterectomy and (L. G. Andrews, 329)
oophorectomy (Disc.), 420 Bloom, Arnold, bilateral uretero-sigmoidostomy,
Beauchamp, Guy, the present position of manipu- acidosis, osteomalacia, 512
lative treatment (Disc.), 141 ?giant cyst of liver (By title), 516
Beck, G. A. (Disc.), 392 Bloom, Harold, catarrh and its treatment (Disc.):
incontinentia pigmenti in a baby of 12 days (By catarrh as a family illness, 167
title), 19 Bodian, Martin, diagnostic features of some
Beckett, E. B., and Bourne, G. H., the histo- pancreatic diseases (Disc.), 641
chemistry of normal and abnormal Bohn, G. L., cardiospasm and epithelioma of
human muscle, 308 cesophagus treated by cesophagectomy,
Bell, W. Frain-, see Frain-Bell, W. 923
Belyavin, G. (with W. R. Trotter and A. multiple kidney operations for cystine calculi,
Waddams), auto-immunity and thyroi- 925
ditis (Disc.): precipitating and comple- bone changes in myelosclerosis (F. Mulcahy), 100
ment-fixing antibodies in Hashimoto's conduction audiometry, present position (J. D.
disease, 961 Hood), 689
disease, diagnostic procedures (T. Russell
Bendich, Aaron, structure-activity relationships, 6 Fraser), 21
Bennet, E. A., the treatment of morbid anxiety metabolic, due to renal osteodystrophy (F. H.
(Disc.): psychotherapy, 211 Lumb), 373
vi Index
bone disease, metabolic, due to steatorrhoea (G. A. books reviewed:
Rose), 371 Cyriax, James, Textbook of orthopeedic medi-
pain from (Discussion), 371 cine: vol. 1, diagnosis of soft tissue
reaction to metal (J. Charmley), 840 lesions, 3rd edition, 893
surgery, use of metal in (Symposium), 837 Davidson, Maurice, ed., Medical ethics: a
(G. K. McKee), 837 guide to students and practitioners, 527
bone-marrow, effect of deep X-rays used in treat- Ehrlich, Paul, The collected papers, vol. 1, 210
ment of ankylosing spondylitis (J. W. Euler, U. S. von, Noradrenaline-chemistry,
Stewart), 428 physiology, pharmacology and clinical
bones, tuberculosis, changing patterns (E. Stanley aspects, 59
Evans), 571 Evans, R. Winston, Histological appearances of
tumours, 57
books received, 20, 24, 104, 118, 172, 216, 280, 328, Fruchaud, Henri, Anatomie chirurgicale des
492, 620, 666, 942, 1055, 1073 hernies de l'aine, 704
books reviewed: Fruchaud, Henri, Le traitement chirurgical des
Abramson, David I., Diagnosis and treatment hernies de l'aine chez l'adulte, 704
of peripheral vascular disorders, 423 Gaisford, Wilfrid, and Lightwood, Reginald,
Adams, John Crawford, Outline of fractures, ed., Pmdiatrics for the practitioner:
including joint injuries, 426 supplement 1956, 50
Adriani, John, Techniques and procedures of Gardberg, Manuel, Clinical electrocardiography,
anxsthesia, 2nd edition, 207 981
Aird, Ian, A companion to surgical studies, 2nd Gullies, Sir Harold, and Millard, D. Ralph, jr.,
edition, 425 The principles and art of plastic surgery,
American Ophthalmological Society, Trans- 1066
actions, vol, 53, 1955, 53 Greene, Margaret C. L., The voice and its dis-
Anscombe, Anthony R., Pulmonary complica- orders, 1065
tions of abdominal surgery, 897 Griffiths, D. Ll., Seddon, H. J., and Roaf, R.,
Astley, Roy, Radiology of the alimentary tract Pott's paraplegia, 54
in infancy, 55 Gr6nwall, Anders, Dextran and its use in
Balint, Michael, The doctor, his patient and the colloidal infusion solutions, 897
illness, 978 Handfield-Jones, R. M., and Porritt, Sir Arthur
Barach, Alvin L., and Bickerman, Hylan A., ed. E., ed., The essentials of modem surgery,
Pulmonary emphysema, 425 5th edition, 703
Barnes, Josephine, The care of the expectant Harington, M., ed., Hypotensive drugs; pro-
mother, 114 ceedings of a symposium on hypotensive
Bell, George H., Davidson, J. Norman and drugs and the control of vascular tone
Scarborough, Harold, Textbook of in hypertension, 894
physiology and biochemistry, 3rd edition, Harvey, William, Movement of the heart and
894 blood in animals: an anatomical essay;
Bettmann, Otto L., A pictorial history of trans. by Kenneth J. Franklin, 527
medicine, 424 Heaf, F. R. G., ed., A symposium of tubercu-
Biot, Rene, and Galimar, Pierre, Medical guide losis, 424
to vocations, 622 Henderson, Sir David, and Gillespie, R. D.,
Brugsch, Heinrich, Rheumatic diseases, rheuma- A text-book of psychiatry for students
tism and arthritis, 978 and practitioners, 8th edition, 703
Bum, J. Harold, Functions of autonomic trans- Hobson, William, ed., Modem trends in
mitters, 977 geriatrics, 980
Bum, J. Harold, The principles of therapeutics, Horton-Smith, C., ed., Biological aspects of the
898 transmission of disease, 896
Cameron, Gordon Roy, New pathways in Hughes, E. S. R., Surgery of the anus, anal
cellular pathology, 58 canal and rectum, 978
Chesser, Eustace, The sexual, marital and family Intemational Association of Gerontology, Old
relationships of the English woman, 423 age in the modem world: proceedings of
Conybeare, Sir John, and Mann, W. N., ed., the third congress, London 1954, 50
Textbook of medicine, 12th edition, 897 Jewesbury, Eric C. O., The Royal Northern
Council for International Organizations of Hospital 1856-1956, 53
Medical Sciences, Physiopathology of Karsner, Howard T., Human pathology, 8th
the reticulo-endothelial system: a sym- edition, 51
posium, 977 Keating, V., Anmsthetic accidents: the compli-
Council for International Organizations of
Medical Sciences, The support of medical cations of general and regional anes-
research: a symposium, 54 thesia, 113
Cotchin, E., Neoplasms of the domesticated Keevil, J. J., Medicine and the Navy, 1200-1900:
animals: a review, 209 vol. 1, 1200-1649, 982
Cowdry, E. V., Cancer cells, 57 Lassen, H. C. A., ed., Management of life-
Crawford, John Pardey, Psychosynthesis: a threatening poliomyelitis-Copenhagen
project for a scientific psychology, 704 1952-1956, 56
Itidex vi.

books reviewed: books reviewed:

London Transport Executive, Health in indus- Tompsett, D. H., Anatomical techniques, 209
try: a contribution to the study of sick- United States, Commission on Chronic Illness,
ness absence, 113 Chronic illness in the United States:
Macalpine, Ida, and Hunter, Richard A., vol. 2, care of the long-term patient, 621
Schizophrenia 1677: a psychiatric study United States Naval Dental School, Color atlas
of an illustrated autobiographic record of oral pathology, 58
of demoniacal possession, 621 Walton, John N., Subarachnoid himorrhage, 53
Major, Ralph H., and Delp, Mahlon H., Weber, F. Parkes, Interesting cases and patho-
Physical diagnosis, 5th edition, 52 logical considerations and a numismatic
Meakins, Jonathan Campbell, ed., The practice suggestion, 58
of medicine, 6th edition, 622 White, A., et al., Principles of biochemistry, 51
Mollison, P. L., Blood transfusion in clinical White, Paul D., Clues in the diagnosis and
medicine, 2nd edition, 207 treatment of heart disease, 2nd edition, 60
Moore, Thomas, Vitamin A, 981 Williams, Lincoln, Alcoholism: a manual for
O'Connor, M., and Tizard, J., The social prob- students and practitioners, 60
lem of mental deficiency, 622 Yoffey, Joseph Mendel, and Courtice, Frederick
Ogilvie, Robertson F., Pathological histology, Colin, Lymphatics, lymph and lymphoid
5th edition, 210 tissue, 2nd edition, 895
Papanicolaou, George, Atlas of exfoliative Boreham, Peter, benign strictures of the colon, 601
cytology: supplement 1, 207 Borfie, P. F., parapsoriasis variegata (By title),
Price's textbook of the practice of medicine, ed. see Scott, A.
by Donald Hunter, 9th edition, 425 sarcoidosis with skin lesions simulating necro-
Progress in nuclear energy, series VII: medical biosis lipoidica, 391
sciences, editors J. C. Bugher et al., Borthwick, Walter M., modem trends in the treat-
vol. 1, 1956, 59 ment of genito-urinary tuberculosis
Queen's College, Dundee, Pulmonary circula- (Disc.): chemotherapy in urinary tuber-
tion and respiratory function: a sympo- culosis, 869
sium, 49 Bourne, Aleck, the aftermath of hysterectomy and
Rackemann, Francis M., The inquisitive oophorectomy (Disc.), 421
physician: the life and times of George the psychiatric indications for the termination
Richards Minot, 52 of pregnancy (Disc.), 327
Rob, Charles, and Smith, Rodney, ed., Opera- Bourne, G. H. (with E. B. Beckett), the histo-
tive surgery, vols. 1 and 2, 114 chemistry of normal and abnormal
Rob, Charles, and Smith, Rodney, ed., Opera- human muscle, 308
tive surgery, vol. 3, 895
Rob, Charles, and Smith, Rodney, ed., Opera- Bourne, G. L., primary torsion of the fallopian
tive surgery, vol. 4, 979 tube (By title), 386
Rosenblatt, Milton B., and Lisa, James R., Bowers, Robert, ?multiple fibromata: ?hamarto-
Cancer of the lung-pathology, diagnosis mata of the fingers (By title), 394
and treatment, 896 Boyd, Reynold, artificial insemination (Disc.):
Samuels, Saul S., Diagnosis and treatment of indications for and technique of artificial
vascular disorders (angiology), 54 insemination in man, 685
Sargant, William, Battle for the mind: a Boyes, John, medicine and dentistry in Newcastle
physiology of conversion and brain- upon Tyne in the eighteenth century, 229
washing, 528 Boyland, E., and Williams, D. C., argentaffinoma
Saunders, L., and Fleming, R., Mathematics (Disc.): tryptophan metabolism in
and statistics for use in pharmacy, patients with carcinoid and other
biology and chemistry, 898 tumours, 451
Schamroth, L., An introduction to electro-
cardiography, 1066 brachial plexus palsy associated with soft tissue
Schiff, Leon, ed., Diseases of the liver, 49 atrophy in scapular region (J. P. M.
Semon, Henry C. G., An atlas of the commoner Tizard), 330
skin diseases, 5th edition, 893 Braid, F., ?cirrhosis of the liver (By title), 1024
Sigerist, Henry E., Landmarks in the history of fibrocystic disease of the pancreas (By title), 1024
hygiene, 55 hypothalamic glioma (By title), 1024
Simon, George, Principles of chest X-ray hypothalamic tumour (By title), 1024
diagnosis, 208 miliary tuberculosis, abdominal and intra-
Sodeman, William A., ed., Pathologic physi- cranial calcification (By title), 1024
ology: mechanisms of disease, 2nd and Parsons, C. G., Banti's syndrome (By title),
edition, 49 1024
Soranus' gynecology, trans. Owsei Temkin, 56 fibrocystic disease of the pancreas (By title),
Spira, J. Jacques, Gastro-duodenal ulcer: 1024
physio-pathology, pathogenesis and treat- Brain, R. T. (Disc.), 934
ment, 1065 dermatitis herpetiformis (By title), see Frain-
Thacker, E. Winifred, Postural drainage, 977 Bell, W.
Thoms, Herbert, Pelvimetry, 982 incontentia pigmenti, see Frain-Bell, W.
*iii Index
brain, angioma, neuro-ophthalmological aspects Caffey, John, infantile cortical hyperostosis: a
(Discussion), 85 review of the clinical and radiographic
radiology (David Sutton), 91 features, 347
as a machine (W. Grey Walter), 799 Caine, Marco, a fluid renal opacity (By title), 362
breast, cancer, adrenalectomy for (W. P. Greening), Cairns, R. J., sarcoidosis (By title), 1020
561 calculi, cystine, multiple kidney operations for
comparison of adrenalectomy and hypo- (G. L. Bohn), 925
physectomy in (H. J. B. Atkins), 859 Cahnan, R. M., pathological, 705
hormonal status of patient (G. Hadfield), 560 Calnan, C. D. (Disc.), 276, 278, 609
Bremner, R. A. (for P. H. Newman), two cases of hidragenome eruptif (By title), 1020
sarcoidosis with peripheral joint mani- prurigo ferox (By title), 1020
festation, 262 Cambrook, John, erosive lichen planus of the
Brennan, H. J., some observations on fluothane mouth, 678
(Disc.), 198 fracture of mandible, 678
Brewerton, D. A., rheumatoid disease (Disc.), 472 Camps, F. E., medico-legal adventures and mis-
tendon lesions in the rheumatoid hand (By adventures in gynaecology and obstetrics,
title), 571 1053
Brews, R. A., some clinical aspects of develop- cancer, epidemiology (Discussion), 249
mental anomalies of the femalegenito- hypophysectomy for (Discussion), 859
urinary tract (Pres. address), 199 compared with adrenalectomy (H. J. B.
Brinton, Denis H., colloid cyst of the third ven- Atkins), 859
tricle presenting with dementia (By in children (Alice Stewart), 251
title), see Hankinson, John in Kampala (J. Knowleden), 249
Broadbent, D. E., noise and its effects (Disc.): of antrum and ethmoid, radiation treatment
noise and behaviour, 225 (Discussion), 529
Brock, B. H. (for R. A. J. Baily), hydrocortisone radium treatment (Robert Gibb), 534
in tennis elbow-a controlled series, 389 supervoltage irradiation (T. W. Backhouse),
bronchial carcinoma (G. Flavell), 115 531
Brookes, V. S. (with W. H. P. Cant), male pseudo- of breast, adrenalectomy for (W. P. Greening),
hermaphrodite (By title), 1023 561
and Wolff, 0. H., bilateral ectopic ureters (By compared with hypophysectomy (H. J. B.
title), 1024 Atkins), 859
Brown, George Bosworth, structure-activity rela- hormonal status of patient (G. Hadfield), 560
tionships, 6 of lungs, smoking and (Richard Doll), 503
Brown, J. J. Mason, tuberculous cervical adenitis Cant, W. H. P., primary hypopituitary dwarfism
(Disc.): incidence of the disease, 1060 (By title), 1023
Browne, Denis J., joint contractures in children, 69 and Brookes, V. S., male pseudohermaphrodite
Browne, J. C. McClure, the etiology of pre- (By title), 1023
eclampsia (Disc.): placental ischvmia is and Gourevitch, A., congenital obliteration of
not an etiological factor in pre-eclamptic the bile ducts (By title), 1024
toxemia, 787 and Hughes, E. Brodie, lymphosarcoma (By
Bryce-Smith, R., and O'Brien, H. D., some title), 1023
observations on fluothane, 193 Cappell, D. F., argentaffinoma (Disc.), 453
Burkinshaw, John H., otitic hydrocephalus (By ten-year follow-up of cases of adenosarcoma of
title), 404 the kidney (Disc.), 367
Burn, J. Harold, ion movement and cardiac Capps, F. C. W., benign tumours of the larynx
fibrillation (8th Walter Ernest Dixon (Disc.) (By title), 442
Memorial Lecture), 725 a laryngologist's view on allergy (Disc.), 836
the pharmacological and medical aspects of recurrent otitis media in children (Disc.), 413
smoking (Disc.): the pharmacology of
smoking, 500 carcinoids (Discussion), 443
Burns, W., noise and its effects (Disc.): noise and (R. E. B. Hudson), 37
its effects; physiological aspects, 222 (R. S. Stacey), 40
burns, in children, anmsthesia for (Harry intestinal and renal function in (I. S. R.
Middleton), 888 Sinclair), 447
resuscitation in (D. W. Shannon), 885 pathology of (P. S. Macfarlane), 443
mass casualty, treatment (R. S. Hunt), 974 tryptophan metabolism in (E. Boyland and
D. C. Williams), 451
Burrows, H. Jackson, ankylosing spondylitis carcinoma of rectum, surgery (Discussion), 1031
(Disc.), 427 abdomino-perineal operation (A. L. Abel),
bursitis, ischial (David Bailey), 270 1035
Burt, H. A., the present position of manipulative general results (C. E. Dukes), 1031
treatment (Disc.), 139 perineo-abdominal excision (W. B. Gabriel),
Butler, E. C. B., the management of the gangrenous 1041
foot (Disc.), 298 restorative resection (C. N. Morgan), 1050
traumatic false aneurysm of the posterior tibial synchronous combined excision (0. V. Lloyd-
artery, 152 Davies), 1047
Itidex ix
carcinoma post-cricoid, management (Discussion) Cawthorne, Terence, some points on the technique
(By title), 702 of temporal bone surgery (with colour
Card, W. I., chronic relapsing pancreatitis (Disc.), slides) (By title), 414
637 cerebral angioma, neuro-ophthalmological aspects
cardiac disease, acyanotic of infancy, cine- (Discussion), 85
angiocardiography (R. Astley), 1024 radiology (David Sutton), 91
fibrillation, ion movement and (J. H. Burn), 725 cerebrospinal fluid, penetration of drugs into
surgery, problems of hypothermia in (D. N. (Discussion), 963
Ross), 76 physiological aspect (Hugh Davson), 963
cardiospasm and epithelioma of cesophagus cervical adenitis, tuberculous (Discussion), 1067
treated by cesophagectomy (G. L. Bohn), incidence (J. J. Mason Brown), 1060
923 pain, as symptom of hypotension with ganglio-
cardiovascular surgery, problems of anesthesia in plegic drugs (E. Montuschi), 514
(Ole Secher), 983 vertebra, osteoid osteoma of (F. G. Ward), 261
Carey, C. Gill-, see Gill-Carey, C. cervico-facial actinomycosis (H. P. Cook), 678
Carey, P. C. (for Harvey Jackson), abnormal con- changing patterns in skeletal and articular tuber-
traction in triceps muscles, associated culosis (E. Stanley Evans), 571
with oleogranuloma resulting from values in electro-encephalography (Disciussion),
penicillin injections (By title), 281 899
Carmichael, E. Arnold, basal arachnoiditis follow- Charnley, John, the reaction of bone to metal, 840
ing tuberculous meningitis (By title), see Chazan, A. A., myeloproliferative syndrome pre-
Earl, C. J. senting as "neutrophilic leukemia," see
Carter, B. S., amnion graft in radical mastoidec- Exton-Smith, A. N.
tomy (Disc.) (By title), 414 "chemopallidectomy" (R. C. F. Catterall), 388
bilateral hearing improvement following mas- chemotherapeutic sensitivity and the resistant
toidectomy (Disc.) (By title), 414 organism in surgery (Discussion), 153
bleeding from the ear in closed head injuries Chesser, Eustace, the psychiatric indications for
(Disc.) (By title), 414 the termination of pregnancy (Disc.), 327
habilitation of the deaf (Disc.) (By title), 414 Chesterman, J. T., post-traumatic "tumour" of
malformations of the auricle (Disc.) (By title), the stomach, 151
414 children, burns in, anesthesia for (Harry
myringotomy restated (Disc.) (By title), 414 Middleton), 888
post-traumatic conduction deafness (Disc.) (By resuscitation in (D. W. Shannon), 885
title), 414 otitis media in, recurrent (Discussion), 405
some points on the technique of temporal bone thyrotoxicosis in, treatment with potassium
surgery (with colour slides) (Disc.) (By perchlorate (J. M. Smellie), 1026
title), 414 worm infestation in, historical notes (J. Rendle-
Carver, J. H., caseous tuberculosis in one half of Short), 1013
a horseshoe kidney (By title), 362 cholinesterase, pseudo, in infancy (H. Lehmann,
phweochromocytoma with areas of calcification J. Cook and E. Ryan), 147
(By title), 370 chondrosarcoma of maxilla and septum (G. T.
