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1. Install the Buncha App PFB Instruction to install the app, register an account, and set your
address to 1300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55403 to understand the current shopping

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Buncha's commitment to affordability and reliability of weekly groceries and household items
reflects a strong commitment to its community. By emphasizing neighbourhood core values
and customer focus, Buncha fosters trust and loyalty among its customers, team members and

The company's willingness to boldly innovate suggests a forward-thinking approach that

strives not only to meet but also to exceed expectations. This determination to push boundaries
and communicate authentically underscores a commitment to excellence in all aspects of its
operations. With a promise to go the extra mile, Buncha demonstrates a genuine desire to serve
its community and provide exceptional value.
2. List five potential social proofing features with brief descriptions and one key performance
indicator (KPI) for each to define success.

Five potential social proofing features:

• Customer reviews and ratings.

• User generated Images.
• Neighbourhood recommendations.
• Local influencer Partnership.
• Community Challenges and rewards.

Customer reviews and ratings: Allow customers to leave reviews and ratings for products they
have purchased.

KPI: Average star rating and number of reviews per product.

User generated Images: Create a gallery of customer-submitted photos and videos that
showcase their Buncha purchases.

KPI: Engagement rate and number of submissions.

Neighbourhood recommendations: Highlight products popular in the Minneapolis community

or specific neighbourhoods.

KPI: Click-through rate of recommended products.

Local influencer Partnership: Work with local influencers to promote Buncha products and
share your experiences with their followers.

KPI: Increase in brand mentions and follower engagement.

Community Challenges and rewards: Create challenges or programs where customers earn
rewards for shopping with Buncha and get themselves engaged in the community.

KPI: Participation rate and reward redemption rate.

3. Select one feature to offer a consumer-packaged goods advertising partner for enhancing
their brand awareness. Then, outline the optimal pricing strategy to monetize it. Share your
thought process in two paragraphs or less.

We can make use of local influencer partnership program for advertising and enhancing the
brand awareness. This involves collaborating with local influencers to promote products on the
Buncha platform. The influencers would create content showcasing the advertiser's products
and share their experiences with their followers.

To monetize this feature, we could offer advertising packages to consumer-packaged goods

(CPG) companies. These packages could include options for influencers to create content
featuring the advertiser's products and share it with their audience. The pricing strategy could
be based on factors such as the number of influencers involved, the reach of their audience and
the duration of the campaign. For example, we could offer tiered pricing based on the size of
an influencer's following and the level of engagement expected from their audience. This
allows advertisers to choose a package that suits their budget and goals, whether they want to
reach a broad audience or target a specific area. By offering flexible pricing options and
demonstrating the value of partnering with influencers to drive brand awareness, we can
effectively monetize this feature for both Buncha and our advertising partners.

4. Choose the most impactful feature and develop a product requirements document (one page)
with the following components: problem statement, solution, use cases, and key performance

According to me the most impactful feature would be community engagement and social

Problem Statement: Current shopping experiences lack community engagement and social
proofing, hindering customer trust and loyalty. Many shoppers today lack a sense of
community when shopping for food and household items, which can lead to feelings of
isolation and uncertainty about their choices. Additionally, without visible feedback from other
customers, trust in products and brands may be lower, impacting customer loyalty and

Solution: To solve these problems, we propose to implement a user-generated content gallery

within the Buncha application. This feature allows customers to share their shopping
experiences through photos and videos, creating a positive community hub where users can
connect, share tips and inspire each other. By showcasing real experiences, we aim to promote
a sense of belonging and trust between users.

Use Cases: Customers can easily upload photos and videos of their Buncha purchases right in
the app. They can then explore a gallery of user-generated content where they can discover
new products, get inspiration for their shopping lists, and interact with others by liking,
commenting, and sharing their favourite posts. This feature transforms the shopping experience
from a solitary task into a social activity and strengthens connections within the community.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): We will measure the success of the User Generated
Content Gallery by tracking various app interaction metrics, including time spent by users
browsing the gallery, number of customer posts, level of interaction such as likes, comments
and shares, and any improvements in customer retention and repeat purchases. These metrics
will help us measure the effectiveness of this feature in enhancing community engagement,
building trust and ultimately encouraging long-term customer loyalty.

5. Write a short paragraph describing how you would deal with this scenario: with limited
resources, the engineering team must choose between developing your feature or a sales tool
designed for onboarding a specialty grocery store in the Minneapolis area. What questions
would you ask, and how would you advocate for your feature?

In this scenario, when faced with limited resources and the choice between developing my
feature, the User-Generated Content Gallery, or a sales tool for onboarding a specialty grocery
store in Minneapolis, I would first seek to understand the strategic priorities of the company.

I would ask questions like: What are our short-term and long-term goals? How does each
feature align with our mission and vision? What impact will each feature have on customer
satisfaction and retention? By gathering this information, I can affectively assess the potential
value and urgency of each project.

In defending my position, I would highlight the role in addressing the fundamental problem of
lack of community engagement and social proofing in the current shopping experience, would
make them understand the potential long-term benefits of fostering a strong sense of
community among Buncha users, such as increased trust, loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.
I would also highlight the scalability and versatility of the User Generated Content Gallery as
it can serve as a foundation for future features and partnerships. By making a compelling case
for the value and impact of my role, I aim to demonstrate its importance in driving the
company's long-term growth and success.

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