Tuñoque Maria - Limo Juan - Vasquez Brisalina SEMANA 13

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English IV

(AC-S07) Week 13-

Task: Assignment - Plans and predictions


 Brisalina Vasquez de la Cruz

 María Tuñoque Aguilar
 Juan Limo Cueva
Maria: Hello everyone. My name is Maria Rosa Tuñoque Aguilar.

Brizalina: Hello Maria. My name is Brizalina Vasquez de la Cruz.

Juan: My name is Juan Limo Cueva.

María: Friends, I am happy to see you again, today we will share with you a little about
our plans that we want to achieve in the next 40 years.

Brizalina: Sure, I'm going to be a prosecutor and a notary public, I've always
characterized myself as a fair person and, above all, looking out for the justice of
people, so I'll work hard to achieve it, in addition to that, I intend to found a shelter for
disabled people who need a lot of support.

Juan: That sounds great, Brizalina, but tell me, what do you think will happen to your
emotional situation later on? Would you like to have your own family?

Maria: Please tell us Brizalina, we want to know about it.

Brizalina: I would love to start my own home, I will probably marry my boyfriend now
and have my own children, but I won't now, because I have to have mental and
economic stability, in order to have a balanced life.

Juan: Fantastic friend, I am sure that you will achieve all this by overcoming all the
obstacles that come your way.

Maria: You're right, friend, that's very important, for example, I'm going to graduate with
a master's degree in clinical psychology, in addition to having a cafeteria business to
generate income, I've always dreamed of doing that since I was a little girl and I know
that I will achieve this proposed goal.

Brizalina: How beautiful Maria, and do you plan to live here for the rest of your life?

Juan: Tell us also, do you have plans to practice your profession outside the country?

María: I will probably practice my profession in Spain, since I was little I have always
had the desire to live there, I like many places in that country and I have been learning
about job opportunities that would benefit me at some point in my life.

Brizalina: I love your idea, very realistic and eager to go for more and not stay in your
comfort zone, and you Juan, how do you see yourself in 40 years?

Juan: I am going to travel the world getting to know different cultures, their gastronomy,
taking photos and having thousands of memories of my trips, in addition to that I would
like to form an association for homeless people, I would like to continue supporting my
brothers in their studies to be professional.

Maria: How empathetic you are friend, your family must be very proud of you, I'm glad
that there are still people like you in this life, you have a good heart.

Brizalina: Yes Juan, with that noble heart God will bless you a lot in your aspirations. I
am glad that I was able to share our wishes to continue. Until then, take good care of

María: Me too friends, I will miss you, have a good day, until next time.

Juan: I hope to see each other again, see you soon.

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