Case, R. A. M., the present relevance of Cramer's Hankey), 679
hypothesis (By title), 252 chorea, Hunginton's (R. C. Roxburgh), 717
Cashman, M. E. (for J. J. Kempton), cutis laxa, 719 Church, Sir William Selby, portrait, facing p. 722
casualties, war-time mass, management (Dis- cine-angiocardiography in acyanotic heart disease
cuission), 967 of infancy (R. Astley), 1024
evacuation (T. M. R. Ahern), 968 cirrhosis, incidence of primary hepatic carcinoma
organization of Army medical services (Sir in (R. G. F. Parker), 145
Alexander Drummond), 967 Citron, L., and Exley, D., recent work on the bio-
treatment of burns (R. S. Hunt), 974 chemistry of labyrinthine fluids, 697
treatment of fractures of extremities (R. E. Claireaux, A. E., morbid anatomy, 705
Waterston), 972 Clark, D. Stafford-, see Stafford-Clark, D.
catarrh and its treatment (Discuission), 167 Clarkson, Patrick, dermabrasion, 608
as a family illness (H. Bloom), 167 pock mark treated by surgical abrasion (By
treatment by Proetz displacement technique title), 931
(H. C. Faulkner), 171 Cleland, W. P., aortic stenosis (Disc.), 824
treatment by warmth at night (Guy Daynes), 170 the management of patients suffering from pul-
Catchpole, B. N., massive thrombophlebitis (By monary tuberculosis (Disc.): surgical
title), 400 management of pulmonary tuberculosis,
Cattell, W. R. (for T. St.M. Norris), idiopathic 336
hypercatabolic hypoproteinxmia, 514 Cliff, J. M., spontaneous pneumothorax in the
Catterall, R. C. F., "chemopallidectomy" (by Royal Navy, 517
Clyneside, adenovirus infections in, as cause of
permission of Irving S. Cooper) (Film), epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (R. G.
388 Sommerville), 757
cattle, tuberculosis-free, tuberculin test in (A. B. Coady, Anthony (for Eric C. 0. Jewesbury),
Paterson), 253 ocular myopathy (By title), 281
x Index
Cochrane, R. G. (with G. B. Mitchell-Heggs and Cowley, J. (with H. Haber), ectopic cutaneous
J. D. Everall), Hansen's disease (By schistosomiasis (By title), 277
title), 931 Cowley, J. G. (for F. Ray Bettley), congenital
Cohen, E. Lipman, macro-ulcus perstans poikiloderma (Thomson) (By title), 19
(Castellani) (By title), 279 Crook, Eric A., non-specific conditions of the
cold hmmagglutinin syndrome (J. V. Dacie), 647 large intestine (Pres. address), 237
Collins, D. H., rheumatoid disease (Disc.), 471 Crooke, A. C., Cushing's syndrome (Disc.), 769
CoIins, E. G., amnion graft in radical mastoidec- Crosby, G. J. V., the aftermath of hysterectomy
tomy (Disc.) (By title), 414 and oophorectomy (Disc.), 418
bilateral hearing improvement following fenes- Cruickshank, Bruce, rheumatoid disease (Disc.):
tration (Disc.) (By title), 414 rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid
bleeding from the ear in closed head injuries disease, 462
(Disc.) (By title), 414 Cuninam, A. A., and Ellis, F. R., eosinophilic
habilitation of the deaf (Disc.) (By title), 414 leukaemia in eosinophilic family:? larva
malformations of the auricle (Disc.) (By title), migrans syndrome, 714
414 Currie, David, technique of Wertheim's hysterec-
myringotomy restated (Disc.) (By title), 414 tomy (Film), 386
plastic surgery of the middle ear (Disc.) (By Curwen, Sydney, management of post-cricoid
title), 702 carcinoma (Disc.) (By title), 702
post-traumatic conduction deafness (Disc.) (By Cushing's syndrome (Discussion), 761
title), 414 diagnosis (R. I. S. Bayliss), 761
some points on the technique of temporal bone psychiatric aspects (Richard Asher), 764
surgery (with colour slides) (Disc.) (By treatment by adrenalectomy (A. Stuart
title), 414 Mason), 766
Collinson, H., and Strange, S. L. (for W. W. cutis laxa (M. E. Cashman), 719
Davey and T. St.M. Norris), gastro- cylindroma pattem of salivary adenoma (Max J.
enterological unit-analysis of operations Ryan), 96
(1950-1957) (By title), 516 cystine calculi, multiple kidney operations for
colon, descending, stenosed segment associated (G. L. Bohn), 925
with trauma (R. S. Corbett), 271 cytostatic agents (Symposium), 1
disease, liver surgery in relation to (R. W. chemical structure and biological activity
Raven), 775 (W. Davis), 1
pelvic, carcinoma (H. R. Thompson), 269
strictures, benign (Peter Boreham), 601
tumour, potassium-secreting (Cyril Cooling D'Abreu, A. L., and Wolff, A. H., hiatus hernia
and David Marrack), 272 (By title), 1024
coagenital abnormalities in general practice, cesophageal stricture following hiatus hernia
management (Discussion), 809 treated with colonic graft (By title), 1024
Connolly, Campbell, aneurysm right middle cesophageal stricture treated by excision and
cerebral artery: recurrent spontaneous colon transplant (By title), 1024
intracranial hemorrhage with intra- Dacie, J. V., the cold hemagglutinin syndrome, 647
cerebral haematoma (By title), 661 Daley, Raymond, aortic stenosis (Disc.), 817
Cook, H. P., acute monocytic leukemia, 681 Dalley, V. M., the radiation treatment of cancer
(for B. St.J. Steadman), cervico-facial actino- of the antrum and ethmoid (Dtsc.):
mycosis with acute presentation, 678 cancer of the antrum and ethmoid-
Cook, Josephine (with H. Lehmann and Elizabeth classification and treatment, 533
Ryan), pseudocholinesterase in early
infancy, 147 Dalton, D. A. G. (with R. J. Harrison), chronic
Cooke, R. V. (Disc.), 272 lymphatic leukemia treated with C.B.
Cooksey, F. S. (Disc.) (By title), 571 1348 (By title), 117
Cooling, Cyril, and Marrack, David, potassium- Dalton, Katharina, the aftermath of hysterectomy
secreting tumour of the colon, 272 and oophorectomy (Disc.), 415
Cooper, Irving S., "chemopallidectomy" (Film), Daniel, Owen, Swan, H. T., and Blackburn, E. K.,
see Catterall, R. C. F. unexpected post-operative bleeding due
Cope, C. L., Cushing's syndrome (Disc.), 768 to haemorrhagic disease, 399
Corbet, Robert M., and Miller, A. A., giant Danielli, J. F., chemical structure and biological
sections of uterus (By title), 206 activity of the cystostatic (alkylating)
Corbett, Rupert S., stenosed segment of descend- agents (Disc.), 5
ing colon associated with trauma, 271 Darke, C. S., the larynx in rheumatoid arthritis
(with A. White Franklin), congenital extra- (Disc.) (By title), 442
hepatic biliary obstruction, bile peri- Darmady, E. M., anuria in medical conditions
tonitis, choledocho-duodenostomy, 708 (Disc.): the renal changes in anuria
cortical hyperostosis, infantile (John Caffey), 347 following medical conditions, 498
Cotchin, E., mammary tumours (Disc.): spon- Davenport, R. C., the neuro-ophthalmological
taneous mammary neoplasms of the aspects of the cerebral angiomas (Disc.),
domestic animals, 557 92
Index Xi
Davey, W. W., "boilable" camera (By title), 516 Dickson, E. D. D., irradiation of the nasopharynx
choledochus cyst (By title), 516 (Disc.) (By title), 228
gastro-enterological unit-analysis of opera- digital malformation and spondylolisthesis with
tions (1950-1957) (By title), see Collinson, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (Louis Forman),
H., and Strange, S. L. 1022
spontaneous gastro-jejunostomy, 881 dilemma, surgical, solution of (Geoffrey Flavell),
Team of, gastrectomy in the aged (By title), 516 115
Davies, 0. V. Lloyd-, see Lloyd-Davies, 0. V. Dimsdale, Helen, the neuro-ophthalmological
Davis, Albert, dysmenorrhoea and unexplained aspects of the cerebral angiomas (Disc.),
pelvic pain (Disc.): surgical treatment, 85
245 Dinnick, 0. P., anmsthesia for obstetrics: an evalu-
Davis, R. A. (with C. H. Whittle), kerato- ation of general and regional methods
acanthoma of the lower lip (red margin) (Disc.): some aspects of general anes-
(By title), 277 thesia, 547
(with C. H. Whittle and J. A. Leahy), pemphigoid Discussion: adenovirus infections, 753
with features of dystrophic epidermolysis the oetiology of pre-eclampsia, 787
bullosa (By title), 1020 the aftermath of hysterectomy and oophor-
(with C. H. Whittle, A. J. Rook and J. L. ectomy, 415
Moffatt), recurrent non-scarring granu- amenorrhoea and hirsutism, 453
loma of face for diagnosis (By title), anesthesia for obstetrics, an evaluation of
277 general and regional methods, 547
Davis, Walter, chemical structure and biological ankylosing spondylitis, 427
activity of the cytostatic (alkylating) anuria in medical conditions, 493
agents, 1 aortic stenosis, 817
Davson, Hugh, the penetration of drugs into the argentaffinoma, 443
cerebrospinal fluid (Disc.): physiological artificial insemination, 683
aspects of the penetration of drugs into auto-immunity and thyroiditis, 953
the cerebrospinal fluid, 963 benign tumours of the larynx (By title), 442
Dawkins, C. J. Massey, anmsthesia for obstetrics: catarrh and its treatment, 167
an evaluation of general and regional the changing values in electroencephalography,
methods (Disc.), 556 899
Dawson, B. H., Stein-Leventhal syndrome (By chronic relapsing pancreatitis, 629
title), 386 the clinical and radiological aspects of sacro-
Daynes, Guy, catarrh and its treatment (Disc.): iliac disease, 847
treatment of catarrh by warmth at night, common congenital abnormalities and their
170 management in general practice, 809
De Jode, L. (for Hermon Taylor), sarcoma of leg Cushing's syndrome, 761
(By title), 117 diagnostic features of some pancreatic diseases,
Dent, C. E., generalized aches and pains from 639
metabolic bone disease (Disc.): pain in disorders of the hind-brain circulation, 661
some metabolic bone diseases not due to dysmenorrhcea and unexplained pelvic pain, 243
steatorrhoea or renal failure, 377 the early management of subarachnoid hemo-
dentine, examination for A and B blood-group rrhage, 281
antigens (I. R. H. Kramer), 677 the epidemiology of cancer, 249
dentistry, hundred years of (J. A. S. Wright), 747 eyes in general practice, 577
in Newcastle in eighteenth century (John Boyes), facial and palatal repair in the treatment of
229 malignant disease, 433
dermabrasion (Patrick Clarkson), 608 generalized aches and pains for metabolic bone
(J. Pegum), 607
S. disease, 371
dermal leishmaniasis (R. G. Howell), 609 Hashimoto's disease, 943
Dermatology, Section of, diploma of honorary hormones in blood (By title), 460
membership presented to Sir Archibald hypophysectomy for cancer, 859
Gray (Louis Forman), 391 hypothermia, 75
dermatomyositis (B. Schwartz), 476 irradiation of the nasopharynx (By title), 228
de Vere, R. D. (with P. M. F. Bishop), amenorrhcea the larynx in rheumatoid arthritis (By title), 442
and hirsutism (Disc.): the Stein-Leventhal leptospirosis in Malaya, 119
syndrome, 458 major surgery in carcinoma of the rectum with
dextrocardia (dextro-inversio cordis) (Alastair or without colostomy, excluding the anal
Anderson), 924 canal and including the rectosigmoid,
diabetes, investigations relating to (Symposium) 1031
(By title), 460 mammary tumours, 557
diarrhoea, infective, associated with acute appendi- the management of mass casualty situations in
citis (K. B. Rogers), 1025 time of war, 967
diastematomyelia, (J. P. M. Tizard), 330 the management of patients suffering from
pulmonary tuberculosis, 335
Dible, J. H., the management of the gangrenous management of post-cricoid carcinoma (By
foot (Disc.), 300 title), 702
xii Index
Discussion: the management of the gangrenous Doubilet, Henry, chronic relapsing pancreatitis
foot, 291 (Disc.): physiological basis of treatment
the modem outlook in the management of of pancreatitis, 629
pulmonary tuberculosis, 485 Dowling, G. B. (Disc.), 933, 935
modern trends in the treatment of genito-urinary acrogeria (Gottron) (By title), 394
tuberculosis, 869 Dreifuss, F. E. (for Michael Kremer), clivus
the neuro-ophthalmological aspects of the chordoma presenting with wasting of the
cerebral angiomas, 85 tongue (By title), 281
noise and its effects, 217 Drew, C. E., coronary insufficiency: implantation
the penetration of drugs into the cerebrospinal of internal mammary artery (By title),
fluid, 963 see Firth, J. C.
the pharmacological and medical aspects of (with R. J. Harrison), mitral stenosis-hamo-
smoking, 500 siderosis, ossified pulmonary nodules-
plastic surgery of the middle ear (By title), 702 valvotomy (By title), 117
poliomyelitis vaccination in 1956, 1067 drugs, neurological and psychiatric, toxic effects
the present position of manipulative treatment, (Discussion), 611
137 penetration into cerebrospinal. fluid (Discus-
prevention of eclampsia, 793 sion), 963
the problem of the resistant organism and physiological aspect (Hugh Davson), 963
chemotherapeutic sensitivity in surgery, Drummond, Sir Alexander, the management of
153 mass casualty situations in time of war
the problems spina bifida cystica, 737 (Disc.): the organization of the medical
the psychiatric indications for the termination services of the Army for mass casualties,
of pregnancy, 321 967
the radiation treatment of cancer of the antrum Dukes, Cuthbert E., "behind the scenes in urology"
and ethmoid, 529 (Pres. address), 355
recent advances in the use of tissue culture the history of St. Peter's Hospital for Stone,
methods in virus research, 911 London, 161
recurrent otitis media in children, 405 major surgery in carcinoma of the rectum with
referred pain, 581 or without colostomy, excluding the
rehabilitation in the Royal Air Force, 129 anal canal and including the recto-
rheumatoid disease, 461 sigmoid (Disc.): general results of surgical
some blood disorders, 644 treatment, 1031
tonometry, 667 Duncan, L. J. P. (with D. M. Dunlop), the anti-
the toxic effects of drugs used in neurological diabetic sulphonamides (By title), 460
and psychiatric practice, 611 Dundee, John W., fluoromar in anesthesia, 191
the treatment of morbid anxiety, 211 Dunlop, D. M., and Duncan, L. J. P., the anti-
tuberculin sensitivity, 253 diabetic sulphonamides (By title), 460
tuberculous cervical adenitis, 1057 duodenal obstruction in new-born (A. Gourevitch),
the visual problems of night driving, 173 1026
Dixon Memorial Lecture, 8th (J. Harold Bum), 725 Duthie, E. S., staphylococcal antibody in osteo-
Dobbs, R. H., diverticulum of the heart: ventricu-
myelitis and suppurative arthritis (Disc.),
lar extension into the abdominal wall 628
with large ventral hernia, see Woolf, dysentery, Sonne, epidemiology (Ian Taylor), 31
Patricia dysmenorrh(ea (Discussion), 243
surgical treatment (Albert Davis), 245
Dodd, Harold, pelvic abscesses: diagnosis and dysostosis, peripheral (S. D. V. Weller), 334
treatment, 604
Dodds, Sir Charles, investigations on subjects
relating to obesity and diabetes (Sym- ear, middle, plastic surgery (Discussion) (By title),
posium) (By title), 460 702
Doll, Richard, the pharmacological and medical Earl, C. J., (for E. Arnold Carmichael), basal
aspects of smoking (Disc.): smoking and arachnoiditis following tuberculous men-
lung cancer, 503 ingitis (By title), 281
Ebeling, Peter (for J. Purdon Martin), Hansen's
domestic animals, mammary neoplasms in (E. disease (By title), 281
Cotchin), 557 eclampsia, induction of labour in (G. G. Lennon),
Doniach, Deborah, Hudson, R. Vaughan, and 793
Roitt, I. M., Hashimoto's disease (Disc.): pre-eclampsia, wetiology (Discussion), 787
diagnostic aspects of lymphadenoid prevention (Discussion), 793
goitre, 946 Edwards, Colin, internal carotid stenosis (athero-
(with 1. M. Roitt), auto-immunity and thyroid- matous) (By title), 661
itis (Disc.): auto-immunization in thyroid internal carotid stenosis (traumatic) (By title),
diseases, 958 661
Donovan, B. T., amenorrhrea and hirsutism (Disc.): Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (E. Wilson Jones), 1021
the hypothalamus and gonadotrophin spondylolisthesis and malformation of digits
secretion, 455 (L. Forman), 1022
Index .x.ii

eighteenth century medicine and dentistry in extremities, fractures, mass casualty, treatment
Newcastle (John Boyes), 229 (R. E. Waterston), 972
electro-encephalography, changing values in (Dis- lower, obliterative vascular diseases, aorto-
cussion), 899 arteriography in (T. Philp), 544
in relation to anzesthesia (Sheila M. Wilson), eye diseases, sporadic, associated with adenovirus
105 infections (Barrie R. Jones), 758
elephantiasis nostros (Brian F. Russell), 18 in general practice (Discussion), 577
Elion, Gertrude B., structure, activity relation-
ships, 7 facial repair in malignant disease (Discussion), 433
Ellerker, A. G., ectopic ureter draining into vagina Fairman, H. D., management of post-cricoid
with hypoplasia of corresponding kidney carcinoma (Disc.) (By title), 702
(By title), 362 Falconer, Murray A., hypophysectomy for cancer
Ellis, F. R. (with A. A. Cunningham), eosinophilic (Disc.): hypophysectomy and cancer, 961
leukemia in eosinophilic family: ?larva Farebrother, Sister, breast feeding, 705
migrans syndrome, 714 fats, effect on blood clotting (J. D. Billimoria,
embolism, pulmonary, radiological diagnosis E. Lockey and N. F. Maclagan), 623
(Shirley Roberts), 93 Faulkner, H. C., catarrh and its treatment (Disc.):
Embrey, Mostyn P., polycystic disease of the liver displacement therapy in nasal catarrh;
presenting as a gynecological problem brief interim report on the use of the
(By title), 206 Proetz displacement technique in general
endomycardial fibrosis (J. D. Ball), 43 practice, 171
eosinophilic leukemia (A. A. Cunningham and Feiwel, M., congenital malformation of upper
F. R. Ellis), 714 limb hemangiectasia hypertrophicans,
epidemiology of cancer (Discussion), 249 Klippel - Trenaunay - Parkes - Weber (By
of Sonne dysentery (Ian Taylor), 31 title), 394
epilepsy, toxic effects of drugs used in management and Ferriman, D. G., impetigo herpetiformis,
of (Hugh Garland), 611 392
Erskine, David, maculo-anxsthetic leprosy (By (with C. R. McCash), chronic lymphcedema of
title), 19 eyelids with plastic repair (By title), 394
erythema nodosum in children, changing etiology female genito-urinary tract, anomalies (R. A.
of (John Lorber), 1023 Brews), 199
femur, fracture, trans-cervical (Denys Wainwright),
ethmoid, cancer, classification (V. M. Dalley), 533 387
radiation treatment (Discussion), 529 Fergusson, Ian (for Gerald Slot), ?collagen disease:
radium treatment (Robert Gibb), 534 ? atypical virus meningitis (By title), 1 17
supervoltage irradiation (T. W. Backhouse), Fergusson, J. D., long-standing vena caval obstruc-
531 tion and hypernephroma (By title), see
evacuation of mass casualties in time of war Angell, J. C.
(T. M. R. Ahern), 968 Ferriman, David G. (with M. Feiwel), impetigo
Evans, E. Stanley, changing patterns in skeletal herpetiformis, 392
and articular tuberculosis (Pres. address), (with P. Kynaston Thomas), amenorrhcea and
571 hirsutism (Disc.): constitutional virility,
Everall, J. D., Bowen's disease (By title), 931 457
(for G. B. Mitchell-Heggs), ?tuberculoid fibroids, etiology (Percy Malpas), 381
Hansen's disease (By title), 394 fibrosis, endomycardial (J. D. Ball), 43
widespread pigmentation for diagnosis (By pancreatic, causing portal hypertension
title), 394 (T. St. M. Norris), 507
(with G. B. Mitchell-Heggs), pigmentation and Firth, J. C. (for C. E. Drew and R. J. Harrison),
leukodermia (following dermabrasion) coronary insufficiency: implantation of
(By title), 931 internal mammary artery (By title), 117
(with G. B. Mitchell-Heggs and R. G.Cochrane), Flavell, Geoffrey, the solution of a surgical
Hansen's disease (By title), 931 dilemma, 1 15
exchange transfusion in treatment of galactosemia Fletcher, W. D. and Jarrett, A., chronic cedema of
with hyperbilirubaemia (A. P. Norman), hand for diagnosis (By title), 277
706 Flett, R. L., plastic surgery of the middle ear (Disc.)
in treatment of spherocytosis with hyper- (By title), 702
biliruninnemia (Isobel Smith and A. W. fluoromar in anesthesia (J. W. Dundee), 191
Franklin), 707 fluothane, observations on (R. Bryce-Smith and
obstructive jaundice and sepsis following H. D. O'Brien), 193
(L. G. Andrews), 329 foot, gangrenous, management (Discuission), 291
Exley, D. (with L. Citron), recent work on the
foot-and-mouth disease, propagation of virus of
(T. W. F. Pay), 919
biochemistry of the labyrinthine fluids, Forman, Louis (Disc.), 473, 609
697 benign mucous membrane pemphigoid (By
Exton-Smith, A. N., myeloproliferative syndrome title), 476
presenting as "neutrophilic leukemia" benign mucous membrane pemphigus (By title),
(with the assistance of A. A. Chazan), 510 1022
XiV Index
Forman, Louis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, with Franklin, A. White, the place of the poediatrician
spondylolisthesis and malformation of in the maternity hospital, 709
the terminal digits, 1022 and Corbett, R. S., congenital extra-hepatic
Hansen's disease (maculo-anesthetic) (By title), biliary obstruction, bile peritonitis,
394 choledocho-duodenostomy, 708
mycosis fungoides treated with prednisone, 396 and Smith, Isobel, galactosemia, 706
parapsoriasis lichenoides en plaque, with necrotic (with Isobel Smith), congenital familial sphero-
nodules, showing features of poikilo- cytosis with hyperbilirubinemia treated
derma, 773 by exchange transfusion, 707
presentation of diploma of honorary member- Fraser, G. A., amnion graft in radical mastoid-
ship of the Section to Sir Archibald ectomy (Disc.) (By title), 414
Gray, 391 bilateral hearing improvement following fenes-
widespread nmvus with ? ulerythema ophryo- tration (Disc.) (By title), 414
genes (By title), see Montgomery, P. R. bleeding from the ear in closed head injuries
and Porter, A., Darier's disease (By title), 1022 (Disc.) (By title), 414
Forrest, A. P. M., hypophysectomy for cancer habilitation of the deaf (Disc.) (By title), 414
(Disc.): yttrium 90 implantation of the malformations of the auricle (Disc.) (By title),
pituitary, 862, addendum, 990 414
Forster, H. V., amnion graft in radical mastoid- myringotomy restated (Disc.) (By title), 414
ectomy (Disc.) (By title), 414 post-traumatic conduction deafness (Disc.) (By
bilateral hearing improvement following fenes- title), 414
tration (Disc.) (By title), 414 some points on the technique of temporal bone
bleeding from the ear in closed head injuries surgery (with colour slides) (Disc.) (By
(Disc.) (By title), 414 title), 414
habilitation of the deaf (Disc.) (By title), 414 Fraser, T. Russell, diagnostic procedures in bone
a laryngologist's view on allergy (Disc.), 836 diseases, 21
the larynx in rheumatoid arthritis (Disc.) (By investigations on subjects relating to obesity
title), 442 and diabetes (Symp.) (By title), 460
malformations of the auricle (Disc.) (By title), Freeman, R. H., presentation of group of fractures
414 of the tibia (By title), 571
myringotomy restated (Disc.) (By title), 414 Freeman, Walter, twenty years of leucotomy, 79
post-traumatic conduction deafness (Disc.) Friedmann, I., recurrent otitis media in children
(By title), 414 (Disc.), 406
some points on the technique of temporal bone Frommer, Eva A. (for W. Mestitz), Letterer-Siwe
surgery (with colour slides) (Disc.) (By disease treated with prednisone, 332
title), 414 Fry, John, eyes in general practice (Disc.), 577
Forty, Frank, intussesception of appendix simulat-
ing a carcinoma of the caecum, 271 Gabriel, W. B., major surgery in carcinoma of the
Foxen, Miles, amnion graft in radical mastoid- rectum with or without colostomy
ectomy (Disc.) (By title), 414 excluding the anal canal and including
bilateral hearing improvement following fenes- the rectosigmoid (Disc.): perineo-
tration (Disc.) (By title), 414 abdominal excision, 1041
bleeding from the ear in closed head injuries galactos2emia (A. W. Franklin), 707
(Disc.) (By title), 414 (A. W. Franklin and Isobel Smith), 706
habilitation of the deaf (Disc.) (By title), 414 with hyperbilirubinmmia (A. P. Norman), 706
malformations of the auricle (Disc.) (By title), Galton, D. A. G., clinical and biological aspects (of
414 anti-metabolites), 10
myringotomy restated (Disc.) (By title), 414 Gandevia, Bryan, the pattern of Australian medical
post-traumatic conduction deafness (Disc.) (By history, 591
title), 414 gangrene of foot, management (Discussion), 291
some points on the technique of temporal bone Gans, Bruno, sexual precocity, advanced bone age
surgery (with colour slides) (Disc.) (By and skin pigmentation: ? McCune-
title), 414 Bruch-Albright syndrome, 713
fractures of extremities, mass casualty, treatment and Thompson, J. C., neonatal cestrogen
(R. E. Waterston), 972 excretion and its relation to post-natal
Frain-Bell, W., necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum weight loss, 929
and granuloma annulare, 1020 Garland, Hugh, the toxic effects of drugs used in
(for R. T. Brain), dermatitis herpetiformis (By neurological and psychiatric practice
title), 277 (Disc.): drugs used in the management
incontinentia pigmenti, 1019 of epilepsy, 611
Francis, Harold, peripheral gangrene during Garrod, 0.. Cushing's syndrome (Disc.), 770
pregnancy (By title), 386 gastro-enteritis, infantile, outbreak in hospital
Franklin, A. White, galactosemia, 707 maternity unit (R. M. Mayon-White), 927
intra-hepatic calcification, staphylococcal liver gastro-jejunostomy, spontaneous (W. W. Davey),
abscess, following ? occult umbilical 881
sepsis, 709 Gavey, C. J., aortic stenosis (Disc.), 826
Index xv

general practice, congenital abnormalities in, Gourevitch, A. (with A. L. Smallwood), carcinoma

management (Discussion), 809 of the adrenal cortex with virilism (By
eyes in (Discussion), 577 title), 1024
pediatrics in (G. Barber), 25 congenital obliteration of bile ducts, treated
genito-urinary tract, female, anomalies of (R. A. surgically (By title), 1023
Brews), 199 Gourlay, Nigel, acute axial torsion of a fibro-
tuberculosis, modem trends in treatment (Dis- myomatous uterus (By title), 386
cussion), 869 Gow, J. G., modem trends in the treatment of
chemotherapy (W. M. Borthwick), 869 genito-urinary tuberculosis (Disc.) (By
chemotherapy: illustrative cases (W. G. title), 880
Wimsett), 873 Grainger, Ronald G., the clinical and radiological
surgery (Arthur Jacobs), 875 aspects of sacro-iliac disease (Disc.):
George, F. H., the brain as a machine (Disc.), 808 radiological aspects of sacro-iliac arth-
Gervis, W. H., solitary actinomycosis of the ulna ritis, 854
(By title), see Plaut, G. S. granuloma annulare and necrobiosis lipoidica
Gibb, A. G., treatment of choanal atresia (Disc.) diabeticorum (W. Frain-Bell), 1020
(By title), 442 Gratton, Dorothy M., recurrence of hydatidiform
Gibb, Robert, the radiation treatment of cancer of mole, presumed second mole, within
the antrum and ethmoid (Disc.): the twelve months (By title), 206
treatment of carcinoma of the maxillary Graves, F. T., the aberrant renal artery, 368, 370
antrum and ethmoid by radium, 534 Gray, Sir Archibald, diploma of honorary mem-
Gibbens, T. C. N., homosexuality, with special bership of the Section of Dermatology
reference to classification (Disc.), 659 presented to (Louis Forman), 391
Gibson, H. J., rheumatoid disease (Disc.), 472 Gray, T. Cecil, some observations on fluothane
Gibson, Ronald, aortic stenosis (Disc.), 825 (Disc.), 198
GM-Carey, C., a laryngologist's view on allergy Grayburn, R. W., hydrosalpinx following steriliza-
(Disc.), 836 tion by crushing and ligating the fallopian
glaucoma, what the general practitioner should tube (By title), 386
know about (J. P. F. Lloyd), 580 Green-Armytage, V. B., habitual abortion, 385
Gloster, J., tonometry (Disc.): ocular rigidity and Greene, Raymond, amenorrhaea and hirsutism
tonometry, 667 (Disc.), 460
Glyn, John H., rheumatoid disease (Disc.), 472 Greenfield, J. G., the amyotonia congenita syn-
Glynn, L. E., Holborow, E. J., and Johnson, G. D., drome (Disc.), 307
rheumatoid disease (Disc.): the nature Greening, W. P., hypophysectomy for cancer
of the Rose-Waaler factor, 469 (Disc.), 867
goitre, lymphadenoid, diagnostic aspects mammary tumours (Disc.): adrenalectomy for
(Deborah Doniach, R. Vaughan Hudson cancer of the breast, 561
and I. M. Roitt), 946 Griffiths, I. H. (By title), see Thomas, Ann Miles
Gold, Stephen C. (Disc.), 476 Grime, G., the visual problems of night driving
folliculitis ulerythematosa reticulata (atropho- (Disc.): road illumination by headlamps
derma vermicularis) (By title), 1022 or street lamps, 179
leuconychia congenita (By title), 476 Groombridge, Miss (with Miss Noble), social
navus of Ota (By title), 476 service, 705
necrobiosis lipoidica (By title), 476 group B incompatibility, obstructive jaundice and
porokeratosis (Mibelli) (By title), 476 sepsis following exchange transfusion for
Still's disease with pseudoxanthoma elasticum, (L. G. Andrews), 329
473 growth, xanthine oxidase activity in (I. Lewin), 563
xeroderma pigmentosum, 474 Gunn, Alastair, four cases of mono-amniotic twins
Golden Jubilee number (October), 721 (By title), 206
Goldsmith, W. N., pemphigoid (By title), see Guthkelch, A. N., the problem of spina bifida
Witham, M. cystica (Disc.), 745
gonadotrophin secretion, hypothalamus and (B. T. Guthrie, Douglas, whither medical history? (Pres.
Donovan), 455 address), 236
Goodwin, J. F., aortic stenosis (Disc.), 823 Guttmann, L., the problem of spina bifida cystica
Gordon, D., and Qvist, G., calcified cyst in abdo- (Disc.), 742
men: ? hydatid (By title), 404 gyniecology, medico-legal adventures in (F. E.
Gordon, G., referred pain (Disc.): the physiological Camps), 1053
basis of referred pain, 586
Gordon, Hugh, xeroderma pigmentosum, see Haber, H. (Disc.), 278, 392, 473, 474, 609, 1020
Schwartz, B. solitary dyskeratosis (By title), 1022
and Cowley, J., ectopic cutaneous schistosomi-
Goulding, R., recurrent otitis media in children asis (By title), 277
(Disc.), 413 (with Harold T. H. Wilson), ichthyosiform
Gourevitch, A., duodenal obstruction in the new- erythroderma (Brocq) (By title), 277
born, 1026 Hadfield, Geoffrey, mammary tumours (Disc.):
(with W. H. P. Cant), congenital obliteration of the hormonal status of the breast cancer
the bile ducts (By title), 1024 patient, 560
XV1 Index
htemolytic disease of new-born, exchange trans- Hargrove, S. W. G., some points on the technique
fusion in (A. P. Norman), 712 of temporal bone surgery (with coloured
serology (John Murray), 711 slides) (Disc.) (By title), 414
hsemophilia, recent advances in diagnosis and treatment of choanal atresia (Disc.) (By title),
treatment (Rosemary Biggs), 645 442
haemorrhage, subarachnoid (Discussion), 281 Harrington, J. L., disorders of the temporo-
haemorrhagic disease, unexpected post-operative mandibular joint, 266
bleeding due to (Owen Daniel, H. T. Harris, C. H. Stuart-, see Stuart-Harris, C. H.
Swan and E. K. Blackburn), 399 Harris, Noel G., the psychiatric indications for the
Hafner, R. H. V., ? giant cell tumour of neck of termination of pregnancy (Disc.), 327
radius, 268 Harrison, A. R., osteomalacia following uretero-
Hall, I. Simson, amnion graft in radical mastoid- sigmoidostomy (By title), 370
ectomy (Disc.) (By title), 414 Harrison, R. J., coronary insufficiency: implanta-
bilateral hearing improvement following fene- tion of internal mammary artery (By
stration (Disc.) (By title), 414 title), see Firth, J. C.
bleeding from the ear in closed head injuries spontaneous hemopneumothorax (By title), see
(Disc.) (By title), 414 Reiss, B. B.
habilitation of the deaf (Disc.) (By title), 414 and Dalton, D. A. G., chronic lymphatic
irradiation of the nasopharynx (Disc.) (By title), leukemia treated with C.B.1348 (By
228 title), 1 17
malformations of the auricle (Disc.) (By title), and Drew, C. E., mitral stenosis-haemo-
414 siderosis, ossified pulmonary nodules
management of post-cricoid carcinoma (Disc.) valvotomy (By title), 117
(By title), 702 (with Norman C. Tanner), Cushing's syndrome
myringotomy restated (Disc.) (By title), 414 -surgical aspects (By title), 117
plastic surgery of the middle ear (Disc.) (By Hart, R. J. C., adenovirus infections (Disc.), 760
title), 702 Hartgill, J. C., rupture of the lower uterine segment
post-traumatic conduction deafness (Disc.) following a modified Brandt-Andrews
(By title), 414 manceuvre on a patient with a partial
some points on the technique of temporal bone placenta accreta (By title), 386
surgery (with colour slides) (Disc.) (By Harvey, K. M. (for Brian F. Russell), psoriasis and
title), 414 mycosis fungoides, 933
Hail-Smith, S. P., ? neuro-fibroma (By title), 476 Harvey, Warren, marked Paget's disease, mainly
and McMurray, J., tuberculous glands with skin of the mandible, in a woman, 190
involvement, 275 Hashimoto's disease (Discussion), 943
Handley, R. S., neurofibroma of the sacral plexus, antibodies, precipitating and complement-
152 fixing (W. R. Trotter, G. Belyavin and
Hankey, George T., chondrosarcoma of the maxilla A. Waddams), 961
and septum, 679 clinical aspect (R. W. Luxton), 943
and Pedler, J. A., primary squamous-cell immunological investigations (R. G. White),
carcinoma of mandible arising from 953
epithelial lining of dental cyst, 680 pathology of (A. D. Thomson), 950
Hankinson, John (for Denis H. Brinton and Wylie Hausmann, W., three cases of systemic lupus
McKissock), colloid cyst of the third hepatitis (By title), 926
ventricle presenting with dementia (By Hayhoe, F. G. J., clinical and biological aspects
title), 281 (of anti-metabolites) (Disc.), 12
Hanley, Howard, G., and Parkes, Raymond, heart disease, acyanotic, of infancy, cine-angio-
modern trends in the treatment of genito- cardiography (R. Astley), 1024
urinary tuberculosis (Disc.): some observ- diverticulum (Patricia Woolf), 717
ations on the modern treatment of renal fibrillation, ion movement and (J. Harold Burn),
tuberculosis, 877 725
Hare, P. J. (Disc.), 474 surgery, problems of hypothermia in (D. N.
acanthosis nigricans, 276 Ross), 76
histiocytoma (By title), 1022 Heggs, G. B. Mitchell-, see Mitchell-Heggs, G. B.
necrobiosis lipoidica, 277 Hellier, F. F. (Disc.), 474, 476
Hargrove, S. W. G., amnion graft in radical Hennessey, J. D., two cases of appendiculo-vesical
mastoidectomy (Disc.) (By title), 414 fistula (By title), 370
bilateral hearing improvement following fenes- Henry, J. R. K. (for J. P. M. Tizard), congenital
tration (Disc.) (By title), 414 agranulocytosis, 329
bleeding from the ear in closed head injuries Henson, R. A., the early management of subarach-
(Disc.) (By title), 414 noid hmemorrhage (Disc.), 284
habilitation of the deaf (Disc.) (By title), 414
malformations of the auricle (Disc.) (By title), hepatic abscess and intra-hepatic calcification
414 following umbilical sepsis (A. W.
myringotomy restated (Disc.) (By title), 414 Franklin), 709
post-traumatic conduction deafness (Disc.) (By architecture, internal, surgical significance of
title), 414 (Michael Horsley), 395
Index x*i
hepatic carcinoma, incidence in cirrhosis (R. G. F. Hovell, J. H., facial and palatal repair in the treat-
Parker), 145 ment of malignant disease (Disc.), 439
haemangioblastoma, excision (Rodney Smith), Howell, R. G., dermal leishmaniasis, 609
152 macular atrophy of the skin, 1021
surgery in relation to colon and rectum disease Howell, Trevor H., joint contractures, 70
(R. W. Raven), 775 Hudson, R. Vaughan (with Deborah Doniach and
hepato-lenticular degeneration (Michael Ashby), I. M. Roitt), Hashimoto's disease (Disc.):
884 diagnostic aspects of lymphadenoid
(J. J. Kempton), 719 goitre, 946
hernia, ventral (Patricia Woolf), 717 Hudson, Reginald E. B., malignant carcinoid
Hicks, J. H., the relationship between metal and tumours, 37
infection, 842 Hughes, E. Brodie (with W. H. P. Cant), lympho-
Hierons, R., conservative treatment of carpal sarcoma (By title), 1023
tunnel syndrome (By title), 571 (with H. Everley Jones), hypothalamic glioma
Higham, A. R. C., the history of St. Paul's (By title), 1024
Hospital, London, 164 Hughesdon, P. E., and Reiss, Herbert, uterine
Hill, Denis, the changing values in electro- chorion epithelioma (By title), 206
encephalography (Disc.), 899 hundred years of dentistry (J. A. S. Wright), 747
Hill, Ian M., aortic stenosis (Disc.), 825 Hunt, R. S., the management of mass casualty
Hill, T. Rowland, high cervical and lumbar situations in time of war (Disc.): the
syringomyelia (By title), 661 treatment of mass burns casualties, 974
rapidly growing multiple schwannomata (By Hunt, T. C., diagnostic features of some pancreatic
title), 661 diseases (Disc.), 639
hind-brain, circulatory disorders (Discussion), 661 Huntington's chorea (R. C. Roxburgh), 717
hirsutism and amenorrhea (Discussion), 453 Hurwitz, L. J. (for Michael Kremer), extensive
histochemistry of muscle (E. B. Beckett and G. H. right parietal angioma with cirsoid
Bourne), 308 aneurysm of the scalp associated with an
history, medical, in Australia (B. Gandevia), 591 aneurysm of the basilar artery (By title),
whither? (Douglas Guthrie), 236 281
Hobbs, H. E., the neuro-ophthalmological aspects left frontal angioma together with aneurysm
of the cerebral angiomas (Disc.), 89 on the anterior communicating artery
Hodgson, Geoffrey A. (Disc.), 392 successfully treated at one operation (By
histiocytic reticulosis, 931 title), 281
Hodgson-Jones, I. S., papulonecrotic tuberculides Hutchinson, C. A., bilateral hearing improvement
with miliary tuberculosis, 1019 following fenestration (By title), 414
Hodson, C. J., renal arteriography in hypertension, Hutchinson, E. C., disorders of the hind-brain
539 circulation (Disc.), 662
Holborow, E. J. (with L. E. Glynn and G. D. hydrocortisone in tennis elbow (R. A. J. Baily and
Johnson), rheumatoid disease (Disc.): the B. H. Brock), 389
nature of the Rose-Waaler factor, 469 hydronephrosis associated with carcinoma of
Holmes, J. M., anxesthesia for obstetrics: an pelvic colon and secondary deposit in
evaluation of general and regional ureter (H. R. Thompson), 269
methods (Disc.): the prevention of in- hyperbilirubin&emia with galactosemia (A. P.
haled vomit during obstetric anxsthesia, Norman), 706
556 with spherocytosis (Isobel Smith and A. W.
the early management of subarachnoid Franklin), 707
himorrhage (Disc.), 281 hyperostosis, infantile cortical (John Caffey), 347
Holton, B. D. (for T. Parkinson), pretibial hypersplenism (M. C. G. Israels), 644
myxcedema and latent lymphatic leuk- hypertension, portal, due to mucoviscidosis
,emia (By title), 404 (T. St. M. Norris), 507
homosexuality, classification (P. D. Scott), 655 renal arteriography in (C. J. Hodson), 539
in clinical practice (Denis Parr), 651 unilateral renal (C. Latto), 923
Hood, J. D., noise and its effects (Disc.): measure- hypophysectomy for cancer (Discussion), 859
ment of noise, 217 compared with adrenalectomy (H. J. B.
the principles and practice of bone conduction Atkins), 859
audiometry: a review of the present hypoprotinsemia, idiopathic (W. R. Cattell),
position, 689 514
Hopewell, J., open operation for bladder neck hypotension from ganglio-plegic drugs, cervical
stenosis: (a) cystogram, (b) cine micturat- pain as symptom of (E. Montschi), 514
ing cystogram (By title), 370 hypothalamus and gonadotrophin secretion (B. T.
Hopper, P. K., adenovirus infections (Disc.), 758 Donovan), 455
hormonal status of breast cancer patient (Geoffrey hypothermia (Discussion), 75
Hadfield), 560 circulatory arrest and its sequelk in (E. Neil), 75
hormones in blood (Discussion) (By title), 460 in cardiac surgery (D. N. Ross), 76
Horsley, Michael, the surgical significance of the hysterectomy, aftermath (Discussion), 415
internal architecture of the liver, 395 Wertheim's, technique (D. Currie), 386
xvii Index
impetigo herpetiformis (M. Feiwel and D. G. James, J. Angell, benign tumours of the larynx
Ferriman), 392 (Disc.) (By title), 442
incontinence, management in spina bifida cystica facial and palatal repair in the treatment of
(D. F. Ellison Nash), 740 malignant disease (Disc.), 441
incontinentia pigmenti (W. Frain-Bell), 1019 irradiation of the nasopharynx (Disc.): irradia-
infancy, acyanotic heart disease of cine-angio- tion treatment of recurrent otitis media
cardiography (R. Astley), 1024 (By title), 228
gastro-enteritis in, outbreak in maternity unit a laryngologist's view on allergy (Pres. address),
(R. M. Mayon-White), 927 827, 836
pseudocholinesterase in (H. Lehmann, J. Cook the larynx in rheumatoid arthritis (Disc.) (By
and E. Ryan), 147 title), 442
infantile cortical hyperostosis (John Caffey), 347 Jamieson, J. G., mucus-secreting carcinoma of the
infants, new-born, duodenal obstruction in (A. ileum (By title), 153
Gourevitch), 1026 Japanese medicine, Western influences in pre-
hemolytic disease, exchange transfusion in Meiji times (Gordon E. Mostler), 1005
(A. P. Norman), 712 Jarman, T. Francis, tuberculin sensitivity (Disc.):
serology (John Murray), 711 tuberculin testing in the control of
infection, relationship of metal to (J. H. Hicks), 842 tuberculosis, 255
Ingram, J. T. (Disc.), 933, 934, 935 Jarrett, A., arteriovenous aneurysm of forearm
parapsoriasis, 771 with chronic oedema (By title), 1022
injury as avtiological factor in tuberculosis (J. W. S. (with W. D. Fletcher), chronic cedema of hand-
Blacklock), 61 for diagnosis (By title), 277
Innes, A. and Turner, E., extradural abscess (By jaundice, obstructive, following exchange trans-
title), 1024 fusion for group B incompatibility (L. G.
insemination, artificial (Discussion), 683 Andrews), 329
in man (Reynold Boyd), 685 Jewesbury, Eric C. O., ocular myopathy (By title),
intestinal function in metastasizing argentaffinoma see Coady, Anthony
(I. S. R. Sinclair), 447 Jode, L. de, see De Jode, L.
intestine, large, non-specific conditions (E. A. Joekes, A. M., anuria in medical conditions
Crook), 237 (Disc.), 496
intra-hepatic calcification and liver abscess follow- Johnson, G. D. (with L. E. Glynn and E. J.
ing umbilical sepsis (A. W. Franklin), 709 Holborow), rheumatoid disease (Disc.):
intussusception of appendix simulating carcinoma the nature of the Rose-Waaler factor, 469
of cwcum (Frank Forty), 271 Johnson, Richard, angiomatous malformations and
ion movement and cardiac fibrillation (J. Harold X-ray therapy (By title), 665
Burn), 725 Johnston, E. N. M., poikilodermia developing
Irvine, K. Neville, the modern outlook in the mycosis fungoides, 935
management of pulmonary tuberculosis (for H. J. Wallace), dimorphous leprosy, 278
(Disc.): BCG vaccination, 485 tuberculoid leprosy, 277
ischaemia, placental, not etiological factor in pre- Johnstone, M., some observations on fluothane
eclampsia (J. C. McClure Browne), 787 (Disc.), 197
ischial bursitis (David Bailey), 270 joint contractures (Trevor H. Howell), 70
Israels, M. C. G., hypersplenism, 644 in children (Denis J. Browne), 69
itch, chemical causes (C. A. Keele), 477 temporomandibular, disorders (J. L. Harring-
ton), 266
Jackson, C. R. S., tonometry (Disc.): standardiza- joints, peripheral, sarcoidosis (R. A. Bremner), 262
tion of X-tonometers, 674 tuberculosis, changing patterns (E. Stanley
Jackson, Douglas, anxsthesia for burned children Evans), 571
(Disc.), 892 Jolly, Hugh R., the problem of spina bifida
Jackson, Harvey, abnormal contraction in triceps cystica (Disc.), 746
muscles, associated with oleogranuloma Jones, Barrie R., adenovirus infections (Disc.):
resulting from penicillin injections (By sporadic ocular disease associated with
title), see Carey, P.C. adenovirus infection in London, 758
Jackson, Margaret Hadley, artificial insemination Jones, E. Wilson (for H. J. Wallace), Ehlers-
(Disc.), 683 Danlos syndrome, 1021
Jones, H. Everley, by permission of, hypothalamic
Jacobs, A. L., calcinosis circumscripta (By title), tumour (By title), 1024
516 and Hughes, E. Brodie, hypothalamic glioma
Jacobs, Arthur, kidney with double pelvis removed (By title), 1024
ten years after transplantation of its Jones, I. S. Hodgson-, see Hodgson-Jones, I. S.
duplicated ureters, because of hydro- Jones, J. A. Seymour-, see Seymour-Jones, J. A.
nephrosis in upper segment (By title), 362 Jones, J. E. Lennard-, see Lennard-Jones, J. E.
modem trends in the treatment of genito-urinary Jones, Sir Reginald Watson-, see Watson-Jones,
tuberculosis (Disc.): the place of surgery Sir Reginald
in treatment, 875 Jopling, W. H. (Disc.), 279
James, E. F., tuberculous cervical adenitis (Disc.), (for Sir George McRobert), tuberculoid leprosy
1063 (By title), 277
Index xix
Jory, Philip J., amnion graft in radical mastoid- kidney, cystine calculi, multiple operations for
ectomy (Disc.) (By title), 414 (G. L. Bohn), 925
bilateral hearing improvement following fenes- failure treated with prednisolone (J. E. Lennard-
tration (Disc.) (By title), 414 Jones), 403
bleeding from the ear in closed head injuries function in metastasizing argentaffinoma (I. S. R.
(Disc.) (By title), 414 Sinclair), 447
habilitation of the deaf (Disc.) (By title), 414 lesions, unilateral, hypertension due to (C.
irradiation of the nasopharynx (Disc.) (By title), Latto), 923
228 phlebography (R. E. Steiner), 543
a laryngologist's view on allergy (Disc.), 836 physiology, disturbances of (A. A. G. Lewis),
myringotomy restated (Disc.) (By title), 414 999
post-traumatic conduction deafness (Disc.) (By Kiernander, Basil, rehabilitation in the Royal Air
title), 414 Force (Disc.), 129
random reminiscences (Pres. address) (By title), King, E. F., the neuro-ophthalmological aspects of
217 the cerebral angiomas (Disc.), 92
recurrent otitis media in children (Disc.), 413, King, P. F., irradiation of the nasopharynx (Disc.)
414 (By title), 228
some points on the technique of temporal bone Knight, Geoffrey, kalodent spinal grafting for
surgery (with colour slides) (Disc.) (By lumbar retrolisthesis (By title), 661
title), 414 Knowleden, J., the epidemiology of cancer (Disc.):
Joyce, J., neurofibromatosis elephantiasis cancer in Kampala, 249
nervorum (By title), 926 poliomyelitis vaccination in 1956 (Disc.), 1072
Kodicek, J. (with G. H. Bateman), bilateral
Kampala, cancer in (J. Knowleden), 249 laryngocele (with film) (By title), 442
Karani, S., Waldenstr6m's syndrome or macro- Korn, G. W., melanoma of the vulva (By title), 386
globulinaemia, see Oxbrow, D.W. Kramer, Ivor R. H., an examination of dentine for
Keele, C. A., chemical causes of pain and itch A and B blood-group antigens by the
(Pres. address), 477 mixed agglutination technique, 677
Kelly, Barbara (with H. G. Pereira), adenovirus Kremer, Michael, clivus chordoma presenting with
infections (Disc.): studies on natural and wasting of the tongue (By title), see
experimental infections by adenovirus, Dreifuss, F. E.
755 encephalopathy with "myoclonus" (By title), see
Kelly, H. D. Brown, amnion graft in radical Thomas, P. Kynaston
mastoidectomy (Disc.) (By title), 414 extensive right parietal angioma with cirsoid
bilateral hearing improvement following fenes- aneurysm of the scalp associated with an
tration (Disc.) (By title), 414 aneurysm of the basilar artery (By title),
bleeding from the ear in closed head injuries see Hurwitz, L. J.
(Disc.) (By title), 414 left frontal angioma together with aneurysm on
habilitation of the deaf (Disc.) (By title), 414 the anterior communicating artery
malformations of the auricle (Disc.) (By title), successfully treated at one operation (By
414 title), see Hurwitz, L. J.
myringotomy restated (Disc.) (By title), 414
post-traumatic conduction deafness (Disc. labyrinthine fluids, biochemistry of (L. Citron and
title), 414 D. Exley), 697
some points on the technique of temporal bone Lacey, B. W., rheumatoid disease (Disc.), 472
surgery (with colour slides) (Disc.) (By some observations on the effect of fats on blood
title), 414 clotting (Disc.), 625
treatment of choanal atresia (Disc.) (By title), staphylococcal antibody in osteomyelitis and
442 suppurative arthritis (Disc.), 628
Kempton, J. J., cutis laxa, see Cashman, M. E. Lack, Charles H., staphylococcal antibody in
four cases demonstrating symptoms and signs osteomyelitis and suppurative arthritis,
of cardiac failure in the newborn period 625
and early infancy (By title), 926 laminectomy, role of posture in (D. J. Pearce), 109
hepato-lenticular degeneration (Wilson's dis- Langston, H. H., dislocation of the patella and its
ease), 719 relation to chondromalacia patelle (By
keratoconjunctivitis, epidemic, caused by adeno- title), 576
virus infections (R. G. Sommerville), 757 larva migrans syndrome (A. A. Cunningham and
Khalil, H. H., hypothermia (Disc.), 78 F. R. Ellis), 714
Kennedy, G. C., the effect of age on the somatic laryngologist's view on allergy (J. Angell James),
and visceral response to over-nutrition in 817
the rat (By title), 460 larynx in rheumatoid arthritis (Discussion) (By
Kidd, J. D., craniopharyngioma: symptoms of title), 442
temporal lobe irritation (By title), 926 tumours, benign (Discussion) (By title), 442
kidney, adenocarcinoma, ten-year follow-up (A. C. Lathe, G. H., haemolytic disease of the newborn
Thackray), 362 (Disc.), 713
arteriography in hypertension (C. J. Hodson), Latto, C., hypertension due to unilateral renal
539 lesions, 923
*,xx Index
Laurence, K. M., the problem of spina bifida Lipscomb, J. F., recurrent otitis media in children
cystica (Disc.), 745 (Disc.), 413
Leahy, J. A. (with C. H. Whittle and R. A. Davis), liver abscess and intra-hepatic calcification follow-
pemphigoid with features of dystrophic ing umbilical sepsis (A. W. Franklin), 709
epidermolysis bullosa (By title), 1020 carcinoma, incidence in cirrhosis (R. G. F.
Leask, L. R., ligature of the inferior vena cava Parker), 145
during nephrectomy followed by com- hiemangioblastoma, excision (Rodney Smith),
plete recovery (By title), 153 152
Lederman, M., management of post-cricoid internal architecture, surgical significance of
carcinoma (Disc.) (By title), 702 (Michael Horsley), 395
leg ulcer and rheumatoid arthritis (F. Ray Bettley), surgery in relation to colon and rectum diseases
17 (R. W. Raven), 775
and Still's disease (C. M. Ridley), 19 Livingstone, Gavin, plastic surgery of the middle
Lehmann, H., Cook, Josephine, and Ryan, ear (Disc.) (By title), 702
Elizabeth, pseudocholinesterase in early Lloyd, J. P. F., what the general practitioner should
infancy, 147 know about glaucoma (Film), 580
leishmaniasis, dermal (R. G. Howell), 609 Lloyd-Davies, 0. V., major surgery in carcinoma
Lennard-Jones, J. E. (for Richard Asher), myelo- of the rectum with or without colostomy,
matosis with xanthomatosis (By title), 404 excluding the anal canal and including
renal failure treated with prednisolone, 403 the rectosigmoid (Disc.): synchronous
Lennon, G. Gordon, prevention of eclampsia combined excision, 1047
(Disc.): induction of labour in pre- Lloyd-Williams, Katherine G., the anisthetist's
eclampsia and eclampsia, 793 role in undergraduate training (Pres.
leprosy, dimorphous (E. N. M. Johnston), 278 address), 13
tuberculoid (E. N. M. Johnston), 278 Lockey, Eunice (with J. D. Billimoria and N. F.
leptospirosis in Malaya (Discussion), 119 Maclagan), some observations on the
Letterer-Siwe disease treated with prednisone (Eva effect of fats on blood clotting, 623
A. Frommer), 332 Lodge, W. O., a laryngologist's view on allergy
leucotomy, twenty years of (Walter Freeman), 79 (Disc.), 836
leukemia, acute monocytic (H. P. Cook), 681 malformations of the auricle (By title), 414
eosinophilic (A. A. Cunningham and F. R. primary carcinoma presenting in right nostril-
Ellis), 714 maxillary resection with osteoplastic
in children (Alice Stewart), 251 restoration of antrum (By title), 442
"neutrophilic" (A. N. Exton-Smith), 510 Loeb, J. A., retrocaval ureter (By title), 370
Levis, D. G., leptospirosis in Malaya (Disc.): (for N. E. Stidolph), nephrocalcinosis (By title),
leptospirosis among troops operating in 516
Malaya during 1954 and 1955, 119 Logan, Andrew, aortic stenosis (Disc.): the surgery
Levitt, T., the larynx in rheumatoid arthritis (Disc.) of aortic stenosis, 820
(By title), 442 London, adenovirus infection in, associated with
the aberrant renal artery (Disc.), 369 sporadic ocular disease (Banfie R. Jones),
Lewin, I., mammary tumours (Disc.): xanthine 758
oxidase activity in normal and abnormal Lorber, John, the changing ictiology of erythema
growth, 563 nodosum in children, 1023
Lewis, A. A. G., disturbances of renal physiology, Lucas, B. G. B., hypothermia (Disc.), 76
999 Lucas, G. H. (for W. D. Park), two cases of
Lewis, Emlyn, anesthesia for burned children spontaneous rupture of the spleen (By
(Disc.), 892 title), 117
Lewis, R. S., management of post-cricoid carci- Lumb, F. H., generalized aches and pains from
noma (Disc.) (By title), 702 metabolic bone disease (Disc.): pain in
library, books presented, 20, 24, 118, 172, 216, 280, renal osteodystrophy, 373
328, 620, 666, 1055 lunate bone, result of removal 18 years ago (W. E.
lichen planus of mouth (John Cambrook), 678 Tucker), 268
limbs, fractures, treatment (R. E. Waterston), 972 lung, agenetic, pneumonectomy for (M. C.
lower, obliterative vascular diseases, aorto- Waterfall), 401
arteriography in (T. Philp), 544 cancer, smoking and (Richard Doll), 503
Lindahl, J. W. S., the larynx in rheumatoid Luxton, R. W., Hashimoto's disease (Disc.): the
arthritis (Disc.) (By title), 442 clinical aspect, 943
recurrent otitis media in children (Disc.), 414 Lyle, Donald J., arteriosclerotic optic atrophy
Linder, F., the problem of the resistant organism lymph glands, tuberculosis, with skin involvement
and chemotherapeutic sensitivity in (S. P. Hall-Smith and J. McMurray), 275
surgery (Disc.), 153
Lindsay, Mary (with D. MacCarthy), the problem
of spina bifida cystica (Disc.): spina Macbeth, R. G., management of post-cricoid
bifida as a paediatric problem, 737 carcinoma (Disc.) (By title), 702
lipoma causing interosseus nerve lesion (R. D. the passage of fluid and other substances through
Thom), 262 the nasal mucosa (Disc.) (By title), 702
Index x1

MacCarthy, D., and Lindsay, Mary, the problems Magauran, W. H. B., amnion graft in radical
of spina bifida cystica (Disc.): spina mastoidectomy (Disc.) (By title), 414
bifida as a paediatric problem, 737 bilateral hearing improvement following fenes-
McCash, C. R., and Feiwel, M., chronic lymph- tration (Disc.) (By title), 414
cedema of eyelids with plastic repair (By bleeding from the ear in closed head injuries
title), 394 (Disc.) (By title), 414
? McCune-Bruch-Albright syndrome (Bruno Gans), habilitation of the deaf (Disc.) (By title), 414
713 malformations of the auricle (Disc.) (By title),
McDonald, J. C. (with B. E. Andrews), adenovirus 414
infections (Disc.): epidemiological studies post-traumatic conduction deafness (Disc.) (By
of adenovirus infections, 753 title), 414
McFarlane, Jean, primary adenocarcinoma of the some points on the technique of temporal bone
vagina (By title), 206 surgery (with colour slides) (Disc.) (By
Macfarlane, P. S., argentaffinoma (Disc.): the title), 414
pathology of argentaffinoma; the use Magnus, H. A. (By title), 571
of 5-HIAA estimation in diagnosis, 443 Malaya, leptospirosis in (Discussion), 119
McGuckin, F., plastic surgery of the middle ear Malcomson, Kenneth G., management of post-
(Disc.) (By title), 702 cricoid carcinoma (Disc.) (By title), 702
machine, the brain as a (W. Grey Walter), 799 malignant disease, facial and palatal repair in
MacKay, D. M., the brain as a machine (Disc.), (Discussion), 433
808 in children (Alice Stewart), 251
McKee, G. K., the use of metal in bone surgery, Malpas, Percy, the etiology of fibroids, 381
837 mammary tumours (Discussion), 557
MacKenna, R. M. B. (Disc.), 276 adrenalectomy in (W. P. Greening), 561
Samuel Plumbe, the forgotten English dermat- hormonal status of patient (G. Hadfield), 560
ologist (By title), 394 in domestic animals (E. Cotchin), 557
McKenzie, W. S., amnion graft in radical mastoid- xanthine oxidase activity in (I. Lewin), 563
ectomy (Disc.) (By title), 414 management of gangrenous foot (Discussion), 291
bilateral hearing improvement following fenes- mass casualty situations in time of war (Dis-
tration (Disc.) (By title), 414 cussion), 967
bleeding from the ear in closed head injuries post-cricoid carcinoma (Discussion) (By title),
(Disc.) (By title), 414 702
habilitation of the deaf (Disc.) (By title), 414 pulmonary tuberculosis (Discussion), 335, 485
malformations of the auricle (Disc.) (By title), subarachnoid hxemorrhage (Discussion), 281
414 mandible, fracture (John Cambrook), 678
myringotomy restated (Disc.) (By title), 414 Paget's disease, in a woman (W. Harvey), 190
plastic surgery of the middle ear (Disc.) (By squamous-cell carcinoma, arising in dental cyst
title), 702 lining (G. T. Hankey and J. A. Pedler),
post-traumatic conduction deafness (Disc.) (By 680
title), 414 manipulative treatment, present position of (Dis-
some points on the technique of temporal bone cussion), 137
surgery (with colour slides) (Disc.) (By Marrack, David (with Cyril Cooling), potassium-
title), 414 secreting tumour of the colon, 272
McKeown, T. and Record, R. G., observations on Marshali, Sir Geoffrey, the modern outlook in the
human reproduction and body weight management of pulmonary tuberculosis
(By title), 460 (Disc.): chemotherapy, 488
McKissock, Wylie, colloid cyst of the third ven- Marten, R. H. (for M. Sydney Thomson), atrophie
tricle presenting with dementia (By title), blanche, 279
see Hankinson, John blue navus (By title), 279
Maclagan, N. F. (with J. D. Billimoria and (for David I. Williams), syringocystadenoma
Eunice Lockey), some observations on (By title), 279
the effect of fats on blood clotting, 623 (with David 1. Williams), reticulosis (By title),
McMillan, I. K. R., aortic stenosis (Disc.), 826 931
McMurray, J. (with S. P. Hall-Smith), tuberculous Martin, J. Purdon, Hansen's disease (By title), see
glands with skin involvement, 275 Ebeling, Peter
Macnab, G. H., the problem of spina bifida Martin, Peter, the management of the gangrenous
cystica (Disc.), 738, 745 foot (Disc.), 299
Macrae, D. E., operative treatment of the tubercu- Martin, R. F., irradiation of the nasopharynx
lous cervical and dorsal spine (By title), (Disc.) (By title), 228
576 Martin, R. J., myringotomy restated (By title), 414
McRobert, Sir George, tuberculoid leprosy (By Martin-Scott, I. (Disc.), 278
title), see Jopling, W. H. acne conglobata (By title), 277
dermatomyositis of one arm (By title), 1022
macroglobulinsemia (D. W. Oxbrow), 402 familial macular pigmentation and nerve deaf-
Madden, A. E. (with E. Rohan Williams), radio- ness in (a) mother and small child, and
logical exhibit on radiology in respiratory (b) unrelated adult male (By title), 277
distress in the newborn infant, 705 Norwegian scabies (By title), 277
xxii Index
Mason, A. Stuart, Cushing's syndrome (Disc.): metal, relation to infection (J. H. Hicks), 840
treatment of Cushing's syndrome by use in bone surgery (Symposium), 837
adrenalectomy, 766 (G. K. McKee), 837
Mason, R. M., referred pain (Disc.), 588 Metcalfe, R. H., undiagnosed lesions of both
mass casualties in war, management (Discussion), tibia, 263
967 Middleton, Harry, antesthesia for burned children,
evacuation (T. M. R. Ahern), 968 888
organization of Army medical services (Sir Mill, W. A., facial and palatal repair in the treat-
Alexander Drummond), 967 ment of malignant disease (Disc.), 442
treatment of burns (R. S. Hunt), 974 a laryngologist's view on allergy (Disc.), 836
treatment of fractures of extremities (R. E. Miller, A. A. (with Robert M. Corbet), giant
Waterston), 972 sections of uterus (By title), 206
maternity hospital, paediatrician's place in (A. W. Miller, Ashton, vesicolic fistula due to diverticu-
Franklin), 709 litis (By title), see Slade, Norman
unit, outbreak of infantile gastro-enteritis in Milligan, J. L., rehabilitation in the Royal Air
(R. M. Mayon-White), 927 Force (Disc.), 133
Matthews, D. N., common congenital abnorm- Mills, Wilfrid, dysmenorrhoea and unexplained
alities and their management in general pelvic pain (Disc.): dysmenorrhoea, 243,
practice (Disc.), 814 unexplained pelvic pain, 245
Maudsley, R. H., lipoma causing a posterior Milne, M. D., anuria in medical conditions (Disc.),
interosseous nerve lesion, see Thom, 493
R. D. Milnes, John, intracranial hypertension with early
the relief of pain in Paget's disease (osteitis loss of vision (By title), 661
deformans), 388 Milstein, B. B., aortic stenosis (Disc.), 826
Mavor, G. E., the management of the gangrenous Minton, Joseph, eyes in general practice (Disc.),
foot (Disc.), 295 578
Mawson, S. R., irradiation of the nasopharynx ocular and neurological manifestations of
(Disc.) (By title), 228 mumps encephalitis (By title), 661
plastic surgery of the middle ear (Disc.): Mitchell, J. F. O., plastic surgery of the middle ear
myringoplasty (By title), 702 (Disc.) (By title), 702
recurrent otitis media in children (Disc.), 412 Mitchell, J. P., two cases of ectopic ureters (By
maxilla, chondrosarcoma (G. T. Hankey), 679 title), 370
maxillary antrum, cancer, classification (V. M. Mitchell-Heggs, G. B., acrodermatitis continua
Dalley), 533 with vascular changes in the digital
radiation treatment (Discussion), 529 arteries and venous channels (By title),
radium treatment (Robert Gibb), 534 394, 931
supervoltage irradiation (T. W. Backhouse), common congenital abnormalities and their
531 management in general practice (Disc.),
Mayer, J. H., non-union of ulna (By title), 268 811
Mayon-White, R. M., an outbreak of infantile multiple granulomata (granuloma annulare) (By
gastro-enteritis (E. coli 0-128) in a small title), 394
hospital maternity unit, 927 ? tuberculoid Hansen's disease (By title), see
Meade, B. W. (with T. J. Parkinson), periodic Everall, J. D.
neutropenia-a family study, 331 widespread pigmentation for diagnosis (By
Meara, R. H., arthropathic psoriasis (By title), 19 title), see Everall, J. D.
widespread morphcea (By title), 19 Cochrane, R. G., and Everall, J. D., Hansen's
medical history, whither? (Douglas Guthrie), 236 disease (By title), 931
Australian, pattern of (B. Gandevia), 591 and Everall, J. D., pigmentation and leuko-
medicine in Newcastle in eighteenth century (John dermia (following dermabrasion) (By
Boyes), 229 title), 931
medico-legal adventures in gyneecology and modern outlook in the management of pulmonary
obstetrics (F. E. Camps), 1053 tuberculosis (Discussion), 485
melanosis (David I. Williams), 277 trends in the treatment of genito-urinary
Merenlender, I. J., Behcet's syndrome (By title), tuberculosis (Discussion), 869
1021 Moffatt, J. L. (with C. H. Whittle, A. J. Rook and
Mestitz, W., Letterer-Siwe disease treated with D. A. Davis), recurrent non-scarring
prednisone, see Frommer, Eva A. granuloma of face for diagnosis (By
Mestler, Gordon E., introduction to Western influ- title), 277
ences in pre-Meiji Japanese medicine, Moffett, A. J., management of post-cricoid
1005 carcinoma (Disc.) (By title), 702
metabolic bone disease, pain from (Discussion), 371 Montgomery, P. R. (for Louis Forman), wide-
due to renal osteodystrophy (F. H. Lumb), spread nwvus with ? ulerythema ophryo-
373 genes (By title), 1021
due to steatorrheea (G. Alan Rose), 371 Montuschi, E., cervical pain as a symptom of
metal, osteosynthesis, engineering considerations hypotension during treatment with
(J. M. Zarek), 845 ganglio-plegic drugs, 514
reaction of bone to (J. Charnley), 840 Moore, F. T., provision of skin cover (By title), 571
Index xxiiu
Moran, J. (for M. C. Waterfall), tuberculous right neoplasm, see tumour
kidney presenting as a perinephric nerve lesion, interosseous, caused by lipoma (R. D.
abscess (By title), 404 Thom), 262
Morgan, C. Naunton, major surgery in carcinoma palsies, multiple congenital (Clive Upjohn),
of the rectum with or without colostomy, 333
excluding the anal canal and including nervous system, analysis (Lord Adrian), 991
the rectosigmoid (Disc.): restorative neurological practice, toxic effect of drugs used in
resection, 1050 (Discussion), 61 1
Morris, C. J. 0. R., hormones in blood (Disc.) neuro-ophthalmological aspects of cerebral angi-
(By title), 460 omas (Discussion), 85
Morris, David, acrogeria, 330 neutropenia, periodic (T. J. Parkinson and B. W.
Morris, Norman, the aetiology of pre-eclampsia Meade), 331
(Disc.), 788 new-born, duodenal obstruction in (A.
mouth development, basic aspects (C. H. Tonge), Gourevitch), 1026
185 hemolytic disease of, exchange transfusion in
lichen planus (John Cambrook), 678 (A. P. Norman), 712
mucoviscidosis, intrahepatic portal hypertension serology (John Murray), 711
due to (T. St. M. Norris), 507 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, medicine and dentistry in
Mulcahy, F., bone changes in myelosclerosis, 100 eighteenth century (John Boyes), 229
Mulvany, D. K., vesico-coelomic drainage for Newman, P. H., two cases of sarcoidosis with
ascites (By title), 370 peripheral joint manifestation, see
Murphie, C. I., modern trends in the treatment of Bremner, R. A.
genito-urinary tuberculosis (Disc.) (By Newton, D. R. L., the clinical and radiological
title), 880 aspects of sacro-iliac disease (Disc.), 850
Murray, John, haemolytic disease of the newborn: Nicholls, M. F., hypernephroma with metastasis in
(1) serology, 711 right talus, treated by nephrectomy and
Murray, R. O., some radiological problems from right below-knee amputation: 7 year
the Middle East (By title), 576 follow-up (By title), see Robinson, T. M.
Murray, W. A., modern trends in the treatment of Nichols, P. J. R., rehabilitation in the Royal Air
genito-urinary tuberculosis (Disc.) (By Force (Disc.), 131
title), 880 night driving, visual problems of (Discussion), 173
muscle, histochemistry (E. B. Beckett and G. H. Nixon, W. C. W., the aftermath of hysterectomy
Bourne), 308 and oophorectomy (Disc.), 422
muscles and the teeth (W. J. Tulley), 313 the psychiatric indications for the termination of
Musgrove, Frank, the aftermath of hysterectomy pregnancy (Disc.), 326
and oophorectomy (Disc.), 422
mycosis fungoides and psoriasis (K. M. Harvey), Noble, Miss, and Groombridge, Miss, social
933 service, 705
developing on poikilodermia (E. N. M. Noble, F. A. Williamson-, see Williamson-Noble,
Johnston), 935 F. A.
developing on psoriasis en plaques (Brian noise (Discussion), 217
Potter), 934 and behaviour (D. E. Broadbent), 225
treated with prednisone (Louis Forman), measurement of (J. D. Hood), 217
936 physiological aspects (W. Bums), 222
myeloproliferative syndrome presenting as "neutro- Norman, A. P., galactosaemia with hyperbilirubin-
philic leukemia" (A. N. Exton-Smith), oemia treated by exchange transfusion,
510 706
myelosclerosis, bone changes in (F. Mulcahy), 100 hkmolytic disease of newbom: (2) clinical
aspects of exchange transfusion, 712
Nabarro, J. D. N., Cushing's syndrome (Disc.), 768 Norris, T. St. M., gastro-enterological unit-
Nash, D. F. Ellison, the problem of spina bifida analysis of operations (1950-1957) (By
cystica (Disc.): the management of ftcal title), see Collinson, H. and Strange, S. L.
and urinary incontinence and the associ- idiopathic hypercatabolic hypoproteinxmia, see
ated hazards, 740 Cattell, W. R.
nasopharynx, irradiation (Discussion) (By title), 228 intrahepatic portal hypertension due to muco-
Navy, see Royal Navy viscidosis, 507
necrobiosis lipoidica (P. J. Hare), 277
diabeticorum and granuloma annulare (W. Oakley, D. E., multiple self-healing epitheliomata
Frain-Bell), 1020 (Ferguson-Smith) (By title), 931
resulting from sarcoidosis (P. F. Borrie), 391
Neil, E., hypothermia (Disc.): sequele of circu- Oakley, Wilfrid, the management of the gangren-
latory arrest during hypothermia, 75 ous foot (Disc.), 294
neo-natal Addison's disease (G. R. Sparrow), 719 obesity, investigations relating to (Symposium) (By
cestrogen excretion, relation to post-natal weight title), 460
loss (Bruno Gans and J. C. Thompson), O'Brien, H. D. (with R. Bryce-Smith), some
929 observations on fluothane, 193
xxiv Index
obstetrics, annsthesia in (Discussion), 547 pain, chemical causes (C. A. Keele), 477
general anaesthesia (0. P. Dinnick), 547 in metabolic bone disease (Discussion), 371
prevention of inhaled vomit (J. M. Holmes), due to renal osteodystrophy (F. H. Lumb),
556 373
requirements of the obstetrician (J. S. due to steatorrhcea (G. Alan Rose), 371
Tomkinson), 552 in osteitis deformans, relief of (R. H. Maudsley),
medico-legal adventures in (F. E. Camps), 1053 388
obstruction, duodenal, in new-born (A. pelvic (Discussion), 243
Gourevitch), 1026 surgical treatment (Albert Davis), 245
ocular diseases, sporadic, associated with adeno- referred (Discussion), 581
virus infections (Barrie R. Jones), 758 in relation to the mechanism of common
rigidity and tonometry (J. Gloster), 667 sensibility (G. Weddell), 581
esophagectomy for epithelioma of cesophagus and physiological basis of (G. Gordon), 586
cardiospasm (G. L. Bohn), 923 palate, repair in malignant disease (Discussion), 433
(estrogen excretion, neo-natal, relation to post- pancreas, fibrocystic disease, causing portal hyper-
natal weight loss (Bruno Gans and J. C. tension (T. St. M. Norris), 507
Thompson), 929 pancreatic disease, diagnostic features (Discussion),
oophorectomy, aftermath (Discussion), 415 639
optic atrophy, arteriosclerotic (D. J. Lyle), 937 pancreatitis, acute, diagnosis (Henry Wapshaw),
O'Reilly, J. N., multiple congenital nerve palsies, 396
see Upjohn, Clive chronic relapsing (Discussion), 629
Ormerod, F. C., the histochemistry of the nasal treatment, physiological basis (H. Doubilet),
respiratory mucosa (Disc.) (By title), 702 paralysis, multiple congenital (Clive Upjohn), 333
management of post-cricoid carcinoma (Disc.), parapsoriasis (J. T. Ingram), 771
(By title), 702 en plaques (Brian F. Russell), 932
Osborne, G., radiographs of lesions of the colon lichenoides en plaque (Louis Forman), 773
(By title), 516 Park, W. D., two cases of spontaneous rupture of
osteitis deformans, relief of pain in (R. H. the spleen (By title), see Lucas, G. H.
Maudsley), 388 Parker, R. G. F., the incidence of primary hepatic
osteodystrophy, renal, pain in (F. H. Lumb), 373 carcinoma in cirrhosis, 145
osteoma, osteoid, of cervical vertebra (F. G. Ward), Parkes, Raymond (with Howard G. Hanley),
261 modern trends in the treatment of genito-
osteomalacia after uretero-sigmoidostomy (Arnold urinary tuberculosis (Disc.): some observ-
Bloom), 512 ations on the modern treatment of renal
osteomyelitis, staphylococcal antibody in (C. H. tuberculosis, 877
Lack), 625 Parkinson, T., pretibial myxoedema and latent
osteosynthesis, metallic, engineering problems lymphatic leukemia (By title), see
in (J. M. Zarek), 845 Holton, B. D.
Oswald, Neville, the pharmacological and medical Parkinson, T. J., and Meade, B. W. (for Mary J.
aspects of smoking (Disc.): medical Wilmers), periodic neutropenia-a family
effects of smoking, 504 study, 331
otitis media in children, recurrent (Discussion), 405 Parr, Denis, homosexuality in clinical practice, 651
Owen, J. Vallance-, see Vallance-Owen, J. Parry, C. B. Wynn-, see Wynn-Parry, C. B.
Owen, K., massive recurrent infected ventral Parsons, C. G. (with F. Braid), Banti's syndrome
hernia (By title), 153 (By title), 1024
Owen, R. D., a laryngologist's view on allergy fibrocystic disease of the pancreas (By title),
(Disc.), 836 1024
management of post-cricoid carcinoma (Disc.) Parsons, C. T., and Turner, E., intracranial dermoid
(By title), 702 tumour (By title), 1024
Oxbrow, D. W. (for S. Karani), Waldenstr6m's Klippel-Feil deformity (By title), 1024
syndrome or macroglobulinemia, 402
Parsons-Smith, Gerald, the changing values in
electroencephalography (Disc.), 905
paediatric problem, spina bifida cystica as (D. Passmore, R. (with J. A. Strong), metabolic
MacCarthy and Mary Lindsay), 737 changes on reducing diets (By title), 460
psediatrician's place in the maternity hospital (A. W. patella, unusual (G. 0. Tippett), 263
Franklin), 709 Paterson, A. B., tuberculin sensitivity (Disc.): the
psediatrics in general practice (G. Barber), 25 tuberculin test in tuberculosis-free cattle,
Page, B. H., carcinoma of stomach and chronic 253
pancreatitis treated by partial gastrec- Paterson, Edith, chemical structure and biological
tomy and pancreatico-duodenectomy (By activity of the cytostatic (alkylating)
title), see Robinson, J. 0. agents (Disc.), 5
Paget's disease, of mandible in a woman (W. Paterson, J. Hamilton, aqueduct stenosis-chronic
Harvey), 190 arachnoiditis (By title), see Swann, G. F.
relief of pain in (R. H. Maudsley), 388
pain, cervical, as symptom of hypotension with Paton, A., the hypothalamus and carbohydrate
ganglio-plegic drugs (E. Montuschi), 514 regulation (By title), 460
Index xxv

Pay, T. W. F., recent advances in the use of tissue Porter, A. (with Louis Forman), Darier's disease
culture methods in virus research (Disc.): (By title), 1022
the propagation of the virus of foot-and- post-operative bleeding, unexpected, due to haemo-
mouth disease in monolayer cultures of rrhagic disease (O. Daniel, H. T. Swan
bovine tongue epithelium, 919 and E. K. Blackburn), 399
Pearce, D. J., the role of posture in laminectomy, posture in laminectomy, role of (D. J. Pearce), 109
109 potassium perchlorate in treatment of juvenile
Pearce, J. D. W., the psychiatric indications for thyrotoxicosis (J. M. Smellie), 1026
the termination of pregnancy (Disc.), 321 potassium-secreting tumour of colon (Cyril Cooling
Pearson, Anthony C., fibroid causing massive and David Marrack), 272
ascites (By title), 206 Potter, Brian (for Brian F. Russell), mycosis
Pearson, H. E. S., coronary occlusion following fungoides developing on psoriasis en
radiotherapy: two cases (By title), 516 plaques, 934
tricuspid incompetence with saphena varix (By Potter, John M., disorders of the hind-brain
title), 516 circulation (Disc.): arterial blood flow
Peckett, B. W., some observations on fluothane patterns, 661
(Disc.), 198 Potts, C. T., Huntington's chorea, see Roxburgh,
Pedler, J. A. (with G. T. Hankey), primary R. C.
squamous-cell carcinoma of mandible Povey, R. W., the treatment of the cavus foot by
arising from epithelial lining of dental flexor to extensor toe tendon transplants
cyst, 680 combined with other procedures (By
Pegum, J. S., dermabrasion, 607 title), 576
poikilodermia (Jacobi-Lane), 935 practice, general, see general practice
sarcoidosis with an unusual arthritis, see Ridley, precocity, sexual, advanced bone age and skin
C. M. pigmentation (Bruno Gans), 713
pelvic abscesses (Harold Dodd), 604 prednisolone in treatment of renal failure (J. E.
pain (Discussion), 243 Lennard-Jones), 403
surgical treatment (Albert Davis), 245 prednisone in treatment of Letterer-Siwe disease
Pendower, J. E. H. (for N. C. Tanner), congenital (Eva A. Frommer), 332
gigantism of right forearm and hand due pre-eclampsia, etiology (Discussion), 787
due to a hxemangioma (By title), 404 Preedy, J. R. K., chronic liver disease as a cause of
Pereira, H. G. and Kelly, Barbara, adenovirus pruritus (By title), 277
infections (Disc.): studies on natural and pregnancy, termination, psychiatric indications for
experimental infections by adenovirus, (Discussion), 301
755 toxzemia, cause (John Sophian), 790
Perkins, E. S., tonometry (Disc.), 670 problem of anaesthesia in cardiovascular surgery
Peterkin, G. A. G. (Disc.), 394 (Ole Secher), 983
Phear, D. N. (for K. P. Ball), long-standing resistant organism and chemotherapeutic sensi-
vascular renal tumour associated with tivity in surgery (Discussion), 153
malignant hypertension (By title), 117 spina bifida cystica (Discussion), 737
Philp, T., aorto-arteriography in obliterative Proetz displacement technique in treatment of
vascular disease of the lower limbs, 544 catarrh (H. C. Faulkner) 171
phlebography, renal (R. E. Steiner), 543 pseudocholinesterase in infancy (H. Lehmann,
pituitary, yttrium 90 implantation for cancer of J. Cook and E. Ryan), 147
(A. P. M. Forrest), 862 pseudoxanthoma elasticum and Still's disease
Plaut, G. S., ossification in a lipoma of the thigh (Stephen C. Gold), 473
(By title), 153 psoriasis and mycosis fungoides (K. M. Harvey),
(for W. H. Gervis), solitary actinomycosis of the 933
the ulna (By title), 117 en plaques, mycosis fungoides developing on
Plumbe, Samuel, the forgotten English dermat- (Brian Potter), 934
ologist (R. M. B. MacKenna) (By title), psychiatric indications for the termination of
394 pregnancy (Discussion), 321
pneumonectomy for agenetic lung (M. C. practice, toxic effect of drugs used in (Dis-
Waterfall), 401 cussion), 611
pneumothorax, spontaneous, in Royal Navy (J. M.
Cliff), 517 puberty, precocious, advanced bone age and skin
poikilodermia (J. S. Pegum), 935 pigmentation (Bruno Gans), 713
developing mycosis fungoides (E. N. M. Pugh, R. C. B., bilateral seminoma (By title), 370
Johnston), 935 modern trends in the treatment of genito-
features of, shown by parapsoriasis lichenoides urinary tuberculosis (Disc.) (By title),
(Louis Forman), 773 880
poliomyelitis vaccination in 1956 (Discussion), 1067 (with D. Innes Williams), granuloma of kidney
vaccine, production in 1956 (W. Wood), 1068 (By title), 362
safety and potency testing (J. O'H. Tobin), pulmonary embolism, radiological diagnosis
1070 (Shirley Roberts), 93
portal vein, hypertension due to mucoviscidosis tuberculosis, BCG vaccination (K. N. Irvine),
(T. St. M. Norris), 507 485
xxvi Index
pulmonary tuberculosis, chemotherapy (Sir Geoffrey renal adenocarcinoma, ten-year follow-up (A. C.
Marshall), 488 Thackrah), 362
management (Discussion), 335 arteriography in hypertension (C. J. Hodson),
in chest clinic (Peter Stradling), 342 539
modem outlook (Discussion), 485 artery, aberrant (F. T. Graves), 368
surgical management (W. P. Cleland), 336 changes following anuria (E. M. Darmady), 498
(Sir Clement Price Thomas), 489 failure treated with prednisolone (J. E. Lennard-
purines, anti-purines, new (G. M. Timmis), 6 Jones), 403
Pyke, D., obesity, parity and diabetes (By title), function in metastasizing argentaffinoma
460 (I. S. R. Sinclair), 447
Pyrah, L. N., ten-year follow-up of cases of lesions, unilateral, hypertension due to (C.
adenocarcinoma of the kidney (Disc.), Latto), 923
367 operations for cystine calculi, multiple (G. L.
Bohn), 925
Queen Charlotte's Maternity Hospital, historical osteodystrophy, pain in (F. H. Lumb), 373
note on (L. E. Turner), 711 phlebography (R. E. Steiner), 543
Qvist, G. (with D. Gordon), calcified cyst in physiology, disturbances of (A. A. G. Lewis),
abdomen: ? hydatid (By title), 404 999
Rendell-Baker, L., some observations on fluothane
radius, neck of, giant cell tumour (R. H. V. (Disc.), 198
Hafner), 268 Rendle-Short, John, worms in history, with special
Rainer, E. H., plastic surgery of the middle ear reference to children, 1013
(Disc.) (By title), 702 resistant organism and chemotherapeutic sensi-
Randle, P. J., pituitary growth hormone and blood tivity in surgery (Discussion), 153
insulin (By title), 460 resuscitation of burned child (D. W. Shannon), 885
Raven, Ronald W., liver surgery in relation to reticulosis, histiocytic (Geoffrey Hodgson), 931
diseases of the colon and rectum (Pres. Rey, J. H., amenorrhcea and hirsutism (Disc.):
address), 775 amenorrhaea and psychiatric states, 453
management of post-cricoid carcinoma (Disc.) rheumatoid arthritis and leg ulcer (F. Ray Bettley),
(By title), 702 17
recent advances in tissue culture methods in virus and rheumatoid disease (B. Cruickshank), 462
research (Discussion), 911 clinical pathology (A. T. Richardson), 466
Record, R. G. (with T. McKeown), observations larynx in (Discussion) (By title), 442
on human reproduction and body weight Rose-Waaler factor (L. E. Glynn, E. J.
(By title), 460 Holborow and G. D. Johnson), 469
rectum, carcinoma, surgery (Discussion), 1031 disease (Discussion), 461
abdomino-perineal operation (A. L. Abel), and rheumatoid arthritis (B. Cruickshank),
1035 462
general results (C. E. Dukes), 1031 clinical aspect (W. S. Tegner), 461
perineo-abdominal excision (W. B. Gabriel), rhombencephalon, circulatory disorders (Discus-
1041 sion), 661
restorative resection (C. N. Morgan), 1050 Richardson, A. T., the present position of manipu-
synchronous combined excision (0. V. Lloyd- lative treatment (Disc.), 142
Davies), 1047 rheumatoid disease (Disc.): routine clinical
diseases, liver surgery in relation to (R. W. pathology in rheumatoid arthritis, 466
Raven), 775 Riches, E. W. (Disc.), 514
excision, history of (R. P. Warren), 599 the aberrant renal artery (Disc.), 369
Rees, D. L. (for H. J. Wallace), xeroderma pig- ten-year follow-up of cases of adenocarcinoma
mentosum (By title), 19 of the kidney (Disc.), 366
(with J. E. M. Wigley and W. St. C. Symmers), tuberculous sinus following nephrectomy (By
lichen myxcedematosus (By title), 394 title), 362
Rees, E. Robert, the aftermath of hysterectomy and Richtner, Nils G., plastic surgery of the middle ear
oophorectomy (Disc.), 422 (Disc.): plastic middle ear operations
Reeves, Brian, irradiation of the nasopharynx with particular attention to the cavum
(Disc.) (By title), 228 minor technique (By title), 702
referred pain (Discussion), 581 Ridley, C. M. (for J. S. Pegum), sarcoidosis with
in relation to the mechanism of common an unusual arthritis, 609
sensibility (G. Weddell), 581 (for Brian F. Russell), Still's disease with
physiological basis of (G. Gordon), 586 recurrent ulceration of the legs, 19
rehabilitation in the Royal Air Force (Discussion), Riggall, Sister, human milk bureau, 705
129 rigidity, ocular, and tonometry (J. Gloster), 667
Reid, R. G., two cases of carcinoma of the ampulla road illumination and night driving (G. Grime),
of Vater treated by local incision, 925 667
Reiss, B. B. (for R. J. Harrison), spontaneous Rob, C. G., the management of the gangrenous
himopneumothorax (By title), 117 foot (Disc.), 291
Reiss, Herbert (with P. E. Hughesdon), uterine Roberts, Shirley, the radiological diagnosis of
chorion epithelioma (By title), 206 pulmonary embolism, 93
Index **vi
Robin, I. G., habilitation of the deaf (By title), 414 Royal Navy, spontaneous pneumothorax in (J. M.
Robinson, J. 0. (for B. H. Page), carcinoma of Cliff), 517
stomach and chronic pancreatitis treated Royal Society of Medicine, Section of Dermat-
by partial gastrectomy and pancreatico- ology, diploma of honorary membership
duodenectomy (By title), 117 presented to Sir Archibald Gray (Louis
Robinson, K. C., venous hum in hepatic cirrhosis Forman), 391
(By title), 516 Section of Urology, early history (C. E. Dukes),
Robinson, T. M. (for M. F. Nicholls), hyper- 355
nephroma with metastasis in right talus, Russell, Brian F., elephantiasis nostras, 18
treated by nephrectomy and right below- mycosis fungoides developing on psoriasis en
knee amputation: 7 year follow-up (By plaques, see Potter, Brian
title), 370 poikiloderma with mycosis fungoides (By title),
Roche, Alex E., bladder stone with glass nucleus 1022
(By title), 362 psoriasis and mycosis fungoides, see Harvey,
Rogers, K. B., the association of acute appendi- K. M.
citis with infective diarrhcea, 1025 ? purpura annularis telangiectodes (By title),
staphylococcal antibody in osteomyelitis and see Bett, D. C. G.
suppurative arthritis (Disc.), 628 Still's disease with recurrent ulceration of the
Roitt, I. M., and Doniach, Deborah, auto- legs, see Ridley, C. M.
immunity and thyroiditis (Disc.): auto- three cases of parapsoriasis en plaques, 932
immunization in thyroid diseases, 958 Ryan, Elizabeth (with H. Lehmann and Josephine
(with Deborah Doniach and R. Vaughan Cook), pseudocholinesterase in early
Hudson), Hashimoto's disease (Disc.): infancy, 147
aspects of lymphadenoid goitre, 946 Ryan, Max J., radiological manifestations of
Roland, P. E., amnion graft in radical mastoid- ectopic salivary adenomas showing the
ectomy (Disc.) (By title), 414 cylindroma pattern, 96
bilateral hearing improvement following fenes-
tration (Disc.) (By title), 414 sacral plexus, neurofibroma (R. S. Handley), 152
bleeding from the ear in closed head injuries sacro-iliac arthritis, radiological aspects (R. G.
(Disc.) (By title), 414 Grainger), 854
habilitation of the deaf (Disc.) (By title), 414 disease, clinical and radiological aspects (Dis-
malformations of the auricle (Disc.) (By title), cussion), 847
414 St. Paul's Hospital, London, history (A. R. C.
myringotomy restated (Disc.) (By title), 414 Higham), 164
post-traumatic conduction deafness (Disc.) (By St. Peter's Hospital for Stone, London, history
title), 414 (C. E. Dukes), 161
some points on the technique of temporal bone Sakula, J., neonatal Addison's disease, see
surgery (with colour slides) (Disc.) (By Sparrow, G. R.
title), 414 salivary adenomas, radiological manifestations
tuberculosis of the pharynx (two cases) (By (M. J. Ryan), 96
title), 442 Salkeld, C. R., irradiation of the nasopharynx
Roodyn, L., recurrent otitis media in children (Disc.) (By title), 228
(Disc.), 412 non-specific granuloma of larynx (By title), 442
Rook, Arthur J., and Stevanovic, Danilo, acro- Salmon, L. F. W., chondroma of the arytenoid (By
keratosis verruciformis (By title), 476 title), 442
(with C. H. Whittle, J. L. Moffatt and R. A. Samman, P. D., necrobiosis lipoidica (By title), 931
Davis), recurrent non-scarring granuloma widespread purpura for diagnosis (By title), 931
of face for diagnosis (By title), 277 Samuels, L. T., hormones in blood (Disc.) (By
Rose, G. Alan, generalized aches and pain from title), 460
metabolic bone disease (Disc.): bone Sanders, F. Kingsley, recent advances in the use of
pains in steatorrhcea, 371 tissue culture methods in virus research
Rose-Waaler factor (L. E. Glynn, E. J. Holborow (Disc.): virus titration in cell suspension
and G. D. Johnson), 469 cultures, 911
Ross, A. Mackenzie, the histochemistry of the sarcoidosis with peripheral joint manifestation
nasal respiratory mucosa (Disc.) (By (R. A. Bremner), 262
title), 702 with skin lesions simulating necrobiosis lipoidica
Ross, D. N., aortic stenosis (Disc.) 825 (P. F. Borrie), 391
hypothermia (Disc.): problems associated with with unusual arthritis (C. M. Ridley), 609
the use of hypothermia in cardiac surgery,
76 Savage, P. T., pathological specimens with clinical
Ross, J. Cosbie, modern trends in the treatment of histories (By title), 516
genito-urinary tuberculosis (Disc.) (By sacro-coccygeal chrodoma (By title), 516
title), 880 unusual duplication of the ileum (By title), 153
Roxburgh, R. C. (for C. T. Potts), Huntington's Savin, L. H., the visual problems of night driving
chorea, 717 (Disc.), 173
Royal Air Force, rehabilitation in (Discussion), Schuknecht, H. F., deafness following blows to the
129 head (By title), 228
xxviii Index
Schwabacher, Herta, staphylococcal antibody in Sharpe, Jean, post-abortal tetanus (By title), 206
osteomyelitis and suppurative arthritis Shaw, Richard E., "retention cyst" of the colon
(Disc.), 628 (By title), 153
Schwartz, B., dermatomyositis, 476 Sheldon, Wilfred, pediatrics in general practice
(for Hugh Gordon), xeroderma pigmentosum, (Disc.), 29
474 Sherrington Memorial Lecture, 1st (Lord Adrian),
Scott, A. (for P. F. Borrie), parapsoriasis variegata 991
(By title), 1022 Shooter, R. A., the problem of the resistant
Scott, 1. Martin-, see Martin-Scott, I. organism and chemotherapeutic sensi-
Scott, J. E. S., Crohn's disease in ascending colon tivity in surgery (Disc.), 158
(By title), 153 Short, John Rendle-, see Rendle-Short, John
Scott, M. P. (for Gerald Slot), neurofibroma of Shorvon, H. J., the treatment of morbid anxiety
lung: ? collagen disease (By title), 404 (Disc.), 213
Scott, 0. L. S., tuberculides, 609 Simpson, J. R. (Disc.), 278
Scott, Oliver, liver disease with pigmentation and Simpson, Leonard, Cushing's syndrome (Disc.),
diabetes mellitus (By title), 931 770
neurofibromatosis and malignant pericytoma Sinclair, I. S. R., argentaffinoma (Disc.): some
(By title), 931 aspects of intestinal and renal function
Scott, P., amnion graft in radical mastoidectomy in metastasizing argentaffinoma, 447
(Disc.) (By title), 414 skeletal and articular tuberculosis, changing pat-
bilateral hearing improvement following fenes- terns (E. Stanley Evans), 571
tration (Disc.) (By title), 414 skin, abrasion (Patrick Clarkson), 608
bleeding from the ear in closed head injuries (J. S. Pegum), 607
(Disc.) (By title), 414 atrophy, macular (R. G. Howell), 1021
habilitation of the deaf (Disc.) (By title), 414 Slade, Norman, modern trends in the treatment of
the larynx in rheumatoid arthritis (Disc.) (By genito-urinary tuberculosis (Disc.) (By
title), 442 title), 880
malformations of the auricle (Disc.) (By title), (for A. Wilfrid Adams), torsion testis (By title),
414 362
myringotomy restated (Disc.) (By title), 414 (for Ashton Miller), vesicolic fistula due to
post-traumatic conduction deafness (Disc.) (By diverticulitis (By title), 362
title), 414 Slot, Gerald, ? collagen disease: ? atypical virus
some points on the technique of temporal bone meningitis (By title), see Fergusson, Ian
surgery (with colour slides) (Disc.) (By neurofibroma of lung: ? collagen disease (By
title), 414 title), see Scott, M. P.
Scott, P. D., homosexuality, with special reference scleroderma (By title), see Sen, S.
to classification, 655
Secher, Ole, problems of anesthesia in relation to Small, J. M., the early management of sub-
cardiovascular surgery, 983 arachnoid hanmorrhage (Disc.), 289
Seed, George, management of post-cricoid carcin- Smallwood, A. L., temporary diabetes mellitus (By
oma (Disc.) (By title), 702 title), 1023
Sellers, R. F., recent advances in the use of tissue and Gourevitch, A., carcinoma of the adrenal
culture methods in virus research (Disc.): cortex with virilism (By title), 1024
some observations on the plaque tech- congenital obliteration of bile ducts, treated
nique, 915 surgically (By title), 1023
Sen, S. (for Gerald Slot), scleroderma (By title), Smellie, J. M., early hepatolenticular degeneration
117 (By title), 1023
sensibility, common, and referred pain (G. female intersex without adrenal hyperplasia
Weddell), 581 (By title), 1023
sensitivity, chemotherapeutic, and the resistant hemiatrophy of face (By title), 1023
organism in surgery (Discussion), 153 hypogammaglobulinemia (By title), 1023
sepsis following exchange transfusion for group B megaloblastic anaemia with steatorrhoea (By
incompatibility (Leslie G. Andrews), 329 title), 1023
septum, chondrosarcoma (G. T. Hankey), 679 nephrosis (By title), 1023
Sewell, R. H., arthrogrypos multiplex congenita, pure red cell aneemia (By title), 1023
267 the treatment of juvenile thyrotoxicosis with
sexual precocity, advanced bone age and skin potassium perchlorate, 1026
pigmentation (Bruno Gans), 713 Smith, A. N. Exton-, see Exton-Smith, A. N.
Seymour-Jones, J. A., cerebrospinal rhinorrhcea Smith, Adam N., argentaffinoma (Disc.), 445
associated with osteopetrosis (By title), Smith, C. H., adenovirus infections (Disc.), 758
management of post-cricoid carcinoma (Disc.) Smith, E. J. Radley, hypophysectomy for cancer
(By title), 702 (Disc.), 866
Shackleton, Patrick, anmsthesia for burned Smith, Gerald Parsons-, see Parsons-Smith,
children (Disc.), 892 Gerald
Shannon, D. W., resuscitation of the burned child, Smith, Honor V., the penetration of drugs into the
885 cerebrospinal fluid (Disc.), 964
Index Sxxi
Smith, Isobel and Franklin, A. White, congenital Steadman, B. St. J., cervico-facial actinomycosis
familial spherocytosis with neonatal with acute presentation, see Cook, H. P.
hyperbiliruninxemia treated by exchange steatorrhcea, bone pains in (G. Alan Rose), 371
transfusion, 707 Steel, G. C., anasthesia for obstetrics: an evalua-
(with A. White Franklin), galactosxmia, 706 tion of general and regional methods
Smith, Peter A. J., disseminated granuloma (Disc.), 553
annulare (By title), 277 Steiner, R. E., renal phlebography, 543
Smith, R. Bryce-, see Bryce-Smith, R. Stein-Leventhal syndrome (P. M. F. Bishop and
Smith, Rodney, chronic relapsing pancreatitis R. D. de Vere), 458
(Disc.), 636 stenosis, aortic (Discussion), 817
diagnostic features of some pancreatic diseases surgery of (Andrew Logan), 820
(Disc.), 640 proximal vertebral arterial, pathological changes
malignant haemangioblastoma of liver: total following (P. 0. Yates), 663
excision of right lobe of liver, 152 Stevanovic, Danilo (with Arthur J. Rook), acro-
unusual carcinoma of the pancreas in a man of keratosis verruciformis (By title), 476
26 (By title), 153 Stewart, Alice, the epidemiology of cancer (Disc.):
Smith, S. P. Hall-, see Hall-Smith, S. P. a current survey of malignant disease in
smoking (Discussion), 500 children, 251
and lung cancer (Richard Doll), 503 Stewart, J. P., benign tumours of the larynx (Disc.)
medical effects (Neville Oswald), 504 (By title), 442
pharmacology of (J. H. Burn), 500 Stewart, J. W., ankylosing spondylitis (Disc.): the
Smyth, E. H. J., some observations on the mechan- effect on the bone-marrow of the treat-
ical problems of the artificial hip (By ment of ankylosing spondylitis with deep
title), 576 X-rays, 428
Sneddon, 1. B. (Disc.), 278 Stidolph, N. E., nephrocalcinosis (By title), see
subcorneal pustular dermatosis (By title), 19 Loeb, J. A.
Snelling, Margaret, D., the radiation treatment of Still's disease and leg ulceration (C. M. Ridley),
cancer of the antrum and ethmoid (Disc.): 19
the treatment of carcinoma of the and pseudoxanthoma elasticum (Stephen C.
maxillary antrum and ethmoid, 529 Gold), 473
Society for Endocrinology, joint meeting with stomach "tumour", post-traumatic (J. T.
Section of Endocrinology (By title), 460 Chesterman), 151
Solomons, Bethel, acne necrotica with alopecia Stradling, Peter, the management of patients
universalis (By title), 1022 suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis
Sommerville, R. G., adenovirus infections (Disc.): (Disc.): the chest clinic management of
adenoviruses as a cause of epidemic pulmonary tuberculosis, 342
keratoconjunctivitis on Clyneside, 757 Strange, F. G. St. Clair, rotational dislocation of
Sonne dysentery, epidemiology (Ian Taylor), 31 atlas on axis, 265
Sonnemberg, M., hormones in blood (Disc.) (By Strange, S. L. (with H. Collinson, for W. W. Davey
title), 460 and T. St. M. Norris),gastro-enterological
Sophian, John, the etiology of pre-eclampsia unit-analysis of operations (1950-1957)
(Disc.): the cause of pregnancy toxxemia, (By title), 516
790 street lamps and night driving (G. Grime), 179
Sparrow, G. R. (for J. Sakula), reonatal Addison's Strong, J. A., and Passmore, R., metabolic changes
disease, 719 on reducing diets (By title), 460
Spence, A. W., Cushing's syndrome (Disc.), 768 structure-activity relationships (A. Bendich), 6
spherocytosis with hyperbilirubinemia (Isobel (G. B. Brown), 6
Smith and A. W. Franklin), 707 (G. B. Elion), 7
spina bifida cystica (Discussion), 737 Stuart-Harris, C. H., poliomyelitis vaccination in
as a pxediatric problem (D. MacCarthy and 1956 (Disc.), 1067
Mary Lindsay), 737 subarachnoid hTemorrhage (Discussion), 281
management of incontinence and associated Sutton, David, the neuro-ophthalmological aspects
hazards (D. F. Ellison Nash), 740 of the cerebral angiomas (Disc.): radi-
spondylitis, ankylosing (Discussion), 427 ology of cerebral angiomas, 91
treated with X-rays, effect on bone-marrow
(J. W. Stewart), 428 Sutton, W. K., forelying constriction ring associ-
spondylolisthesis and malformation of digits with ated with postmaturity and intrauterine
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (Louis Forman), feetal death (By title), 386
1022 Swan, H. T. (with Owen Daniel and E. K.
Squire, C. M., myositis ossificans progressiva (By Blackburn), unexpected post-operative
title), 926 bleeding due to hoemorrhagic disease, 399
Stacey, R. S., malignant carcinoid tumours, 40 Swann, G. F. (for J. Hamilton Paterson), aqueduct
Stafford-Clark, David, the toxic effects of drugs stenosis chronic arachnoiditis (By title),
used in neurological and psychiatric 281
practice (Disc.), 615 Symmers, W. St. C. (with J. E. M. Wigley and
staphylococcal antibody in osteomyelitis and D. L. Rees), lichen myxcedematosus (By
suppurative arthritis (C. H. Lack), 625 title), 394
xXx Inidex
symposium: anti-tumour agents, 1st session, 1 Thomas, J. A. B., the larynx in rheumatoid arthritis
2nd session, 6 (Disc.) (By title), 442
investigations on subjects relating to obesity and Thomas, P. Kynaston, and Ferriman, David G.,
diabetes (By title), 460 amenorrheea and hirsutism (Disc.): con-
the use of metal in bone surgery, 837 stitutional virility, 457
syndrome, amytonia congenita (J. N. Walton), 301 (for Michael Kremer), encephalopathy with
cold hemagglutanin (J. V. Dacie), 647 "myoclonus" (By title), 281
Cushing's (Discussion), 761 Thompson, G., amnion graft in radical mastoid-
diagnosis (R. I. S. Bayliss), 761 ectomy (Disc.) (By title), 414
psychiatric aspects (Richard Asher), 764 bilateral hearing improvement following fenes-
treatment by adrenalectomy (A. Stuart tration (Disc.) (By title), 414
Mason), 766 bleeding from the ear in closed head injuries
Ehlers-Danlos (E. Wilson Jones), 1021 (Disc.) (By title), 414
spondylolisthesis and malformation of digits habilitation of the deaf (Disc.) (By title), 414
Louis Forman), 1022 malformations of the auricle (Disc.) (By title),
larva migrans (A. A. Cunningham and F. R. 414
Ellis), 714 myringotomy restated (Disc.) (By title), 414
McCune-Bruch-Albright (Bruno Gans), 713 post-traumatic conduction deafness (Disc.) (By
myeloproliferative, presenting as "neutrophilic title), 414
leukeemia" (A. N. Exton-Smith), 510 some points on the technique of temporal bone
Stein-Leventhal (P. M. F. Bishop and R. D. de surgery (with colour slides) (Disc.) (By
Vere), 458 title), 414
Waldenstrom's (D. W. Oxbrow), 402 Thompson, H. R., carcinoma of pelvic colon:
secondary deposit in left ureter simulating
Tanner, Norman C., congenital gigantism of right a primary tumour: left hydronephrosis,
forearm and hand due to a haemangioma 269
(By title), see Pendower, J. F. H. Thompson, J. C. (with Bruno Gans), neonatal
and Harrison, R. J., Cushing's syndrome- cestrogen excretion and its relation to
surgical aspects (By title), 117 post-natal weight loss, 929
Tate, B. C. (Disc.), 1019 Thompson, M., the clinical and radiological aspects
Taylor, A. Brian, the management of patients of sacro-liac disease (Disc.), 847
suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis Thomson, A. D., Hashimoto's disease (Disc.): the
(Disc.), 335 the pathology of Hashimoto's disease, 950
Taylor, Hermon, sarcoma of leg (By title), see De Thomson, M. Sydney, atrophic blanche, see
Jode, L. Marten, R. H.
Taylor, Ian, the changing epidemiology of Sonne blue nwvus (By title), see Marten, R. H.
dysentery (Pres. address), 31 Thorburn, I. B., plastic surgery of the middle ear
Taylor, Lionel, amnion graft in radical mastoid- (Disc.) (By title), 702
ectomy (By title), 414 post-traumatic conduction deafness (By title),
recurrent otitis media in children (Disc.), 405, 414
414 Thorne, N. A., bullous urticaria pigmentosa in a
Taylor, Miles, the histochemistry of the nasal baby of 2 months (By title), 10
respiratory mucosa (By title), 702 calcinosis circumscripta (Thiberge Weissenbach
Taylor, Selwyn (with E. C. Warner), introduction syndrome) (By title), 394
(to Golden Jubilee number), 723 rodent ulcer successfully treated by local
teeth, muscles and (W. J. Tulley), 313 injections and ointment containing col-
Tegner, W. S., rheumatoid disease (Disc.): the cemid (By title), 1020
clinical aspect, 461 thyroiditis, auto-immunity in (Discussion), 953
temporomandibular joint, disorders (J. L. experimental evidence (E. Witebsky), 955
Harrington), 266 thyrotoxicosis, juvenile, treatment with potassium
tennis elbow, hydrocortisone in (R. A. J. Baily perchlorate (J. M. Smellie), 1026
and B. H. Brock), 389 tibial artery, posterior, traumatic false aneurysm
Thackray, A. C., ten-year follow-up of cases of (E. C. B. Butler), 152
adenocarcinoma of the kidney, 362, 367 lesion, undiagnosed (R. H. Metcalfe), 263
Theobald, G. W., dysmenorrheea and unexplained Timmis, G. M., new anti-folic acids and anti-
pelvic pain (Disc.), 246 purines, 8
Thom, R. D. (for R. H. Maudsley), lipoma Tippett, G. O., sequele of a fractured head of
causing a posterior interosseous nerve radius (By title), 268
lesion, 262 an unusual patella, 263
Thomas, Ann Miles, retroperitoneal fibrosis Tizard, J. P. M., brachial plexus palsy associated
(introduced by I. H. Griffiths) (By title), with soft tissue atrophy in the scapular
370 region, 330
Thomas, Sir Clement Price, the modern outlook in congenital agranulocytosis, see Henry, J. R. K.
the management of pulmonary tubercu- diastematomyelia, 330
losis (Disc.): modern surgical treatment, obstructive jaundice and sepsis following
489 exchange transfusion for group B
portrait, facing p. 723 incompatibility, see Andrews, Leslie G.
Indlex xxxi
Tobin, J. O'H., poliomyelitis vaccination in 1956 Tudway, R. C., management of post-cricoid
(Disc.): safety and potency testing of carcinoma (Disc.) (By title), 702
poliomyelitis vaccine, 1070 Tulley, W. J., muscles and the teeth, 313
Todd, Ian, "weaver's bottom" (ischial bursitis), "tumour", post-traumatic, of stomach (J. T.
see Bailey, David Chesterman), 151
Tomkinson, J. S., anxsthesia for obstetrics: an tunours, anti-tumour agents (Symposium), 1
evaluation of general and regional fibroid, aetiology (Percy Malpas), 381
methods (Disc.): requirements of the malignant, carcinoid (R. E. B. Hudson), 37
obstetrician, 552 (R. S. Stacey), 40
Tonge, C. H., basic aspects of mouth development, mammary (Discussion), 557
185 adrenalectomy in (W. P. Greening), 561
tonometry (Discussion), 667 hormonal status of patients (G. Hadfield), 560
standardization of X-tonometers (C. R. S. in domestic animals (E. Cotchin), 557
Jackson), 674 xanthine oxidase activity in (I. Lewin), 563
toxmnmia, pre-eclamptic, see eclampsia of larynx, benign (Discussion) (By title), 442
toxic effects of neurological and psychiatric drugs Turner, E. (with A. Innes), extradural abscess (By
(Discussion), 611 title), 1024
trans-cervical fracture, problem of (Denys (with C. T. Parsons), intracranial dermoid
Wainwright), 387 tumour (By title), 1024
Tresidder, A. G., recurrent otitis media in children Klippel-Feil deformity (By title), 1024
(Disc.), 412 Turner, L. E., a historical note on Queen
Trimble, A. P., leptospirosis in Malaya (Disc.): Charlotte's Maternity Hospital and its
clinical aspect of leptospirosis in Malaya, peediatricians, 71 1
125 twenty years of leucotomy (Walter Freeman), 79
Trotter, W. R., Belyavin, G.. and Waddams, A.,
auto-immunity and thyroiditis (Disc.):
precipitating and complement-fixing anti- umbilical sepsis, intrahepatic calcification and liver
bodies in Hashimoto's disease, 961 abscess secondary to (A. W. Franklin),
trytophan metabolism in carcinoid tumours (E. 709
Boyland and D. C. Williams), 451 undergraduate training, anaesthetist's role in (K. G.
tuberculides (0. L. S. Scott), 609 Lloyd-Williams), 13
papulonecrotic, and miliary tuberculosis (I. S. Ungley, H. Gordon (with A. Lawrence Abel),
Hodgson-Jones), 1019 heemorrhoids or piles and the early
tuberculin sensitivity (Discussion), 253 detection of rectal cancer (Film) (By
test in cattle (A. B. Paterson), 253 title), 606
in control of tuberculosis (T. F. Jarman), Upjohn, Clive (for J. N. O'Reilly), multiple con-
255 genital nerve palsies, 333
ureter, secondary deposit simulating primary
tuberculoid leprosy (E. N. M. Johnston), 278 tumour (H. R. Thompson), 269
tuberculosis, etiology, injury as factor in (J. W. S. uretero-sigmoidostomy, acidosis and osteomalacia
Blacklock), 61 following (Arnold Bloom), 512
control with tuberculin (T. F. Jarman), 255 urinary tract, female, anomalies of (R. A. Brews),
miliary, and papulonecrotic tuberculides (I. S. 199
Hodgson-Jones), 1019 tuberculosis, modern trends in treatment (Dis-
pulmonary, BCG vaccination (K. N. Irvine), cussion), 869
485 chemotherapy (W. M. Borthwick), 869
chemotherapy (Sir Geoffrey Marshall), 488 chemotherapy: illustrative cases (W. G.
management (Discussion), 335 Wimsett), 873
in chest clinic (Peter Stradling), 342 surgery (Arthur Jacobs), 875
modern outlook (Discussion), 485 Urology, Section of, early history (C. E. Dukes),
surgical management (W. P. Cleland), 336 355
(Sir Clement Price Thomas), 489
skeletal and articular, changing patterns in (E. Vallance-Owen, J., insulin activity and antogonism
Stanley Evans), 571 in the plasma of diabetic patients and
tuberculous cervical adenitis (Discussion), 1057 animals (By title), 460
incidence (J. J. Mason Brown), 1060 Vartan, C. Keith, prevention of eclampsia (Disc.):
glands, with skin involvement (S. P. Hall-Smith plea for standard normal blood pressure,
and J. McMurray), 275 795
Tucker, W. E., case illustrating use of home-made vascular disease, obliterative, of lower limbs,
removable walking caliper: arthritis of aorto-arteriography in (T. Philp), 544
the right knee-joint-unknown origin Vater's ampulla, carcinoma, treated by local
(By title), 268 excision (R. G. Reid), 925
case illustrating use of walking caliper in plaster Vere, R. D. de, see de Vere, R. D.
boot: fracture of lower third of the right Vernon, H. K., the aberrant renal artery (Disc.),
tibia and fibula (By title), 268 369
result of removal of right lunate bone (semi- vertebra, cervical, osteoid osteoma of (F. G. Ward),
lunar) eighteen years ago, 268 261
xxxii Index
virility, constitutional (P. Kynaston Thomas and Waterfall, M. C., tuberculous right kidney pre-
D. G. Ferriman), 457 senting as a perinephric abscess (By title),
virus research, tissue culture methods in (Discus- 404
sion), 911 Waterston, R. E., the management of mass
plaque technique (R. F. Sellers), 915 casualty situations in time of war (Disc.):
titration in cell suspension cultures (F. K. treatment of fractures of the extremities,
Sanders), 91 1 972
visual problems of night driving (Discussion), 173 Watson-Jones, Sir Reginald, the present position
vomit, prevention of inhalation during obstetric of manipulative treatment (Disc.), 137
anaesthesia (J. M. Holmes), 556 rehabilitation in the Royal Air Force (Disc.), 129
Weatherall, M., the toxic effects of drugs used in
Waddams, A. (with W. R. Trotter and G. Belyavin), neurological and psychiatric practice
auto-immunity and thyroiditis (Disc.): (Disc.), 617
precipitating and complement-fixing anti- weaver's bottom (David Bailey), 270
bodies in Hashimoto's disease, 961 Weddell, G., referred pain (Disc.): referred pain
Wadsworth, P. V., bleeding from the ear in closed in relation to the mechanism of common
head injuries (By title), 414 sensibility, 581
Wainwright, Denys, the problem of the trans- weight-loss, post-natal, relation to neo-natal
cervical fracture, 387 cestrogen excretion (Bruno Gans and
Waldenstrom's syndrome (D. W. Oxbrow), 402 J. C. Thompson), 929
Wallace, David, tumour of testicle for diagnosis Welbourn, R. B., Cushing's syndrome (Disc.), 769
(By title), 562 Weller, S. D. V., peripheral dysostosis, 334
Wallace, H. J., dimorphous leprosy, see Johnston, Wells, G. C., exudative discoid and lichenoid
E. N. M. chronic dermatosis of Sulzberger and
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, see Jones, E. Wilson Garbe (By title), see Bett, D. C. G.
tuberculoid leprosy, see Johnston, E. N. M. Wertheim's hysterectomy, technique (David
xeroderma pigmentosum (By title), see Rees, Currie), 386
D. L. Westbury, G., gas-filled pseudo-diverticulum of
Walpole, A. L., chemical structure and biological sigmoid colon (Bv title), 153
activity of the cytostatic (alkylating) Western influences in Japanese medicine (Gordon
agents (Disc.), 4 E. Mostler), 1005
Walshe, Sir Francis, foreword (to Golden Jubilee Weston, H. C., the visual problems of night
number), 722 driving (Disc.), 176
Walter, W. Grey, the brain as a machine, 799 Wheatley, David, recurrent otitis media in children
Walter Ernest Dixon Memorial Lecture, 8th (J. (Disc.), 410, 414
Harold Burn), 725 White, R. G., auto-immunity and thyroiditis
Walton, John N., the amyotonia congenita syn- (Disc.): an immunological investigation
drome, 301 of Hashimoto's disease, 953
the histochemistry of normal and abnormal White, R. M. Mayon-, see Mayon-White, R. M.
human muscle (Disc.), 312 Whiteside, C. G., the aberrant renal artery (Disc.),
Wapshaw, Henry, the diagnosis of acute pancre- 369
atitis, 396 Whittle, C. H. (Disc.), 1019
Ward, F. Godsalve, osteoid osteoma of the and Davis, R. A., kerato-acanthoma of the
transverse process of the fifth cervical lower lip (red margin) (By title), 277
vertebra, 261 Leahy, J. A., and Davis, R. A., pemphigoid with
Warin, Robert P., pseudoxanthoma elasticum features of dystrophic epidermolysis
(giant cell reaction nodules) (By title), 19 bullosa (By title), 1020
Warner, E. C., and Taylor, Selwyn, introduction Rook, A. J., Moffatt, J. L., and Davis, R. A.,
(to Golden Jubilee number), 723 recurrent non-scarring granuloma of face
Warren, C. B. M., paediatrics in general practice for diagnosis (By title), 277
(Disc.), 30 Wiggishoff, C. (for A. W. Badenoch), carcinoma of
Warren, R. P., history of excision of the rectum, the urethra, two cases (By title), 362
599 Wigley, J. E. M., Symmers, W. St. C., and Rees,
war-time mass casualties, management (Discus- D. L., lichen myxcedematosus (By title),
sion), 967 394
evacuation (T. M. R. Ahern), 968 Wilkinson, D. S. (Disc.), 392
organization of Army medical services (Sir Williams, D. C. (with E. Boyland), argentaffinoma
Alexander Drummond), 967 (Disc.): tryptophan metabolism in pati-
treatment of bums, (R. S. Hunt), 974 ents with carcinoid and other tumours,
treatment of fractures of extremities (R. E. 451
Waterston), 972 Williams, D. Innes, nephrocalcinosis: ? rein-en-
Warwick, R. T. Turner, modem trends in the eponge (By title), 362
treatment of genito-urinary tuberculosis and Pugh, R. C. B., granuloma of kidney (By
(Disc.) (By title), 880 title), 362
Waterfall, M. C., achalasia with a large aesophageal Williams, David I., case for diagnosis: long-
diverticulum (By title), 117 standing dermatitis clinically like pem-
pneumonectomy for agenetic lung, 401 phigus foliaceous (By title), 279
Index xxxiii1
Williams, David I., Kyrle's disease (By title), 279 Wolff, 0. H. (with A. L. D'Abreu), hiatus hernia
melanosis, 277 (By title), 1024
syringocystadenoma (By title), see Marten, R. H. oesophageal stricture following hiatus hernia
and Marten, R. H., reticulosis (By title), 931 treated with colonic graft (By title), 1024
Williams, E. Rohan, and Madden, A. E., radio- cesophageal stricture treated by excision and
logical exhibit on radiology in respiratory colon transplant (By title), 1024
distress in the newborn infant, 705 Wolman, L., the larynx in rheumatoid arthritis
Williams, J. P., identity quiz (By title), 516 (Disc.) (By title), 442
Williams, Katherine G. Lloyd-, see Lloyd- Wood, Kenneth F., carcinoma of the adrenal
Williams, Katherine G. cortex without endocrine effects (By
Williamson-Noble, F. A., eyes in general practice title), 400
(Disc.), 579 Wood, W., poliomyelitis vaccination in 1956
Wilmers, Mary J., periodic neutropenia-a family (Disc.): the production of poliomyelits
study, see Parkinson, T. J., and Meade, vaccine in 1956, 1068
B. W. Woodman, E. Musgrave, facial and palatal repair
Wilmot, T. J., tuberculous cervical adenitis (Disc.), in the treatment of malignant disease
1057 (Disc.), 441
Wilson, C. P., the radiation treatment of cancer of Woolf, A. L., the amyotonia congenita syndrome
the antrum and ethmoid (Disc.), 536 (Disc.), 307
treatment of choanal atresia (By title), 442 the histochemistry of normal and abnormal
Wilson, Harold T. H. (Disc.), 278 human muscle (Disc.), 312
nodular eruption of back (By title), 19 Woolf, Patricia (for R. H. Dobbs), diverticulum
and Haber, H., ichthyosiform erythroderma of the heart: ventricular extension into
(Brocq) (By title), 277 the abdominal wall with large ventral
Wilson, J. D., review of cases of genu valgum hernia, 717
treated by stapling (By title), 576 worm infestation in history (John Rendle-Short),
Wilson, Sheila M., electroencephalography in 1013
relation to anxsthesia, 105 Worrall, R. L., clinical and biological aspects (of
Wilson, V., a case of severe leukopenia due to anti-metabolites) (Disc.), 12
amodiaquin successfully treated with Wright, J. A. S., a hundred years of dentistry
prednisolone (By title), 1021 (Pres. address), 747
Wilson's disease (Michael Ashby), 884 Wynn-Parry, C. B., rehabilitation in the Royal Air
(J. J. Kempton), 719 Force (Disc.), 134
Wimsett, William C., modern trends in the treat-
ment of genito-urinary tuberculosis
(Disc.): cases illustrating effects of xanthine oxidase activity in normal and abnormal
chemotherapy in urinary tuberculosis, growth (I. Lesin), 563
873 xanthoma, pseudoxanthoma elasticum and Still's
Windeyer, B. W., the radiation treatment of cancer disease (Stephen C. Gold), 473
of the antrum and ethmoid (Disc.): the xeroderma pigmentosum (Stephen C. Gold), 474
treatment of carcinoma of the maxillary (B. Schwartz), 474
antrum and ethmoids by supervoltage X-tonometers, standardization (C. R. S. Jackson),
irradiation, see Backhouse, T. W. 674
Witebsky, Ernest, auto-immunity and thyroiditis
(Disc.): experimental evidence for the Yates, P. O., disorders of the hind-brain circulation
role of auto-immunization in chronic (Disc.): pathological changes following
thyroiditis, 955 proximal vertebral arterial stenosis, 663
Witham, M. (for W. N. Goldsmith), pemphigoid Yoffey, J. M., the passage of fluid and other sub-
(By title), 277 stances through the nasal mucosa (By
Withers, Ben, submucous resection and rhino- title), 702
plasty (Film) (By title), 702 Young, A., the histochemistry of the nasal respira-
Wolff, 0. H., acute nephritis in an infant associated tory mucosa (Disc.) (By title), 702
with an acute hoemolytic anamia, pro- the larynx in rheumatoid arthritis (Disc.) (By
gressing to chronic nephritis and hyper- title), 442
tension (By title), 1024 Youngman, H. R., anesthesia for obstetrics: an
infantile cortical hyperostosis (By title), 1024 evaluation of general and regional
milk allergy (presenting with ascites) (By title), methods (Disc.), 556
1024 yttrium 90 implantation of pituitary for cancer
nephrosis (By title), 1024 (A. P. M. Forrest), 862
nephrosis (under treatment for three years) (By
title), 1024
(with V. S. Brookes), bilateral ectopic ureters Zarek, J. M., some engineering considerations in
(By title), 1024 metallic osteosynthesis, 845

Printed in England by Staples Printers Limited, at their Great Titchfield Street, London. establishment.

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